2010-12-14 13:53:51 +00:00
{if $mode == 'single'}
< h2 > Re-create Photos< / h2 >
< form action = "recreate_thumbs.php?mode={$mode}&photo={$data.photo_id}" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< a href = "edit_photo.php?photo={$p.photo_id}" > « Back to Edit Details< / a >
< div style = "height:5px;" > < / div >
< fieldset class = "fieldset" style = "padding:10px;" >
< legend style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma; text-transform:uppercase; background:#FFF; padding:0 20px;" > Settings on which photos will be re-created< / legend >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Ratio< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_ratio}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Thumb Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Medium Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Large Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_lar_width}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Cropping< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=cropping value=$Cbucket->configs.photo_crop}
{if $cropping == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Watermarking< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=watermark value=$Cbucket->configs.watermark_photo}
{if $watermark == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span > | < span class = "AdminBoldText" > Placement< / span > - < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.watermark_placement}" class = "disabled" / >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Disabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px; background:#EEE;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > < / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" style = "color:#333;" > Update settings if they are not according to your needs.< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< / fieldset >
< div style = "height:5px; clear:both;" > < / div >
< a href = "recreate_thumbs.php?mode={$mode}&photo={$p.photo_id}&recreate=true" style = "margin-bottom:5px;" class = "myAdminButton moveR" > Re-create Photo< / a >
< fieldset class = "fieldset" style = "padding:8px;" >
{foreach from=$files item=file}
< div style = "float:left; margin-right:15px;" >
< div style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma;" >
{assign var=size value=$cbphoto->get_image_type($file)}
Filename: {$p.filename}{if $size} - Size: {$size}{/if}
< / div >
< div style = "height:5px;" > < / div >
< img src = "{$file}" style = "max-width:300px;" / >
< / div >
< / fieldset >
< / form >
{if $mode == 'mass' || $mode == ''}
< h2 > Mass Re-creation of Photos< / h2 >
< div style = "height:10px; clear:both;" > < / div >
2010-12-28 13:56:44 +00:00
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > This will re-create all the photos uploaded on your website, according to the settings shown below< / span >
< div class = "AdminBoldText" style = "color:#ed0000; font:normal 10px Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; margin-top:5px;" > Take caution while using Mass Recreation. Use MAX of 5 photos per GO.< / div >
2010-12-14 13:53:51 +00:00
< div style = "height:5px; clear:both;" > < / div >
< fieldset class = "fieldset" style = "padding:10px;" >
< legend style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma; text-transform:uppercase; background:#FFF; padding:0 20px;" > Settings on which photos will be re-created< / legend >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Ratio< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_ratio}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Thumb Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Medium Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Large Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_lar_width}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Cropping< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=cropping value=$Cbucket->configs.photo_crop}
{if $cropping == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Watermarking< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=watermark value=$Cbucket->configs.watermark_photo}
{if $watermark == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span > | < span class = "AdminBoldText" > Placement< / span > - < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.watermark_placement}" class = "disabled" / >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Disabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px; background:#EEE;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > < / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" style = "color:#333;" > Update settings if they are not according to your needs.< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< / fieldset >
< div style = "height:5px; clear:both;" > < / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Loop Size< / span > - < input type = "text" name = "textfield" style = "width:60px; font:normal 11px Tahoma" value = "{$loop_size}" id = "the_loop_size" / > < br / >
< div class = "smallText" style = "margin-top:2px" > Number of photos to re-create in one go.< / div >
< / div >
< form name = "mass_recreation" method = "get" action = "" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "loop_size" value = "" id = "loop_start" / >
< input type = "submit" name = "mass_recreation" id = "mass_recreation" value = "Start Recreation" class = "myAdminButton moveR"
< / form >
{if $indexing}
< div align = "right" style = "padding:5px" > {$from} - {$to} of {$total}< / div >
< ul >
{foreach from=$index_msgs item=themsg}
< li > {$themsg}< / li >
< / ul >
{if $stop_loop!='yes'}
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var start_index = '{$next_index}';
var loop_size = '{$smarty.get.loop_size}';
var mode = '{$mode}';
var button = '{$button}';
{literal}$(document).oneTime(2000,function(){$(window.location).attr('href', '?loop_size='+loop_size+'&'+button+'=yes&start_index='+start_index)}); {/literal}
< / script >
redirecting....do not close this window
Re-creation of photos have been completed.
{if $mode == "collection"}
< h2 > Recreate Photos< / h2 >
< div style = "height:10px; clear:both;" > < / div >
{if $items}
{assign var=cid value=$items[0].collection_id}
{assign var=c_name value=$items[0].collection_id|get_collection_field}
< span style = "font:bold 14px Arial; text-transform:uppercase;" > {$c_name}< / span >
< span style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma;" >
- < a href = "{$baseurl}/view_collection.php?cid={$cid}" > View Collection< / a > -
< a href = "{$baseurl}/admin_area/edit_collection.php?collection={$cid}" > Edit Collection< / a > -
< a href = "{$baseurl}/admin_area/manage_items.php?collection={$cid}&type={$items[0].collection_id|get_collection_field:type}" > Manage Items< / a >
< / span >
< fieldset class = "fieldset" style = "padding:10px;" >
< legend style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma; text-transform:uppercase; background:#FFF; padding:0 20px;" > Settings on which photos will be re-created< / legend >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Ratio< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_ratio}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Thumb Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_thumb_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Medium Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_width}" class = "disabled" / > x < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_med_height}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Large Size< / div >
< div class = "moveL" > < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.photo_lar_width}" class = "disabled" / > < / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Cropping< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=cropping value=$Cbucket->configs.photo_crop}
{if $cropping == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > Watermarking< / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
{assign var=watermark value=$Cbucket->configs.watermark_photo}
{if $watermark == 1}
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Enabled< / span > | < span class = "AdminBoldText" > Placement< / span > - < input disabled = "disabled" value = "{$Cbucket->configs.watermark_placement}" class = "disabled" / >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" > Disabled< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< li class = "clearfix myAdminList" style = "padding-bottom:5px; background:#EEE;" >
< div class = "moveL PhotoID" style = "width:10%" > < / div >
< div class = "moveL" >
< span class = "AdminBoldText" style = "color:#333;" > Update settings if they are not according to your needs.< / span >
< / div >
< / li >
< / fieldset >
< form action = "" method = "post" name = "collection_photos_recreate" >
< fieldset class = "fieldset" style = "padding:10px;" >
< legend style = "font:bold 11px Tahoma; text-transform:uppercase; background:#FFF; padding:0 20px;" > Photos< / legend >
< table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
{section name=list loop=$items}
< td style = "display:inline-block; padding:5px;" >
< div style = "position:relative" >
< input type = "checkbox" value = "{$items[list].photo_id}" id = "photo_{$items[list].photo_id}" style = "position:absolute; top:1px; right:1px; " name = "check_photo[]" / >
< label for = "photo_{$items[list].photo_id}" > {get_photo output=html details=$items[list] style='padding:1px; border:1px solid #aaa'}< / label >
< / div >
< / td >
< / table >
< / fieldset >
< div class = "AdminBoldText moveL" style = "padding:10px 0 0;" > Select photos you want to re-created | < / div >
< label for = "id_selectALL" class = "myAdminButton clearfix moveL" type = "button" name = "checkall" onclick = "checkUncheckAll(this);" style = "margin:5px 0 0 5px" > Select All< / label > < input type = "checkbox" id = "id_selectALL" style = "visibility:hidden;" name = "checkall" onclick = "checkUncheckAll(this);" / >
< div style = "margin-top:5px;" class = "moveR" > < input type = "submit" name = "recreating" value = "Re-create Photos" class = "myAdminButton" / > < / div >
< / form >