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* Function loads default levels of important for dashboard
* widgets. Uses <em>dashboard_widget_importance</em> filter
* @return array
function get_dashboard_widget_importance() {
$importance = array( 'highest', 'high', 'normal', 'low', 'lowest' );
$importance = apply_filters( $importance, 'dashboard_widget_importance' );
return $importance;
* Checks the provided importance exists or not.
* @param string $importance
* @return string
function _check_widget_importance( $importance ) {
$default = get_dashboard_widget_importance();
return ( !in_array( $importance, $default) ? 'normal' : $importance );
* Returns all dashboards
* @global object $Cbucket
* @return array
function get_dashboards() {
global $Cbucket;
return $Cbucket->dashboards;
* Return dashboard for specific place
* @param sring $place
* @return array
function get_dashboard( $place ) {
$dashboards = get_dashboards();
return $dashboards[ $place ];
* Assigns value to dashboards variable
* @global object $Cbucket
* @param array $dashboards
* @return array
function set_dashboards( $dashboards ) {
global $Cbucket;
return $Cbucket->dashboards = $dashboards;
* Assigns dashborad widget to dashboard for specifc place and importance
* @global object $Cbucket
* @param type $place
* @param array $dashboard_widget
* @param string $importace
* @return array
function set_dashboard( $place, $dashboard_widget, $importance = 'normal' ) {
global $Cbucket;
$id = key( $dashboard_widget );
return $Cbucket->dashboards[ $place ][ $importance ][ $id ] = $dashboard_widget[ $id ];
* Gets position of last widget in dashboard for specific place and importance
* @param string $place
* @param string $importance
* @param array $dashboard
* @return boolean
function get_last_dashboard_widget_position( $place, $importance = 'normal', $dashboard = null ) {
if ( is_null( $dashboard ) ) {
$dashboard = get_dashboard( $place );
if ( $dashboard ) {
$widgets = $dashboard[ $importance ];
if ( $widgets ) {
$last_widget = end ( $widgets );
return $last_widget[ 'position' ];
return false;
* Checks if widgets or not
* @param string $id
* @param string $place
* @param string $importance
* @return boolean
function dashboard_widget_exists( $id, $place, $importance = 'normal' ) {
$dashboards = get_dashboards();
if ( isset( $dashboards[ $place ][ $importance ][ $id ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Adds widget in dashboard for specific place and importance
* @param string $place
* @param string $id
* @param string $name
* @param string $display_callback
* @param string $importance
* @param string $description
* @param string $callback
* @return boolean
function add_dashboard_widget( $place, $id, $name, $display_callback, $importance = 'normal', $description = null, $callback = null ) {
if ( !dashboard_widget_exists( $id, $place, $importance ) ) {
if ( !function_exists( $display_callback ) ) {
return false;
$importance = _check_widget_importance( $importance );
$position = get_last_dashboard_widget_position( $place, $importance );
$dashboard_widget[ $id ] = array(
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
'display_callback' => $display_callback,
'importance' => $importance,
'description' => $description,
'position' => $position ? ( $position+1 ) : (int)1,
'callback' => $callback
return set_dashboard( $place, $dashboard_widget, $importance );
return false;
* Display dashboard for specific place. If not place is provided,
* we'll try to look if some dashboard is registered for current
* page using THIS_PAGE constant.
* @todo Add open close toggler, configurations for widgets
* @param string $place
* @return string|boolean
function display_dashboard( $place = null ) {
if ( is_null( $place ) ) {
$place = THIS_PAGE;
$dashboard = get_dashboard( $place );
if ( $dashboard ) {
$output = ''; // Dashboard widgets output
$importance = get_dashboard_widget_importance();
foreach ( $importance as $important ) {
if ( isset( $dashboard[ $important ] ) ) {
$dashboard_widgets = $dashboard[ $important ];
$dashboard_widgets = apply_filters( $dashboard_widgets, 'dashboard_widgets' );
$total_dashboard_widgets = count( $dashboard_widgets );
if ( $dashboard_widgets ) {
$output .= '<div id="'.$place.'-'.$important.'-importance" class="dashboard-widgets dashboard-widgets-'.$important.'-importance '.$place.'-widgets has-'.$total_dashboard_widgets.'-widgets" data-importance="'.$important.'" data-palce="'.$place.'">';
foreach ( $dashboard_widgets as $dashboard_widget ) {
$output .= '<div id="'.$dashboard_widget['id'].'-'.$dashboard_widget['importance'].'" class="dashboard-widget '.SEO( strtolower( $dashboard_widget['name'] ) ).' '.$dashboard_widget['id'].' is-'.$important.'">';
$output .= '<h3 class="dashboard-widget-name">'.$dashboard_widget['name'].'</h3>';
if ( $dashboard_widget['description'] ) {
$output .= '<div class="dashboard-widget-description">'.$dashboard_widget['description'].'</div>';
$output .= '<div class="dashboard-content">';
$output .= $dashboard_widget['display_callback'] ( $dashboard_widget );
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
return false;
* This orders the widgets of specifc place and important according
* to their positions.
* @todo Make positioning of widgets work
* @param array $widgets
* @return array
function _order_dashboard_widgets_to_position( $widgets ) {
foreach ( $widgets as $widget ) {
$tmp_arr[ $widget['position'] ] = $widget['id'];
ksort( $tmp_arr );
foreach ( $tmp_arr as $tmp ) {
$ordered_widgets[ $tmp ] = $widgets[ $tmp ];
return $ordered_widgets;
function setup_myaccount_dashboard() {
add_dashboard_widget('myaccount','account_dashboard_messages','Messages','account_dashboard_messages', 'highest');
function account_dashboard_videos( $widget ) {
return $widget['name'];
function account_dashboard_photos ( $widget ) {
return $widget['name'];
function account_dashboard_messages( $widget ) {
return $widget['name'];