2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
< span class = "page_title" > Editor's Pick< / span >
2010-02-01 11:09:02 +00:00
< form name = "editors_pick" action = "" method = "post" >
< table width = "100%" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
< tr >
< td width = "30" align = "center" valign = "middle" > < img src = "{$imageurl}/arrow_return.png" width = "25" height = "25" > < / td >
< td height = "50" style = "padding-left:15px" >
< input type = "submit" value = "Update" name = "update_order" class = "button" / >
< input type = "submit" name = "delete_selected" value = "Delete" class = "button" onclick = "return confirm_it('Are you sure you want to delete selected video(s)')" / >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
2010-01-25 07:41:17 +00:00
< table width = "100%" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
< tr >
< td width = "30" align = "center" valign = "middle" class = "left_head" >
2010-02-01 11:09:02 +00:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "checkall" onclick = "checkUncheckAll(this);" / > < / td >
< td width = "50" class = "head" > Order< / td >
< td class = "head" > Details< / td >
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
< td width = "50" class = "right_head" > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
2010-01-25 07:41:17 +00:00
< table width = "100%" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
{assign var = bgcolor value = ""}
{section name=list loop=$videos}
< tr class = "video_opt_td" bgcolor = "{$bgcolor}" >
< td width = "30" align = "center" valign = "top" class = "video_opt_td" > < input name = "check_video[]" type = "checkbox" id = "check_video" value = "{$videos[list].videoid}" / > < / td >
2010-02-01 11:09:02 +00:00
< td width = "50" align = "left" valign = "top" class = "video_opt_td" > < input name = "ep_order_{$videos[list].pick_id}" type = "text" id = "order" style = "border:1px solid #999; padding:2px; width:30px" value = "{$videos[list].sort}" size = "5" maxlength = "5" / > < / td >
< td valign = "top" class = "video_opt_td"
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
< a href = "{$baseurl}/watch_video.php?v={$videos[list].videokey}" target = "_blank" style = "text-indent:10px" >
< / a > – < a href = "?remove={$videos[list].videoid}" > Remove from editor's pick< / a > —
< span class = "vdo_sets" >
Featured:< strong > {$videos[list].featured} < / strong > •
Active:< strong > {$videos[list].active}< / strong > •
Status:< strong > {$videos[list].status}< / strong >
< / span >
< br / >
2010-02-01 11:09:02 +00:00
< div id = "ep_opts-{$videos[list].videoid}" style = "display:none" class = "vid_opts" >
< a href = "?remove={$videos[list].videoid}" > Remove from editor's pick< / a >
< / div >
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00
< / td >
< td width = "50" valign = "top" class = "video_opt_td" > < / td >
< / tr >
{if $bgcolor == ""}
{assign var = bgcolor value = "#EEEEEE"}
{assign var = bgcolor value = ""}
< / table >
2010-02-01 11:09:02 +00:00
< table width = "100%" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
< tr >
< td width = "30" align = "center" valign = "middle" > < img src = "{$imageurl}/arrow_return_invert.png" width = "25" height = "25" > < / td >
< td height = "50" style = "padding-left:15px" > < input type = "submit" value = "Update" name = "update_order" class = "button" / >
< input type = "submit" name = "delete_selected" value = "Delete" class = "button" onclick = "return confirm_it('Are you sure you want to delete selected video(s)')" / >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / form >
2009-12-25 17:13:06 +00:00