2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
< ? php
* @ Author : Arslan Hassan
* @ Co Author : Frank White
* @ Software : ClipBucket
* @ Since : 2007
* @ Modified : 06 - 08 - 2009
* @ license : CBLA
-- Do not use it for commercial use
Notice : Maintain this section
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
define ( 'NO_AVATAR' , 'no_avatar.jpg' ); //if there is no avatar or profile pic, this file will be used
define ( 'AVATAR_SIZE' , 250 );
define ( 'AVATAR_SMALL_SIZE' , 30 );
define ( 'BG_SIZE' , 1200 );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
class userquery {
var $userid = '' ;
var $username = '' ;
var $level = '' ;
var $permissions = '' ;
var $access_type_list = array (); //Access list
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
var $usr_levels = array ();
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
var $dbtbl = array (
'user_permission_type' => 'user_permission_types' ,
'user_permissions' => 'user_permissions' ,
'user_level_permission' => 'user_levels_permissions' ,
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
'user_profile' => 'user_profile' ,
'users' => 'users' ,
'action_log' => 'action_log' ,
'subtbl' => 'subscriptions' ,
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function init ()
global $sess ;
$this -> userid = $sess -> get ( 'userid' );
$this -> username = $sess -> get ( 'username' );
$this -> level = $sess -> get ( 'level' );
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Setting Access
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
//Get list Of permission
$perms = $this -> get_permissions ();
foreach ( $perms as $perm )
$this -> add_access_type ( $perm [ 'permission_code' ], $perm [ 'permission_name' ]);
/* $this -> add_access_type ( 'admin_access' , 'Admin Access' );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$this -> add_access_type ( 'upload_access' , 'Upload Access' );
$this -> add_access_type ( 'channel_access' , 'Channel Access' );
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
$this -> add_access_type ( 'mod_access' , 'Moderator Access' ); */
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
//Fetching List Of User Levels
$levels = $this -> get_levels ();
foreach ( $levels as $level )
$this -> usr_levels [ $level [ 'user_level_id' ]] = $level [ " user_level_name " ];
if ( user_id ())
$this -> permission = $this -> get_user_level ( userid ());
$this -> UpdateLastActive ( userid ());
} else
$this -> permission = $this -> get_user_level ( 4 , TRUE );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to create user session key
function create_session_key ( $session , $pass )
$newkey = $session . $pass ;
$newkey = md5 ( $newkey );
* Function used to create user session code
* just for session authentication incase user wants to login again
function create_session_code ()
$code = rand ( 10000 , 99999 );
return $code ;
* Neat and clean function to login user
* this function was made for v2 . x with User Level System
* param VARCHAR $username
* param TEXT $password
function login_user ( $username , $password )
global $LANG , $sess , $cblog , $db ;
//Now checking if user exists or not
$pass = pass_code ( $password );
$udetails = $this -> get_user_with_pass ( $username , $pass );
//Inerting Access Log
$log_array = array ( 'username' => $username );
//First we will check weather user is already logged in or not
if ( $this -> login_check )
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'you_already_logged' ]);
elseif ( ! $this -> user_exists ( $username ))
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'user_doesnt_exist' ]);
elseif ( ! $udetails )
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_login_err' ]);
elseif ( strtolower ( $udetails [ 'usr_status' ]) != 'ok' )
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'user_inactive_msg' ]);
elseif ( $udetails [ 'ban_status' ] == 'yes' )
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_ban_err' ]);
$log_array [ 'userid' ] = $userid = $udetails [ 'userid' ];
$log_array [ 'useremail' ] = $udetails [ 'email' ];
$log_array [ 'success' ] = 1 ;
$log_array [ 'level' ] = $level = $udetails [ 'level' ];
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
//Adding Sessing In Database
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$sess -> set ( 'username' , $username );
$sess -> set ( 'level' , $level );
$sess -> set ( 'userid' , $userid );
//Starting special sessions for security
$sess -> set ( 'user_session_key' , $udetails [ 'user_session_key' ]);
$sess -> set ( 'user_session_code' , $udetails [ 'user_session_code' ]);
//Setting Vars
$this -> userid = $sess -> get ( 'userid' );
$this -> username = $sess -> get ( 'username' );
$this -> level = $sess -> get ( 'level' );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
//Updating User last login , num of visist and ip
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$db -> update ( 'users' ,
array (
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
'num_visits' , 'last_logged' , 'ip'
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
array (
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
'|f|num_visits+1' , NOW (), $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
" userid=' " . $userid . " ' "
//Logging Actiong
$cblog -> insert ( 'login' , $log_array );
return true ;
//Error Loging
if ( ! empty ( $msg ))
//Loggin Action
$log_array [ 'success' ] = no ;
$log_array [ 'details' ] = $msg [ 0 ];
$cblog -> insert ( 'login' , $log_array );
* Function used to check weather user is login or not
* it will also check weather user has access or not
* @ param VARCHAR acess type it can be admin_access , upload_acess etc
* you can either set it as level id
function login_check ( $access = NULL , $check_only = FALSE )
global $LANG , $Cbucket , $sess ;
//First check weather userid is here or not
if ( ! userid ())
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'you_not_logged_in' ]);
return false ;
elseif ( ! $this -> session_auth ( userid ()))
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'usr_invalid_session_err' ]);
return false ;
//Now Check if logged in user exists or not
elseif ( ! $this -> user_exists ( userid ()))
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'invalid_user' ]);
return false ;
//Now Check logged in user is banned or not
elseif ( $this -> is_banned ( userid ()) == 'yes' )
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'usr_ban_err' ]);
return false ;
//Now user have passed all the stages, now checking if user has level access or not
elseif ( $access )
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
//$access_details = $this->get_user_level(userid());
$access_details = $this -> permission ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( is_numeric ( $access ))
if ( $access_details [ 'level_id' ] == $access )
return true ;
} else {
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'insufficient_privileges' ]);
$Cbucket -> show_page ( false );
return false ;
} else
if ( $access_details [ $access ] == 'yes' )
return true ;
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'insufficient_privileges' ]);
$Cbucket -> show_page ( false );
return false ;
return true ;
* This function was used to check
* user is logged in or not -- for v1 . 7. x and old
* it has been replaced by login_check in v2
* this function is sitll in use so
* we are just replace the lil code of it
function logincheck ( $redirect = TRUE )
if ( ! $this -> login_check ())
if ( $redirect == TRUE )
redirect_to ( BASEURL . signup_link );
return false ;
return true ;
* Function used to authenticate user session
function session_auth ( $uid )
global $sess ;
$ufields = $this -> get_user_fields ( $uid , 'user_session_key,user_session_code' );
if ( $sess -> get ( 'user_session_key' ) == $ufields [ 'user_session_key' ]
&& $sess -> get ( 'user_session_code' ) == $ufields [ 'user_session_code' ])
return true ;
return false ;
* Function used to get user details using username and password
function get_user_with_pass ( $username , $pass )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " users " ,
" userid,email,level,usr_status,user_session_key,user_session_code " ,
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
" username=' $username ' OR userid=' $username ' AND password=' $pass ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $results [ 0 ];
} else {
return false ;
* Function used to check weather user is banned or not
function is_banned ( $uid )
global $db ;
$details = $this -> get_user_field ( $uid , 'ban_status' );
return $details [ 'ban_status' ];
//This Function Is Used to Login Admin
function adminlogin ( $username , $password ){
$query = mysql_query ( " Select * FROM users WHERE level = 'Admin' and username = ' " . $username . " ' and password = ' " . $password . " ' " );
$updatequery = " UPDATE users SET session=' " . $_COOKIE [ 'PHPSESSID' ] . " ' WHERE username = ' " . $username . " ' " ;
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( $data [ 'ban_status' ] != 'yes' ){
setcookie ( 'username' , $username , time () + 7200 , '/' );
setcookie ( 'userid' , $data [ 'userid' ], time () + 7200 , '/' );
setcookie ( 'session' , $_COOKIE [ 'PHPSESSID' ], time () + 7200 , '/' );
session_register ( 'username' );
session_register ( 'superadmin' );
session_register ( 'admin' );
session_register ( 'userid' );
$_SESSION [ 'userid' ] = $data [ 'userid' ];
$_SESSION [ 'username' ] = $data [ 'username' ];
if ( $data [ 'userid' ] == 1 ){
$_SESSION [ 'superadmin' ] = $data [ 'username' ];
$_SESSION [ 'admin' ] = $data [ 'username' ];
mysql_query ( $updatequery );
$login = 'loggedin' ;
} else {
$login = 'banned' ;
} else {
$login = 'failed' ;
return $login ;
function admin_check (){
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
return $this -> login_check ( 'admin_access' );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to check user is admin or not
* @ param BOOLEAN if true , after checcking user will be redirected to login page if needed
2009-09-14 02:57:19 +00:00
function admin_login_check ( $check_only = false )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> login_check ( 'admin_access' ))
2009-09-14 02:57:19 +00:00
if ( $check_only == FALSE )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
redirect_to ( 'login.php' );
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
//This Function Is Used to Logout
function logout ( $page = 'login.php' ){
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
global $sess ;
$sess -> un_set ( 'username' );
$sess -> un_set ( 'level' );
$sess -> un_set ( 'userid' );
$sess -> un_set ( 'user_session_key' );
$sess -> un_set ( 'user_session_code' );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Delete User
function DeleteUser ( $id ){
global $stats ;
if ( $id != 1 ){
$query = 'DELETE FROM users WHERE userid="' . $id . '"' ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
$stats -> UpdateUserRecord ( 2 );
if ( mysql_errno ()){
$result = false ;
} else {
$result = true ;
return $result ;
} else {
return false ;
//Check User Exists or Not
function Check_User_Exists ( $id ){
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
global $db ;
$result = $db -> count ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], " userid " , " userid=' " . $id . " ' OR username=' " . $id . " ' " );
if ( $result > 0 )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
function user_exists ( $username )
return $this -> Check_User_Exists ( $username );
* Function used to get user details using userid
function get_user_details ( $id = NULL )
global $db ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
/* if ( ! $id )
$id = userid (); */
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
$results = $db -> select ( 'users' , '*' , " userid=' $id ' OR username=' " . $id . " ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
return $results [ 0 ];
} function GetUserData ( $id = NULL ){ return $this -> get_user_details ( $id ); }
//Get User Data from Database
function GetUserData_username ( $username ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
return $data ;
//Get User Data from Database
function CheckVideoOwner ( $videoid , $username ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid=' " . $videoid . " ' " );
$videodata = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( $videodata [ 'username' ] == $username )
$response = 1 ;
$response = 0 ;
return $response ;
//Function Used to Count Number of Videos Uploaded By User
function TotalVideos ( $username ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE username = ' " . $username . " ' " );
$total = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
return $total ;
//Function Used to Count Number of Friends of User
function TotalFriends ( $username ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE username = ' " . $username . " ' AND type='1' " );
$total = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
return $total ;
//Function Used to Count Number of Groups of User
function TotalGroups ( $username ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM groups WHERE username = ' " . $username . " ' " );
$total = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
return $total ;
//Function Used To Activate User
function ActivateUser ( $user , $avcode ){
$data = $this -> GetUserData_username ( $user );
if ( $data [ 'usr_status' ] == 'Ok' || $data [ 'avcode' ] != $avcode || empty ( $user )){
return false ;
} else {
$this -> Activate ( $data [ 'userid' ]);
return true ;
//Function Used To Send Activation Code To User
function SendActivation ( $email ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=' " . $email . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'username' ]) && $data [ 'usr_status' ] != 'Ok' ){
$username = $data [ 'username' ];
$avcode = $data [ 'avcode' ];
$cur_date = date ( 'm-d-Y' );
$title = TITLE ;
$baseurl = BASEURL ;
$to = $email ;
require_once ( BASEDIR . '/includes/email_templates/activation_request.template.php' );
require_once ( BASEDIR . '/includes/email_templates/activation_request.header.php' );
send_email ( $from , $to , $subj , nl2br ( $body ));
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
//Function Made to Update User Profile And Channel
function UpdateUserProfile ( $userid ){
//Getting Personal Information
$fname = mysql_clean ( @ $_POST [ 'fname' ]);
$lname = mysql_clean ( @ $_POST [ 'lname' ]);
$sex = @ $_POST [ 'gender' ];
$relation = @ $_POST [ 'relationship' ];
$show_dob = $_POST [ 'show_dob' ];
$about_me = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'about_me' ]);
$web_url = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'web_url' ]);
//Getting Professional Information
$education = $_POST [ 'education' ];
$schools = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'schools' ]);
$occupation = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'occupation' ]);
$companies = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'campanies' ]);
//Getting Interest & Hobbies
$hobbies = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'hobbies' ]);
$fav_movies = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'fav_movies' ]);
$fav_music = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'fav_music' ]);
$fav_books = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'fav_books' ]);
//Getting Avatar
$file = $_FILES [ 'avatar' ][ 'name' ];
$ext = substr ( $file , strrpos ( $file , '.' ) + 1 );
$thumb = $_POST [ 'thumb' ];
$thumb_ext = substr ( $thumb , strrpos ( $thumb , '.' ) + 1 );
$small_t = substr ( $thumb , 0 , strrpos ( $thumb , '.' )) . '-small.' . $thumb_ext ;
//Getting Channel Details
$title = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'title' ]);
$des = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'des' ]);
$rating = $_POST [ 'rating' ];
$comment = $_POST [ 'comment' ];
$f_video = $_POST [ 'f_video' ];
if ( ! empty ( $file )){
$image = new ResizeImage ();
if ( $image -> ValidateImage ( $_FILES [ 'avatar' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $ext )){
$thumb_file = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $thumb ;
$small_thumb_file = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $small_t ;
if ( $thumb != 'no_avatar.jpg' && file_exists ( $thumb_file ) && file_exists ( $small_thumb_file )){
unlink ( $thumb_file );
unlink ( $small_thumb_file );
$newname = $userid ;
$newthumb = $newname . '.' . $ext ;
$newthumb_small = $newname . '-small.' . $ext ;
$new_thumb = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $newthumb ;
$new_thumb_small = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $newthumb_small ;
copy ( $_FILES [ 'avatar' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $new_thumb );
$image -> CreateThumb ( $new_thumb , $new_thumb , 90 , $ext );
$image -> CreateThumb ( $new_thumb , $new_thumb_small , 30 , $ext );
$thumb = $newthumb ;
$bgfile = $_FILES [ 'background' ][ 'name' ];
$bg = $_POST [ 'bg' ];
$ext = substr ( $bgfile , strrpos ( $bgfile , '.' ) + 1 );
//Delete background
if ( $_POST [ 'remove_bg' ] == 'yes' ){
if ( is_file ( BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $bg ) && file_exists ( BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $bg )){
unlink ( BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $bg );
$bg = " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $bgfile )){
$image = new ResizeImage ();
if ( $image -> ValidateImage ( $_FILES [ 'background' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $ext )){
if ( file_exists ( BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $bg )){
unlink ( BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $bg );
$newname = RandomString ( 10 );
$newthumb = $newname . '.' . $ext ;
$new_thumb = BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $newthumb ;
copy ( $_FILES [ 'background' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $new_thumb );
$bg = $newthumb ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET
first_name = '".$fname."' ,
last_name = '".$lname."' ,
sex = '".$sex."' ,
relation_status = '".$relation."' ,
about_me = '".$about_me."' ,
web_url = '".$web_url."' ,
show_dob = '".$show_dob."' ,
education = '".$education."' ,
schools = '".$schools."' ,
occupation = '".$occupation."' ,
companies = '".$companies."' ,
hobbies = '".$hobbies."' ,
fav_movies = '".$fav_movies."' ,
fav_music = '".$fav_music."' ,
fav_books = '".$fav_books."' ,
avatar = '".$thumb."' ,
background = '".$bg."' ,
channel_title = '".$title."' ,
channel_des = '".$des."' ,
featured_video = '".$f_video."' ,
allow_comment = '".$comment."' ,
allow_rating = '".$rating."'
WHERE userid = '".$userid."' " );
redirect_to ( $_COOKIE [ 'page' ] . " ?updated=successfull " );
//Function Used To Update Email Settings For User
function UpdateUserEmailSettings ( $usreid ){
$email = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'email' ]);
$msg_notify = $_POST [ 'msg_notify' ];
$signup = new signup ();
if ( $signup -> isValidEmail ( $email )){
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET email=' " . $email . " ',msg_notify=' " . $msg_notify . " ' WHERE userid=' " . $usreid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_email_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_email_err' ]);
return $msg ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
* Function used to change user password
function ChangeUserPassword ( $array ){
global $db ;
$old_pass = $array [ 'old_pass' ];
$new_pass = $array [ 'new_pass' ];
$c_new_pass = $array [ 'c_new_pass' ];
$uid = $array [ 'userid' ];
if ( ! $this -> get_user_with_pass ( $uid , pass_code ( $old_pass )))
e ( lang ( 'usr_pass_err' ));
elseif ( empty ( $new_pass ))
e ( lang ( 'usr_pass_err2' ));
elseif ( $new_pass != $c_new_pass )
e ( lang ( 'usr_cpass_err1' ));
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], array ( 'password' ), array ( pass_code ( $array [ 'new_pass' ])), " userid=' " . $uid . " ' " );
e ( lang ( " usr_pass_email_msg " ), " m " );
return $msg ;
function change_user_pass ( $array ){ return $this -> ChangeUserPassword ( $array ); }
function change_password ( $array ){ return $this -> ChangeUserPassword ( $array ); }
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Function Used to update number of channel / profile views of user
function UpdateChannelViews ( $user ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT profile_hits FROM users WHERE username=' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
$views = $data [ 'profile_hits' ] + 1 ;
if ( ! isset ( $_COOKIE [ 'view_' . $user ])){
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET profile_hits = ' " . $views . " ' WHERE username = ' " . $user . " ' " );
setcookie ( 'view_' . $user , 'true' , time () + 3600 , '/' );
//Function Used To Add Channel Comment
function AddChannelComment ( $username , $comment ){
global $LANG , $stats ;
if ( empty ( $_SESSION [ 'username' ]) || empty ( $_COOKIE [ 'session' ])){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_err' ]);
} else {
if ( empty ( $comment )){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_err1' ]);
$userdetails = $this -> GetUserData_username ( $username );
if ( $_SESSION [ 'username' ] == $userdetails [ 'username' ]){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_err2' ]);
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM channel_comments WHERE channel_user =' " . $username . " ' AND username = ' " . $_SESSION [ 'username' ] . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_err3' ]);
if ( empty ( $msg )){
$stats -> UpdateUserRecord ( 6 );
mysql_query ( " INSERT into channel_comments(comment,username,channel_user,date_added)VALUES(' " . $comment . " ',' " . $_SESSION [ 'username' ] . " ',' " . $username . " ',now()) " );
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_err4' ]);
return $msg ;
//Add Contact to Contact list
function AddContact ( $friend , $username , $type = 1 ){
global $LANG ;
if ( $friend == $username ){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cnt_err' ]);
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE friend_username = ' " . $friend . " ' AND username=' " . $username . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cnt_err1' ]);
if ( empty ( $msg )){
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO contacts (friend_username,username,type)VALUES(' " . $friend . " ',' " . $username . " ',' " . $type . " ') " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cnt_msg' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used to Update Videos Watch By A User
function UpdateWatched ( $userid ){
global $LANG ;
$data = $this -> GetUserData ( $userid );
$watched = $data [ 'total_watched' ] + 1 ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET total_watched =' " . $watched . " ' WHERE userid=' " . $userid . " ' " );
* Old Function : GetNewMsgs
* This function is used to get user messages
* @ param : user
* @ param : sent / inbox
* @ param : count ( TRUE : FALSE )
function get_pm_msgs ( $user , $box = 'inbox' , $count = FALSE ){
global $db , $eh , $LANG ;
if ( ! $user )
$user = user_id ();
if ( ! user_id ())
$eh -> e ( $LANG [ 'you_not_logged_in' ]);
} else {
switch ( $box )
case 'inbox' :
default :
$boxtype = 'inbox' ;
break ;
case 'sent' :
case 'outbox' :
$boxtype = 'outbox' ;
break ;
if ( $count )
$status_query = " AND status = '0' " ;
$results = $db -> select ( " messages " ,
" message_id " ,
" ( " . $boxtype . " _user = ' $user ' OR " . $boxtype . " _user_id = ' $user ') $status_query " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
if ( $count )
return $db -> num_rows ;
return $results ;
return false ;
function GetNewMsgs ( $user )
$msgs = $this -> get_pm_msgs ( $user , 'inbox' , TRUE );
if ( $msgs )
return $msgs ;
return 0 ;
//Function Used To Unpdat Numner Of Subscrtibers of user
function UpdateSubscribers ( $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subscribed_to =' " . $user . " ' " );
$subs = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET subscribers = ' " . $subs . " ' WHERE username=' " . $user . " ' " );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
* Function used to subscribe user
function subscribe_user ( $to , $user = NULL )
if ( ! $user )
$user = userid ();
global $db ;
$to_user = $this -> get_user_details ( $to );
if ( ! $this -> user_exists ( $to ))
e ( lang ( 'usr_exist_err' ));
elseif ( ! $user )
e ( sprintf ( lang ( 'please_login_subscribe' ), $to_user [ 'username' ]));
elseif ( $this -> is_subscribed ( $to , $user ))
e ( sprintf ( lang ( " usr_sub_err " ), $to_user [ 'username' ]));
$db -> insert ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'subtbl' ], array ( 'userid' , 'subscribed_to' , 'date_added' ),
array ( $user , $to , NOW ()));
e ( sprintf ( lang ( 'usr_sub_msg' ), $to_user [ 'username' ]), 'm' );
function SubscribeUser ( $sub_user , $sub_to ){ return $this -> subscribe_user ( $sub_to , $sub_user );}
* Function used to check weather user is already subscribed or not
function is_subscribed ( $to , $user = NULL )
if ( ! $user )
$user = userid ();
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'subtbl' ], " * " , " subscribed_to=' $to ' AND userid=' $user ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
return false ;
* Function used to get user subscibers
* @ param userid
function get_user_subscribers ( $id )
global $id ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'subtbl' ], " * " , " subscribed_to=' $to ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
return false ;
* function used to get user subscribers with details
function get_user_subscribers_detail ( $id )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( " users, " . $this -> dbtbl [ 'subtbl' ], " * " , " subscriptions.subscribed_to = ' $id ' AND subscriptions.userid=users.userid " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
return false ;
* Function used to get user subscriptions
function get_user_subscriptions ( $id )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( " users, " . $this -> dbtbl [ 'subtbl' ], " * " , " subscriptions.userid = ' $id ' AND subscriptions.subscribed_to=users.userid " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
return false ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Function Used To Reset Passoword
function ResetPassword ( $step ){
global $LANG , $row ;
if ( $step == 1 ){
$user = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'username' ]);
$verify = $_POST [ 'vcode' ];
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( ! mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_exist_err' ]);
//Check Confirmation Code
if ( $row [ 'captcha_type' ] == '2' ){
require " captcha/class.img_validator.php " ;
$img = new img_validator ();
if ( ! $img -> checks_word ( $verify )){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_ccode_err' ]);
if ( $row [ 'captcha_type' ] == 1 ){
if ( $verify != $_SESSION [ 'security_code' ]){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_ccode_err' ]);
if ( empty ( $msg )){
$myquery = new myquery ();
$to = $data [ 'email' ];
$subj = $LANG [ 'usr_pass_reset_conf' ];
$message = $LANG [ 'usr_dear_user' ] . " ,
" . $LANG['usr_pass_reset_msg'] . "
" .BASEURL. " / forgot . php ? action = reset_pass & code = " .md5( $to ). " ___AAAWWWx54s5d744_sad1sad & avcode = " . $data['avcode'] . " & user = " . $user ;
send_email ( $from , $to , $subj , nl2br ( $message ));
$msg = $LANG [ 'usr_rpass_email_msg' ];
if ( $step == 2 ){
$user = mysql_clean ( $_GET [ 'user' ]);
$avcode = mysql_clean ( $_GET [ 'avcode' ]);
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=' " . $user . " ' AND avcode =' " . $avcode . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 && ! empty ( $avcode )){
$newpass = RandomString ( 6 );
$pass = pass_code ( $newpass );
mysql_query ( " UPDATE users SET password = ' " . $pass . " ' WHERE username = ' " . $user . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_pass_email_msg' ], m );
$myquery = new myquery ();
$to = $data [ 'email' ];
$subj = $LANG [ 'usr_rpass_msg' ];
$message = $LANG [ 'usr_dear_user' ] . " ,
" . $LANG['usr_rpass_req_msg'] . $newpass ;
send_email ( $from , $to , $subj , nl2br ( $message ));
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_exist_err' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used to recover USername
function RecoverUsername (){
global $LANG ;
$email = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'email' ]);
$verify = $_POST [ 'vcode' ];
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=' " . $email . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
if ( ! mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_exist_err1' ]);
//Check Confirmation Code
require " captcha/class.img_validator.php " ;
$img = new img_validator ();
if ( ! $img -> checks_word ( $verify )){
$msg [] = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_ccode_err' ]);
if ( empty ( $msg )){
$to = $email ;
$subj = $ANG [ 'usr_uname_recovery' ];
$message = $LANG [ 'usr_dear_user' ] . " ,
" . $LANG['usr_uname_req_msg'] . $data['username'] ;
send_email ( $from , $to , $subj , nl2br ( $message ));
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_uname_email_msg' ], m );
return $msg ;
//Gettin Bridge Paramaters
function GetBridgeParams ( $bridgeid ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM login_bridges WHERE bridge_id=' " . $bridgeid . " ' " );
return mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
//Updateing User if login
function UpdateBrigeUser ( $username , $session , $bridge ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM bridge_users where username=' " . $username . " ' " );
$date = time ();
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
mysql_query ( " UPDATE bridge_users SET session = ' " . $session . " ', date_updated = ' " . $date . " 'WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO bridge_users(username,session,bridge,date_update)VALUES(' " . $username . " ',' " . $session . " ',' " . $bridge . " ',' " . $date . " ' " );
// @ Param : username
function UpdateLastActive ( $username )
global $db ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
$sql = " UPDATE users SET last_active = ' " . NOW () . " ' WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' OR userid=' " . $username . " ' " ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$db -> Execute ( $sql );
// @ Param : username
// @ Param : commentid
function deleteUserComment ( $username , $commentid )
global $is_admin , $db , $LANG ;
if ( $_SESSION [ 'username' ] == $username || $is_admin == 1 )
$sql = " DELETE FROM channel_comments WHERE comment_id=' " . $commentid . " '
AND channel_user = '".$username."' " ;
$db -> Execute ( $sql );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_del_err' ]);
return $msg ;
* @ param : thumb file
* @ param : size ( NULL , small )
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
function getUserThumb ( $udetails , $size = '' , $uid = NULL , $just_file = false )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
$remote = false ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( empty ( $udetails [ 'userid' ]))
$udetails = $this -> get_user_details ( $uid );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
//$thumbnail = $udetails['avatar'] ? $udetails['avatar'] : NO_AVATAR;
$thumbnail = $udetails [ 'avatar' ];
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$thumb_file = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $thumbnail ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
if ( file_exists ( $thumb_file ) && $thumbnail != '' )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$thumb_file = BASEURL . '/images/avatars/' . $thumbnail ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
elseif ( ! empty ( $udetails [ 'avatar_url' ]))
$thumb_file = $udetails [ 'avatar_url' ];
$remote = true ;
} else
$thumb_file = BASEURL . '/images/avatars/' . NO_AVATAR ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$ext = GetExt ( $thumb_file );
$file = getName ( $thumb_file );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
if ( ! $remote )
if ( ! empty ( $size ))
$thumb = BASEURL . '/images/avatars/' . $file . '-' . $size . '.' . $ext ;
$thumb = BASEURL . '/images/avatars/' . $file . '.' . $ext ;
} else
$thumb = $thumb_file ;
if ( $just_file )
return $file . '.' . $ext ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
return $thumb ;
function avatar ( $udetails , $size = '' , $uid = NULL )
return $this -> getUserThumb ( $udetails , $size , $uid );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
* Function used to get user Background
* @ param : bg file
function getUserBg ( $udetails )
$remote = false ;
if ( empty ( $udetails [ 'userid' ]))
$udetails = $this -> get_user_details ( $uid );
//$thumbnail = $udetails['avatar'] ? $udetails['avatar'] : 'no_avatar.jpg';
$file = $udetails [ 'background' ];
$bgfile = BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $file ;
if ( file_exists ( $bgfile ) && $file )
$thumb_file = BASEURL . '/images/backgrounds/' . $file ;
elseif ( ! empty ( $udetails [ 'background_url' ]))
$thumb_file = $udetails [ 'background_url' ];
$remote = true ;
} else
return false ;
return $thumb_file ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to get user subscriber ' s list
* @ param VARCHAR //INT username or userid , both works fine
function get_user_subscriber ( $username )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> Execute ( " SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subsctibe_to=' $username ' " );
if ( $results -> recordcount () > 0 )
return $results -> getrows ();
return false ;
* Function used to get user field
* @ param INT userid
* @ param FIELD name
function get_user_field ( $uid , $field )
global $db ;
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
$results = $db -> select ( 'users' , $field , " userid=' $uid ' OR username=' $uid ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $results [ 0 ];
} else {
return false ;
} function get_user_fields ( $uid , $field ){ return $this -> get_user_field ( $uid , $field );}
2009-10-03 10:38:28 +00:00
* This function will return
* user field without array
function get_user_field_only ( $uid , $field )
$fields = $this -> get_user_field ( $uid , $field );
return $fields [ $field ];
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to get user level and its details
* @ param INT userid
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
function get_user_level ( $uid , $is_level = false )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
global $db ;
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
if ( $is_level )
$level [ 'level' ] = $uid ;
if ( ! $uid )
$uid = userid ();
$level = $this -> get_user_field ( $uid , 'level' );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$results = $db -> select ( 'user_levels' , '*' , " user_level_id=' " . $level [ 'level' ] . " ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows == 0 )
//incase user level is not valid, it will consider it as registered user
$u_level [ 'user_level_id' ] = 3 ;
$u_level = $results [ 0 ];
//Now Getting Access Details
$access_results = $db -> select ( " user_levels_permissions " , " * " ,
" user_level_id = ' " . $u_level [ 'user_level_id' ] . " ' " );
$a_results = $access_results [ 0 ];
//Now Merging the two arrays
$user_level = array_merge ( $u_level , $a_results );
return $user_level ;
* Function used to get all levels
* @ param : filter
function get_levels ( $filter = NULL )
global $db ;
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
$results = $db -> select ( " user_levels " , " * " , NULL , NULL , " user_level_id ASC " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $results ;
} else {
return false ;
* Function used to get level details
* @ param : level_id INT
function get_level_details ( $lid )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " user_levels " , " * " , " user_level_id=' $lid ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $results [ 0 ];
} else {
e ( " Cannot find level " );
return false ;
* Function used to get users of particular level
* @ param : level_id
* @ param : count BOOLEAN ( if TRUE it will return NUMBERS )
function get_level_users ( $id , $count = FALSE )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " users " , " level " , " level=' $id ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
if ( $count )
return $db -> num_rows ;
return $results ;
} else {
return 0 ;
* Function used to add user level
function add_user_level ( $array )
global $db ;
if ( ! is_array ( $array ))
$array = $_POST ;
$level_name = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'level_name' ]);
if ( empty ( $level_name ))
e ( " Please enter level nane " );
$db -> insert ( " user_levels " , array ( 'user_level_name' ), array ( $level_name ));
$iid = $db -> insert_id ();
$fields_array [] = 'user_level_id' ;
$value_array [] = $iid ;
foreach ( $this -> get_access_type_list () as $access => $name )
$fields_array [] = $access ;
$value_array [] = $array [ $access ] ? $array [ $access ] : 'no' ;
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
$db -> insert ( " user_levels_permissions " , $fields_array , $value_array );
return true ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function usewd to get level permissions
function get_level_permissions ( $id )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " user_levels_permissions " , " * " , " user_level_id = ' $id ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $results [ 0 ];
return false ;
* Function used to get custom permissions
function get_access_type_list ()
return $this -> access_type_list ;
* Function used to add new custom permission
function add_access_type ( $access , $name )
if ( ! empty ( $access ) && ! empty ( $name ))
$this -> access_type_list [ $access ] = $name ;
* Function get access
function get_access ( $access )
return $this -> access_type_list [ $access ];
* Function used to update user level
* @ param INT level_id
* @ param ARRAY perm_level
function update_user_level ( $id , $array )
global $db ;
if ( ! is_array ( $array ))
$array = $_POST ;
//First Checking Level
$level = $this -> get_level_details ( $id );
if ( $level )
foreach ( $this -> get_access_type_list () as $access => $name )
$fields_array [] = $access ;
$value_array [] = $array [ $access ];
//Checking level Name
if ( ! empty ( $array [ 'level_name' ]))
$level_name = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'level_name' ]);
//Upadting Now
$db -> update ( " user_levels " , array ( " user_level_name " ), array ( $level_name ), " user_level_id = ' $id ' " );
//Updating Permissions
$db -> update ( " user_levels_permissions " , $fields_array , $value_array , " user_level_id = ' $id ' " );
e ( " Level has been updated " , m );
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
* Function used to delete user levels
* @ param INT level_id
function delete_user_level ( $id )
global $db ;
$level_details = $this -> get_level_details ( $id );
$de_level = $this -> get_level_details ( 3 );
if ( $level_details )
//CHeck if leve is deleteable or not
if ( $level_details [ 'user_level_is_default' ] == 'no' )
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
$db -> delete ( " user_levels " , array ( " user_level_id " ), array ( $id ));
$db -> delete ( " user_levels_permissions " , array ( " user_level_id " ), array ( $id ));
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
e ( " User level has been deleted,
all users of this level has been transfered to '".$de_level[' user_level_name ']."' " );
$db -> update ( " users " , array ( " level " ), array ( 3 ), " level=' $id ' " );
return true ;
} else {
e ( " This level is not deletable " );
return false ;
* Function used to add comment on users profile
function add_comment ( $comment , $obj_id , $reply_to = NULL , $type = 'c' )
global $myquery ;
if ( ! $this -> user_exists ( $obj_id ))
e ( " User does not exists " );
return $myquery -> add_comment ( $comment , $obj_id , $reply_to , $type );
* Function used to get number of videos uploaded by user
* @ param INT userid
* @ param Conditions
function get_user_vids ( $uid , $cond = NULL , $count_only = false )
global $db ;
if ( $cond != NULL )
$cond = " AND $cond " ;
$results = $db -> select ( " video " , " * " , " userid = ' $uid ' $cond " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
if ( $count_only )
return $db -> num_rows ;
return $results [ 0 ];
} else {
return false ;
* Function used to get logged in username
function get_logged_username ()
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
return $this -> get_user_field_only ( user_id (), 'username' );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-10-03 10:38:28 +00:00
* Function used to create profile link
function profile_link ( $udetails )
if ( ! is_array ( $udetails ) && is_numeric ( $udetails ))
$udetails = $this -> get_user_details ( $udetails );
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
return BASEURL . '/view_channel.php?user=' . $udetails [ 'username' ];
function get_user_link ( $u )
return $this -> profile_link ( $u );
2009-10-03 10:38:28 +00:00
2009-10-14 21:09:54 +00:00
* Function used to get permission types
function get_level_types ()
global $db ;
return $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permission_type' ], " * " );
* Function used to check weather level type exists or not
function level_type_exists ( $id )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permission_type' ], " * " , " user_permission_type_id=' " . $id . " ' OR user_permission_type_name=' $id ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result [ 0 ];
return false ;
* Function used to add new permission
function add_new_permission ( $array )
global $db ;
if ( empty ( $array [ 'code' ]))
e ( " Permission code is empty " );
elseif ( empty ( $array [ 'name' ]))
e ( " Permission name is empty " );
elseif ( $this -> permission_exists ( $array [ 'code' ]))
e ( " Permission already exists " );
elseif ( ! $this -> level_type_exists ( $array [ 'type' ]))
e ( " Permission type is not valid " );
$type = $this -> level_type_exists ( $array [ 'type' ]);
$typeid = $type [ 'user_permission_type_id' ];
$code = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'code' ]);
$name = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'name' ]);
$desc = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'desc' ]);
$default = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'default' ]);
$default = $default ? $default : " yes " ;
$db -> insert ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permissions' ],
array ( 'permission_type' , 'permission_code' , 'permission_name' , 'permission_desc' , 'permission_default' ),
array ( $typeid , $code , $name , $desc , $default ));
$db -> execute ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_level_permission' ] . " ` ADD ` " . $code . " ` ENUM( 'yes', 'no' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' " . $default . " ' " );
e ( " New Permission has been added " , " m " );
* Function used to check permission exists or not
* @ Param permission code
function permission_exists ( $code )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permissions' ], " * " , " permission_code=' " . $code . " ' OR permission_id=' " . $code . " ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result [ 0 ];
return false ;
* Function used to get permissions
function get_permissions ( $type = NULL )
global $db ;
if ( $type )
$cond = " permission_type =' $type ' " ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permissions' ], " * " , $cond );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
} else
return false ;
* Function used to remove Permission
function remove_permission ( $id )
global $db ;
$permission = $this -> permission_exists ( $id );
if ( $permission )
$field = $permission [ 'permission_code' ];
$db -> delete ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_permissions' ], array ( " permission_id " ), array ( $id ));
$db -> execute ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_level_permission' ] . " ` DROP ` " . $field . " ` " );
e ( " Permission has been delete " , " m " );
} else
e ( " Permission does not exist " );
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
* Function used to check weather current user has permission
* to view page or not
* it will also check weather current page requires login
* if login is required , user will be redirected to signup page
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
function perm_check ( $access = '' , $check_login = FALSE , $control_page = true )
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
global $Cbucket ;
/* if ( $check_login )
return $this -> login_check ( $access );
} else
{ */
$access_details = $this -> permission ;
if ( is_numeric ( $access ))
if ( $access_details [ 'level_id' ] == $access )
return true ;
} else {
if ( ! $check_only )
e ( $LANG [ 'insufficient_privileges' ]);
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
if ( $control_page )
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
$Cbucket -> show_page ( false );
return false ;
} else
if ( $access_details [ $access ] == 'yes' )
return true ;
if ( ! $check_login )
e ( lang ( 'insufficient_privileges' ));
{ if ( userid ())
e ( lang ( 'insufficient_privileges' ));
e ( sprintf ( lang ( 'insufficient_privileges_loggin' ), cblink ( array ( 'name' => 'signup' )), cblink ( array ( 'name' => 'signup' ))));
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
if ( $control_page )
2009-10-15 15:50:26 +00:00
$Cbucket -> show_page ( false );
return false ;
2009-11-04 10:27:40 +00:00
* Function used to get user profile details
function get_user_profile ( $uid )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_profile' ], " * " , " userid=' $uid ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result [ 0 ];
} else
return false ;
* FUnction loading personal details
function load_personal_details ( $default )
$user_vids = get_videos ( array ( 'user' => $default [ 'userid' ]));
if ( is_array ( $user_vids ))
foreach ( $user_vids as $user_vid )
$usr_vids [ $user_vid [ 'videoid' ]] = $user_vid [ 'title' ];
if ( ! $default )
$default = $_POST ;
$profile_fields = array
'first_name' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_fname " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " first_name " ,
'id' => " first_name " ,
'value' => $default [ 'first_name' ],
'db_field' => 'first_name' ,
'required' => 'yes' ,
'syntax_type' => 'name' ,
'auto_view' => 'yes'
'last_name' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_lname " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " last_name " ,
'id' => " last_name " ,
'value' => $default [ 'last_name' ],
'db_field' => 'last_name' ,
'syntax_type' => 'name' ,
'auto_view' => 'yes'
'profile_title' => array (
'title' => lang ( " profile_title " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " profile_title " ,
'id' => " last_name " ,
'value' => $default [ 'profile_title' ],
'db_field' => 'profile_title' ,
'auto_view' => 'no'
'profile_desc' => array (
'title' => lang ( " profile_desc " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " profile_desc " ,
'id' => " last_name " ,
'value' => $default [ 'profile_desc' ],
'db_field' => 'profile_desc' ,
'auto_view' => 'no'
'relation_status' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_relat_status " ),
'type' => " dropdown " ,
'name' => " relation_status " ,
'id' => " last_name " ,
'value' => array ( lang ( 'usr_arr_single' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_single' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_married' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_married' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_comitted' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_comitted' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_open_relate' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_open_relate' )),
'checked' => $default [ 'relation_status' ],
'db_field' => 'relation_status' ,
'auto_view' => 'yes' ,
'return_checked' => true ,
'show_dob' => array (
'title' => lang ( " show_dob " ),
'type' => " radiobutton " ,
'name' => " show_dob " ,
'id' => " show_dob " ,
'value' => array ( 'yes' => lang ( 'yes' ), 'no' => lang ( 'no' )),
'checked' => $default [ 'show_dob' ],
'db_field' => 'show_dob' ,
'syntax_type' => 'name' ,
'auto_view' => 'no'
'about_me' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_about_me " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " about_me " ,
'id' => " about_me " ,
'value' => $default [ 'about_me' ],
'db_field' => 'about_me' ,
'auto_view' => 'yes' ,
'profile_tags' => array (
'title' => lang ( " profile_tags " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " profile_tags " ,
'id' => " profile_tags " ,
'value' => $default [ 'profile_tags' ],
'db_field' => 'profile_tags' ,
'auto_view' => 'no'
'web_url' => array (
'title' => lang ( " website " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " web_url " ,
'id' => " web_url " ,
'value' => $default [ 'web_url' ],
'db_field' => 'web_url' ,
'auto_view' => 'yes' ,
'display_function' => 'outgoing_link'
'profile_video' => array (
'title' => lang ( 'Profile Video' ),
'type' => 'dropdown' ,
'name' => 'profile_video' ,
'id' => 'profile_video' ,
'value' => $usr_vids ,
'checked' => $default [ 'profile_video' ],
'db_field' => 'profile_video' ,
'auto_view' => 'no' ,
return $profile_fields ;
* function used to load location fields
function load_location_fields ( $default )
if ( ! $default )
$default = $_POST ;
$other_details = array
'postal_code' => array (
'title' => lang ( " postal_code " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " postal_code " ,
'id' => " postal_code " ,
'value' => $default [ 'postal_code' ],
'db_field' => 'postal_code' ,
'hometown' => array (
'title' => lang ( " hometown " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " hometown " ,
'id' => " hometown " ,
'value' => $default [ 'hometown' ],
'db_field' => 'hometown' ,
'city' => array (
'title' => lang ( " city " ),
'type' => " textfield " ,
'name' => " city " ,
'id' => " city " ,
'value' => $default [ 'city' ],
'db_field' => 'city' ,
return $other_details ;
* Function used to load experice fields
function load_other_fields ( $default )
if ( ! $default )
$default = $_POST ;
$more_details = array
'education' => array (
'title' => lang ( " education " ),
'type' => " dropdown " ,
'name' => " education " ,
'id' => " education " ,
'value' => array ( lang ( 'usr_arr_no_ans' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_no_ans' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_elementary' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_elementary' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_hi_school' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_hi_school' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_some_colg' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_some_colg' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_assoc_deg' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_assoc_deg' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_bach_deg' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_bach_deg' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_mast_deg' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_mast_deg' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_phd' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_phd' ),
lang ( 'usr_arr_post_doc' ) => lang ( 'usr_arr_post_doc' ),
'checked' => $default [ 'education' ],
'db_field' => 'education' ,
'schools' => array (
'title' => lang ( " schools " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " schools " ,
'id' => " schools " ,
'value' => $default [ 'schools' ],
'db_field' => 'schools' ,
'occupation' => array (
'title' => lang ( " occupation " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " occupation " ,
'id' => " occupation " ,
'value' => $default [ 'occupation' ],
'db_field' => 'occupation' ,
'companies' => array (
'title' => lang ( " companies " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " companies " ,
'id' => " companies " ,
'value' => $default [ 'companies' ],
'db_field' => 'companies' ,
'hobbies' => array (
'title' => lang ( " hobbies " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " hobbies " ,
'id' => " hobbies " ,
'value' => $default [ 'hobbies' ],
'db_field' => 'hobbies' ,
'fav_movies' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_fav_movs_shows " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " fav_movies " ,
'id' => " fav_movies " ,
'value' => $default [ 'fav_movies' ],
'db_field' => 'fav_movies' ,
'fav_music' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_fav_music " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " fav_music " ,
'id' => " fav_music " ,
'value' => $default [ 'fav_music' ],
'db_field' => 'fav_music' ,
'fav_books' => array (
'title' => lang ( " user_fav_books " ),
'type' => " textarea " ,
'name' => " fav_books " ,
'id' => " fav_books " ,
'value' => $default [ 'fav_books' ],
'db_field' => 'fav_books' ,
return $more_details ;
* Function used to load privacy fields
function load_privacy_field ( $default )
if ( ! $default )
$default = $_POST ;
$privacy = array
'online_status' => array (
'title' => lang ( " online_status " ),
'type' => " dropdown " ,
'name' => " privacy " ,
'id' => " privacy " ,
'value' => array ( 'online' => lang ( 'online' ), 'offline' => lang ( 'offline' ), 'custom' => lang ( 'custom' )),
'checked' => $default [ 'online_status' ],
'db_field' => 'online_status' ,
'show_profile' => array (
'title' => lang ( " show_profile " ),
'type' => " dropdown " ,
'name' => " show_profile " ,
'id' => " show_profile " ,
'value' => array ( 'all' => lang ( 'all' ), 'members' => lang ( 'members' ), 'friends' => lang ( 'friends' )),
'checked' => $default [ 'show_profile' ],
'db_field' => 'show_profile' ,
'allow_comments' => array (
'title' => lang ( " vdo_allow_comm " ),
'type' => " radiobutton " ,
'name' => " allow_comments " ,
'id' => " allow_comments " ,
'value' => array ( 'yes' => lang ( 'yes' ), 'no' => lang ( 'no' )),
'checked' => strtolower ( $default [ 'allow_comments' ]),
'db_field' => 'allow_comments' ,
'allow_ratings' => array (
'title' => lang ( " allow_ratings " ),
'type' => " radiobutton " ,
'name' => " allow_ratings " ,
'id' => " allow_ratings " ,
'value' => array ( 'yes' => lang ( 'yes' ), 'no' => lang ( 'no' )),
'checked' => strtolower ( $default [ 'allow_ratings' ]),
'db_field' => 'allow_ratings' ,
return $privacy ;
* User Profile Fields
function load_profile_fields ( $default )
if ( ! $default )
$default = $_POST ;
$profile_fields = $this -> load_personal_details ( $default );
$other_details = $this -> load_location_fields ( $default );
$more_details = $this -> load_other_fields ( $default );
$privacy = $this -> load_privacy_field ( $default );
return array_merge ( $profile_fields , $other_details , $more_details , $privacy );
* Function used to update use details
function update_user ( $array )
global $LANG , $db , $signup , $Upload ;
if ( $array == NULL )
$array = $_POST ;
if ( is_array ( $_FILES ))
$array = array_merge ( $array , $_FILES );
$userfields = $this -> load_profile_fields ( $array );
validate_cb_form ( $userfields , $array );
foreach ( $userfields as $field )
$name = formObj :: rmBrackets ( $field [ 'name' ]);
$val = $array [ $name ];
if ( $field [ 'use_func_val' ])
$val = $field [ 'validate_function' ]( $val );
if ( ! empty ( $field [ 'db_field' ]))
$query_field [] = $field [ 'db_field' ];
if ( is_array ( $val ))
$new_val = '' ;
foreach ( $val as $v )
$new_val .= " # " . $v . " # " ;
$val = $new_val ;
if ( ! $field [ 'clean_func' ] || ( ! function_exists ( $field [ 'clean_func' ]) && ! is_array ( $field [ 'clean_func' ])))
$val = mysql_clean ( $val );
$val = apply_func ( $field [ 'clean_func' ], $val );
if ( ! empty ( $field [ 'db_field' ]))
$query_val [] = $val ;
//updating user detail
if ( has_access ( 'admin_access' , TRUE ) && isset ( $array [ 'admin_manager' ]))
//Checking Username
if ( empty ( $array [ 'username' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_uname_err' ));
elseif ( $array [ 'dusername' ] != $array [ 'username' ] && $this -> username_exists ( $array [ 'username' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_uname_err2' ));
elseif ( ! username_check ( $array [ 'username' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_uname_err3' ));
$username = $array [ 'username' ];
//Checking Email
if ( empty ( $array [ 'email' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_email_err1' ));
elseif ( ! is_valid_syntax ( 'email' , $array [ 'email' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_email_err2' ));
elseif ( email_exists ( $array [ 'email' ]) && $array [ 'email' ] != $array [ 'demail' ])
e ( lang ( 'usr_email_err3' ));
$email = $array [ 'email' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'username' ;
$uquery_val [] = $username ;
$uquery_field [] = 'email' ;
$uquery_val [] = $email ;
//Changing User Level
$uquery_field [] = 'level' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'level' ];
//Checking for user stats
$uquery_field [] = 'profile_hits' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'profile_hits' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'total_watched' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'total_watched' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'total_videos' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'total_videos' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'total_comments' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'total_comments' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'subscribers' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'subscribers' ];
$uquery_field [] = 'rating' ;
$rating = $array [ 'rating' ];
if ( $rating < 1 || $rating > 10 )
$rating = 1 ;
$uquery_val [] = $rating ;
$uquery_field [] = 'rated_by' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'rated_by' ];
//Changing Gender
if ( $array [ 'sex' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'sex' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'sex' ]);
//Changing Country
if ( $array [ 'country' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'country' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'country' ]);
//Updating User Avatar
if ( $array [ 'avatar_url' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'avatar_url' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'avatar_url' ];
//Deleting User Avatar
if ( $array [ 'delete_avatar' ] == 'yes' )
$file = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $array [ 'avatar_file_name' ];
if ( file_exists ( $file ) && $array [ 'avatar_file_name' ] != '' )
unlink ( $file );
//Deleting User Bg
if ( $array [ 'delete_bg' ] == 'yes' )
$file = BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $array [ 'bg_file_name' ];
if ( file_exists ( $file ) && $array [ 'bg_file_name' ] != '' )
unlink ( $file );
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'avatar_file' ][ 'name' ]))
$file = $Upload -> upload_user_file ( 'a' , $_FILES [ 'avatar_file' ], $array [ 'userid' ]);
if ( $file )
$uquery_field [] = 'avatar' ;
$uquery_val [] = $file ;
//Updating User Background
if ( $array [ 'background_url' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_url' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'background_url' ];
if ( $array [ 'background_color' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_color' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'background_color' ];
if ( $array [ 'background_repeat' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_repeat' ;
$uquery_val [] = $array [ 'background_repeat' ];
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'background_file' ][ 'name' ]))
$file = $Upload -> upload_user_file ( 'b' , $_FILES [ 'background_file' ], $array [ 'userid' ]);
if ( $file )
$uquery_field [] = 'background' ;
$uquery_val [] = $file ;
if ( ! error () && is_array ( $uquery_field ))
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], $uquery_field , $uquery_val , " userid=' " . mysql_clean ( $array [ 'userid' ]) . " ' " );
e ( lang ( " usr_upd_succ_msg " ), 'm' );
//updating user profile
if ( ! error ())
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'user_profile' ], $query_field , $query_val , " userid=' " . mysql_clean ( $array [ 'userid' ]) . " ' " );
e ( lang ( " usr_pof_upd_msg " ), 'm' );
* Function used to update user avatar and background only
function update_user_avatar_bg ( $array )
global $db , $signup , $Upload ;
//Updating User Avatar
if ( $array [ 'avatar_url' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'avatar_url' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'avatar_url' ]);
//Deleting User Avatar
if ( $array [ 'delete_avatar' ] == 'yes' )
$file = BASEDIR . '/images/avatars/' . $array [ 'avatar_file_name' ];
if ( file_exists ( $file ) && $array [ 'avatar_file_name' ] != '' )
unlink ( $file );
//Deleting User Bg
if ( $array [ 'delete_bg' ] == 'yes' )
$file = BASEDIR . '/images/backgrounds/' . $array [ 'bg_file_name' ];
if ( file_exists ( $file ) && $array [ 'bg_file_name' ] != '' )
unlink ( $file );
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'avatar_file' ][ 'name' ]))
$file = $Upload -> upload_user_file ( 'a' , $_FILES [ 'avatar_file' ], $array [ 'userid' ]);
if ( $file )
$uquery_field [] = 'avatar' ;
$uquery_val [] = $file ;
//Updating User Background
if ( $array [ 'background_url' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_url' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'background_url' ]);
if ( $array [ 'background_color' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_color' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'background_color' ]);
if ( $array [ 'background_repeat' ])
$uquery_field [] = 'background_repeat' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $array [ 'background_repeat' ]);
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ 'background_file' ][ 'name' ]))
$file = $Upload -> upload_user_file ( 'b' , $_FILES [ 'background_file' ], $array [ 'userid' ]);
if ( $file )
$uquery_field [] = 'background' ;
$uquery_val [] = mysql_clean ( $file );
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], $uquery_field , $uquery_val , " userid=' " . mysql_clean ( $array [ 'userid' ]) . " ' " );
e ( lang ( " usr_avatar_bg_update " ), 'm' );
* Function used to check weather username exists or not
function username_exists ( $i )
global $db ;
$db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], " username " , " username=' $i ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
* function used to check weather email exists or not
function email_exists ( $i )
global $db ;
$db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], " email " , " email=' $i ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
* Function used to get user access log
function get_user_action_log ( $uid , $limit = NULL )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'action_log' ], " * " , " action_userid=' $uid ' " , $limit , " date_added DESC " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result ;
return false ;
* Load Custom Profile Field
function load_custom_profile_fields ( $array )
return false ;
* Load Custom Signup Field
function load_custom_signup_fields ( $array )
return false ;
* Function used to get channel links
* ie Playlist , favorites etc etc
function get_inner_channel_top_links ( $u )
return array ( lang ( 'uploads' ) => 'uploads' , lang ( 'favorites' ) => 'favorites' , lang ( 'contacts' ) => 'contacts' );
* Function used to get user channel action links
* ie Add to friends , send message etc etc
function get_channel_action_links ( $u )
return array ( lang ( 'Send Message' ) => 'sm' , lang ( 'Add as friend' ) => 'aaf' , lang ( 'Block user' ) => 'bu' );
* Function used to get user channel video
function get_user_profile_video ( $u )
global $db , $cbvid ;
if ( empty ( $u [ 'profile_video' ]) &&! $cbvid -> video_exists ( $u ))
$u = $this -> get_user_profile ( $u );
if ( $cbvid -> video_exists ( $u [ 'profile_video' ]))
return $cbvid -> get_video_details ( $u [ 'profile_video' ]);
return false ;
* My Account links
function my_account_links ()
$array = array
'Account' => array
( 'My Account' => 'myaccount.php' ,
'Ban users' => 'edit_account.php?mode=ban_users' ,
'Change Password' => 'edit_account.php?mode=change_password' ,
'Change Email' => 'edit_account.php?mode=change_email' ,
'Profile' => array
( 'Profile Settings' => 'edit_account.php' ,
'Change Avatar' => 'edit_account.php?mode=avatar_bg' ,
'Change Background' => 'edit_account.php?mode=avatar_bg' ,
'Videos' => array
'Uploaded Videos' => 'manage_videos.php' ,
'Favorite Videos' => 'manage_videos.php?mode=favorites' ,
'Messages' => array
'Inbox' => 'private_message.php?mode=inbox' ,
'Notifications' => 'private_message.php?mode=notification' ,
'Sent' => 'private_message.php?mode=sent' ,
'Compose New' => 'private_message.php?mode=new_msg' ,
return $array ;
* Function used to change email
function change_email ( $array )
global $db ;
//function used to change user email
if ( ! isValidEmail ( $array [ 'new_email' ]) || $array [ 'new_email' ] == '' )
e ( lang ( " usr_email_err2 " ));
elseif ( $array [ 'new_email' ] != $array [ 'cnew_email' ])
e ( lang ( 'user_email_confirm_email_err' ));
elseif ( ! $this -> user_exists ( $array [ 'userid' ]))
e ( lang ( 'usr_exist_err' ));
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], array ( 'email' ), array ( $array [ 'new_email' ]), " userid=' " . $array [ 'userid' ] . " ' " );
e ( lang ( " email_change_msg " ), " m " );
* Function used to ban users
function ban_users ( $users , $uid = NULL )
global $db ;
if ( ! $uid )
$uid = userid ();
$users_array = explode ( ',' , $users );
$new_users = array ();
foreach ( $users_array as $user )
if ( $user != username () && ! is_numeric ( $user ) && $this -> user_exists ( $user ))
$new_users [] = $user ;
if ( count ( $new_users ) > 0 )
$new_users = array_unique ( $new_users );
$banned_users = implode ( ',' , $new_users );
$db -> update ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], array ( 'banned_users' ), array ( $banned_users ), " userid=' $uid ' " );
e ( lang ( " user_ban_msg " ), " m " );
} else {
e ( lang ( " no_user_ban_msg " ), " m " );
2009-11-04 12:07:35 +00:00
* Function used to check weather user is banned or not
function is_user_banned ( $ban , $user = NULL )
global $db ;
if ( ! $user )
$user = userid ();
$result = $db -> count ( $this -> dbtbl [ 'users' ], " userid " , " banned_users LIKE '% $ban %' AND (username=' $user ' OR userid=' $user ') " );
if ( $result )
return true ;
return false ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00