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* plupload.flash.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under GPL License.
* License: http://www.plupload.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.plupload.com/contributing
// JSLint defined globals
/*global window:false, document:false, plupload:false, ActiveXObject:false, escape:false */
(function(window, document, plupload, undef) {
var uploadInstances = {}, initialized = {};
function getFlashVersion() {
var version;
try {
version = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'];
version = version.description;
} catch (e1) {
try {
version = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version');
} catch (e2) {
version = '0.0';
version = version.match(/\d+/g);
return parseFloat(version[0] + '.' + version[1]);
plupload.flash = {
* Will be executed by the Flash runtime when it sends out events.
* @param {String} id If for the upload instance.
* @param {String} name Event name to trigger.
* @param {Object} obj Parameters to be passed with event.
trigger : function(id, name, obj) {
// Detach the call so that error handling in the browser is presented correctly
setTimeout(function() {
var uploader = uploadInstances[id], i, args;
if (uploader) {
uploader.trigger('Flash:' + name, obj);
}, 0);
* FlashRuntime implementation. This runtime supports these features: jpgresize, pngresize, chunks.
* @static
* @class plupload.runtimes.Flash
* @extends plupload.Runtime
plupload.runtimes.Flash = plupload.addRuntime("flash", {
* Returns a list of supported features for the runtime.
* @return {Object} Name/value object with supported features.
getFeatures : function() {
return {
jpgresize: true,
pngresize: true,
maxWidth: 8091,
maxHeight: 8091,
chunks: true,
progress: true,
multipart: true,
multi_selection: true
* Initializes the upload runtime. This method should add necessary items to the DOM and register events needed for operation.
* @method init
* @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance that needs to be initialized.
* @param {function} callback Callback to execute when the runtime initializes or fails to initialize. If it succeeds an object with a parameter name success will be set to true.
init : function(uploader, callback) {
var browseButton, flashContainer, waitCount = 0, container = document.body;
if (getFlashVersion() < 10) {
callback({success : false});
initialized[uploader.id] = false;
uploadInstances[uploader.id] = uploader;
// Find browse button and set to to be relative
browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button);
// Create flash container and insert it at an absolute position within the browse button
flashContainer = document.createElement('div');
flashContainer.id = uploader.id + '_flash_container';
plupload.extend(flashContainer.style, {
position : 'absolute',
top : '0px',
background : uploader.settings.shim_bgcolor || 'transparent',
zIndex : 99999,
width : '100%',
height : '100%'
flashContainer.className = 'plupload flash';
if (uploader.settings.container) {
container = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.container);
if (plupload.getStyle(container, 'position') === 'static') {
container.style.position = 'relative';
// insert flash object
(function() {
var html, el;
html = '<object id="' + uploader.id + '_flash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + uploader.settings.flash_swf_url + '" ';
if (plupload.ua.ie) {
html += 'classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ';
html += 'width="100%" height="100%" style="outline:0">' +
'<param name="movie" value="' + uploader.settings.flash_swf_url + '" />' +
'<param name="flashvars" value="id=' + escape(uploader.id) + '" />' +
'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />' +
'<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' +
if (plupload.ua.ie) {
el = document.createElement('div');
el.outerHTML = html;
el = null; // just in case
} else {
flashContainer.innerHTML = html;
function getFlashObj() {
return document.getElementById(uploader.id + '_flash');
function waitLoad() {
// Wait for 5 sec
if (waitCount++ > 5000) {
callback({success : false});
if (initialized[uploader.id] === false) { // might also be undefined, if uploader was destroyed by that moment
setTimeout(waitLoad, 1);
// Fix IE memory leaks
browseButton = flashContainer = null;
// destroy should always be available, after Flash:Init or before (#516)
uploader.bind("Destroy", function(up) {
var flashContainer;
plupload.removeAllEvents(document.body, up.id);
delete initialized[up.id];
delete uploadInstances[up.id];
flashContainer = document.getElementById(up.id + '_flash_container');
if (flashContainer) {
// Wait for Flash to send init event
uploader.bind("Flash:Init", function() {
var lookup = {}, i;
try {
getFlashObj().setFileFilters(uploader.settings.filters, uploader.settings.multi_selection);
} catch (ex) {
callback({success : false});
// Prevent eventual reinitialization of the instance
if (initialized[uploader.id]) {
initialized[uploader.id] = true;
uploader.bind("UploadFile", function(up, file) {
var settings = up.settings, resize = uploader.settings.resize || {};
getFlashObj().uploadFile(lookup[file.id], settings.url, {
name : file.target_name || file.name,
mime : plupload.mimeTypes[file.name.replace(/^.+\.([^.]+)/, '$1').toLowerCase()] || 'application/octet-stream',
chunk_size : settings.chunk_size,
width : resize.width,
height : resize.height,
quality : resize.quality,
multipart : settings.multipart,
multipart_params : settings.multipart_params || {},
file_data_name : settings.file_data_name,
format : /\.(jpg|jpeg)$/i.test(file.name) ? 'jpg' : 'png',
headers : settings.headers,
urlstream_upload : settings.urlstream_upload
uploader.bind("CancelUpload", function() {
uploader.bind("Flash:UploadProcess", function(up, flash_file) {
var file = up.getFile(lookup[flash_file.id]);
if (file.status != plupload.FAILED) {
file.loaded = flash_file.loaded;
file.size = flash_file.size;
up.trigger('UploadProgress', file);
uploader.bind("Flash:UploadChunkComplete", function(up, info) {
var chunkArgs, file = up.getFile(lookup[info.id]);
chunkArgs = {
chunk : info.chunk,
chunks : info.chunks,
response : info.text
up.trigger('ChunkUploaded', file, chunkArgs);
// Stop upload if file is maked as failed
if (file.status !== plupload.FAILED && up.state !== plupload.STOPPED) {
// Last chunk then dispatch FileUploaded event
if (info.chunk == info.chunks - 1) {
file.status = plupload.DONE;
up.trigger('FileUploaded', file, {
response : info.text
uploader.bind("Flash:SelectFiles", function(up, selected_files) {
var file, i, files = [], id;
// Add the selected files to the file queue
for (i = 0; i < selected_files.length; i++) {
file = selected_files[i];
// Store away flash ref internally
id = plupload.guid();
lookup[id] = file.id;
lookup[file.id] = id;
files.push(new plupload.File(id, file.name, file.size));
// Trigger FilesAdded event if we added any
if (files.length) {
uploader.trigger("FilesAdded", files);
uploader.bind("Flash:SecurityError", function(up, err) {
uploader.trigger('Error', {
code : plupload.SECURITY_ERROR,
message : plupload.translate('Security error.'),
details : err.message,
file : uploader.getFile(lookup[err.id])
uploader.bind("Flash:GenericError", function(up, err) {
uploader.trigger('Error', {
code : plupload.GENERIC_ERROR,
message : plupload.translate('Generic error.'),
details : err.message,
file : uploader.getFile(lookup[err.id])
uploader.bind("Flash:IOError", function(up, err) {
uploader.trigger('Error', {
code : plupload.IO_ERROR,
message : plupload.translate('IO error.'),
details : err.message,
file : uploader.getFile(lookup[err.id])
uploader.bind("Flash:ImageError", function(up, err) {
uploader.trigger('Error', {
code : parseInt(err.code, 10),
message : plupload.translate('Image error.'),
file : uploader.getFile(lookup[err.id])
uploader.bind('Flash:StageEvent:rollOver', function(up) {
var browseButton, hoverClass;
browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button);
hoverClass = up.settings.browse_button_hover;
if (browseButton && hoverClass) {
plupload.addClass(browseButton, hoverClass);
uploader.bind('Flash:StageEvent:rollOut', function(up) {
var browseButton, hoverClass;
browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button);
hoverClass = up.settings.browse_button_hover;
if (browseButton && hoverClass) {
plupload.removeClass(browseButton, hoverClass);
uploader.bind('Flash:StageEvent:mouseDown', function(up) {
var browseButton, activeClass;
browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button);
activeClass = up.settings.browse_button_active;
if (browseButton && activeClass) {
plupload.addClass(browseButton, activeClass);
// Make sure that browse_button has active state removed from it
plupload.addEvent(document.body, 'mouseup', function() {
plupload.removeClass(browseButton, activeClass);
}, up.id);
uploader.bind('Flash:StageEvent:mouseUp', function(up) {
var browseButton, activeClass;
browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button);
activeClass = up.settings.browse_button_active;
if (browseButton && activeClass) {
plupload.removeClass(browseButton, activeClass);
uploader.bind('Flash:ExifData', function(up, obj) {
uploader.trigger('ExifData', uploader.getFile(lookup[obj.id]), obj.data);
uploader.bind('Flash:GpsData', function(up, obj) {
uploader.trigger('GpsData', uploader.getFile(lookup[obj.id]), obj.data);
uploader.bind("QueueChanged", function(up) {
uploader.bind("FilesRemoved", function(up, files) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
uploader.bind("StateChanged", function(up) {
uploader.bind("Refresh", function(up) {
var browseButton, browsePos, browseSize;
// Set file filters incase it has been changed dynamically
getFlashObj().setFileFilters(uploader.settings.filters, uploader.settings.multi_selection);
browseButton = document.getElementById(up.settings.browse_button);
if (browseButton) {
browsePos = plupload.getPos(browseButton, document.getElementById(up.settings.container));
browseSize = plupload.getSize(browseButton);
plupload.extend(document.getElementById(up.id + '_flash_container').style, {
top : browsePos.y + 'px',
left : browsePos.x + 'px',
width : browseSize.w + 'px',
height : browseSize.h + 'px'
uploader.bind("DisableBrowse", function(up, disabled) {
callback({success : true});
})(window, document, plupload);