2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
< ? php
* @ Software ClipBucket
* @ Authoer ArslanHassan
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2009 { @ link http :// www . clip - bucket . com }
* @ license http :// www . clip - bucket . com
* @ version Lite
* @ since 2007 - 10 - 15
* @ License CBLA
This Source File Is Written For ClipBucket , Please Read its End User License First and Agree its
Terms of use at http :// clip - bucket . com / cbla
Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2008 Clip - Bucket . com . All rights reserved .
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
class myquery {
function Set_Website_Details ( $name , $value ){
//mysql_query("UPDATE config SET value = '".$value."' WHERE name ='".$name."'");
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
global $db , $Cbucket ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
$db -> update ( " config " , array ( 'value' ), array ( $value ), " name = ' " . $name . " ' " );
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
$Cbucket -> configs = $Cbucket -> get_configs ();
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Updating Plugin Details
function Set_Plugin_Details ( $name , $value ){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
mysql_query ( " UPDATE plugin_config SET plugin_config_value = ' " . $value . " ' WHERE plugin_config_name =' " . $name . " ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Set_Email_Settings ( $name , $value ){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
mysql_query ( " UPDATE email_settings config SET email_settings_value = ' " . $value . " ' WHERE email_settings_name =' " . $name . " ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Set_Email_Settings_Headers ( $name , $header ){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
mysql_query ( " UPDATE email_settings config SET email_settings_headers = ' " . $header . " ' WHERE email_settings_name =' " . $name . " ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Get_Website_Details (){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM config " );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $query ))
$name = $row [ 'name' ];
$data [ $name ] = $row [ 'value' ];
return $data ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Get_Plugin_Details (){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM plugin_config " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 )
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )){
$name = $row [ 'plugin_config_name' ];
$data [ $name ] = $row [ 'plugin_config_value' ];
return $data ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Get_Email_Settings (){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM email_settings " );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )){
$name = $row [ 'email_settings_name' ];
$data [ $name ] = $row [ 'email_settings_value' ];
return $data ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function Get_Email_Settings_Headers (){
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM email_settings " );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )){
$name = $row [ 'email_settings_name' ];
$data [ $name ] = $row [ 'email_settings_headers' ];
2009-08-27 15:01:32 +00:00
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
return $data ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Function Used to Check Weather Video Exists or not
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
function VideoExists ( $videoid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> exists ( $videoid );}
function video_exists ( $videoid ){ return $this -> VideoExists ( $videoid );}
function CheckVideoExists ( $videokey ){ return $this -> VideoExists ( $videokey );}
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
//Function used to Delete Video
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
function DeleteVideo ( $videoid ){
2009-08-31 12:01:33 +00:00
global $cbvid ;
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
return $cbvid -> delete_video ( $videoid );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
//Video Actions - All Moved to video.class.php
function MakeFeaturedVideo ( $videoid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> action ( 'feature' , $videoid );}
function MakeUnFeaturedVideo ( $videoid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> action ( 'unfeature' , $videoid );}
function ActivateVideo ( $videoid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> action ( 'activate' , $videoid );}
function DeActivateVideo ( $videoid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> action ( 'deactivate' , $videoid );}
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to get video details
* from video table
* @ param INPUT vid or videokey
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
function get_video_details ( $vid ){ global $cbvid ; return $cbvid -> get_video ( $vid );}
function GetVideoDetails ( $video ){ return $this -> get_video_details ( $video );}
function GetVideDetails ( $video ){ return $this -> get_video_details ( $video );}
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Function Used To Update Videos Views
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
function UpdateVideoViews ( $vkey ){ increment_views ( $vkey , 'video' );}
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to delete comments
* @ param CID
function delete_comment ( $cid , $type = 'v' , $is_reply = FALSE )
global $db , $userquery , $LANG ;
//first get comment details
$cdetails = $this -> get_comment ( $cid );
switch ( $type )
case 'v' :
$own_id = $this -> get_vid_owner ( $cdetails [ 'type_id' ]);
break ;
case 'c' ;
$own_id = $this -> get_vid_owner ( $cdetails [ 'type_id' ]);
break ;
$uid = user_id ();
if ( $uid == $cdetails [ 'userid' ]
|| $uid == $own_id
|| $userquery -> permission [ 'mod_access' ] == 'yes'
|| $is_reply == TRUE )
$replies = $this -> get_comments ( $cdetails [ 'type_id' ], $type , FALSE , $cid , TRUE );
if ( count ( $replies ) > 0 && is_array ( $replies ))
foreach ( $replies as $reply )
$this -> delete_comment ( $reply [ 'comment_id' ], $type , TRUE );
$db -> Execute ( " DELETE FROM comments WHERE comment_id=' $cid ' " );
e ( $LANG [ 'usr_cmt_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
e ( $LANG [ 'no_comment_del_perm' ]);
2009-10-10 14:25:07 +00:00
function DeleteComment ( $id , $videoid ){ return $this -> delete_comment ( $videoid );}
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Function Used To Rate Comments
function RateComment ( $rate , $commentid ){
global $LANG ;
if ( ! empty ( $_SESSION [ 'username' ]) ){
$query = mysql_query ( " select score,scorer_ids from video_comments where comment_id=' " . $commentid . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
$voter_id = $data [ 'scorer_ids' ];
$userid = $_SESSION [ 'userid' ];
$niddle = " | " ;
$niddle .= $userid ;
$niddle .= " | " ;
$flag = strstr ( $voter_id , $niddle );
if ( empty ( $flag )){
if ( $voter_id == " " )
$voter_id .= " | " ;
$voter_id .= $userid ;
$voter_id .= " | " ;
$newscore = $rate + $data [ 'score' ];
mysql_query ( " UPDATE video_comments SET score=' " . $newscore . " ' , scorer_ids=' " . $voter_id . " ' WHERE comment_id =' " . $commentid . " ' " );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_comment_err7' ]);
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_comment_err6' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Share Videos
function ShareVideo ( $username , $videoid , $message , $emails ){
global $LANG ;
$userquery = new userquery ();
$user_data = $userquery -> GetUserData_username ( $username );
$video_data = $this -> GetVideoDetails ( $videoid );
$t__o = $emails ;
$from = $user_data [ 'email' ];
$title = TITLE ;
$baseurl = BASEURL ;
$videotitle = $video_data [ 'title' ];
$videodes = $video_data [ 'description' ];
$videokey = $video_data [ 'videokey' ];
$videothumb = '<img src=' . BASEURL . '/files/thumbs/' . substr ( $video_data [ 'flv' ], 0 , strrpos ( $video_data [ 'flv' ], '.' )) . '-1.jpg border=1 />' ;
$user_data = " " ;
$video_data = " " ;
require_once ( BASEDIR . '/includes/email_templates/share_video.template.php' );
require_once ( BASEDIR . '/includes/email_templates/share_video.header.php' );
send_email ( $from , $t__o , $subj , $body );
//Function Used To Send Message
function SendMessage ( $to , $from , $subj , $message , $video , $reply_to = 0 , $redirect = NULL ){
global $LANG ;
if ( empty ( $to )){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_send_msg_err' ]);
} else {
$userquery = new userquery ();
$user_data = $userquery -> GetUserData_username ( $to );
if ( empty ( $user_data [ 'userid' ])){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_invalid_user' ], m );
if ( empty ( $subj )){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_subj_err' ]);
if ( empty ( $message )){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_msg_err' ]);
if ( empty ( $msg )){
if ( ! mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO messages (inbox_user,outbox_user,message,attachment,subject,reply_to,reciever,sender)VALUES(' " . $to . " ',' " . $from . " ',' " . $message . " ',' " . $video . " ',' " . $subj . " ',' " . $reply_to . " ',' " . $to . " ',' " . $from . " ') " )) die ( mysql_error ());
//Sending Email
$users = new userquery ();
$users = $users -> GetUserData_username ( $to );
if ( $users [ 'msg_notify' ] == 'yes' ){
$email = $users [ 'email' ];
$from_email = TITLE . " < " . SUPPORT_EMAIL . " > " ;
$subject = $from . " " . $LANG [ 'class_sent_you_msg' ];
$messg = $from . " " . $LANG [ 'class_sent_prvt_msg' ] . " " . TITLE . " <br />
< a href = " .BASEURL. " / inbox . php > " . $LANG['class_click_inbox'] . " </ a >< br />
< a href = " .BASEURL. " / signup . php > " . $LANG['class_click_login'] . " </ a >< br />
====================================< br />
" .TITLE. " " . $LANG['class_email_notify'] ;
send_email ( $from_email , $email , $subject , $messg );
if ( $redirect == 1 ){
redirect_to ( BASEURL . compose_msg_link . '?msg=' . $LANG [ 'class_msg_has_sent_to' ] . $to );
return $msg ;
//Functon Used To Fetch Message From MESSEGES Table
function GetMsg ( $msgid , $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' AND inbox_user=' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
return $data ;
//Functon Used To Fetch Message From MESSEGES Table
function GetMsgSent ( $msgid , $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' AND outbox_user=' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query );
return $data ;
//Function Used To Delete Message
function DeleteMessage ( $msgid , $user , $box ){
global $LANG ;
$user_data = $this -> GetMsg ( $msgid , $user );
if ( empty ( $user_data [ 'subject' ]) || $box == 'outbox' ){
$user_data = $this -> GetMsgSent ( $msgid , $user );
if ( ! empty ( $user_data [ 'subject' ])){
if ( $box == 'inbox' ){
if ( empty ( $user_data [ 'outbox_user' ])){
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM messages WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE messages SET inbox_user='' WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_inbox_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
if ( empty ( $user_data [ 'inbox_user' ])){
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM messages WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " UPDATE messages SET outbox_user='' WHERE message_id=' " . $msgid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_sent_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_msg_exist_err' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used to Get Subscriber List
function GetSubscribers ( $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subscribed_to =' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
return $data ;
function GetSubscriptions ( $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subscribed_user =' " . $user . " ' " );
$data = mysql_num_rows ( $query );
return $data ;
//Function Used To Get Number Of Favourite Videos of user
function GetTotalFavourites ( $username ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video_favourites WHERE userid = ' " . $username . " ' " );
return mysql_num_rows ( $query );
//Function Used To Get Numbe Of Comments on a Channel
function GetTotalChannelComments ( $username ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM channel_comments WHERE channel_user = ' " . $username . " ' " );
return mysql_num_rows ( $query );
//Function Used To Get Total number of videos watched by user uploaded by user
function GetUploadedWatched ( $username ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' " );
$total_views = 0 ;
while ( $data = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )){
$total_views = $total_views + $data [ 'views' ];
return $total_views ;
//Function Used To Get Total number of Groups Create By
function GetUserCreateGroups ( $username ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM groups WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' " );
return mysql_num_rows ( $query );;
//Function Used To Get Total number
function GetUserJoinGroups ( $username ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM group_members WHERE username=' " . $username . " ' " );
return mysql_num_rows ( $query );
//Delete Video 2
function DeleteUserVideo ( $videoid , $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE videoid=' " . $videoid . " ' AND username=' " . $user . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$this -> DeleteVideo ( $videoid );
$this -> DeleteVideoFiles ( $videoid );
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM video WHERE videoid=' " . $videoid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_del_err' ]);
//Updating Users Number Of Videos Added By User
$videos_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE username=' " . $user . " ' " );
$videoscount = mysql_num_rows ( $videos_query );
$updatequery = " UPDATE users SET total_videos=' " . $videoscount . " ' WHERE username = ' " . $user . " ' " ;
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Get Total Videos
function GetTotalVideos ( $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video WHERE username=' " . $user . " ' " );
return mysql_num_rows ( $query );
//Function Used To Unsubscribe To User
function UnSubscribe ( $subid , $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE subscription_id=' " . $subid . " ' AND subscribed_user=' " . $user . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
global $LANG ;
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE subscription_id=' " . $subid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_unsub_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_sub_exist_err' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Remove From Favourites
function RemoveFavourite ( $favid , $userid = NULL , $method = 1 ){
global $LANG , $stats ;;
if ( $method == 1 ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM video_favourites WHERE fav_id=' " . $favid . " ' AND userid=' " . $userid . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM video_favourites WHERE fav_id=' " . $favid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_rm_fav_msg' ], m );
$stats -> UpdateVideoRecord ( 7 );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_fav_err1' ]);
} else {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM video_favourites WHERE videoid=' " . $favid . " ' " );
$stats -> UpdateVideoRecord ( 7 );
return @ $msg ;
//Function Used To Remove Contact
function RemoveUser ( $contactid , $user ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contactid=' " . $contactid . " ' AND username =' " . $user . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
mysql_query ( " DELETE from contacts WHERE contactid=' " . $contactid . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_cont_del_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_cot_err' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Varify Syntax
function isValidSyntax ( $syntax ){
global $LANG ;
$pattern = " ^^[_a-z0-9-]+ $ " ;
if ( eregi ( $pattern , $syntax )){
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
/*// Function Used Ti add Advertisement
function AddAd (){
$type = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'type' ]);
$name = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'name' ]);
$code = $_POST [ 'code' ];
$syntax = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'syntax' ]);
if ( empty ( $name )){
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_add_msg' ]);
if ( empty ( $code )){
$msg = e ( $lANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_err' ]);
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM advertisement WHERE ad_syntax = ' " . $syntax . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg = " This Syntax Already Exists, Please Enter Different Syntax " ;
if ( empty ( $syntax )){
$msg = " Please Enter Syntax For Advertisement " ;
} else {
if ( ! $this -> isValidSyntax ( $syntax )){
$msg = " Syntax Can Only Contain Underscores, Letters and Numbers " ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM advertisement WHERE ad_name =' " . $name . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg = " Error : Advertisement With This Name Already Exists " ;
if ( empty ( $msg )){
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO advertisement (ad_type,ad_name,ad_syntax,ad_code)VALUES(' " . $type . " ',' " . $name . " ',' " . $syntax . " ',' " . $code . " ') " );
$msg = " Advertisment Has Been Added " ;
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Change Ad Status
function ChangeAdStatus ( $status , $id ){
if ( $status !== 0 && $status !== 1 ){
$status = 0 ;
$status ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE advertisement SET ad_status = ' " . $status . " ' WHERE ad_id =' " . $id . " ' " );
if ( $status == '0' ){
$show_status = " Deactivated " ;
} else {
$show_status = " Activated " ;
$msg = " Ad Has Been " . $show_status ;
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Edit Advertisment
function EditAd ( $id ){
$type = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'type' ]);
$name = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'name' ]);
$code = $_POST [ 'code' ];
$syntax = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'syntax' ]);
if ( empty ( $name )){
$msg = " Please Enter Name For The Advertisment " ;
if ( empty ( $code )){
$msg = " Please Enter Code For Advertisement " ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM advertisement WHERE ad_id <> ' " . $id . " ' AND ad_syntax = ' " . $syntax . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 ){
$msg = " This Syntax Already Exists, Please Enter Different Syntax " ;
if ( empty ( $syntax )){
$msg = " Please Enter Syntax For Advertisement " ;
} else {
if ( ! $this -> isValidSyntax ( $syntax )){
$msg = " Syntax Can Only Contain Underscores, Letters and Numbers " ;
if ( empty ( $msg )){
mysql_query ( " UPDATE advertisement SET
ad_type = '".$type."' ,
ad_name = '".$name."' ,
ad_syntax = '".$syntax."' ,
ad_code = '".$code."'
Where ad_id = '".$id."' " );
$msg = " Advertisment Has Been Updated " ;
return $msg ;
//Function Used To delete AD
function DeleteAd ( $id ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM advertisement WHERE ad_id =' " . $id . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) != 1 ){
$msg = " Error : Advertisement Doesnt Exist " ;
} else {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM advertisement WHERE ad_id=' " . $id . " ' " );
$msg = " Advertisement Has Been Deleted " ;
return $msg ;
} */
//Function Used To Add IN Editor Pick
function AddToEditorPick ( $video ){
global $LANG ;
$data = $this -> GetVideoDetails ( $video );
$videokey = $data [ 'videokey' ];
$query1 = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM editors_picks ORDER BY sort ASC " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query1 ) < 10 ){
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM editors_picks WHERE videokey = ' " . $videokey . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) == 0 ){
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query1 );
$sort = $data [ 'sort' ];
$sort = $sort + 1 ;
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO editors_picks (videokey,sort)VALUES(' " . $videokey . " ',' " . $sort . " ') " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_add_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_err' ]);
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_err1' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Delete Video From Editors Pick
function DeleteEditorPick ( $id ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM editors_picks WHERE pick_id=' " . $id . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) != 0 ){
$query = mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM editors_picks WHERE pick_id=' " . $id . " ' " );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_ep_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_vdo_exist_err' ]);
return $msg ;
//Function Used To Change Website Logo Via Admin Panel
function ChangeLogo ( $logo_name , $dir , $allowed_ext ){
global $LANG ;
$file = $_FILES [ 'image_file' ][ 'name' ];
$ext = substr ( $file , strrpos ( $file , '.' ) + 1 );
switch ( $allowed_ext ){
case 1 ;
$ext1 = 'gif' ;
$ext2 = 'GIF' ;
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_img_gif_err' ]);
break ;
case 2 ;
$ext1 = 'png' ;
$ext2 = 'PNG' ;
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_img_png_err' ]);
break ;
case 3 ;
$ext1 = 'jpg' ;
$ext2 = 'JPG' ;
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_img_jpg_err' ]);
break ;
default :
$ext1 = 'gif' ;
$ext2 = 'GIF' ;
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_img_gif_err' ]);
if ( $ext != $ext1 && $ext != $ext2 ){
global $LANG ;
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $file )){
$image = new ResizeImage ();
if ( $image -> ValidateImage ( $_FILES [ 'image_file' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $ext )){
$newfilename = $logo_name ;
$uploaded_thumb = $dir . '/' . $newfilename ;
copy ( $_FILES [ 'image_file' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $uploaded_thumb );
if ( $ext1 != 'png' ){
list ( $width , $height ) = getimagesize ( $uploaded_thumb );
$image -> CreateThumb ( $uploaded_thumb , $uploaded_thumb , $width , $ext );
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_logo_msg' ], m );
} else {
$msg = e ( $LANG [ 'class_error_occured' ]);
return $msg ;
function MovePickUp ( $id ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM editors_picks WHERE pick_id =' " . $id . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query );
$sort = $data [ 'sort' ] - 2 ;
if ( ! mysql_query ( " UPDATE editors_picks SET sort=' " . $sort . " ' WHERE pick_id =' " . $data [ 'pick_id' ] . " ' " )) die ( mysql_error ());
return e ( $LANG [ 'editor_pic_up' ], m );
function MovePickDown ( $id ){
global $LANG ;
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM editors_picks WHERE pick_id =' " . $id . " ' " );
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query );
$sort = $data [ 'sort' ] + 2 ;
if ( ! mysql_query ( " UPDATE editors_picks SET sort=' " . $sort . " ' WHERE pick_id =' " . $data [ 'pick_id' ] . " ' " )) die ( mysql_error ());
return e ( $LANG [ 'editor_pic_up' ], m );
function IsTemplate ( $tempdir )
$query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM template WHERE template_dir = ' " . $tempdir . " ' " );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $query ) > 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
function PluginActive ( $plugin_id_code , $active = 'yes' ){
mysql_query ( " UPDATE plugins SET plugin_active=' " . $active . " ' WHERE plugin_id_code=' " . $plugin_id_code . " ' " );
function UpdatePluginLicense ( $plugin_id_code ){
$code = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'license_code' ]);
$key = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'license_key' ]);
mysql_query ( " UPDATE plugins SET plugin_license_key=' " . $key . " ',
plugin_license_code = '".$code."'
WHERE plugin_id_code = '".$plugin_id_code."' " );
* @ param : array of query parameters array ()
* featured => '' ( yes , no )
* username => '' ( TEXT )
* title => '' ( TEXT )
* tags => '' ( TEXT )
* category => '' ( INT )
* limit => '' ( OFFSET , LIMIT )
* order => '' ( BY SORT ) -- ( date_added DESC )
* extra_param => '' ANYTHING FOR MYSQL QUERY
* @ param : boolean
* @ param : results type ( results , query )
function getVideoList ( $param = array (), $global_cond = true , $result = 'results' )
global $db ;
$sql = " SELECT * FROM video " ;
//Global Condition For Videos
if ( $global_cond == true )
$cond = " broadcast='public' AND active='yes' AND status='Successful' " ;
//Checking Condition
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'featured' ]))
$param [ 'featured' ] = 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
$cond .= " AND featured= ' " . $param [ 'featured' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'username' ]))
$username = mysql_clean ( $param [ 'username' ]);
$cond .= " AND featured= ' " . $username . " ' " ;
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'category' ]))
$category = intval ( $param [ 'category' ]);
$cond .= " AND (category01= ' " . $category . " ' OR category02= ' " . $category . " ' OR category03= ' " . $category . " ') " ;
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'tags' ]))
$tags = mysql_clean ( $param [ 'tags' ]);
$cond .= " AND tags LIKE '% " . $tags . " %' " ;
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'title' ]))
$tags = mysql_clean ( $param [ 'tags' ]);
$cond .= " AND title LIKE '% " . $param [ 'title' ] . " %' " ;
//Adding Condition in Query
if ( ! empty ( $cond ))
$sql .= " WHERE $cond " ;
if ( ! empty ( $param [ 'order' ]))
$sort = 'ORDER BY ' . $param [ 'order' ];
//Adding Sorting In Query
$sql .= $sort ;
if ( empty ( $param [ 'limit' ]))
$limit = " LIMIT " . VLISTPP ;
elseif ( $param [ 'limit' ] == 'nolimit' )
$limit = '' ;
$limit = " LIMIT " . $param [ 'limit' ];
$sql .= $limit ;
//Final Executing of Query and Returning Results
if ( $result == 'results' )
return $db -> Execute ( $sql );
return $sql ;
* Function used to send subsribtion message
function send_subscription ( $subscriber , $from , $video )
global $LANG ;
//First checking weather $subscriber exists or not
$array = array ( '%subscriber%' , '%user%' , '%website_title%' );
$replace = array ( $subscriber , $from , TITLE );
$to = $subscriber ;
$subj = str_replace ( $array , $replace , $LANG [ 'user_subscribe_subject' ]);
//Get Subscription Message Template
$msg = get_subscription_template ();
$msg = str_replace ( $array , $replace , $msg );
$this -> SendMessage ( $to , $from , $subj , $msg , $video , 0 , 0 );
* Function used to add comment
* This is more advance function ,
* in this function functions can be applied on comments
function add_comment ( $comment , $obj_id , $reply_to = NULL , $type = 'v' )
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
global $userquery , $eh , $db , $Cbucket ;
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
//Checking maximum comments characters allowed
if ( defined ( " MAX_COMMENT_CHR " ))
if ( strlen ( $comment ) > MAX_COMMENT_CHR )
e ( sprintf ( " '%d' characters allowed for comment " , MAX_COMMENT_CHR ));
if ( empty ( $comment ))
e ( " Please enter something for comment " );
if ( $type == 'video' || $type == 'v' )
if ( ! $this -> video_exists ( $obj_id ))
e ( " Video does not exist " );
//Checking owner of video
if ( userid () == $this -> get_vid_owner ( $obj_id ));
e ( " You cannot comment on your video " );
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
if ( ! userid () && $Cbucket -> configs [ 'anonym_comments' ] != 'yes' )
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
e ( " You are not logged in " );
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
if ( ! userid () && $Cbucket -> configs [ 'anonym_comments' ] == 'yes' )
//Checking for input name and email
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'name' ]))
e ( " Please enter your name " );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'email' ]))
e ( " Please enter your email " );
$name = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'name' ]);
$email = mysql_clean ( $_POST [ 'email' ]);
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
if ( empty ( $eh -> error_list ))
$db -> insert ( " comments " , array
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
( 'type,comment,type_id,userid,date_added,parent_id,anonym_name,anonym_email' ),
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
( $type , $comment , $obj_id , userid (), NOW (), $reply_to , $name , $email ));
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
e ( " Comment has been added " , m );
return $db -> insert_id ();
* Function used to get file details from database
function file_details ( $file_name )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " video_files " , " * " , " src_name=' $file_name ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows == 0 )
return false ;
return $results [ 0 ];
* Function used to update video and set a thumb as default
* @ param VID
* @ param THUMB NUM
function set_default_thumb ( $vid , $thumb )
global $db , $LANG ;
$num = get_thumb_num ( $thumb );
$file = THUMBS_DIR . '/' . $thumb ;
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
$db -> update ( " video " , array ( " default_thumb " ), array ( $num ), " videoid=' $vid ' " );
e ( $LANG [ 'vid_thumb_changed' ], m );
} else {
e ( $LANG [ 'vid_thumb_change_err' ]);
* Function used to update video
function update_video ()
2009-08-31 12:01:33 +00:00
global $cbvid ;
return $cbvid -> update_video ();
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00
* Function used to get categorie details
function get_category ( $id )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " category " , " * " , " categoryid=' $id ' " );
return $results [ 0 ];
* Function used to get comment from its ID
* @ param ID
function get_comment ( $id )
global $db ;
$result = $db -> select ( " comments " , " * " , " comment_id=' $id ' " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
return $result [ 0 ];
} else {
return false ;
* Function used to get from database
* @ param TYPE_ID
* @ param TYPE
* @ param COUNT_ONLY Boolean
* @ param PARENT_ID
* @ param GET_REPLYIES_ONLY Boolean
function get_comments ( $type_id , $type = 'v' , $count_only = FALSE , $parent_id = NULL , $get_reply_only = FALSE )
global $db ;
$cond = '' ;
#Checking if user wants to get replies of comment
if ( $parent_id != NULL && $get_reply_only )
$cond .= " AND parent_id=' $parent_id ' " ;
$result = $db -> select ( " comments " , " * " , " type=' $type ' AND type_id=' $type_id ' $cond " );
if ( $db -> num_rows > 0 )
if ( $count_only )
return $db -> num_rows ;
return $result ;
} else {
return '' ;
* Function used to get video owner
function get_vid_owner ( $vid )
global $db ;
$results = $db -> select ( " video " , " userid " , " videoid=' $vid ' " );
return $results [ 0 ];
2009-09-28 05:23:50 +00:00
* Function used to set website template
function set_template ( $template )
global $myquery ;
if ( is_dir ( STYLES_DIR . '/' . $template ) && template )
$myquery -> Set_Website_Details ( 'template_dir' , $template );
e ( " Template has been activated " , m );
} else
e ( " An error occured while changing the template " );
* Function used to update comment
function update_comment ( $cid , $text )
global $db ;
$db -> Execute ( " UPDATE comments SET comment=' $text ' WHERE comment_id=' $cid ' " );
2009-08-25 12:16:42 +00:00