2013-10-07 12:17:06 +00:00
< ? php
* This class performs
* all the search
* Modify it at your own risk
* read docs . clip - bucket . com for further details
* @ Author : Arslan Hassan
* @ Software : CLipBucket v2
* @ Since : 07 October 2009
* @ license : CBLA
class cbsearch
* Variable for search key
var $key = " " ;
* Search Table
var $db_tbl = 'video' ;
var $columns = array ();
var $category = '' ;
var $cat_tbl = '' ;
var $date_margin = '' ;
var $sorting = array ();
var $sort_by = 'date_added' ;
var $sory_order = 'DESC' ;
var $limit = 25 ;
var $total_results = 0 ;
var $multi_cat = true ;
var $date_added_colum = 'date_added' ;
* this tells the cbsearch weather to get results from
* users table or not . if it is set to true , it will get
* user details where user_id = table . useri_id
var $has_user_id = false ;
* ClipBucket Search System works pretty easily
* 1. It loads the appropriate class which defines what kind of search to perform and how to operate it
* 2. Gets the result and save it in variable
* 3. Loop results and assign VARIABLE . DATA to TEMPLATE_VAR
* 4. Call display_template to show the result
var $display_template = '' ;
var $template_var = '' ;
* want to use MATCH - AGAINST method instead of LIKE
* simply set this variable to true
var $use_match_method = false ;
* Fields to use for MATCH - AGAINST method
var $match_fields = array ();
function init_search ( $type = 'video' )
global $Cbucket ;
if ( $Cbucket -> search_types [ $type ])
$obj = $Cbucket -> search_types [ $type ];
global ${$obj} ;
${$obj} -> init_search ();
return ${$obj} -> search ;
} else
global $cbvid ;
$cbvid -> init_search ();
return $cbvid -> search ;
* Variable to hold search query condition
var $query_conds = array ();
function search ()
global $db ;
$ma_query = " " ;
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#Checking for columns
if ( ! $this -> use_match_method )
foreach ( $this -> columns as $column )
$this -> query_cond ( $column );
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if ( $this -> key )
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$this -> set_the_key ();
$ma_query = $this -> match_against_query ();
$this -> add_cond ( $ma_query );
//add order
$add_select_field = " , " . $ma_query . " AS Resource " ;
//$sorting = "Resource ASC";
} else
//do nothing
foreach ( $this -> columns as $column )
if ( $column [ 'value' ] == 'static' )
$this -> query_cond ( $column );
#Checking for category
if ( isset ( $this -> category ))
$this -> cat_to_query ( $this -> category , $this -> multi_cat );
#Setting Date Margin
if ( $this -> date_margin != '' )
$this -> add_cond ( '(' . $this -> date_margin ( $this -> date_added_colum ) . ')' );
if ( isset ( $this -> sort_by ) && ! $sorting )
$sorting = $this -> sorting [ $this -> sort_by ];
$condition = " " ;
#Creating Condition
foreach ( $this -> query_conds as $cond )
$condition .= $cond . " " ;
if ( $this -> has_user_id )
$query_cond = " ( " . $condition . " ) " ;
if ( $condition )
$query_cond .= " AND " ;
$query_cond = $condition ;
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if ( ! has_access ( 'admin_access' , TRUE )){
$results = $db -> select ( tbl ( $this -> db_tbl . " ,users " ),
tbl ( $this -> db_tbl . '.*,users.userid,users.username' ) . $add_select_field ,
$query_cond . " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .userid= " . tbl ( " users.userid " ) . " AND " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .active='yes' " . " AND " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .broadcast='public' " , $this -> limit , $sorting );
else {
$results = $db -> select ( tbl ( $this -> db_tbl . " ,users " ),
2013-10-07 12:17:06 +00:00
tbl ( $this -> db_tbl . '.*,users.userid,users.username' ) . $add_select_field ,
$query_cond . " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .userid= " . tbl ( " users.userid " ) . " AND " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .active='yes' " , $this -> limit , $sorting );
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$this -> total_results = $db -> count ( tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ), '*' , $condition );
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} else
$results = $db -> select ( tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ), '*' , $condition , $this -> limit , $sorting );
//echo $db->db_query;
$this -> total_results = $db -> count ( tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ), '*' , $condition );
return $results ;
* function used to add query cond
function add_cond ( $cond , $op = 'AND' )
if ( count ( $this -> query_conds ) > 0 )
$op = $op ;
$op = '' ;
$this -> query_conds [] = $op . " " . $cond ;
* Function used to convert array to query condition
function query_cond ( $array )
//Checking Condition Type
$type = strtolower ( $array [ 'type' ]);
if ( $type != '=' && $type != '<' && $type != '>' && $type != '<=' && $type != '>=' && $type != 'like' && $type != 'match'
&& $type != '!=' && $type != '<>' )
$type = '=' ;
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if ( $array [ 'field' ] == 'broadcast' && $array [ 'var' ] == 'unlisted' ){
return true ;
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$var = $array [ 'var' ];
if ( empty ( $var ))
$var = " { KEY} " ;
$array [ 'op' ] = $array [ 'op' ] ? $array [ 'op' ] : 'AND' ;
if ( count ( $this -> query_conds ) > 0 )
$op = $array [ 'op' ];
$op = '' ;
if ( $array [ 'value' ] == 'static' )
$this -> query_conds [] = $op . " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " . " . $array [ 'field' ] . " " . $type . " ' " . $array [ 'var' ] . " ' " ;
return true ;
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if ( ! empty ( $this -> key ) && $type != 'match' )
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$this -> query_conds [] = $op . " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " . " . $array [ 'field' ] . " " . $type . " ' " . preg_replace ( " / { KEY}/ " , $this -> key , $var ) . " ' " ;
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if ( ! empty ( $this -> key ) && $type == 'match' )
$this -> query_conds [] = $op . " MATCH( " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " . " . $array [ 'field' ] . " ) AGAINST(' " . preg_replace ( " / { KEY}/ " , $this -> key , $var ) . " '
* Category to query
* fucntion used to covert category to query
function cat_to_query ( $input , $multi = TRUE )
if ( ! empty ( $input ))
if ( ! is_array ( $input ))
$cats = explode ( " , " , $input );
$cats = $input ;
$query = " " ;
foreach ( $cats as $cat )
if ( ! empty ( $query ))
$query .= " OR " ;
if ( $multi )
$query .= " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .category LIKE '%# $cat #%' " ;
$query .= " " . tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " .category = ' $cat ' " ;
if ( count ( $this -> query_conds ) > 0 )
$op = " AND " ;
$op = '' ;
$this -> query_conds [] = $op . " ( " . $query . " ) " ;
* Function used to set date margin query
* it is used to get results within defined time span
* ie today , this week , this month or this year
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static function date_margin ( $date_column = 'date_added' , $date_margin = NULL )
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if ( ! $date_margin )
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$date_margin = cbsearch :: date_margin ;
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if ( ! empty ( $date_margin ))
switch ( $date_margin )
case " today " :
$cond = " curdate() = date( $date_column ) " ;
break ;
case " yesterday " :
$cond = " CONCAT(YEAR(curdate()),DAYOFYEAR(curdate())-1) = CONCAT(YEAR( $date_column ),DAYOFYEAR( $date_column )) " ;
break ;
case " this_week " :
case " week " :
case " thisweek " :
$cond = " YEARWEEK( $date_column )=YEARWEEK(curdate()) " ;
break ;
case " this_month " :
case " month " :
case " thismonth " :
$cond = " CONCAT(YEAR(curdate()),MONTH(curdate())) = CONCAT(YEAR( $date_column ),MONTH( $date_column )) " ;
break ;
case " this_year " :
case " year " :
case " thisyear " :
$cond = " YEAR(curdate()) = YEAR( $date_column ) " ;
break ;
case " all_time " :
case " alltime " :
case " all " :
default :
$cond = " $date_column != '' " ;
break ;
case " last_week " :
case " lastweek " :
$cond = " YEARWEEK( $date_column )=YEARWEEK(curdate())-1 " ;
break ;
case " last_month " :
case " lastmonth " :
$lastmonth = date ( " Ym " , strtotime ( " last month " ));
//$cond = " CONCAT(YEAR($date_column),MONTH($date_column)) ='$lastmonth' ";
//Thanks to netwibe.com
$cond = " CONCAT(YEAR(curdate()),MONTH(curdate())-1) = CONCAT(YEAR( $date_column ),MONTH( $date_column )) " ;
break ;
case " last_year " :
case " lastyear " :
$cond = " YEAR(curdate())-1 = YEAR( $date_column ) " ;
break ;
return $cond ;
* Function used to define date margins
function date_margins ()
$this -> date_margins = array
'alltime' => lang ( 'alltime' ),
'today' => lang ( 'today' ),
'yesterday' => lang ( 'yesterday' ),
'thisweek' => lang ( 'thisweek' ),
'lastweek' => lang ( 'lastweek' ),
'thismonth' => lang ( 'thismonth' ),
'lastmonth' => lang ( 'lastmonth' ),
'thisyear' => lang ( 'thisyear' ),
'lastyear' => lang ( 'lastyear' ),
return $this -> date_margins ;
* Function used to create match_against query
* it will simple loop the input fields
* add table prefix and create MATCH ( fields ) AGAINST ( keyword ) query
* @ return - MATCH ( fields ) AGAINST ( kewyord )
function match_against_query ()
$cond = " MATCH ( " ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> match_fields as $field )
if ( $count > 0 )
$cond .= " , " ;
$cond .= tbl ( $this -> db_tbl ) . " . " . $field ;
$count ++ ;
$cond .= " ) " ; //Here match(fields1,field2) thing is finished
//now add against
$cond .= " AGAINST (' " . $this -> key . " ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) " ;
return $cond ;
* Function used to set the key
function set_the_key ( $string = null )
if ( ! $string )
$string = $this -> key ;
$pattern = array ( '/(\w+)/i' , '/(\++)/i' , " /( \ - \ +)/i " , '/(\-+)/i' );
$replacement = array ( '+$1' , " + " , " - " , " - " );
return $this -> key = preg_replace ( $pattern , $replacement , $string );