2010-12-14 13:53:51 +00:00
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Nov 06, 2010 at 07:46 AM
-- Server version: 5.1.36
-- PHP Version: 5.3.0
/* !40101 SET NAMES utf8 */ ;
-- Database: `clipbucket_svn`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `cb_photos`
` photo_id ` bigint ( 255 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
` photo_title ` mediumtext NOT NULL ,
` photo_description ` mediumtext NOT NULL ,
` photo_tags ` mediumtext NOT NULL ,
` userid ` int ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` collection_id ` int ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` date_added ` datetime NOT NULL ,
` last_viewed ` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0000-00-00 00:00:00 ' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ,
` views ` bigint ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` allow_comments ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' yes ' ,
` allow_embedding ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' yes ' ,
` allow_tagging ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' yes ' ,
` featured ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' no ' ,
` reported ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' no ' ,
` allow_rating ` enum ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' yes ' ,
` total_comments ` int ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` total_favorites ` int ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` rating ` int ( 15 ) NOT NULL ,
` rated_by ` int ( 25 ) NOT NULL ,
` voters ` mediumtext NOT NULL ,
` filename ` varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
` ext ` char ( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
` downloaded ` bigint ( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
` owner_ip ` varchar ( 20 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( ` photo_id ` )
2017-12-13 11:53:45 +05:00
2010-12-14 13:53:51 +00:00
-- Dumping data for table `cb_photos`
ALTER TABLE ` cb_photos ` ADD ` broadcast ` ENUM ( ' public ' , ' private ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' public ' AFTER ` allow_rating ` ,
ADD ` active ` ENUM ( ' yes ' , ' no ' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' yes ' AFTER ` broadcast `
ALTER TABLE ` cb_photos ` ADD ` photo_key ` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL AFTER ` photo_id `
INSERT INTO ` cb_config ` ( ` configid ` , ` name ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( NULL , ' photo_ratio ' , ' 16:10 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_thumb_width ' , ' 120 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_thumb_height ' , ' 75 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_med_width ' , ' 185 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_med_height ' , ' 116 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_lar_width ' , ' 600 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_crop ' , ' 1 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_multi_upload ' , ' 5 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_download ' , ' 1 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_comments ' , ' 1 ' ) , ( NULL , ' photo_rating ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` cb_config ` ( ` configid ` , ` name ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( NULL , ' max_photo_size ' , ' 2 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` clipbucket_svn ` . ` cb_config ` ( ` configid ` , ` name ` , ` value ` ) VALUES ( NULL , ' watermark_photo ' , ' 0 ' ) , ( NULL , ' watermark_max_width ' , ' 120 ' ) , ( NULL , ' watermark_placement ' , ' left:top ' ) ;
ALTER TABLE ` cb_collections ` CHANGE ` featured ` ` featured ` VARCHAR ( 4 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ' no ' ;
INSERT INTO ` cb_email_templates ` ( ` email_template_id ` , ` email_template_name ` , ` email_template_code ` , ` email_template_subject ` , ` email_template ` , ` email_template_allowed_tags ` ) VALUES ( NULL , ' Photo Share Template ' , ' photo_share_template ' , ' {username} wants to share photo with you ' , ' <html>
< head >
< style type = " text/css " >
< ! --
. title {
font - family : Arial , Helvetica , sans - serif ;
padding : 5 px ;
font - weight : bold ;
color : #FFFFFF;
font - size : 16 px ;
. title2 {
font - family : Arial , Helvetica , sans - serif ;
padding : 5 px ;
font - weight : bold ;
color : #000000;
font - size : 14 px ;
. messege {
font - family : Arial , Helvetica , sans - serif ;
padding : 5 px ;
font - weight : bold ;
color : #000000;
font - size : 12 px ;
float : left ;
padding : 2 px ;
margin : 3 px ;
border : 1 px solid #F0F0F0;
text - align : center ;
vertical - align : middle ;
#videoThumb img{border:0px}
body , td , th {
font - family : tahoma ;
font - size : 11 px ;
color : #FFFFFF;
. text {
font - family : tahoma ;
font - size : 11 px ;
color : #000000;
padding : 5 px ;
- - >
< / style >
< / head >
< body >
< table width = " 100% " border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 5 " >
< tr >
< td bgcolor = " #0099cc " > < span class = " title " > { website_title } < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td height = " 20 " class = " messege " > { username } wants to share this photo with you < br >
< div id = " videoThumb " > < a class = " text " title = " {photo_title} " href = " {photo_link} " > < img src = " {photo_thumb} " > < br >
View Photo < / a > < / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = " text " > < span class = " title2 " > Photo Description < / span > < br >
< span class = " text " > { photo_description } < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < span class = " title2 " > Personal Message < / span > < br >
< span class = " text " > { user_message }
< / span > < br >
< br >
< span class = " text " > Thanks , < / span > < br >
< span class = " text " > { website_title } < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td bgcolor = " #0099cc " > copyrights { date_year } { website_title } < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / body >
2010-12-28 13:56:44 +00:00
< / html > ' , '' );
INSERT INTO ` cb_phrases ` ( ` lang_iso ` , ` varname ` , ` text ` ) VALUES
2011-12-02 05:04:13 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' photo_not_exist ' , ' Photo does not exist. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_not_exists ' , ' Photos do not exist. ' ) ,
2010-12-28 13:56:44 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' photo_success_deleted ' , ' Photo has been deleted successfully. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' cant_edit_photo ' , ' You can not edit this photo. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' you_hv_already_rated_photo ' , ' You have already rated this photo. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_rate_disabled ' , ' Photo rating is disabled. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' need_photo_details ' , ' Need photo details. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' embedding_is_disabled ' , ' Embedding is disabled by user. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_activated ' , ' Photo is activated. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_deactivated ' , ' Photo is deactivated. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_featured ' , ' Photo is marked featured. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_unfeatured ' , ' Photo is marked unfeatured. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_updated_successfully ' , ' Photo is updated successfully. ' ) ,
2011-12-02 05:04:13 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' success_delete_file ' , ' %s files have been deleted successfully. ' ) ,
2010-12-28 13:56:44 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' no_watermark_found ' , ' Can not find watermark file. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' watermark_updated ' , ' Watermark is updated ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' upload_png_watermark ' , ' Please upload 24-bit PNG file. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_non_readable ' , ' Photo is not readable. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' wrong_mime_type ' , ' Wrong MIME type provided. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' you_dont_have_photos ' , ' You dont have any photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' you_dont_have_fav_photos ' , ' You dont have any favorite photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_orphan_photos ' , ' Manage Orphan Photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_favorite_photos ' , ' Manage Favorite Photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_photos ' , ' Manage Photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' you_dont_have_orphan_photos ' , ' You dont have any orphan photos ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' item_not_exist ' , ' Item does not exist. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collection_not_exist ' , ' Collection does not exist ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' selected_collects_del ' , ' Selected collections have been deleted. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_collections ' , ' Manage Collections ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' create_collection ' , ' Create Collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' selected_items_removed ' , ' Selected %s have been deleted. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' edit_collection ' , ' Edit Collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_collection_items ' , ' Manage Collection Items ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_favorite_collections ' , ' Manage Favorite Collections ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' total_fav_collection_removed ' , ' %s collections have been removed from favorites. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' total_photos_deleted ' , ' %s photos have been deleted successfully. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' total_fav_photos_removed ' , ' %s photos have been removed from favorites. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photos_upload ' , ' Photo Upload ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' no_items_found_in_collect ' , ' No item found in this collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' You dont have any favorite collection ' , ' You dont have any favorite collections ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_favorite_collections ' , ' Manage Favorite Collections ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_items ' , ' Manage Items ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' add_new_collection ' , ' Add New Collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' update_collection ' , ' Update Collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' update_photo ' , ' Update Photo ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' manage_collections ' , ' Manage Collections ' ) ,
2011-12-02 05:04:13 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' no_collection_found ' , ' You dont have any collections ' ) ,
2010-12-28 13:56:44 +00:00
( ' en ' , ' photo_title ' , ' Photo Title ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_caption ' , ' Photo Caption ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo_tags ' , ' Photo Tags ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collection ' , ' Collection ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' photo ' , ' Photo ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' pic_allow_embed ' , ' Enable photo embedding ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' pic_dallow_embed ' , ' Disable photo embedding ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' pic_allow_rating ' , ' Enable photo rating ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' pic_dallow_rating ' , ' Disable photo rating ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' add_more ' , ' Add More ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' download_photo ' , ' Download Photo ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_name_er ' , ' Collection name is empty ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_descp_er ' , ' Collection description is empty ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_tag_er ' , ' Collection tags are empty ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_cat_er ' , ' Select collection category ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_borad_pub ' , ' Make collection public (Recommended) ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_borad_pub ' , ' Make collection private ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_allow_public_up ' , ' Public Upload ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_pub_up_dallow ' , ' Disallow other users to add items. ' ) ,
( ' en ' , ' collect_pub_up_allow ' , ' Allow other users to add items. ' ) ;