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from contextlib import contextmanager
from mock import mock_open, patch
from StringIO import StringIO
from itertools import repeat
def open_mock(content, **kwargs):
"""Mock's mock_open only supports read() and write() which is not very useful.
This context manager adds support for getting the value of what was written out
and for iterating through a file line by line."""
content_out = StringIO()
m = mock_open()
with patch('__builtin__.open', m, create=True, **kwargs) as mo:
stream = StringIO(content)
rv = mo.return_value
rv.write = lambda x: content_out.write(bytes(x, "utf-8"))
rv.content_out = lambda: content_out.getvalue()
rv.__iter__.return_value = iter(stream.readlines())
rv.read.return_value = stream.read()
yield rv