2010-11-25 17:57:00 +01:00

139 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Getopt::Long ();
use IPC::Open3 ();
my $target_directory;
sub usage {
die "Usage: $0 -d target_directory package_name start_version_release end_version_release [commit_id]\n";
sub check_git_tag {
my $tag = join_tag_parts(@_);
my ($wtr, $rdr);
my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($wtr, $rdr, undef, 'git', 'tag', '-l', $tag);
my $check = <$rdr>;
if (waitpid($pid, 0) < 0) {
die "Error checking for tag [$tag], process died: $!\n";
if (not defined $check) {
chomp $check;
if ($check eq $tag) {
return 1;
sub split_version_to_parts {
my $version = shift;
my @parts1 = split /-/, $version;
my @parts2;
for my $p (@parts1) {
push @parts2, [ split /\./, $p ];
return @parts2;
sub join_tag_parts {
my @parts = @_;
for my $p (@parts) {
if (ref $p) {
$p = join '.', @$p;
return join '-', @parts;
if (not Getopt::Long::GetOptions('dir=s' => \$target_directory)) {
if (not defined $target_directory) {
my ($package, $start_version, $end_version, $commit_id) = @ARGV;
if (not defined $end_version) {
if (not -d $target_directory) {
die "The target directory [$target_directory] does not exist.\n";
if (not check_git_tag($package, $start_version)) {
die "Start tag [$package-$start_version] does not exist.\n";
if (not check_git_tag($package, $end_version)) {
die "End tag [$package-$end_version] does not exist.\n";
my @start_version = split_version_to_parts($start_version);
my @end_version = split_version_to_parts($end_version);
if (@start_version != 2) {
die "Start version needs to have two segments (version-release).\n";
if ("@{$start_version[1]}" ne "1") {
die "The start second segment (release) has to be 1.\n";
if (@end_version < @start_version) {
die "End version needs to have the same or more segments than the start version..\n";
if ("@{$start_version[0]}" ne "@{$end_version[0]}") {
die "The first segment (version) has to match.\n";
my @path;
unshift @path, join_tag_parts($package, @end_version);
while ("@{$end_version[1]}" ne "1") {
my @release = @{$end_version[1]};
if ($release[-1] eq '0') {
splice @release, $#release;
} elsif ($release[-1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
$release[-1] -= 1;
} else {
# drop non-numerical segment
splice @release, $#release;
$end_version[1] = \@release;
my $tag = join_tag_parts($package, @end_version);
if (check_git_tag($tag)) {
unshift @path, $tag;
while (@end_version > @start_version) {
splice @end_version, $#end_version;
my $tag = join_tag_parts($package, @end_version);
if (check_git_tag($tag)) {
unshift @path, $tag;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @path - 1; $i++) {
my $patch_name = "$path[$i]-to-$path[$i + 1].patch";
system "git diff --relative $path[$i]..$path[$i + 1] > $target_directory/$patch_name";
print "$patch_name\n";
if (defined $commit_id) {
my $patch_name = "$path[$#path]-to-$package-git-$commit_id.patch";
system "git diff --relative $path[$#path]..$commit_id > $target_directory/$patch_name";
if (-s "$target_directory/$patch_name") {
print "$patch_name\n";
} else {
unlink "$target_directory/$patch_name";