2010-05-24 23:16:49 -03:00

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# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
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# version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or
# implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
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Functional Tests for Tito at the CLI level.
NOTE: These tests require a makeshift git repository created in /tmp.
import os
import unittest
from tito.common import check_tag_exists, commands, run_command, \
get_latest_tagged_version, tag_exists_locally
from fixture import *
# A location where we can safely create a test git repository.
# WARNING: This location will be destroyed if present.
TEST_PKG_1 = 'titotestpkg'
TEST_PKG_1_DIR = "%s/" % TEST_PKG_1
TEST_PKG_2 = 'titotestpkg2'
TEST_PKG_2_DIR = "%s/" % TEST_PKG_2
TEST_PKG_3 = 'titotestpkg3'
TEST_PKG_3_DIR = "blah/whatever/%s/" % TEST_PKG_3
def release_bumped(initial_version, new_version):
first_release = initial_version.split('-')[-1]
new_release = new_version.split('-')[-1]
return new_release == str(int(first_release) + 1)
class MultiProjectTests(TitoGitTestFixture):
def setUp(self):
self.create_project(TEST_PKG_1, os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg1'))
self.create_project(TEST_PKG_2, os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg2'))
self.create_project(TEST_PKG_3, os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg3'))
# For second test package, use a tito.props to override and use the
# ReleaseTagger:
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg2'))
filename = os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg2', "tito.props")
out_f = open(filename, 'w')
out_f.write("tagger = tito.tagger.ReleaseTagger\n")
out_f.write("builder = tito.builder.Builder\n")
index = self.repo.index
index.commit("Adding tito.props for pkg2.")
def test_initial_tag_keep_version(self):
# Tags were actually created in setup code:
for pkg_name in TEST_PKGS:
self.assertTrue(tag_exists_locally("%s-0.0.1-1" % pkg_name))
"rel-eng/packages", pkg_name)))
def test_release_tagger(self):
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg2'))
start_ver = get_latest_tagged_version(TEST_PKG_2)
tito('tag --debug --accept-auto-changelog')
new_ver = get_latest_tagged_version(TEST_PKG_2)
self.assertTrue(release_bumped(start_ver, new_ver))
def test_release_tagger_legacy_props_file(self):
# Test that build.py.props filename is still picked up:
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg2'))
start_ver = get_latest_tagged_version(TEST_PKG_2)
run_command("git mv tito.props build.py.props")
index = self.repo.index
index.commit("Rename to build.py.props.")
tito('tag --debug --accept-auto-changelog')
new_ver = get_latest_tagged_version(TEST_PKG_2)
self.assertTrue(release_bumped(start_ver, new_ver))
def test_build_tgz(self):
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg1'))
artifacts = tito('build --tgz')
self.assertEquals(1, len(artifacts))
self.assertEquals('%s-0.0.1.tar.gz' % TEST_PKG_1,
def test_build_rpm(self):
os.chdir(os.path.join(self.repo_dir, 'pkg1'))
artifacts = tito('build --rpm')
self.assertEquals(3, len(artifacts))
print artifacts