Fix tar prefix

Signed-off-by: Cristian Le <>
This commit is contained in:
Cristian Le 2023-03-03 10:11:24 +01:00
parent e526d57956
commit d008bd184e
Failed to extract signature

View file

@ -868,8 +868,8 @@ def create_tgz(git_root, prefix, commit, relative_dir,
initial_tar = "%s.initial" % basename
# command to generate a git-archive
git_archive_cmd = 'git archive --format=tar --prefix=%s/ %s %s --output=%s' % (
prefix, commit, relative_git_dir, initial_tar)
git_archive_cmd = 'git archive --format=tar %s %s --output=%s' % (
commit, relative_git_dir, initial_tar)
# Run git-archive separately if --debug was specified.
@ -878,14 +878,33 @@ def create_tgz(git_root, prefix, commit, relative_dir,
debug('git-archive fails if relative dir is not in git tree',
'%s > /dev/null' % git_archive_cmd)
fixed_tar = "%s.tar" % basename
fixed_tar_fh = open(fixed_tar, 'wb')
fixed_timestamp_tar = "%s.fixed_timestamp" % basename
fixed_tar_fh = open(fixed_timestamp_tar, 'wb')
tarfixer = TarFixer(open(initial_tar, 'rb'), fixed_tar_fh, timestamp, commit)
# Fix tar archive locations
fixed_tar = "%s.tar" % basename
# First normalize paths
relative_git_dir = relative_git_dir.removeprefix("/").removeprefix("./")
if relative_git_dir and not relative_git_dir.endswith("/"):
# Note: if relative_git_dir is empty, it should remain empty
relative_git_dir += "/"
prefix = prefix.removeprefix("/").removeprefix("./")
if not prefix.endswith("/"):
prefix += "/"
# Extract archive to a temp folder
tar_extract_transform_cmd = 'tar -xf %s --transform="s|^%s|tmp_extract/%s|g"' % (
fixed_timestamp_tar, relative_git_dir, prefix)
# Re-compress the archive
tar_create_cmd = 'tar -cf %s -C tmp_extract/ %s' % (
fixed_tar, prefix)
# It's a pity we can't use Python's gzip, but it doesn't offer an equivalent of -n
return run_command("gzip -n -c < %s > %s" % (fixed_tar, dest_tgz))