# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # increase memory because default 512MB # doesn't seem to be enough for dnf these days config.vm.provider :libvirt do |v| v.memory = 1024 end ### DistGit Fedora ################################################### # we would like to say dist-git in |...| but that is invalid syntax config.vm.define "dist-git" do |distgit| distgit.vm.box = "fedora/32-cloud-base" distgit.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf" # Copy config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/pkgs-files", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "file", source: "./beaker-tests/pkgs-files", destination: "/tmp/", run: "always" # update the system & install the packages distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "dnf clean all && dnf -y update || true" # || true cause dnf might return non-zero status (probly delta rpm rebuilt failed) distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "dnf install -y tito wget" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "dnf builddep -y /vagrant/dist-git.spec", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/tito/noarch", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: "cd /vagrant/ && tito build --test --rpm", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "dnf install -y /tmp/tito/noarch/*.rpm", run: "always" # setup config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/lookaside-upload.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/ && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/", run: "always" # setup test user distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "useradd clime -G packager" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'clime ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" # start services distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable dist-git.socket && systemctl restart dist-git.socket", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable httpd && systemctl restart httpd", run: "always" end ### DistGit CentOS 7 ################################################### config.vm.define "dist-git-centos-7" do |distgit| distgit.vm.box = "centos/7" distgit.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf" # Copy config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/pkgs-files", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "file", source: "./beaker-tests/pkgs-files", destination: "/tmp/", run: "always" # enable epel7 repo distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y epel-release", run: "always" # update the system & install the packages distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum clean all && yum -y update || true" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y tito wget net-tools" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum-builddep -y /vagrant/dist-git.spec", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/tito/noarch", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: "cd /vagrant/ && tito build --test --rpm", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y /tmp/tito/noarch/*.rpm || true", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y python-grokmirror", run: "always" # setup config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/lookaside-upload.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/ && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/", run: "always" # setup test user distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "useradd clime -G packager" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'clime ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" # start services distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable dist-git.socket && systemctl restart dist-git.socket", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable httpd && systemctl restart httpd", run: "always" end ### DistGit CentOS 8 ################################################### config.vm.define "dist-git-centos-8" do |distgit| distgit.vm.box = "centos/8" distgit.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf" # Copy config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/pkgs-files", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "file", source: "./beaker-tests/pkgs-files", destination: "/tmp/", run: "always" # enable epel8 repo distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y epel-release", run: "always" # update the system & install the packages distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum clean all && yum -y update || true" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y wget net-tools" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum-builddep -y /vagrant/dist-git.spec", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "curl https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/clime/rpkg-util-v2/repo/epel-8/clime-rpkg-util-v2-epel-8.repo > /etc/yum.repos.d/clime-rpkg-util-epel-8.repo", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y rpkg", run: "always" # enable auto-packing for rpkg distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sed -i 's/^auto_pack = False$/auto_pack = True/' /etc/rpkg.conf", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "rm -rf /tmp/rpkg", run: "always" # build by using auto-packing distgit.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: "cd /vagrant/ && rpkg srpm && rpkg local --outdir /tmp/rpkg/dist-git-*/", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "yum install -y /tmp/rpkg/dist-git-*/noarch/*.rpm || true", run: "always" # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1833810 #distgit.vm.provision "shell", # inline: "yum install -y python3-grokmirror", # run: "always" # setup config files distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "mv /tmp/pkgs-files/lookaside-upload.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/ && restorecon -R /etc/httpd/conf.d/dist-git/", run: "always" # setup test user distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "useradd clime -G packager" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo 'clime ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" # start services distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable dist-git.socket && systemctl restart dist-git.socket", run: "always" distgit.vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable httpd && systemctl restart httpd", run: "always" end end