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Copyright (c) 2002 Carlos Moro <cfmoro@correo.uniovi.es>
Copyright (c) 2002 Hans Petter Bieker <bieker@kde.org>
Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 John Layt <john@layt.net>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kcalendarsystem.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemprivate_p.h"
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "kconfiggroup.h"
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include "kdatetime.h"
#include "kdatetimeformatter_p.h"
#include "kdatetimeparser_p.h"
#include "kcalendarera_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemcoptic_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemethiopian_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemgregorian_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemhebrew_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemindiannational_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemislamiccivil_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemjalali_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemjapanese_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemjulian_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemminguo_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemqdate_p.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemthai_p.h"
KCalendarSystem *KCalendarSystem::create(KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem, const KLocale *locale)
return create(calendarSystem, KSharedConfig::Ptr(), locale);
KCalendarSystem *KCalendarSystem::create(KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem,
KSharedConfig::Ptr config,
const KLocale *locale)
switch (calendarSystem) {
case KLocale::QDateCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemQDate(config, locale);
case KLocale::CopticCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemCoptic(config, locale);
case KLocale::EthiopianCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemEthiopian(config, locale);
case KLocale::GregorianCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemGregorian(config, locale);
case KLocale::HebrewCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemHebrew(config, locale);
case KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemIndianNational(config, locale);
case KLocale::IslamicCivilCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemIslamicCivil(config, locale);
case KLocale::JalaliCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemJalali(config, locale);
case KLocale::JapaneseCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemJapanese(config, locale);
case KLocale::JulianCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemJulian(config, locale);
case KLocale::MinguoCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemMinguo(config, locale);
case KLocale::ThaiCalendar:
return new KCalendarSystemThai(config, locale);
return new KCalendarSystemQDate(config, locale);
QList<KLocale::CalendarSystem> KCalendarSystem::calendarSystemsList()
QList<KLocale::CalendarSystem> list;
return list;
QString KCalendarSystem::calendarLabel(KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem, const KLocale *locale)
switch (calendarSystem) {
case KLocale::QDateCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Gregorian").toString(locale);
case KLocale::CopticCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Coptic").toString(locale);
case KLocale::EthiopianCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Ethiopian").toString(locale);
case KLocale::GregorianCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Gregorian (Proleptic)").toString(locale);
case KLocale::HebrewCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Hebrew").toString(locale);
case KLocale::IslamicCivilCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Islamic / Hijri (Civil)").toString(locale);
case KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Indian National").toString(locale);
case KLocale::JalaliCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Jalali").toString(locale);
case KLocale::JapaneseCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Japanese").toString(locale);
case KLocale::JulianCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Julian").toString(locale);
case KLocale::MinguoCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Taiwanese").toString(locale);
case KLocale::ThaiCalendar:
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Thai").toString(locale);
return ki18nc("@item Calendar system", "Invalid Calendar Type").toString(locale);
KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystem::calendarSystem(const QString &calendarType )
if (calendarType == QLatin1String("coptic")) {
return KLocale::CopticCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("ethiopian")) {
return KLocale::EthiopianCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("gregorian")) {
return KLocale::QDateCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("gregorian-proleptic")) {
return KLocale::GregorianCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("hebrew")) {
return KLocale::HebrewCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("hijri")) {
return KLocale::IslamicCivilCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("indian-national")) {
return KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("jalali")) {
return KLocale::JalaliCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("japanese")) {
return KLocale::JapaneseCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("julian")) {
return KLocale::JulianCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("minguo")) {
return KLocale::MinguoCalendar;
} else if (calendarType == QLatin1String("thai")) {
return KLocale::ThaiCalendar;
} else {
return KLocale::QDateCalendar;
QString KCalendarSystem::calendarType(KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem)
if (calendarSystem == KLocale::QDateCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("gregorian");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::CopticCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("coptic");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::EthiopianCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("ethiopian");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::GregorianCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("gregorian-proleptic");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::HebrewCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("hebrew");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::IndianNationalCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("indian-national");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::IslamicCivilCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("hijri");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::JalaliCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("jalali");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::JapaneseCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("japanese");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::JulianCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("julian");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::MinguoCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("minguo");
} else if (calendarSystem == KLocale::ThaiCalendar) {
return QLatin1String("thai");
} else {
return QLatin1String("gregorian");
// Shared d pointer base class definitions
KCalendarSystemPrivate::KCalendarSystemPrivate(KCalendarSystem *q_ptr)
: q(q_ptr),
delete m_eraList;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystemPrivate::calendarSystem() const
return KLocale::QDateCalendar;
// Dummy version as an example, remember to translate (see Gregorian for example)
// Add the Era's in chronological order, from earliest to latest
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::loadDefaultEraList()
addEra('-', 1, q->epoch().addDays(-1), -1, q->earliestValidDate(), QLatin1String("Before KDE"), QLatin1String("BK"), QLatin1String("%Ey %EC"));
addEra('+', 1, q->epoch(), 1, q->latestValidDate(), QLatin1String("Anno KDE"), QLatin1String("AK"), QLatin1String("%Ey %EC"));
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::monthsInYear(int year) const
return 12;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::daysInMonth(int year, int month) const
if (month == 2) {
if (isLeapYear(year)) {
return 29;
} else {
return 28;
if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {
return 30;
return 31;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::daysInYear(int year) const
if (isLeapYear(year)) {
return 366;
} else {
return 365;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::daysInWeek() const
return 7;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
bool KCalendarSystemPrivate::isLeapYear(int year) const
if (year < 1) {
year = year + 1;
if (year % 4 == 0) {
if (year % 100 != 0) {
return true;
} else if (year % 400 == 0) {
return true;
return false;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
bool KCalendarSystemPrivate::hasLeapMonths() const
return false;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
bool KCalendarSystemPrivate::hasYearZero() const
return false;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::maxDaysInWeek() const
return 7;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::maxMonthsInYear() const
return 12;
// Convenince, faster than calling year( ealiestValidDate() ),
// needed in fake-virtual functions so don't remove
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::earliestValidYear() const
return -4712;
// Convenince, faster than calling year( latestValidDate() ),
// needed in fake-virtual functions so don't remove
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::latestValidYear() const
return 9999;
// Dummy version
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
QString KCalendarSystemPrivate::monthName(int month, int year, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format, bool possessive) const
return QString();
// Dummy version
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
QString KCalendarSystemPrivate::weekDayName(int weekDay, KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format) const
return QString();
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::week(const QDate &date, KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem, int *yearNum) const
int y, m, d;
q->julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
switch (weekNumberSystem) {
case KLocale::IsoWeekNumber:
return isoWeekNumber(date, yearNum);
case KLocale::FirstFullWeek:
return regularWeekNumber(date, locale()->weekStartDay(), 0, yearNum);
case KLocale::FirstPartialWeek:
return regularWeekNumber(date, locale()->weekStartDay(), 1, yearNum);
case KLocale::SimpleWeek:
return simpleWeekNumber(date, yearNum);
case KLocale::DefaultWeekNumber:
return week(date, locale()->weekNumberSystem(), yearNum);
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::isoWeekNumber(const QDate &date, int *yearNum) const
int y, m, d;
q->julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
QDate firstDayWeek1, lastDay;
int week;
int weekDay1, dayOfWeek1InYear;
// let's guess 1st day of 1st week
firstDayWeek1 = firstDayOfYear(y);
weekDay1 = dayOfWeek(firstDayWeek1);
// iso 8601: week 1 is the first containing thursday and week starts on monday
if (weekDay1 > 4 /*Thursday*/) {
firstDayWeek1 = q->addDays(firstDayWeek1 , daysInWeek() - weekDay1 + 1); // next monday
dayOfWeek1InYear = dayOfYear(firstDayWeek1);
// our date in prev year's week
if (dayOfYear(date) < dayOfWeek1InYear) {
if (yearNum) {
*yearNum = addYears(y, - 1);
return isoWeeksInYear(addYears(y, - 1));
// let's check if its last week belongs to next year
lastDay = lastDayOfYear(y);
// if our date is in last week && 1st week in next year has thursday
if ((dayOfYear(date) >= daysInYear(y) - dayOfWeek(lastDay) + 1)
&& dayOfWeek(lastDay) < 4) {
if (yearNum) {
* yearNum = addYears(y, 1);
week = 1;
} else {
// To calculate properly the number of weeks from day a to x let's make a day 1 of week
if (weekDay1 < 5) {
firstDayWeek1 = q->addDays(firstDayWeek1, -(weekDay1 - 1));
if (yearNum) {
* yearNum = y;
week = firstDayWeek1.daysTo(date) / daysInWeek() + 1;
return week;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::regularWeekNumber(const QDate &date, int weekStartDay, int firstWeekNumber, int *weekYear) const
int y, m, d;
q->julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
int firstWeekDayOffset = (dayOfWeek(date) - weekStartDay + daysInWeek()) % daysInWeek();
int dayInYear = date.toJulianDay() - firstDayOfYear(y).toJulianDay(); // 0 indexed
int week = ((dayInYear - firstWeekDayOffset + daysInWeek()) / daysInWeek());
if (dayOfWeek(firstDayOfYear(y)) != weekStartDay) {
week = week + firstWeekNumber;
if (week < 1) {
y = y - 1;
week = regularWeeksInYear(y, weekStartDay, firstWeekNumber);
if (weekYear) {
*weekYear = y;
return week;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::simpleWeekNumber(const QDate &date, int *yearNum) const
int y, m, d;
q->julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
if (yearNum) {
*yearNum = y;
return ((date.toJulianDay() - firstDayOfYear(y).toJulianDay()) / daysInWeek()) + 1;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::weeksInYear(int year, KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem) const
switch (weekNumberSystem) {
case KLocale::IsoWeekNumber:
return isoWeeksInYear(year);
case KLocale::FirstFullWeek:
return regularWeeksInYear(year, locale()->weekStartDay(), 0);
case KLocale::FirstPartialWeek:
return regularWeeksInYear(year, locale()->weekStartDay(), 1);
case KLocale::SimpleWeek:
return simpleWeeksInYear(year);
case KLocale::DefaultWeekNumber:
return weeksInYear(year, locale()->weekNumberSystem());
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::isoWeeksInYear(int year) const
QDate lastDayOfThisYear = lastDayOfYear(year);
int weekYear = year;
int lastWeekInThisYear = isoWeekNumber(lastDayOfThisYear, &weekYear);
// If error, or the last day of the year is in the first week of next year use the week before
if (lastWeekInThisYear < 1 || weekYear != year) {
lastWeekInThisYear = isoWeekNumber(q->addDays(lastDayOfThisYear, -7), &weekYear);
return lastWeekInThisYear;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::regularWeeksInYear(int year, int weekStartDay, int firstWeekNumber) const
return regularWeekNumber(lastDayOfYear(year), weekStartDay, firstWeekNumber, 0);
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::simpleWeeksInYear(int year) const
return simpleWeekNumber(lastDayOfYear(year), 0);
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
// Works for calendars with constant number of months, or where leap month is last month of year
// Will not work for Hebrew or others where leap month is inserted in middle of year
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::dateDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate,
int *yearsDiff, int *monthsDiff, int *daysDiff, int *direction) const
// This could be optimised a little but is left in full as it's easier to understand
int dy = 0;
int dm = 0;
int dd = 0;
int dir = 1;
if (toDate < fromDate) {
dateDifference(toDate, fromDate, &dy, &dm, &dd, 0);
dir = -1;
} else if (toDate > fromDate) {
int fromYear = q->year(fromDate);
int toYear = q->year(toDate);
int fromMonth = q->month(fromDate);
int toMonth = q->month(toDate);
int fromDay = q->day(fromDate);
int toDay = q->day(toDate);
int monthsInPrevYear = monthsInYear(addYears(toYear, -1));
int daysInPrevMonth = q->daysInMonth(q->addMonths(toDate, -1));
int daysInFromMonth = daysInMonth(fromYear, fromMonth);
int daysInToMonth = daysInMonth(toYear, toMonth);
// Calculate years difference
if (toYear == fromYear) {
dy = 0;
} else if (toMonth > fromMonth) {
dy = differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear);
} else if (toMonth < fromMonth) {
dy = differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear) - 1;
} else { // toMonth == fromMonth
// Allow for last day of month to last day of month and leap days
// e.g. 2000-02-29 to 2001-02-28 is 1 year not 0 years
if ((toDay >= fromDay) || (fromDay == daysInFromMonth && toDay == daysInToMonth)) {
dy = differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear);
} else {
dy = differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear) - 1;
// Calculate months and days difference
if (toDay >= fromDay) {
dm = (monthsInPrevYear + toMonth - fromMonth) % monthsInPrevYear;
dd = toDay - fromDay;
} else { // toDay < fromDay
// Allow for last day of month to last day of month and leap days
// e.g. 2010-03-31 to 2010-04-30 is 1 month
// 2000-02-29 to 2001-02-28 is 1 year
// 2000-02-29 to 2001-03-01 is 1 year 1 day
int prevMonth = q->month(q->addMonths(toDate, -1));
if (fromDay == daysInFromMonth && toDay == daysInToMonth) {
dm = (monthsInPrevYear + toMonth - fromMonth) % monthsInPrevYear;
dd = 0;
} else if (prevMonth == fromMonth && daysInPrevMonth < daysInFromMonth) {
// Special case where fromDate = leap day and toDate in month following but non-leap year
// e.g. 2000-02-29 to 2001-03-01 needs to use 29 to calculate day number not 28
dm = (monthsInPrevYear + toMonth - fromMonth - 1) % monthsInPrevYear;
dd = (daysInFromMonth + toDay - fromDay) % daysInFromMonth;
} else {
dm = (monthsInPrevYear + toMonth - fromMonth - 1) % monthsInPrevYear;
dd = (daysInPrevMonth + toDay - fromDay) % daysInPrevMonth;
// Only return values if we have a valid pointer
if (yearsDiff) {
*yearsDiff = dy;
if (monthsDiff) {
*monthsDiff = dm;
if (daysDiff) {
*daysDiff = dd;
if (direction) {
*direction = dir;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. Hebrew
// Allows for calendars with leap months at end of year but not during year
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::yearsDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate) const
// This could be optimised a little but is left in full as it's easier to understand
// Alternatively could just call dateDifference(), but this is slightly more efficient
if (toDate < fromDate) {
return 0 - yearsDifference(toDate, fromDate);
if (toDate == fromDate) {
return 0;
int fromYear = q->year(fromDate);
int toYear = q->year(toDate);
if (toYear == fromYear) {
return 0;
int fromMonth = q->month(fromDate);
int toMonth = q->month(toDate);
if (toMonth > fromMonth) {
return differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear);
if (toMonth < fromMonth) {
return differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear) - 1;
// toMonth == fromMonth
int fromDay = q->day(fromDate);
int toDay = q->day(toDate);
// Adjust for month numbers in from and to year
// Allow for last day of month to last day of month and leap days
// e.g. 2000-02-29 to 2001-02-28 is 1 year not 0 years
if ((toDay >= fromDay) ||
(fromDay == daysInMonth(fromYear, fromMonth) &&
toDay == daysInMonth(toYear, toMonth))) {
return differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear);
} else {
return differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear) - 1;
// Reimplement if special maths handling required, e.g. maybe Hebrew?
// Allows for calendars with leap months
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::monthsDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate) const
if (toDate < fromDate) {
return 0 - monthsDifference(toDate, fromDate);
if (toDate == fromDate) {
return 0;
int fromYear = q->year(fromDate);
int toYear = q->year(toDate);
int fromMonth = q->month(fromDate);
int toMonth = q->month(toDate);
int fromDay = q->day(fromDate);
int toDay = q->day(toDate);
int monthsInPreceedingYears;
// Calculate number of months in full years preceding toYear
if (toYear == fromYear) {
monthsInPreceedingYears = 0;
} else if (hasLeapMonths()) {
monthsInPreceedingYears = 0;
for (int y = fromYear; y < toYear; y = addYears(y, 1)) {
monthsInPreceedingYears = monthsInPreceedingYears + monthsInYear(y);
} else {
monthsInPreceedingYears = differenceYearNumbers(fromYear, toYear) * monthsInYear(toYear);
// Adjust for months in from and to year
// Allow for last day of month to last day of month and leap days
// e.g. 2010-03-31 to 2010-04-30 is 1 month not 0 months
// also 2000-02-29 to 2001-02-28 is 12 months not 11 months
if ((toDay >= fromDay) ||
(fromDay == daysInMonth(fromYear, fromMonth) &&
toDay == daysInMonth(toYear, toMonth))) {
return monthsInPreceedingYears + toMonth - fromMonth;
} else {
return monthsInPreceedingYears + toMonth - fromMonth - 1;
// Reimplement if special string to integer handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
// Peel a number off the front of a string which may have other trailing chars after the number
// Stop either at either maxLength, eos, or first non-digit char
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::integerFromString(const QString &string, int maxLength, int &readLength) const
int value = -1;
int position = 0;
readLength = 0;
bool ok = false;
if (maxLength < 0) {
maxLength = string.length();
while (position < string.length() &&
position < maxLength &&
string.at(position).isDigit()) {
if (position > 0) {
value = string.left(position).toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
readLength = position;
} else {
value = -1;
return value;
// Reimplement if special integer to string handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
// Utility to convert an integer into the correct display string form
QString KCalendarSystemPrivate::stringFromInteger(int number, int padWidth, QChar padChar) const
return stringFromInteger(number, padWidth, padChar, q->locale()->dateTimeDigitSet());
// Reimplement if special integer to string handling required, e.g. Hebrew.
// Utility to convert an integer into the correct display string form
QString KCalendarSystemPrivate::stringFromInteger(int number, int padWidth, QChar padChar, KLocale::DigitSet digitSet) const
if (padChar == QLatin1Char('\0') || padWidth == 0) {
return q->locale()->convertDigits(QString::number(number), digitSet);
} else {
return q->locale()->convertDigits(QString::number(number).rightJustified(padWidth, padChar), digitSet);
// Allows us to set dates outside publically valid range, USE WITH CARE!!!!
bool KCalendarSystemPrivate::setAnyDate(QDate &date, int year, int month, int day) const
int jd;
q->dateToJulianDay(year, month, day, jd);
date = QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
return true;
// Utility to correctly add years to a year number because some systems such as
// Julian and Gregorian calendars don't have a year 0
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::addYears(int originalYear, int addYears) const
int newYear = originalYear + addYears;
if (!hasYearZero()) {
if (originalYear > 0 && newYear <= 0) {
newYear = newYear - 1;
} else if (originalYear < 0 && newYear >= 0) {
newYear = newYear + 1;
return newYear;
// Utility to correctly return number of years between two year numbers because some systems such as
// Julian and Gregorian calendars don't have a year 0
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::differenceYearNumbers(int fromYear, int toYear) const
int dy = toYear - fromYear;
if (!hasYearZero()) {
if (toYear > 0 && fromYear < 0) {
dy = dy - 1;
} else if (toYear < 0 && fromYear > 0) {
dy = dy + 1;
return dy;
QDate KCalendarSystemPrivate::invalidDate() const
//Is QDate's way of saying is invalid
return QDate();
QString KCalendarSystemPrivate::simpleDateString(const QString &str) const
QString newStr;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if (str.at(i).isLetterOrNumber()) {
} else {
newStr.append(QLatin1Char(' '));
return newStr.simplified();
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::dayOfYear(const QDate &date) const
int y, m, d, jdFirstDayOfYear;
q->julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
q->dateToJulianDay(y, 1, 1, jdFirstDayOfYear);
//Take the jd of the given date, and subtract the jd of the first day of that year
return (date.toJulianDay() - jdFirstDayOfYear + 1);
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::dayOfWeek(const QDate &date) const
// Makes assumption that Julian Day 0 was day 1 of week
// This is true for Julian/Gregorian calendar with jd 0 being Monday
// We add 1 for ISO compliant numbering for 7 day week
// Assumes we've never skipped weekdays
return ((date.toJulianDay() % daysInWeek()) + 1);
QDate KCalendarSystemPrivate::firstDayOfYear(int year) const
int jd;
q->dateToJulianDay(year, 1, 1, jd);
return QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
QDate KCalendarSystemPrivate::lastDayOfYear(int year) const
int jd;
q->dateToJulianDay(year, 1, 1, jd);
jd = jd + daysInYear(year) - 1;
return QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
QDate KCalendarSystemPrivate::firstDayOfMonth(int year, int month) const
int jd;
q->dateToJulianDay(year, month, 1, jd);
return QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
QDate KCalendarSystemPrivate::lastDayOfMonth(int year, int month) const
int jd;
q->dateToJulianDay(year, month, 1, jd);
jd = jd + daysInMonth(year, month) - 1;
return QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
const KLocale * KCalendarSystemPrivate::locale() const
if (m_locale) {
return m_locale;
} else {
return KGlobal::locale();
QList<KCalendarEra> *KCalendarSystemPrivate::eraList() const
return m_eraList;
KCalendarEra KCalendarSystemPrivate::era(const QDate &eraDate) const
for (int i = m_eraList->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (m_eraList->at(i).isInEra(eraDate)) {
return m_eraList->at(i);
return KCalendarEra();
KCalendarEra KCalendarSystemPrivate::era(const QString &eraName, int yearInEra) const
for (int i = m_eraList->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
KCalendarEra era = m_eraList->at(i);
if (era.name(KLocale::LongName).toLower() == eraName.toLower() ||
era.name(KLocale::ShortName).toLower() == eraName.toLower()) {
return era;
return KCalendarEra();
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::loadEraList(const KConfigGroup & cg)
delete m_eraList;
m_eraList = new QList<KCalendarEra>;
QString eraKey = QString::fromLatin1("Era1");
int i = 1;
while (cg.hasKey(eraKey)) {
QString eraEntry = cg.readEntry(eraKey, QString());
if (!eraEntry.isEmpty()) {
// Based on LC_TIME, but different!
// Includes long and short names, uses ISO fomat dates
// e.g. +:1:0001-01-01:9999-12-31:Anno Domini:AD:%EC %Ey
QChar direction = eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 0, 0).at(0);
QDate startDate, endDate;
int startYear;
QString buffer = eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 2, 2);
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
if (direction == QLatin1Char('-')) {
startDate = q->latestValidDate();
} else {
startDate = q->earliestValidDate();
} else {
startDate = q->readDate(buffer, KLocale::IsoFormat);
if (q->isValid(startDate)) {
startYear = q->year(startDate);
} else {
startYear = eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 1, 1).toInt(); //Use offset
buffer = eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 3, 3);
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
if (direction == QLatin1Char('-')) {
endDate = q->earliestValidDate();
} else {
endDate = q->latestValidDate();
} else {
endDate = q->readDate(buffer, KLocale::IsoFormat);
addEra(direction.toLatin1(), eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 1, 1).toInt(),
startDate, startYear, endDate, eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 4, 4),
eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 5, 5), eraEntry.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 6));
eraKey = QString::fromLatin1("Era%1").arg(i);
if (m_eraList->isEmpty()) {
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::addEra(char direction, int offset,
const QDate &startDate, int startYear, const QDate &endDate,
const QString &name, const QString &shortName,
const QString &format)
KCalendarEra newEra;
newEra.m_sequence = m_eraList->count() + 1;
if (direction == '-') {
newEra.m_direction = -1;
} else {
newEra.m_direction = 1;
newEra.m_offset = offset;
newEra.m_startDate = startDate;
newEra.m_startYear = startYear;
newEra.m_endDate = endDate;
newEra.m_longName = name;
newEra.m_shortName = shortName;
newEra.m_format = format;
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::shortYearWindowStartYear() const
return m_shortYearWindowStartYear;
int KCalendarSystemPrivate::applyShortYearWindow(int inputYear) const
if (inputYear >= 0 && inputYear <= 99) {
int shortStartYear = m_shortYearWindowStartYear % 100;
int yearOffset = m_shortYearWindowStartYear - shortStartYear;
if (inputYear >= shortStartYear) {
return inputYear + yearOffset;
} else {
return inputYear + yearOffset + 100;
} else {
return inputYear;
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::loadShortYearWindowStartYear(const KConfigGroup & cg)
// Default to 2000 for backwards compatibility
// as that's the old readDate() default value
int startYear = 2000;
if (cg.exists()) {
startYear = cg.readEntry("ShortYearWindowStartYear", 2000);
m_shortYearWindowStartYear = startYear;
KSharedConfig::Ptr KCalendarSystemPrivate::config()
if (m_config == KSharedConfig::Ptr()) {
return KGlobal::config();
} else {
return m_config;
void KCalendarSystemPrivate::loadConfig(const QString & calendarType)
KConfigGroup localeGroup(config(), QString::fromLatin1("Locale"));
KConfigGroup calendarGroup = localeGroup.group(QString::fromLatin1("KCalendarSystem %1").arg(calendarType));
KCalendarSystem::KCalendarSystem(const KLocale *locale)
: d_ptr(new KCalendarSystemPrivate(this))
d_ptr->m_config = KSharedConfig::Ptr();
d_ptr->m_locale = locale;
KCalendarSystem::KCalendarSystem(const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
: d_ptr(new KCalendarSystemPrivate(this))
d_ptr->m_config = config;
d_ptr->m_locale = locale;
KCalendarSystem::KCalendarSystem(KCalendarSystemPrivate &dd, const KSharedConfig::Ptr config, const KLocale *locale)
: d_ptr(&dd)
d_ptr->m_config = config;
d_ptr->m_locale = locale;
delete d_ptr;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
KLocale::CalendarSystem KCalendarSystem::calendarSystem() const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->calendarSystem();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::calendarLabel() const
return KCalendarSystem::calendarLabel(calendarSystem());
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
QDate KCalendarSystem::epoch() const
return QDate::fromJulianDay(38);
QDate KCalendarSystem::earliestValidDate() const
return epoch();
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
QDate KCalendarSystem::latestValidDate() const
// Default to Gregorian 9999-12-31
return QDate::fromJulianDay(5373484);
bool KCalendarSystem::isValid(int year, int month, int day) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (year < d->earliestValidYear() || year > d->latestValidYear() ||
(!d->hasYearZero() && year == 0)) {
return false;
if (month < 1 || month > d->monthsInYear(year)) {
return false;
if (day < 1 || day > d->daysInMonth(year, month)) {
return false;
return true;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::isValid(int year, int dayOfYear) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return (isValid(year, 1, 1) && dayOfYear > 0 && dayOfYear <= d->daysInYear(year));
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::isValid(const QString &eraName, int yearInEra, int month, int day) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
KCalendarEra era = d->era(eraName, yearInEra);
return (era.isValid() && isValid(era.year(yearInEra), month, day));
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::isValidIsoWeekDate(int year, int isoWeekNumber, int dayOfIsoWeek) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
//Tests Year value in standard YMD isValid()
if (!isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return false;
//Test Week Number falls in valid range for this year
int weeksInThisYear = weeksInYear(year);
if (isoWeekNumber < 1 || isoWeekNumber > weeksInThisYear) {
return false;
//Test Day of Week Number falls in valid range
if (dayOfIsoWeek < 1 || dayOfIsoWeek > d->daysInWeek()) {
return false;
//If not in earliest or latest years then all OK
//Otherwise need to check don't fall into previous or next year that would be invalid
if (year == d->earliestValidYear() && isoWeekNumber == 1) {
//If firstDayOfYear falls on or before Thursday then firstDayOfYear falls in week 1 this
//year and if wanted dayOfIsoWeek falls before firstDayOfYear then falls in previous year
//and so in invalid year
int dowFirstDay = dayOfWeek(d->firstDayOfYear(year));
if (dowFirstDay <= 4 && dayOfIsoWeek < dowFirstDay) {
return false;
} else if (year == d->latestValidYear() && isoWeekNumber == weeksInThisYear) {
//If lastDayOfYear falls on or after Thursday then lastDayOfYear falls in last week this
//year and if wanted dayOfIsoWeek falls after lastDayOfYear then falls in next year
//and so in invalid year
int dowLastDay = dayOfWeek(d->lastDayOfYear(year));
if (dowLastDay >= 4 && dayOfIsoWeek > dowLastDay) {
return false;
return true;
bool KCalendarSystem::isValid(const QDate &date) const
if (date.isNull() || date < earliestValidDate() || date > latestValidDate()) {
return false;
return true;
bool KCalendarSystem::setDate(QDate &date, int year, int month, int day) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
date = d->invalidDate();
if (isValid(year, month, day)) {
int jd;
dateToJulianDay(year, month, day, jd);
QDate calcDate = QDate::fromJulianDay(jd);
if (isValid(calcDate)) {
date = calcDate;
return true;
return false;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::setDate(QDate &date, int year, int dayOfYear) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
date = d->invalidDate();
if (isValid(year, dayOfYear)) {
int jd;
dateToJulianDay(year, 1, 1, jd);
QDate calcDate = QDate::fromJulianDay(jd + dayOfYear - 1);
if (isValid(calcDate)) {
date = calcDate;
return true;
return false;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::setDate(QDate &date, QString eraName, int yearInEra, int month, int day) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
KCalendarEra era = d->era(eraName, yearInEra);
return (era.isValid() && setDate(date, era.year(yearInEra), month, day));
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
bool KCalendarSystem::setDateIsoWeek(QDate &date, int year, int isoWeekNumber, int dayOfIsoWeek) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
date = d->invalidDate();
if (isValidIsoWeekDate(year, isoWeekNumber, dayOfIsoWeek)) {
QDate calcDate = d->firstDayOfYear(year);
int dowFirstDayOfYear = dayOfWeek(calcDate);
int daysToAdd = (d->daysInWeek() * (isoWeekNumber - 1)) + dayOfIsoWeek;
if (dowFirstDayOfYear <= 4) {
calcDate = calcDate.addDays(daysToAdd - dowFirstDayOfYear);
} else {
calcDate = calcDate.addDays(daysInWeek(calcDate) + daysToAdd - dowFirstDayOfYear);
if (isValid(calcDate)) {
date = calcDate;
return true;
return false;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
void KCalendarSystem::getDate(const QDate date, int *year, int *month, int *day) const
int y, m, d;
if (isValid(date)) {
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), y, m, d);
} else {
y = 0; // How do you denote invalid year when we support -ve years?
m = 0;
d = 0;
if (year) {
*year = y;
if (month) {
*month = m;
if (day) {
*day = d;
int KCalendarSystem::year(const QDate &date) const
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month, day;
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), year, month, day);
return year;
return 0; // How do you denote invalid year when we support -ve years?
int KCalendarSystem::month(const QDate &date) const
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month, day;
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), year, month, day);
return month;
return 0;
int KCalendarSystem::day(const QDate &date) const
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month, day;
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), year, month, day);
return day;
return 0;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::eraName(const QDate &date, StringFormat format) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
if (format == LongFormat) {
return d->era(date).name(KLocale::LongName);
} else {
return d->era(date).name(KLocale::ShortName);
return QString();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::eraYear(const QDate &date, StringFormat format) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return formatDate(date, d->era(date).format());
return QString();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
int KCalendarSystem::yearInEra(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->era(date).yearInEra(year(date));
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QList<KCalendarEra> *KCalendarSystem::eraList() const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->eraList();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
KCalendarEra KCalendarSystem::era(const QDate &eraDate) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->era(eraDate);
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
KCalendarEra KCalendarSystem::era(const QString &eraName, int yearInEra) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->era(eraName, yearInEra);
QDate KCalendarSystem::addYears(const QDate &date, int numYears) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
int originalYear, originalMonth, originalDay;
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), originalYear, originalMonth, originalDay);
int newYear = d->addYears(originalYear, numYears);
int newMonth = originalMonth;
int newDay = originalDay;
//Adjust day number if new month has fewer days than old month
int daysInNewMonth = d->daysInMonth(newYear, newMonth);
if (daysInNewMonth < originalDay) {
newDay = daysInNewMonth;
QDate newDate;
setDate(newDate, newYear, newMonth, newDay);
return newDate;
return d->invalidDate();
QDate KCalendarSystem::addMonths(const QDate &date, int numMonths) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
int originalYear, originalMonth, originalDay;
julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay(), originalYear, originalMonth, originalDay);
int monthsInOriginalYear = d->monthsInYear(originalYear);
int newYear = d->addYears(originalYear, (originalMonth + numMonths) / monthsInOriginalYear);
int newMonth = (originalMonth + numMonths) % monthsInOriginalYear;
int newDay = originalDay;
if (newMonth == 0) {
newYear = d->addYears(newYear, - 1);
newMonth = monthsInOriginalYear;
if (newMonth < 0) {
newYear = d->addYears(newYear, - 1);
newMonth = newMonth + monthsInOriginalYear;
//Adjust day number if new month has fewer days than old month
int daysInNewMonth = d->daysInMonth(newYear, newMonth);
if (daysInNewMonth < originalDay) {
newDay = daysInNewMonth;
QDate newDate;
setDate(newDate, newYear, newMonth, newDay);
return newDate;
return d->invalidDate();
QDate KCalendarSystem::addDays(const QDate &date, int numDays) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
// QDate only holds a uint and has no boundary checking in addDays(), so we need to check
if (isValid(date) && (long) date.toJulianDay() + (long) numDays > 0) {
// QDate adds straight to jd
QDate temp = date.addDays(numDays);
if (isValid(temp)) {
return temp;
return d->invalidDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
void KCalendarSystem::dateDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate,
int *yearsDiff, int *monthsDiff, int *daysDiff, int *direction) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(fromDate) && isValid(toDate)) {
d->dateDifference(fromDate, toDate, yearsDiff, monthsDiff, daysDiff, direction);
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::yearsDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(fromDate) && isValid(toDate)) {
return d->yearsDifference(fromDate, toDate);
return 0;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::monthsDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(fromDate) && isValid(toDate)) {
return d->monthsDifference(fromDate, toDate);
return 0;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::daysDifference(const QDate &fromDate, const QDate &toDate) const
if (isValid(fromDate) && isValid(toDate)) {
return toDate.toJulianDay() - fromDate.toJulianDay();
return 0;
int KCalendarSystem::monthsInYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->monthsInYear(year(date));
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::monthsInYear(int year) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->monthsInYear(year);
return -1;
int KCalendarSystem::weeksInYear(const QDate &date) const
return weeksInYear(date, KLocale::DefaultWeekNumber);
int KCalendarSystem::weeksInYear(int year) const
return weeksInYear(year, KLocale::DefaultWeekNumber);
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::weeksInYear(const QDate &date, KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->weeksInYear(year(date), weekNumberSystem);
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::weeksInYear(int year, KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->weeksInYear(year, weekNumberSystem);
return -1;
int KCalendarSystem::daysInYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->daysInYear(year(date));
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::daysInYear(int year) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->daysInYear(year);
return -1;
int KCalendarSystem::daysInMonth(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month;
getDate(date, &year, &month, 0);
return d->daysInMonth(year, month);
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::daysInMonth(int year, int month) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->daysInMonth(year, month);
return -1;
int KCalendarSystem::daysInWeek(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->daysInWeek();
int KCalendarSystem::dayOfYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->dayOfYear(date);
return -1;
int KCalendarSystem::dayOfWeek(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->dayOfWeek(date);
return -1;
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::week(const QDate &date, int *yearNum) const
return week(date, KLocale::DefaultWeekNumber, yearNum);
// NOT VIRTUAL - Uses shared-d instead
int KCalendarSystem::week(const QDate &date, KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem, int *yearNum) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->week(date, weekNumberSystem, yearNum);
return -1;
bool KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(int year) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->isLeapYear(year);
return false;
bool KCalendarSystem::isLeapYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->isLeapYear(year(date));
return false;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::firstDayOfYear(int year) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->firstDayOfYear(year);
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::lastDayOfYear(int year) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, 1, 1)) {
return d->lastDayOfYear(year);
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::firstDayOfYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->firstDayOfYear(year(date));
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::lastDayOfYear(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
return d->lastDayOfYear(year(date));
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::firstDayOfMonth(int year, int month) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, month, 1)) {
return d->firstDayOfMonth(year, month);
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::lastDayOfMonth(int year, int month) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(year, month, 1)) {
return d->lastDayOfMonth(year, month);
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::firstDayOfMonth(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month;
getDate(date, &year, &month, 0);
return d->firstDayOfMonth(year, month);
return QDate();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::lastDayOfMonth(const QDate &date) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month;
getDate(date, &year, &month, 0);
return d->lastDayOfMonth(year, month);
return QDate();
QString KCalendarSystem::monthName(int month, int year, KCalendarSystem::MonthNameFormat format) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (!isValid(year, month, 1)) {
return QString();
if (format == KCalendarSystem::NarrowName) {
return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::NarrowName, false);
if (format == KCalendarSystem::ShortNamePossessive) {
return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::ShortName, true);
if (format == KCalendarSystem::ShortName) {
return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::ShortName, false);
if (format == KCalendarSystem::LongNamePossessive) {
return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::LongName, true);
// KCalendarSystem::LongName or any other
return d->monthName(month, year, KLocale::LongName, false);
QString KCalendarSystem::monthName(const QDate &date, MonthNameFormat format) const
if (isValid(date)) {
int year, month;
getDate(date, &year, &month, 0);
return monthName(month, year, format);
return QString();
QString KCalendarSystem::weekDayName(int weekDay, KCalendarSystem::WeekDayNameFormat format) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (weekDay < 1 || weekDay > d->daysInWeek()) {
return QString();
if (format == KCalendarSystem::NarrowDayName) {
return d->weekDayName(weekDay, KLocale::NarrowName);
if (format == KCalendarSystem::ShortDayName) {
return d->weekDayName(weekDay, KLocale::ShortName);
return d->weekDayName(weekDay, KLocale::LongName);
QString KCalendarSystem::weekDayName(const QDate &date, WeekDayNameFormat format) const
if (isValid(date)) {
return weekDayName(dayOfWeek(date), format);
return QString();
int KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(const QString &yearString, int &readLength) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
QString minus = i18nc("Negative symbol as used for year numbers, e.g. -5 = 5 BC", "-");
if (yearString.startsWith(minus)) {
int value = d->integerFromString(yearString.mid(minus.length()), 4, readLength);
if (readLength > 0 && value >= 0) {
readLength = readLength + minus.length();
return value * -1;
} else {
return value;
return d->integerFromString(yearString, 4, readLength);
int KCalendarSystem::monthStringToInteger(const QString &monthString, int &readLength) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->integerFromString(monthString, 2, readLength);
int KCalendarSystem::dayStringToInteger(const QString &dayString, int &readLength) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->integerFromString(dayString, 2, readLength);
QString KCalendarSystem::formatDate(const QDate &fromDate, KLocale::DateFormat toFormat) const
if (!fromDate.isValid()) {
return QString();
if (toFormat == KLocale::FancyShortDate || toFormat == KLocale::FancyLongDate) {
QDate now = KDateTime::currentLocalDate();
int daysToNow = fromDate.daysTo(now);
switch (daysToNow) {
case 0:
return i18n("Today");
case 1:
return i18n("Yesterday");
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
return weekDayName(fromDate);
switch (toFormat) {
case KLocale::LongDate:
case KLocale::FancyLongDate:
return formatDate(fromDate, locale()->dateFormat());
case KLocale::IsoDate:
return formatDate(fromDate, QLatin1String("%Y-%m-%d"));
case KLocale::IsoWeekDate:
return formatDate(fromDate, QLatin1String("%Y-W%V-%u"));
case KLocale::IsoOrdinalDate:
return formatDate(fromDate, QLatin1String("%Y-%j"));
case KLocale::ShortDate:
case KLocale::FancyShortDate:
return formatDate(fromDate, locale()->dateFormatShort());
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::formatDate(const QDate &fromDate, const QString &toFormat,
KLocale::DateTimeFormatStandard standard) const
return formatDate(fromDate, toFormat, locale()->dateTimeDigitSet(), standard);
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::formatDate(const QDate &fromDate, const QString &toFormat, KLocale::DigitSet digitSet,
KLocale::DateTimeFormatStandard formatStandard) const
if (!isValid(fromDate) || toFormat.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
KDateTimeFormatter formatter;
return formatter.formatDate(fromDate, toFormat, this, locale(), digitSet, formatStandard);
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QString KCalendarSystem::formatDate(const QDate &date, KLocale::DateTimeComponent component,
KLocale::DateTimeComponentFormat format,
KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
switch (component) {
case KLocale::Year:
case KLocale::YearName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%y"));
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%Y"));
case KLocale::Month:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongName:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::LongName);
case KLocale::ShortName:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortName);
case KLocale::NarrowName:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::NarrowName);
case KLocale::LongNumber:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%m"));
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%n"));
case KLocale::MonthName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::NarrowName:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::NarrowName);
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortName);
case KLocale::LongName:
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return monthName(date, KCalendarSystem::LongName);
case KLocale::Day:
case KLocale::DayName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%d"));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%e"));
case KLocale::JulianDay:
return d->stringFromInteger(date.toJulianDay(), 0);
case KLocale::EraName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return eraName(date, KCalendarSystem::LongFormat);
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return eraName(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortFormat);
case KLocale::EraYear:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return eraYear(date, KCalendarSystem::LongFormat);
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return eraYear(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortFormat);
case KLocale::YearInEra:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%4Ey"));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%Ey"));
case KLocale::DayOfYear:
case KLocale::DayOfYearName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%j"));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%-j"));
case KLocale::DayOfWeek:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongName:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::LongDayName);
case KLocale::ShortName:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortDayName);
case KLocale::NarrowName:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::NarrowDayName);
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return formatDate(date, QLatin1String("%-u"));
case KLocale::DayOfWeekName:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::NarrowName:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::NarrowDayName);
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::ShortDayName);
case KLocale::LongName:
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return weekDayName(date, KCalendarSystem::LongDayName);
case KLocale::Week:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return d->stringFromInteger(week(date, weekNumberSystem, 0), 2, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(week(date, weekNumberSystem, 0), 0, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::WeekYear: {
int weekYear = 0;
QDate yearDate;
week(date, weekNumberSystem, &weekYear);
setDate(yearDate, weekYear, 1, 1);
return formatDate(yearDate, KLocale::Year, format);
case KLocale::MonthsInYear:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return d->stringFromInteger(monthsInYear(date), 2, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(monthsInYear(date), 0, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::WeeksInYear:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return d->stringFromInteger(weeksInYear(date), 2, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(weeksInYear(date), 0, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::DaysInYear:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return d->stringFromInteger(daysInYear(date), 3, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(daysInYear(date), 0, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::DaysInMonth:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
return d->stringFromInteger(daysInMonth(date), 2, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(daysInMonth(date), 0, QLatin1Char('0'));
case KLocale::DaysInWeek:
switch (format) {
case KLocale::LongNumber:
case KLocale::LongName:
case KLocale::ShortName:
case KLocale::NarrowName:
case KLocale::ShortNumber:
case KLocale::DefaultComponentFormat:
return d->stringFromInteger(d->daysInWeek(), 0);
return QString();
QDate KCalendarSystem::readDate(const QString &str, bool *ok) const
//Try each standard format in turn, start with the locale ones,
//then the well defined standards
QDate date = readDate(str, KLocale::ShortFormat, ok);
if (!isValid(date)) {
date = readDate(str, KLocale::NormalFormat, ok);
if (!isValid(date)) {
date = readDate(str, KLocale::IsoFormat, ok);
if (!isValid(date)) {
date = readDate(str, KLocale::IsoWeekFormat, ok);
if (!isValid(date)) {
date = readDate(str, KLocale::IsoOrdinalFormat, ok);
return date;
QDate KCalendarSystem::readDate(const QString &str, KLocale::ReadDateFlags flags, bool *ok) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
if (flags & KLocale::ShortFormat) {
return readDate(str, locale()->dateFormatShort(), ok);
} else if (flags & KLocale::NormalFormat) {
return readDate(str, locale()->dateFormat(), ok);
} else if (flags & KLocale::IsoFormat) {
return readDate(str, QLatin1String("%Y-%m-%d"), ok);
} else if (flags & KLocale::IsoWeekFormat) {
return readDate(str, QLatin1String("%Y-W%V-%u"), ok);
} else if (flags & KLocale::IsoOrdinalFormat) {
return readDate(str, QLatin1String("%Y-%j"), ok);
return d->invalidDate();
QDate KCalendarSystem::readDate(const QString &inputString, const QString &formatString, bool *ok) const
return readDate(inputString, formatString, ok, KLocale::KdeFormat);
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
QDate KCalendarSystem::readDate(const QString &inputString, const QString &formatString, bool *ok,
KLocale::DateTimeFormatStandard formatStandard) const
KDateTimeParser parser;
QDate resultDate = parser.parseDate(inputString, formatString, this, locale(), locale()->dateTimeDigitSet(), formatStandard);
if (ok) {
*ok = resultDate.isValid();
return resultDate;
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
int KCalendarSystem::shortYearWindowStartYear() const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->shortYearWindowStartYear();
// NOT VIRTUAL - If override needed use shared-d
int KCalendarSystem::applyShortYearWindow(int inputYear) const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->applyShortYearWindow(inputYear);
int KCalendarSystem::weekStartDay() const
return locale()->weekStartDay();
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
// The implementation MUST NOT do validity checking on date ranges, all calls to this function MUST
// instead be wrapped in validity checks, as sometimes we want this to work outside the public valid
// range, i.e. to allow us to internally set dates of 1/1/10000 which are not publically valid but
// are required for internal maths
bool KCalendarSystem::julianDayToDate(int jd, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
// Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
// http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
// NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
// the Boost licensed source code
int a = jd + 32044;
int b = ((4 * a) + 3) / 146097;
int c = a - ((146097 * b) / 4);
int d = ((4 * c) + 3) / 1461;
int e = c - ((1461 * d) / 4);
int m = ((5 * e) + 2) / 153;
day = e - (((153 * m) + 2) / 5) + 1;
month = m + 3 - (12 * (m / 10));
year = (100 * b) + d - 4800 + (m / 10);
// If year is -ve then is BC. In Gregorian there is no year 0, but the maths
// is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of 0 = 1BC = -1 outside
if (year < 1) {
year = year - 1;
return true;
// Dummy version using Gregorian as an example
// This method MUST be re-implemented in any new Calendar System
// The implementation MUST NOT do validity checking on date ranges, all calls to this function MUST
// instead be wrapped in validity checks, as sometimes we want this to work outside the public valid
// range, i.e. to allow us to internally set dates of 1/1/10000 which are not publically valid but
// are required for internal maths
bool KCalendarSystem::dateToJulianDay(int year, int month, int day, int &jd) const
// Formula from The Calendar FAQ by Claus Tondering
// http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node3.html#SECTION003161000000000000000
// NOTE: Coded from scratch from mathematical formulas, not copied from
// the Boost licensed source code
// If year is -ve then is BC. In Gregorian there is no year 0, but the maths
// is easier if we pretend there is, so internally year of -1 = 1BC = 0 internally
int y;
if (year < 1) {
y = year + 1;
} else {
y = year;
int a = (14 - month) / 12;
y = y + 4800 - a;
int m = month + (12 * a) - 3;
jd = day
+ (((153 * m) + 2) / 5)
+ (365 * y)
+ (y / 4)
- (y / 100)
+ (y / 400)
- 32045;
return true;
const KLocale * KCalendarSystem::locale() const
Q_D(const KCalendarSystem);
return d->locale();