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* testobject.cpp
* This file is part of the KDE project
* copyright (C)2004-2005 by Sebastian Sauer (mail@dipe.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "testobject.h"
#include <QtCore/QSize>
#include <QtCore/QPoint>
#include <QtCore/QRect>
#include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
#include <QtGui/QColor>
#include <QtGui/QFont>
#include <QtGui/QBrush>
TestObject::TestObject(QObject* parent, const QString& name)
: QObject(parent)
//qRegisterMetaType< QList<TestObject*> >("QList<TestObject*>");
QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
setProperty("dynamicProperty",QVariantList() << "Some String" << 99);
QObject* TestObject::createThread(int steps, int msecs, bool start)
TestThread* t = new TestThread(this, steps, msecs);
if( start )
return t;
QString TestObject::name()
return objectName();
void TestObject::func_void()
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void";
void TestObject::func_void_int(int)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_int i=" << i;
int TestObject::func_int_int(int i)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_int_int i=" << i;
return i;
bool TestObject::func_bool_bool(bool b)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_bool_bool b=" << b;
return b;
uint TestObject::func_uint_uint(uint i)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_uint_uint i=" << i;
return i;
double TestObject::func_double_double(double d)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_double_double d=" << d;
return d;
qlonglong TestObject::func_qlonglong_qlonglong(qlonglong l)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qlonglong_qlonglong l=" << l;
return l;
qulonglong TestObject::func_qulonglong_qulonglong(qulonglong l)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qulonglong_qulonglong l=" << l;
return l;
void TestObject::func_void_qstring_int(QString, int)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_qstring_int s=" << s << " i=" << i;
void TestObject::func_void_qstringlist(QStringList)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_qstringlist sl=" << sl.join(",");
QString TestObject::func_qstring_qstring_int(QString s, int i)
QString r = QString("%1,%2").arg(s).arg(i);
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_qstring_int s=" << s << " i=" << i << " returnvalue=" << r;
return r;
QByteArray TestObject::func_qbytearray_qbytearray(QByteArray ba)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qbytearray_qbytearray ba=" << ba;
return ba;
QString TestObject::func_qstring_qstring(const QString& s)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qstring_qstring s=" << s;
return s;
QStringList TestObject::func_qstringlist_qstringlist(QStringList sl)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qstringlist_qstringlist sl=" << sl.join(",");
return sl;
QVariantList TestObject::func_qvariantlist_qvariantlist(QVariantList vl)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qvariantlist_qvariantlist vl.count=" << vl.count();
return vl;
QVariantMap TestObject::func_qvariantmap_qvariantmap(QVariantMap vm)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qvariantmap_qvariantmap vm.count=" << vm.count();
return vm;
QVariantList TestObject::func_qobject2qvariantlist(QObject* obj)
//kDebug()<<"TestObject::func_qobject2qvariantlist obj="<<(obj ? obj->objectName() : "NULL");
QVariant v;
return QVariantList() << v;
QObject* TestObject::func_qvariantlist2qobject(QVariantList list)
return list.count() > 0 ? list[0].value<QObject*>() : 0;
QSize TestObject::func_qsize_qsize(const QSize& s) { return s; }
QSizeF TestObject::func_qsizef_qsizef(const QSizeF& s) { return s; }
QPoint TestObject::func_qpoint_qpoint(const QPoint& p) { return p; }
QPointF TestObject::func_qpointf_qpointf(const QPointF& p) { return p; }
QRect TestObject::func_qrect_qrect(const QRect& r) { return r; }
QRectF TestObject::func_qrectf_qrectf(const QRectF& r) { return r; }
QUrl TestObject::func_qurl_qurl(const QUrl& u) { return u; }
QUrl TestObject::func_qurl_kurl(const KUrl& u) { return u; }
KUrl TestObject::func_kurl_kurl(const KUrl& u) { return u; }
const KUrl& TestObject::func_kurl_qstring(const QString& u) { return KUrl(u); }
QColor TestObject::func_qcolor_qcolor(const QColor& c) { return c; }
QFont TestObject::func_qfont_qfont(const QFont& f) { return f; }
QBrush TestObject::func_qbrush_qbrush(const QBrush& b) { return b; }
QTime TestObject::func_qtime_qtime(const QTime& t) { return t; }
QDate TestObject::func_qdate_qdate(const QDate& d) { return d; }
QDateTime TestObject::func_qdatetime_qdatetime(const QDateTime& dt) { return dt; }
void TestObject::func_void_qvariant(const QVariant& v)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_qvariant variant.toString=" << v.toString() << " variant.type=" << v.typeName();
QVariant TestObject::func_qvariant_qvariant(const QVariant& v)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qvariant_qvariant value=" << v.toString() << " type=" << v.typeName();
return v;
Kross::Object::Ptr TestObject::func_krossobject_krossobject(Kross::Object::Ptr object)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_krossobject_krossobject";
return object;
QStringList TestObject::get_krossobject_methods(Kross::Object::Ptr object)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::get_krossobject_methods";
return object->methodNames();
QVariant TestObject::call_krossobject_method(Kross::Object::Ptr object, const QString& methodname, const QVariantList& args)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::call_krossobject_method";
return object->callMethod(methodname, args);
QObject* TestObject::func_createChildTestObject(const QString& objectname)
return new TestObject(this, objectname);
void TestObject::func_void_qobject(QObject*)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_qobject " << (obj ? QString("objectName=%1 className=%2").arg(obj->objectName()).arg(obj->metaObject()->className()) : "NULL");
QObject* TestObject::func_qobject_qobject(QObject* obj)
//kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qobject_qobject " << (obj ? QString("objectName=%1 className=%2").arg(obj->objectName()).arg(obj->metaObject()->className()) : "NULL");
return obj;
QWidget* TestObject::func_qwidget_qwidget(QWidget* widget)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_qwidget_qwidget " << (widget ? QString("objectName=%1 className=%2").arg(widget->objectName()).arg(widget->metaObject()->className()) : "NULL");
return widget;
void TestObject::func_void_testobject(TestObject* obj)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_testobject " << (obj ? QString("objectName=%1 className=%2").arg(obj->objectName()).arg(obj->metaObject()->className()) : "NULL");
TestObject* TestObject::func_testobject_testobject(TestObject* obj)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_testobject_testobject " << (obj ? QString("objectName=%1 className=%2").arg(obj->objectName()).arg(obj->metaObject()->className()) : "NULL");
return obj;
TestObject* TestObject::func_testobject_qobject(QObject* obj)
TestObject* tobj = dynamic_cast<TestObject*>(obj);
return tobj;
void TestObject::func_void_testobjectlist(QList<TestObject*> l)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_void_testobjectlist " << l.count();
foreach(TestObject* obj, l)
kDebug() << " " << (obj ? obj->objectName() : "NULL");
QList<TestObject*> TestObject::func_testobjectlist_testobjectlist(QList<TestObject*> l)
kDebug() << "TestObject::func_testobjectlist_testobjectlist " << l.count();
return l;
void TestObject::connectCallTestFunction(Kross::Action* krossAction, QObject* sender, const QString& signal)
m_krossAction = krossAction;
QString signalName = signal;
if (!signalName.startsWith('2')) {
signalName = QString("2%1").arg(signal);
connect(sender, signalName.toLatin1(), this, SLOT(callTestFunction()));
void TestObject::callTestFunction()
QVariantList arguments;
arguments << 42;
m_testFunctionReturnedValue = m_krossAction->callFunction("testFunction", arguments);
void TestObject::connectCallTestFunctionException(Kross::Action* krossAction, QObject* sender, const QString& signal)
m_krossAction = krossAction;
QString signalName = signal;
if (!signalName.startsWith('2')) {
signalName = QString("2%1").arg(signal);
connect(sender, signalName.toLatin1(), this, SLOT(callTestFunctionException()));
void TestObject::callTestFunctionException()
QVariantList arguments;
arguments << 42;
m_testFunctionReturnedValue = m_krossAction->callFunction("testFunctionException", arguments);
QVariant TestObject::testFunctionReturnedValue()
return m_testFunctionReturnedValue;
* OtherObject
OtherObject* TestObject::func_otherobject(const QByteArray& name)
if( OtherObject* obj = findChild<OtherObject*>(name) )
return obj;
return new OtherObject(this, name);
OtherObject* TestObject::func_otherobject_otherobject(OtherObject* obj)
return obj;
QList<OtherObject*> TestObject::func_otherobjectlist_otherobjectlist(QList<OtherObject*> l)
return l;
* TestThread
TestThread::TestThread(TestObject* parent, int steps, int msecs)
: QThread(parent)
, m_testobject(parent)
, m_steps(steps)
, m_msecs(msecs)
//kDebug() << "TestThread::TestThread()";
//kDebug() << "TestThread::~TestThread()";
void TestThread::emitStepDone(int step)
//kDebug() << "TestThread::emitStepDone() step=" << step;
emit stepDone(step);
QVariant TestThread::callFunction(QObject* action, const QString& functionname, QVariantList arguments)
Kross::Action* a = dynamic_cast<Kross::Action*>(action);
return a->callFunction(functionname, arguments);
void TestThread::run()
//kDebug() << "TestThread::run()";
for(int i = 0; i < m_steps; ++i) {
kDebug() << "TestThread::run() 1 step=" << i << "m_steps=" << m_steps << "m_msecs=" << m_msecs;
emit stepDone(i);
#include "moc_testobject.cpp"