Ivailo Monev 061a11fd43 kdeui: replace KDatePicker/KDateTable with new KCalendarWidget class
interestingly QLocale is not used for many things but that is about to
change, Katie uses it a lot internally (e.g. for QDateTime formatting
and such) so instead of bolting a calendar system on top of KLocale
perhaps a QLocale wrapped around in KLocale will fit the general idea
of using QLocale in widgets when necessary (as does QCalendarWidget).

that however means no way to specify a calendar system (in general,
other than changing the widgets locale itself) but the QDateTime and
related classes are tied to gregorian calendar already - the system
time itself carries no information about the calendar and any
conversions from one calendar to another are basically made up stuff
(there is the time zone thing ofcourse but that is not a calendar)

another interesting thing to note is that KLocale was written such that
it is read-write - changing the date formats for example is possible
because there are public KLocale methods for that.

Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
2023-07-23 06:16:56 +03:00

546 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 2003 Benjamin C Meyer (ben+kdelibs at meyerhome dot net)
* Copyright (C) 2003 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kconfigdialogmanager.h"
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QRadioButton>
//#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <kconfigskeleton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef QHash<QString, QByteArray> MyHash;
K_GLOBAL_STATIC(MyHash, s_propertyMap)
K_GLOBAL_STATIC(MyHash, s_changedMap)
// see kdebug.areas
static const int s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea = 300;
class KConfigDialogManager::Private {
Private(KConfigDialogManager *q) : q(q), insideGroupBox(false) { }
KConfigDialogManager *q;
* KConfigSkeleton object used to store settings
KCoreConfigSkeleton *m_conf;
* Dialog being managed
QWidget *m_dialog;
QHash<QString, QWidget *> knownWidget;
QHash<QString, QWidget *> buddyWidget;
bool insideGroupBox : 1;
bool trackChanges : 1;
KConfigDialogManager::KConfigDialogManager(QWidget *parent, KCoreConfigSkeleton *conf)
: QObject(parent), d(new Private(this))
d->m_conf = conf;
d->m_dialog = parent;
KConfigDialogManager::KConfigDialogManager(QWidget *parent, KConfigSkeleton *conf)
: QObject(parent), d(new Private(this))
d->m_conf = conf;
d->m_dialog = parent;
delete d;
void KConfigDialogManager::initMaps()
if ( s_propertyMap->isEmpty() ) {
s_propertyMap->insert( "KButtonGroup", "current" );
s_propertyMap->insert( "KColorButton", "color" );
s_propertyMap->insert( "KColorCombo", "color" );
//s_propertyMap->insert( "KUrlRequester", "url" );
//s_propertyMap->insert( "KUrlComboRequester", "url" );
if( s_changedMap->isEmpty() )
// QT
s_changedMap->insert("QCheckBox", SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert("QPushButton", SIGNAL(clicked(bool)));
s_changedMap->insert("QRadioButton", SIGNAL(toggled(bool)));
// We can only store one thing, so you can't have
// a ButtonGroup that is checkable.
// s_changedMap->insert("QButtonGroup", SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)));
s_changedMap->insert("QGroupBox", SIGNAL(toggled(bool)));
s_changedMap->insert("QComboBox", SIGNAL(activated(int)));
//qsqlproperty map doesn't store the text, but the value!
//s_changedMap->insert("QComboBox", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert("QDateEdit", SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)));
s_changedMap->insert("QDateTimeEdit", SIGNAL(timeChanged(QTime)));
s_changedMap->insert("QDateTimeEdit", SIGNAL(dateTimeChanged(QDateTime)));
s_changedMap->insert("QDial", SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert("QDoubleSpinBox", SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)));
s_changedMap->insert("QLineEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert("QSlider", SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert("QSpinBox", SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert("QTextEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged()));
s_changedMap->insert("QTextBrowser", SIGNAL(sourceChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert("QPlainTextEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged()));
s_changedMap->insert("QTabWidget", SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)));
// KDE
s_changedMap->insert( "KComboBox", SIGNAL(activated(int)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KFontComboBox", SIGNAL(activated(int)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KFontRequester", SIGNAL(fontSelected(QFont)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KFontChooser", SIGNAL(fontSelected(QFont)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KHistoryCombo", SIGNAL(activated(int)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KColorCombo", SIGNAL(activated(QColor)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KColorButton", SIGNAL(changed(QColor)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KCalendarWidget", SIGNAL(activated(QDate)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KEditListBox", SIGNAL(changed()));
s_changedMap->insert( "KEditListWidget", SIGNAL(changed()));
s_changedMap->insert( "KListWidget", SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()));
s_changedMap->insert( "KLineEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KPasswordEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KRestrictedLine", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KTextEdit", SIGNAL(textChanged()));
s_changedMap->insert( "KUrlRequester", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KUrlComboRequester", SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KUrlComboBox", SIGNAL(urlActivated(KUrl)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KIntNumInput", SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KIntSpinBox", SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KDoubleNumInput", SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)));
s_changedMap->insert( "KButtonGroup", SIGNAL(changed(int)));
QHash<QString, QByteArray> *KConfigDialogManager::propertyMap()
return s_propertyMap;
QHash<QString, QByteArray> *KConfigDialogManager::changedMap()
return s_changedMap;
void KConfigDialogManager::init(bool trackChanges)
d->trackChanges = trackChanges;
// Go through all of the children of the widgets and find all known widgets
(void) parseChildren(d->m_dialog, trackChanges);
void KConfigDialogManager::addWidget(QWidget *widget)
(void) parseChildren(widget, true);
void KConfigDialogManager::setupWidget(QWidget *widget, KConfigSkeletonItem *item)
QVariant minValue = item->minValue();
if (minValue.isValid())
// Only q3datetimeedit is using this property we can remove it if we stop supporting Qt3Support
if (widget->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("minValue") != -1)
widget->setProperty("minValue", minValue);
if (widget->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("minimum") != -1)
widget->setProperty("minimum", minValue);
QVariant maxValue = item->maxValue();
if (maxValue.isValid())
// Only q3datetimeedit is using that property we can remove it if we stop supporting Qt3Support
if (widget->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("maxValue") != -1)
widget->setProperty("maxValue", maxValue);
if (widget->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("maximum") != -1)
widget->setProperty("maximum", maxValue);
if (widget->whatsThis().isEmpty())
QString whatsThis = item->whatsThis();
if ( !whatsThis.isEmpty() )
widget->setWhatsThis(whatsThis );
if (widget->toolTip().isEmpty())
QString toolTip = item->toolTip();
if ( !toolTip.isEmpty() )
if(!item->isEqual( property(widget) ))
setProperty( widget, item->property() );
bool KConfigDialogManager::parseChildren(const QWidget *widget, bool trackChanges)
bool valueChanged = false;
const QList<QObject*> listOfChildren = widget->children();
if(listOfChildren.count()==0) //?? XXX
return valueChanged;
foreach ( QObject *object, listOfChildren )
continue; // Skip non-widgets
QWidget *childWidget = static_cast<QWidget *>(object);
QString widgetName = childWidget->objectName();
bool bParseChildren = true;
bool bSaveInsideGroupBox = d->insideGroupBox;
if (widgetName.startsWith(QLatin1String("kcfg_")))
// This is one of our widgets!
QString configId = widgetName.mid(5);
KConfigSkeletonItem *item = d->m_conf->findItem(configId);
if (item)
d->knownWidget.insert(configId, childWidget);
setupWidget(childWidget, item);
if ( d->trackChanges ) {
QHash<QString, QByteArray>::const_iterator changedIt = s_changedMap->constFind(childWidget->metaObject()->className());
if (changedIt == s_changedMap->constEnd())
// If the class name of the widget wasn't in the monitored widgets map, then look for
// it again using the super class name. This fixes a problem with using QtRuby/Korundum
// widgets with KConfigXT where 'Qt::Widget' wasn't being seen a the real deal, even
// though it was a 'QWidget'.
if ( childWidget->metaObject()->superClass() )
changedIt = s_changedMap->constFind(childWidget->metaObject()->superClass()->className());
changedIt = s_changedMap->constFind(QString());
if (changedIt == s_changedMap->constEnd())
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "Don't know how to monitor widget '" << childWidget->metaObject()->className() << "' for changes!";
connect(childWidget, *changedIt,
this, SIGNAL(widgetModified()));
QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(childWidget);
if (cb && cb->isEditable())
connect(cb, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)),
this, SIGNAL(widgetModified()));
QGroupBox *gb = qobject_cast<QGroupBox *>(childWidget);
if (!gb)
bParseChildren = false;
d->insideGroupBox = true;
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "A widget named '" << widgetName << "' was found but there is no setting named '" << configId << "'";
else if (QLabel *label = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(childWidget))
QWidget *buddy = label->buddy();
if (!buddy)
QString buddyName = buddy->objectName();
if (buddyName.startsWith(QLatin1String("kcfg_")))
// This is one of our widgets!
QString configId = buddyName.mid(5);
d->buddyWidget.insert(configId, childWidget);
#ifndef NDEBUG
else if (!widgetName.isEmpty() && d->trackChanges)
QHash<QString, QByteArray>::const_iterator changedIt = s_changedMap->constFind(childWidget->metaObject()->className());
if (changedIt != s_changedMap->constEnd())
if ((!d->insideGroupBox || !qobject_cast<QRadioButton*>(childWidget)) &&
!qobject_cast<QGroupBox*>(childWidget) &&!qobject_cast<QTabWidget*>(childWidget) )
kDebug(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "Widget '" << widgetName << "' (" << childWidget->metaObject()->className() << ") remains unmanaged.";
// this widget is not known as something we can store.
// Maybe we can store one of its children.
valueChanged |= parseChildren(childWidget, trackChanges);
d->insideGroupBox = bSaveInsideGroupBox;
return valueChanged;
void KConfigDialogManager::updateWidgets()
bool changed = false;
bool bSignalsBlocked = signalsBlocked();
QWidget *widget;
QHashIterator<QString, QWidget *> it( d->knownWidget );
while(it.hasNext()) {
widget = it.value();
KConfigSkeletonItem *item = d->m_conf->findItem(it.key());
if (!item)
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "The setting '" << it.key() << "' has disappeared!";
if(!item->isEqual( property(widget) ))
setProperty( widget, item->property() );
// kDebug(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "The setting '" << it.key() << "' [" << widget->className() << "] has changed";
changed = true;
if (item->isImmutable())
QWidget *buddy = d->buddyWidget.value(it.key(), 0);
if (buddy)
if (changed)
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(widgetModified()));
void KConfigDialogManager::updateWidgetsDefault()
bool bUseDefaults = d->m_conf->useDefaults(true);
void KConfigDialogManager::updateSettings()
bool changed = false;
QWidget *widget;
QHashIterator<QString, QWidget *> it( d->knownWidget );
while(it.hasNext()) {
widget = it.value();
KConfigSkeletonItem *item = d->m_conf->findItem(it.key());
if (!item) {
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "The setting '" << it.key() << "' has disappeared!";
QVariant fromWidget = property(widget);
if(!item->isEqual( fromWidget )) {
item->setProperty( fromWidget );
changed = true;
if (changed)
emit settingsChanged();
QByteArray KConfigDialogManager::getUserProperty(const QWidget *widget) const
if (!s_propertyMap->contains(widget->metaObject()->className())) {
const QMetaObject *metaObject = widget->metaObject();
const QMetaProperty user = metaObject->userProperty();
if ( user.isValid() ) {
s_propertyMap->insert( widget->metaObject()->className(), user.name() );
//kDebug(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "class name: '" << widget->metaObject()->className()
//<< " 's USER property: " << metaProperty.name();
else {
return QByteArray(); //no USER property
const QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<const QComboBox *>(widget);
if (cb) {
const char *qcomboUserPropertyName = cb->QComboBox::metaObject()->userProperty().name();
const int qcomboUserPropertyIndex = qcomboUserPropertyName ? cb->QComboBox::metaObject()->indexOfProperty(qcomboUserPropertyName) : -1;
const char *widgetUserPropertyName = widget->metaObject()->userProperty().name();
const int widgetUserPropertyIndex = widgetUserPropertyName ? cb->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(widgetUserPropertyName) : -1;
if (qcomboUserPropertyIndex == widgetUserPropertyIndex) {
return QByteArray(); // use the q/kcombobox special code
return s_propertyMap->value( widget->metaObject()->className() );
QByteArray KConfigDialogManager::getCustomProperty(const QWidget *widget) const
QVariant prop(widget->property("kcfg_property"));
if (prop.isValid()) {
if (!prop.canConvert(QVariant::ByteArray)) {
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "kcfg_property on" << widget->metaObject()->className()
<< "is not of type ByteArray";
} else {
return prop.toByteArray();
return QByteArray();
void KConfigDialogManager::setProperty(QWidget *w, const QVariant &v)
/* QButtonGroup *bg = qobject_cast<QButtonGroup *>(w);
if (bg)
QAbstractButton *b = bg->button(v.toInt());
if (b)
QByteArray userproperty = getCustomProperty(w);
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(w);
if (cb) {
if (cb->isEditable()) {
int i = cb->findText(v.toString());
if (i != -1) {
} else {
} else {
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << w->metaObject()->className() << " widget not handled!";
w->setProperty(userproperty, v);
QVariant KConfigDialogManager::property(QWidget *w) const
/* QButtonGroup *bg = qobject_cast<QButtonGroup *>(w);
if (bg && bg->checkedButton())
return QVariant(bg->id(bg->checkedButton()));*/
QByteArray userproperty = getCustomProperty(w);
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
userproperty = getUserProperty(w);
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
QComboBox *cb = qobject_cast<QComboBox *>(w);
if (cb) {
if (cb->isEditable()) {
return QVariant(cb->currentText());
} else {
return QVariant(cb->currentIndex());
if (userproperty.isEmpty()) {
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << w->metaObject()->className() << " widget not handled!";
return QVariant();
return w->property(userproperty);
bool KConfigDialogManager::hasChanged() const
QWidget *widget;
QHashIterator<QString, QWidget *> it( d->knownWidget) ;
while(it.hasNext()) {
widget = it.value();
KConfigSkeletonItem *item = d->m_conf->findItem(it.key());
if (!item) {
kWarning(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "The setting '" << it.key() << "' has disappeared!";
if(!item->isEqual( property(widget) )) {
// kDebug(s_kconfigdialogmanagerarea) << "Widget for '" << it.key() << "' has changed.";
return true;
return false;
bool KConfigDialogManager::isDefault() const
bool bUseDefaults = d->m_conf->useDefaults(true);
bool result = !hasChanged();
return result;
#include "moc_kconfigdialogmanager.cpp"