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#!/usr/bin/env krosstest
#import qt
#class Button(qt.QPushButton):
#def __init__(self, *args):
#apply(qt.QPushButton.__init__, (self,) + args)
#class ComboBox(qt.QHBox):
#def __init__(self, parent, caption, items = []):
#qt.QHBox.__init__(self, parent)
#label = qt.QLabel(str(caption), self)
#self.combobox = qt.QComboBox(self)
#self.setStretchFactor(self.combobox, 1)
#for item in items:
#self.combobox.insertItem( str(item) )
#class FileChooser(qt.QHBox):
#def __init__(self, *args):
#apply(qt.QHBox.__init__, (self,) + args)
#self.defaultfilename = "~/output.html"
#label = qt.QLabel("File:", self)
#self.edit = qt.QLineEdit(self)
#self.setStretchFactor(self.edit, 1)
#browsebutton = Button("...", self)
#qt.QObject.connect(browsebutton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.browseButtonClicked)
#def file(self):
#return self.edit.text()
#def browseButtonClicked(self):
#filename = None
## try to use the kfile module included in pykde
#import kfile
#filename = kfile.KFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.defaultfilename, "*.html", self, "Save to file")
## fallback to Qt filedialog
#filename = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.defaultfilename, "*.html", self, "Save to file")
#if filename != None and filename != "":
#class Dialog(qt.QDialog):
#def __init__(self, parent = None, name = None, modal = 0, fl = 0):
#qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, name, modal, fl)
#qt.QDialog.accept = self.accept
#self.setCaption("Export to HTML")
#self.layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
#infolabel = qt.QLabel("Export the data of a table or a query to a HTML-file.", self)
#source = ComboBox(self, "Datasource:")
#self.exporttype = ComboBox(self, "Style:", ["Plain","Paper","Desert","Blues"])
#self.filechooser = FileChooser(self)
#buttonbox = qt.QHBox(self)
#savebutton = Button("Save", buttonbox)
#qt.QObject.connect(savebutton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, qt.SLOT("accept()"))
##qt.QObject.connect(savebutton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.exportButtonClicked)
#cancelbutton = Button("Cancel", buttonbox)
#qt.QObject.connect(cancelbutton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, qt.SLOT("close()"))
#def accept(self):
#print "ACCEPT"
#file = qt.QFile( self.filechooser.file() )
##if not file.exists():
## print "File '%s' does not exist." % self.filechooser.file()
## print "File '%s' does exist." % self.filechooser.file()
#def exportButtonClicked(self):
#print "Export to HTML"
#def __getattr__(self, attr):
#print "=> Dialog.__getattr__(self,attr)"
##def closeEvent(self, ev): pass
#def event(self, e):
#print "=> Dialog.event %s" % e
##support.swapThreadState() # calls appropriate c-function
#return qt.QDialog.event(self, e)
#app = qt.qApp
#dialog = Dialog(app.mainWidget(), "Dialog", 1)
#from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import TestObject1, TestObject2
class OwnWidget(QtGui.QLabel):
def __init__(self):
def test():
#label = QtGui.QLabel()
#obj = TestObject1.func_qwidget_qwidget(label)
#print "test() ===========> label=%s object=%s" % (label,obj)
label = OwnWidget()
obj = TestObject1.func_qwidget_qwidget(label)
print "test() ===========> label=%s object=%s" % (label,obj)