2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00

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* testobject.h
* This file is part of the KDE project
* copyright (C)2004-2005 by Sebastian Sauer (mail@dipe.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QMetaType>
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
class QSize;
class QSizeF;
class QPoint;
class QPointF;
class QRect;
class QRectF;
class QColor;
class QFont;
class QBrush;
class QDate;
class QTime;
class QDateTime;
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "../core/action.h"
#include "../core/object.h"
#include "../core/wrapperinterface.h"
class OtherObject;
/// \internal class to test functionality within krosstest
class TestObject : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool boolProperty READ boolProperty WRITE setBoolProperty)
Q_PROPERTY(int intProperty READ intProperty WRITE setIntProperty)
Q_PROPERTY(double doubleProperty READ doubleProperty WRITE setDoubleProperty)
Q_PROPERTY(QString stringProperty READ stringProperty WRITE setStringProperty)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList stringListProperty READ stringListProperty WRITE setStringListProperty)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList listProperty READ listProperty WRITE setListProperty)
explicit TestObject(QObject* parent = 0, const QString& name = QString());
//TestObject(const TestObject&) {}
virtual ~TestObject();
enum TestEnum { TESTENUM1 = 1, TESTENUM2 = 2, TESTENUM3 = 4, TESTENUM4 = 8 };
bool m_boolproperty;
bool boolProperty() const { return m_boolproperty; }
void setBoolProperty(bool prop) { m_boolproperty = prop; }
int m_intproperty;
int intProperty() const { return m_intproperty; }
void setIntProperty(int prop) { m_intproperty = prop; }
double m_doubleproperty;
double doubleProperty() const { return m_doubleproperty; }
void setDoubleProperty(double prop) { m_doubleproperty = prop; }
QString m_stringproperty;
QString stringProperty() const { return m_stringproperty; }
void setStringProperty(QString prop) { m_stringproperty = prop; }
QStringList m_stringlistproperty;
QStringList stringListProperty() const { return m_stringlistproperty; }
void setStringListProperty(QStringList prop) { m_stringlistproperty = prop; }
QVariantList m_listproperty;
QVariantList listProperty() const { return m_listproperty; }
void setListProperty(QVariantList prop) { m_listproperty = prop; }
Kross::Action* m_krossAction;
QVariant m_testFunctionReturnedValue;
void signalVoid();
void signalBool(bool);
void signalInt(int);
void signalString(const QString&);
void signalObject(QObject* obj);
public Q_SLOTS:
QObject* myself() { return this; }
TestObject* myself2() { return this; }
QList<TestObject*> myself3() { return QList<TestObject*>() << this; }
// return a TestThread instance.
QObject* createThread(int steps, int msecs, bool start = false);
// emit some signals
void emitSignalVoid() { emit signalVoid(); }
void emitSignalBool(bool b) { emit signalBool(b); }
void emitSignalInt(int i) { emit signalInt(i); }
void emitSignalString(const QString& s) { emit signalString(s); }
void emitSignalObject(QObject* obj) { emit signalObject(obj); }
// return the objectname
QString name();
// test the enumerator
//TestEnum testEnum(TestEnum e) const { return e; }
// to test basic datatypes
int func_int_int(int);
bool func_bool_bool(bool);
uint func_uint_uint(uint);
double func_double_double(double);
qlonglong func_qlonglong_qlonglong(qlonglong);
qulonglong func_qulonglong_qulonglong(qulonglong);
QByteArray func_qbytearray_qbytearray(QByteArray);
QString func_qstring_qstring(const QString&);
QStringList func_qstringlist_qstringlist(QStringList);
QVariantList func_qvariantlist_qvariantlist(QVariantList);
QVariantMap func_qvariantmap_qvariantmap(QVariantMap);
QVariantList func_qobject2qvariantlist(QObject* obj);
QObject* func_qvariantlist2qobject(QVariantList list);
QSize func_qsize_qsize(const QSize&);
QSizeF func_qsizef_qsizef(const QSizeF&);
QPoint func_qpoint_qpoint(const QPoint&);
QPointF func_qpointf_qpointf(const QPointF&);
QRect func_qrect_qrect(const QRect&);
QRectF func_qrectf_qrectf(const QRectF&);
QUrl func_qurl_qurl(const QUrl&);
QUrl func_qurl_kurl(const KUrl&);
KUrl func_kurl_kurl(const KUrl&);
// following is returned by reference which is a big nono
// cause it may lead to crashes. So, the backends should
// set such things to None/nil/NULL/etc.
const KUrl& func_kurl_qstring(const QString&);
QColor func_qcolor_qcolor(const QColor&);
QFont func_qfont_qfont(const QFont&);
QBrush func_qbrush_qbrush(const QBrush&);
QTime func_qtime_qtime(const QTime&);
QDate func_qdate_qdate(const QDate&);
QDateTime func_qdatetime_qdatetime(const QDateTime&);
void func_void_qvariant(const QVariant&);
QVariant func_qvariant_qvariant(const QVariant&);
// for misc tests
void func_void();
void func_void_int(int);
void func_void_qstring_int(QString,int);
void func_void_qstringlist(QStringList);
QString func_qstring_qstring_int(QString,int);
// Kross::Object
Kross::Object::Ptr func_krossobject_krossobject(Kross::Object::Ptr object);
QStringList get_krossobject_methods(Kross::Object::Ptr object);
QVariant call_krossobject_method(Kross::Object::Ptr object, const QString& methodname, const QVariantList& args = QVariantList());
// QObject
QObject* func_createChildTestObject(const QString& objectname);
void func_void_qobject(QObject*);
QObject* func_qobject_qobject(QObject*);
// QWidget
QWidget* func_qwidget_qwidget(QWidget*);
// TestObject
void func_void_testobject(TestObject*);
TestObject* func_testobject_testobject(TestObject*);
TestObject* func_testobject_qobject(QObject*);
void func_void_testobjectlist(QList<TestObject*>);
QList<TestObject*> func_testobjectlist_testobjectlist(QList<TestObject*>);
// OtherObject
OtherObject* func_otherobject(const QByteArray& name);
OtherObject* func_otherobject_otherobject(OtherObject*);
QList<OtherObject*> func_otherobjectlist_otherobjectlist(QList<OtherObject*>);
// for PyQt signal test
void connectCallTestFunction(Kross::Action* krossAction, QObject* sender, const QString& signal);
void callTestFunction();
void connectCallTestFunctionException(Kross::Action* krossAction, QObject* sender, const QString& signal);
void callTestFunctionException();
QVariant testFunctionReturnedValue();
/// \internal class used in TestObject to test functionality within krosstest
class OtherObject : public QObject
explicit OtherObject(TestObject* testobj, const QByteArray& name) : QObject(testobj) { setObjectName(name); }
public Q_SLOTS:
QObject* testObject() const { return parent(); }
/// \internal class used in a handler within krosstest to provide a OtherObject wrapper on demand
class OtherObjectWrapper : public QObject, public Kross::WrapperInterface
OtherObjectWrapper(QObject* obj) : QObject(obj) {
void* wrappedObject() const { return parent(); }
public Q_SLOTS:
QObject* parentObject() const { return parent(); }
* \internal class to test threading functionality within krosstest.
* Following python code does provide a sample how this class
* may used to test the threading functionality.
* \code
* import time, TestObject1
* # this function will be called by our thread
* def myFunction(step):
* print "myFunction step=%i" % step
* # create a thread that iterates 15 times and waits 200
* # milliseconds on each iteration, 20*200=2 seconds
* mythread = TestObject1.createThread(15,200)
* # connect the stepDone signal our thread provides to
* # our own python function above
* mythread.connect("stepDone(int)",myFunction)
* # start the thread
* mythread.start()
* # let this python thread sleep for a second
* time.sleep(1)
* # ask our action to call our myFunction function
* self.callFunction("myFunction", [123])
* # ask our thread to emit the stepDone signal which in
* # turn should call our myFunction function.
* mythread.emitStepDone(456)
* # same as above but we emit the signal by our own
* # rather than going through a helper-function.
* mythread.stepDone(789)
* # now let's ask our thread to ask our action to execute
* # our function to have one complete roundtrip :)
* mythread.callFunction(self, "myFunction", [987])
* # sleep again one second
* time.sleep(1)
* \endcode
* Following sample code does the same as the code above but
* uses the Ruby scripting language.
* \code
* require 'TestObject1'
* def myFunction(step)
* puts "myFunction step=" + step.to_s
* end
* mythread = TestObject1.createThread(10,200)
* mythread.connect("stepDone(int)", method("myFunction"))
* mythread.start()
* sleep(1)
* self.action().callFunction("myFunction", [123])
* mythread.emitStepDone(456)
* mythread.stepDone(789)
* mythread.callFunction(self.action(), "myFunction", [987])
* sleep(1)
* \endcode
class TestThread : public QThread
explicit TestThread(TestObject* parent, int steps, int msecs);
virtual ~TestThread();
virtual void run();
public Q_SLOTS:
void emitStepDone(int step);
QVariant callFunction(QObject* action, const QString& functionname, QVariantList arguments);
void stepDone(int step);
TestObject* m_testobject;
int m_steps, m_msecs;