mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 03:12:49 +00:00
395 lines
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395 lines
12 KiB
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 2012 Rolf Eike Beer <kde@opensource.sf-tec.de>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "ecmatest.h"
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <wtf/HashTraits.h>
#include "JSLock.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "JSVariableObject.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
// Let the interpreter create its own global Object instead of using our selfcreated
#define USE_KJS_GLOBAL 1
// from khtml/ecma/kjs_binding.cpp"
KJS::UString::UString(const QString &d)
unsigned int len = d.length();
KJS::UChar *dat = static_cast<KJS::UChar*>(malloc(sizeof(KJS::UChar)*len));
memcpy(dat, d.unicode(), len * sizeof(KJS::UChar));
m_rep = KJS::UString::Rep::create(dat, len);
QString KJS::UString::qstring() const
return QString((QChar*) data(), size());
// from khtml/ecma/debugger/value2string.cpp
QString valueToString(KJS::JSValue* value)
case KJS::NumberType:
double v = 0.0;
return QString::number(v);
case KJS::BooleanType:
return value->getBoolean() ? "true" : "false";
case KJS::StringType:
KJS::UString s;
return '"' + s.qstring() + '"';
case KJS::UndefinedType:
return "undefined";
case KJS::NullType:
return "null";
case KJS::ObjectType:
return "[object " + static_cast<KJS::JSObject*>(value)->className().qstring() +"]";
case KJS::GetterSetterType:
case KJS::UnspecifiedType:
return QString();
// from khtml/ecma/debugger/debugwindow.cpp
static QString exceptionToString(KJS::ExecState* exec, KJS::JSValue* exceptionObj)
QString exceptionMsg = valueToString(exceptionObj);
// Since we purposefully bypass toString, we need to figure out
// string serialization ourselves.
//### might be easier to export class info for ErrorInstance ---
KJS::JSObject* valueObj = exceptionObj->getObject();
KJS::JSValue* protoObj = valueObj ? valueObj->prototype() : 0;
bool exception = false;
bool syntaxError = false;
if (protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinSyntaxErrorPrototype())
exception = true;
syntaxError = true;
if (protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinErrorPrototype() ||
protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinEvalErrorPrototype() ||
protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinReferenceErrorPrototype() ||
protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinRangeErrorPrototype() ||
protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinTypeErrorPrototype() ||
protoObj == exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinURIErrorPrototype())
exception = true;
if (!exception)
return exceptionMsg;
// Clear exceptions temporarily so we can get/call a few things.
// We memorize the old exception first, of course. Note that
// This is not always the same as exceptionObj since we may be
// asked to translate a non-active exception
KJS::JSValue* oldExceptionObj = exec->exception();
// We want to serialize the syntax errors ourselves, to provide the line number.
// The URL is in "sourceURL" and the line is in "line"
// ### TODO: Perhaps we want to use 'sourceId' in case of eval contexts.
if (syntaxError)
KJS::JSValue* lineValue = valueObj->get(exec, "line");
KJS::JSValue* urlValue = valueObj->get(exec, "sourceURL");
int line = lineValue->toNumber(exec);
QString url = urlValue->toString(exec).qstring();
exceptionMsg = i18n("Parse error at %1 line %2",
url, line + 1);
// ### it's still not 100% safe to call toString here, even on
// native exception objects, since someone might have changed the toString property
// of the exception prototype, but I'll punt on this case for now.
exceptionMsg = exceptionObj->toString(exec).qstring();
return exceptionMsg;
class GlobalImp : public KJS::JSGlobalObject {
virtual KJS::UString className() const { return "global"; }
static GlobalImp* global;
static QString basedir( "" );
static QByteArray testrunner;
static QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> includes;
static QStringList expectedBroken; // list of tests we know that will fail
* load the given file from the harness directory
* @param fn filename
* @return if operation succeeded
* Will load the given file into the "includes" map
static bool loadInclude( const QByteArray &fn )
QFile runnerfile( basedir + QLatin1String( "test/harness/" ) + QString::fromLatin1( fn ) );
if ( !runnerfile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
return false;
includes[ fn ] = runnerfile.readAll();
return true;
void ECMAscriptTest::initTestCase()
basedir = QString::fromUtf8( qgetenv( "ECMATEST_BASEDIR" ) );
if ( basedir.isEmpty() )
qFatal( "ECMATEST_BASEDIR not set" );
if ( !basedir.endsWith( QLatin1Char( '/' ) ) )
basedir += QLatin1Char( '/' );
QVERIFY( loadInclude( "sta.js" ) );
QVERIFY( loadInclude( "ed.js" ) );
testrunner = includes[ "sta.js" ] + includes[ "ed.js" ] + '\n';
const QString brokenFn = QString::fromLatin1( qgetenv( "ECMATEST_BROKEN" ) );
if ( !brokenFn.isEmpty() ) {
QFile brokenF( brokenFn );
if ( !brokenF.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
const QString errmsg = QString::fromLatin1( "cannot open " ) + brokenFn;
QWARN( errmsg.toLatin1() );
} else {
expectedBroken = QString::fromLatin1( brokenF.readAll() ).split( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) )
.filter( QRegExp( "^[^#].*" ) );
m_passed = 0;
m_failed = 0;
static QByteArray getTextProperty( const QByteArray &property, const QByteArray &code )
int from = code.indexOf( property );
if ( from == -1 )
return QByteArray();
from += property.length();
while ( code[ from ] == ' ' )
int to = code.indexOf( '\n', from );
if (code[to - 1] == '\r')
// poor mans escaping
return code.mid( from, to - from ).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ).replace( "\"", "\\\"" );
#define ECMATEST_VERIFY( expr ) \
do { \
const bool tmp_result = ( expr ); \
if ( tmp_result ) \
m_passed++; \
else \
m_failed++; \
if ( knownBroken ) \
QEXPECT_FAIL(QTest::currentDataTag(), "It is known that KJS doesn't pass this test", Abort); \
QVERIFY( tmp_result ); \
} while (0)
static QMap< QByteArray, QByteArray > skips;
void ECMAscriptTest::runAllTests()
static const QByteArray include = "$INCLUDE(\"";
QFETCH(QString, filename);
QByteArray expectedError;
QFile input( filename );
foreach ( const QByteArray &skip, skips.keys() ) {
if ( skip == QTest::currentDataTag() )
QSKIP( skips[ skip ], SkipSingle );
QVERIFY( input.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) );
const QByteArray testdata = input.readAll();
QVERIFY( ! testdata.isEmpty() );
RefPtr<KJS::Interpreter> interp = new KJS::Interpreter();
RefPtr<KJS::Interpreter> interp = new KJS::Interpreter(global);
QByteArray testscript;
// test is expected to fail
if ( testdata.indexOf( "@negative" ) >= 0 ) {
expectedError = getTextProperty( "@negative", testdata );
if ( expectedError.isEmpty() )
expectedError = ".";
int from = 0;
while ( ( from = testdata.indexOf( include, from ) ) >= 0 ) {
int endq = testdata.indexOf( "\"", from + include.length() );
QVERIFY( endq >= 0 );
const QByteArray includeFile = testdata.mid( from + include.length(), endq - from - include.length() );
if ( ! includes.contains( includeFile ) )
QVERIFY( loadInclude( includeFile ) );
testscript += includes[ includeFile ];
from = endq;
testscript += testrunner;
testscript += testdata;
const QFileInfo info( input );
const QString scriptutf = QString::fromUtf8( testscript.constData() );
// QWARN(filename.toAscii().data());
KJS::Completion completion = interp->evaluate(info.fileName().toLatin1().constData(), 0, scriptutf);
const bool knownBroken = expectedBroken.contains( QString::fromLatin1( QTest::currentDataTag() ) );
if ( expectedError.isEmpty() ) {
ECMATEST_VERIFY( completion.complType() != KJS::Throw );
} else {
if ( knownBroken && completion.complType() != KJS::Throw ) {
QEXPECT_FAIL(QTest::currentDataTag(), "It is known that KJS doesn't pass this test", Abort);
QCOMPARE( completion.complType(), KJS::Throw );
QVERIFY( completion.value() != NULL );
const QString eMsg = exceptionToString( interp->execState(), completion.value() );
if ( expectedError == "^((?!NotEarlyError).)*$" ) {
ECMATEST_VERIFY( eMsg.indexOf( "NotEarlyError" ) == -1 );
} else if ( expectedError == "." ) {
// means "every exception passes
} else {
ECMATEST_VERIFY( eMsg.indexOf( expectedError ) >= 0 );
void ECMAscriptTest::runAllTests_data()
global = new GlobalImp();
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "filename" );
const QStringList js( QLatin1String( "*.js" ) );
const QStringList all( QLatin1String( "*" ) );
const QString chapter = QString::fromLatin1( qgetenv( "ECMATEST_CHAPTER" ) );
if ( !chapter.isEmpty() )
QWARN( "===> Testing chapter " + chapter.toLatin1() );
if ( chapter.isEmpty() || chapter.startsWith("ch15")) {
const QByteArray timeZoneDepend = "this test depends on the timezone and may or may not fail, avoid it for the moment";
// The tests are timezone dependent because of the Date implementation in kjs.
// It only affects the limit by +/- 24h (or less, depending on your timezone),
// the "normal" use is not affected.
// It requieres a complete Date rewrite to fix this, see ECMA Edition 5.1r6
skips[ "" ] = timeZoneDepend;
skips[ "" ] = timeZoneDepend;
skips[ "" ] = timeZoneDepend;
skips[ "" ] = timeZoneDepend;
skips[ "" ] = timeZoneDepend;
// some tests fail when the suite is run as a whole
if ( chapter.isEmpty() || chapter.startsWith("ch15") || chapter.startsWith("ch12")) {
const QByteArray endlessLoop = "this test causes an endless loop, avoid it for the moment";
const QByteArray crashTest = "this test causes a crash when run as part of the whole suite";
skips[ "S12.7_A9_T1" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "S12.7_A9_T2" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "S15.1.2.3_A6" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "S15.1.3.1_A2.5_T1" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "S15.1.3.2_A2.4_T1" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "S15.1.3.2_A2.5_T1" ] = endlessLoop;
skips[ "" ] = crashTest;
skips[ "" ] = crashTest;
skips[ "" ] = crashTest;
QDirIterator it( basedir + QLatin1String("test/suite/") + chapter, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
const QFileInfo info = it.fileInfo();
if ( !info.isFile() )
QString filename = info.fileName();
filename.chop(3); // .js
QTest::newRow( filename.toLatin1() ) << info.absoluteFilePath();
void ECMAscriptTest::cleanup()
void ECMAscriptTest::cleanupTestCase()
qDebug() << "passed testcases:" << m_passed << "failed testcases:" << m_failed;
#include "ecmatest.moc"