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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Dowler <dowler@morgul.fsh.uvic.ca>
* Copyright (c) 2000 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
* Copyright (c) 2002 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef K_NUMINPUT_H
#define K_NUMINPUT_H
#include <kdeui_export.h>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtGui/QSpinBox>
class QSlider;
class QSpinBox;
class QValidator;
class KIntSpinBox;
class KNumInputPrivate;
class KLocalizedString;
* You need to inherit from this class if you want to implement K*NumInput
* for a different variable type
class KDEUI_EXPORT KNumInput : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY( QString label READ label WRITE setLabel )
* Default constructor
* @param parent If parent is 0, the new widget becomes a top-level
* window. If parent is another widget, this widget becomes a child
* window inside parent. The new widget is deleted when its parent is deleted.
explicit KNumInput(QWidget* parent=0);
* Destructor
* Sets the text and alignment of the main description label.
* @param label The text of the label.
* Use QString() to remove an existing one.
* @param a The alignment of the label (Qt::Alignment).
* Default is @p Qt:AlignLeft | @p Qt:AlignTop.
* The vertical alignment flags have special meaning with this
* widget:
* @li @p Qt:AlignTop The label is placed above the edit/slider
* @li @p Qt:AlignVCenter The label is placed left beside the edit
* @li @p Qt:AlignBottom The label is placed below the edit/slider
virtual void setLabel(const QString & label, Qt::Alignment a = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
* @return the text of the label.
QString label() const;
* @return if the num input has a slider.
bool showSlider() const;
* Sets the spacing of tickmarks for the slider.
* @param minor Minor tickmark separation.
* @param major Major tickmark separation.
void setSteps(int minor, int major);
* Returns a size which fits the contents of the control.
* @return the preferred size necessary to show the control
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
* @return the slider widget.
* @internal
QSlider *slider() const;
* Call this function whenever you change something in the geometry
* of your KNumInput child.
void layout(bool deep);
* You need to overwrite this method and implement your layout
* calculations there.
* See KIntNumInput::doLayout and KDoubleNumInput::doLayout implementation
* for details.
virtual void doLayout() = 0;
friend class KNumInputPrivate;
KNumInputPrivate * const d;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @short An input widget for integer numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider.
* KIntNumInput combines a QSpinBox and optionally a QSlider
* with a label to make an easy to use control for setting some integer
* parameter. This is especially nice for configuration dialogs,
* which can have many such combinated controls.
* The slider is created only when the user specifies a range
* for the control using the setRange function or when the user
* calls setSliderEnabled.
* A special feature of KIntNumInput, designed specifically for
* the situation when there are several KIntNumInputs in a column,
* is that you can specify what portion of the control is taken by the
* QSpinBox (the remaining portion is used by the slider). This makes
* it very simple to have all the sliders in a column be the same size.
* It uses KIntValidator validator class. KIntNumInput enforces the
* value to be in the given range, and can display it in any base
* between 2 and 36.
* \image html kintnuminput.png "KDE Int Number Input Spinbox"
class KDEUI_EXPORT KIntNumInput : public KNumInput
Q_PROPERTY( int value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged USER true )
Q_PROPERTY( int minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum )
Q_PROPERTY( int maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum )
Q_PROPERTY( int singleStep READ singleStep WRITE setSingleStep )
Q_PROPERTY( int referencePoint READ referencePoint WRITE setReferencePoint )
Q_PROPERTY( double relativeValue READ relativeValue WRITE setRelativeValue )
Q_PROPERTY( QString suffix READ suffix WRITE setSuffix )
Q_PROPERTY( QString prefix READ prefix WRITE setPrefix )
Q_PROPERTY( QString specialValueText READ specialValueText WRITE setSpecialValueText )
Q_PROPERTY( bool sliderEnabled READ showSlider WRITE setSliderEnabled )
* Constructs an input control for integer values
* with base 10 and initial value 0.
explicit KIntNumInput(QWidget *parent=0);
* Constructor
* It constructs a QSpinBox that allows the input of integer numbers
* in the range of -INT_MAX to +INT_MAX. To set a descriptive label,
* use setLabel(). To enforce the value being in a range and optionally to
* attach a slider to it, use setRange().
* @param value initial value for the control
* @param base numeric base used for display
* @param parent parent QWidget
explicit KIntNumInput(int value, QWidget *parent=0,int base = 10);
* Destructor
virtual ~KIntNumInput();
* @return the current value.
int value() const;
* @return the curent value in units of the referencePoint.
double relativeValue() const;
* @return the current reference point
int referencePoint() const;
* @return the suffix displayed behind the value.
* @see setSuffix()
QString suffix() const;
* @return the prefix displayed in front of the value.
* @see setPrefix()
QString prefix() const;
* @return the string displayed for a special value.
* @see setSpecialValueText()
QString specialValueText() const;
* Sets the allowed input range and the step size for the slider and the
* spin box.
* @param min minimum value
* @param max maximum value
* @param step step size
void setRange(int min, int max, int singleStep=1);
* @param enabled Show the slider
* @default enabled
void setSliderEnabled(bool enabled=true);
* Sets the minimum value.
void setMinimum(int min);
* @return the minimum value.
int minimum() const;
* Sets the maximum value.
void setMaximum(int max);
* @return the maximum value.
int maximum() const;
* @return the step of the spin box
int singleStep() const;
* @return the step of the spin box
void setSingleStep(int step);
* Sets the special value text. If set, the SpinBox will display
* this text instead of the numeric value whenever the current
* value is equal to minVal(). Typically this is used for indicating
* that the choice has a special (default) meaning.
void setSpecialValueText(const QString& text);
virtual void setLabel(const QString & label, Qt::Alignment a = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
* This method returns the minimum size necessary to display the
* control. The minimum size is enough to show all the labels
* in the current font (font change may invalidate the return value).
* @return the minimum size necessary to show the control
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
* Sets the value of the control.
void setValue(int);
* Sets the value in units of the referencePoint
void setRelativeValue(double);
* Sets the reference point for relativeValue.
void setReferencePoint(int);
* Sets the suffix to @p suffix.
* Use QString() to disable this feature.
* Formatting has to be provided (e.g. a space separator between the
* prepended @p value and the suffix's text has to be provided
* as the first character in the suffix).
* @see QSpinBox::setSuffix(), #setPrefix()
void setSuffix(const QString &suffix);
* Sets the suffix to @p suffix.
* Use this to add a plural-aware suffix, e.g. by using ki18np("singular", "plural").
* @since 4.3
void setSuffix(const KLocalizedString &suffix);
* Sets the prefix to @p prefix.
* Use QString() to disable this feature.
* Formatting has to be provided (see above).
* @see QSpinBox::setPrefix(), #setSuffix()
void setPrefix(const QString &prefix);
* sets focus to the edit widget and marks all text in if mark == true
void setEditFocus( bool mark = true );
* Emitted every time the value changes (by calling setValue() or
* by user interaction).
void valueChanged(int);
* Emitted whenever valueChanged is. Contains the change
* relative to the referencePoint.
void relativeValueChanged(double);
private Q_SLOTS:
void spinValueChanged(int);
void slotEmitRelativeValueChanged(int);
* @return the spin box widget.
* @internal
QSpinBox *spinBox() const;
virtual void doLayout();
void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * );
void init(int value, int _base);
class KIntNumInputPrivate;
friend class KIntNumInputPrivate;
KIntNumInputPrivate * const d;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class KDoubleLine;
* @short An input control for real numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider.
* KDoubleNumInput combines a QSpinBox and optionally a QSlider
* with a label to make an easy to use control for setting some float
* parameter. This is especially nice for configuration dialogs,
* which can have many such combinated controls.
* The slider is created only when the user specifies a range
* for the control using the setRange function with the slider
* parameter set to "true".
* A special feature of KDoubleNumInput, designed specifically for
* the situation when there are several instances in a column,
* is that you can specify what portion of the control is taken by the
* QSpinBox (the remaining portion is used by the slider). This makes
* it very simple to have all the sliders in a column be the same size.
* \image html kdoublenuminput.png "KDE Double Number Input Spinbox"
* @see KIntNumInput
class KDEUI_EXPORT KDoubleNumInput : public KNumInput
Q_PROPERTY( double value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged USER true )
Q_PROPERTY( double minimum READ minimum WRITE setMinimum )
Q_PROPERTY( double maximum READ maximum WRITE setMaximum )
Q_PROPERTY( double singleStep READ singleStep WRITE setSingleStep )
Q_PROPERTY( QString suffix READ suffix WRITE setSuffix )
Q_PROPERTY( QString prefix READ prefix WRITE setPrefix )
Q_PROPERTY( QString specialValueText READ specialValueText WRITE setSpecialValueText )
Q_PROPERTY( int decimals READ decimals WRITE setDecimals )
Q_PROPERTY( double referencePoint READ referencePoint WRITE setReferencePoint )
Q_PROPERTY( double relativeValue READ relativeValue WRITE setRelativeValue )
Q_PROPERTY( bool sliderEnabled READ showSlider WRITE setSliderEnabled )
Q_PROPERTY( double exponentRatio READ exponentRatio WRITE setExponentRatio )
* Constructs an input control for double values
* with initial value 0.00.
explicit KDoubleNumInput(QWidget *parent = 0);
* Constructor
* @param lower lower boundary value
* @param upper upper boundary value
* @param value initial value for the control
* @param singleStep step size to use for up/down arrow clicks
* @param precision number of digits after the decimal point
* @param parent parent QWidget
KDoubleNumInput(double lower, double upper, double value, QWidget *parent=0,double singleStep=0.01,
int precision=2);
* destructor
virtual ~KDoubleNumInput();
* @return the current value.
double value() const;
* @return the suffix.
* @see setSuffix()
QString suffix() const;
* @return the prefix.
* @see setPrefix()
QString prefix() const;
* @return number of decimals.
* @see setDecimals()
int decimals() const;
* @return the string displayed for a special value.
* @see setSpecialValueText()
QString specialValueText() const;
* @param min minimum value
* @param max maximum value
* @param singleStep step size for the QSlider
* @param slider whether the slider is created or not
void setRange(double min, double max, double singleStep=1, bool slider=true);
* @param enabled Show the slider
* @default enabled
void setSliderEnabled(bool enabled);
* Sets the minimum value.
void setMinimum(double min);
* @return the minimum value.
double minimum() const;
* Sets the maximum value.
void setMaximum(double max);
* @return the maximum value.
double maximum() const;
* @return the step of the spin box
double singleStep() const;
* @return the step of the spin box
void setSingleStep(double singleStep);
* Specifies the number of digits to use.
void setDecimals(int decimals);
* @return the reference point for relativeValue calculation
double referencePoint() const;
* @return the current value in units of referencePoint.
double relativeValue() const;
* Sets the special value text. If set, the spin box will display
* this text instead of the numeric value whenever the current
* value is equal to minVal(). Typically this is used for indicating
* that the choice has a special (default) meaning.
void setSpecialValueText(const QString& text);
virtual void setLabel(const QString & label, Qt::Alignment a = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
* @return the value of the exponent use to map the slider to the
* spin box.
double exponentRatio() const;
* @param dbl the value of the exponent use to map the slider to the
* spin box (dbl need to be strictly positive).
void setExponentRatio(double dbl);
public Q_SLOTS:
* Sets the value of the control.
void setValue(double);
* Sets the value in units of referencePoint.
void setRelativeValue(double);
* Sets the reference Point to @p ref. It @p ref == 0, emitting of
* relativeValueChanged is blocked and relativeValue
* just returns 0.
void setReferencePoint(double ref);
* Sets the suffix to be displayed to @p suffix. Use QString() to disable
* this feature. Note that the suffix is attached to the value without any
* spacing. So if you prefer to display a space separator, set suffix
* to something like " cm".
* @see setSuffix()
void setSuffix(const QString &suffix);
* Sets the prefix to be displayed to @p prefix. Use QString() to disable
* this feature. Note that the prefix is attached to the value without any
* spacing.
* @see setPrefix()
void setPrefix(const QString &prefix);
* Emitted every time the value changes (by calling setValue() or
* by user interaction).
void valueChanged(double);
* This is an overloaded member function, provided for
* convenience. It essentially behaves like the above function.
* Contains the value in units of referencePoint.
void relativeValueChanged(double);
private Q_SLOTS:
void sliderMoved(int);
void spinBoxChanged(double);
void slotEmitRelativeValueChanged(double);
virtual void doLayout();
void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * );
friend class KDoubleLine;
void init(double value, double lower, double upper,
double singleStep, int precision);
double mapSliderToSpin(int) const;
void updateLegacyMembers();
class KDoubleNumInputPrivate;
friend class KDoubleNumInputPrivate;
KDoubleNumInputPrivate * const d;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* @short A QSpinBox with support for arbitrary base numbers.
* A QSpinBox with support for arbitrary base numbers
* (e.g. hexadecimal).
* The class provides an easy interface to use other
* numeric systems than the decimal.
* \image html kintspinbox.png "KDE Integer Input Spinboxes with hexadecimal and binary input"
class KDEUI_EXPORT KIntSpinBox : public QSpinBox
Q_PROPERTY( int base READ base WRITE setBase )
* Constructor.
* Constructs a widget with an integer inputline with a little scrollbar
* and a slider, with minimal value 0, maximal value 99, step 1, base 10
* and initial value 0.
explicit KIntSpinBox( QWidget *parent = 0 );
* Constructor.
* Constructs a widget with an integer inputline with a little scrollbar
* and a slider.
* @param lower The lowest valid value.
* @param upper The greatest valid value.
* @param singleStep The step size of the scrollbar.
* @param value The actual value.
* @param base The base of the used number system.
* @param parent The parent of the widget.
KIntSpinBox(int lower, int upper, int singleStep, int value, QWidget *parent,int base = 10);
* Destructor.
virtual ~KIntSpinBox();
* Sets the base in which the numbers in the spin box are represented.
void setBase(int base);
* @return the base in which numbers in the spin box are represented.
int base() const;
* sets focus and optionally marks all text
void setEditFocus(bool mark);
* Sets the suffix to @p suffix.
* Use this to add a plural-aware suffix, e.g. by using ki18np("singular", "plural").
* @since 4.3
void setSuffix(const KLocalizedString &suffix);
using QSpinBox::setSuffix;
* Overloaded the method in QSpinBox
* to make use of the base given in the constructor.
virtual QString textFromValue(int) const;
* Overloaded the method in QSpinBox
* to make use of the base given in the constructor.
virtual int valueFromText(const QString &text) const;
class KIntSpinBoxPrivate;
friend class KIntSpinBoxPrivate;
KIntSpinBoxPrivate *const d;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void updateSuffix(int))
#endif // K_NUMINPUT_H