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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit@kde.org>
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kcombobox.h>
class KPixmapProvider;
* @short A combobox for offering a history and completion
* A combobox which implements a history like a unix shell. You can navigate
* through all the items by using the Up or Down arrows (configurable of
* course). Additionally, weighted completion is available. So you should
* load and save the completion list to preserve the weighting between
* sessions.
* KHistoryComboBox obeys the HISTCONTROL environment variable to determine
* whether duplicates in the history should be tolerated in
* addToHistory() or not. During construction of KHistoryComboBox,
* duplicates will be disabled when HISTCONTROL is set to "ignoredups" or
* "ignoreboth". Otherwise, duplicates are enabled by default.
* \image html khistorycombobox.png "KDE History Combo Box"
* @author Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
class KDEUI_EXPORT KHistoryComboBox : public KComboBox
Q_PROPERTY( QStringList historyItems READ historyItems WRITE setHistoryItems )
* Constructs a "read-write" combobox. A read-only history combobox
* doesn't make much sense, so it is only available as read-write.
* Completion will be used automatically for the items in the combo.
* The insertion-policy is set to NoInsert, you have to add the items
* yourself via the slot addToHistory. If you want every item added,
* use
* \code
* connect( combo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString& )),
* combo, SLOT( addToHistory( const QString& )));
* \endcode
* Use QComboBox::setMaxCount() to limit the history.
* @p parent the parent object of this widget.
explicit KHistoryComboBox( QWidget *parent = 0 );
* Same as the previous constructor, but additionally has the option
* to specify whether you want to let KHistoryComboBox handle completion
* or not. If set to @p true, KHistoryComboBox will sync the completion to the
* contents of the combobox.
explicit KHistoryComboBox( bool useCompletion, QWidget *parent = 0 );
* Destructs the combo, the completion-object and the pixmap-provider
* Inserts @p items into the combobox. @p items might get
* truncated if it is longer than maxCount()
* @see historyItems
void setHistoryItems( const QStringList &items );
* Inserts @p items into the combobox. @p items might get
* truncated if it is longer than maxCount()
* Set @p setCompletionList to true, if you don't have a list of
* completions. This tells KHistoryComboBox to use all the items for the
* completion object as well.
* You won't have the benefit of weighted completion though, so normally
* you should do something like
* \code
* KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "somegroup");
* // load the history and completion list after creating the history combo
* QStringList list;
* list = config.readEntry("Completion list", QStringList());
* combo->completionObject()->setItems(list);
* list = config.readEntry("History list", QStringList());
* combo->setHistoryItems(list);
* [...]
* // save the history and completion list when the history combo is
* // destroyed
* QStringList list;
* KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "somegroup");
* list = combo->completionObject()->items();
* config.writeEntry("Completion list", list);
* list = combo->historyItems();
* config.writeEntry("History list", list);
* \endcode
* Be sure to use different names for saving with KConfig if you have more
* than one KHistoryComboBox.
* Note: When @p setCompletionList is true, the items are inserted into the
* KCompletion object with mode KCompletion::Insertion and the mode is set
* to KCompletion::Weighted afterwards.
* @see historyItems
* @see KComboBox::completionObject
* @see KCompletion::setItems
* @see KCompletion::items
void setHistoryItems( const QStringList &items, bool setCompletionList );
* Returns the list of history items. Empty, when this is not a read-write
* combobox.
* @see setHistoryItems
QStringList historyItems() const;
* Removes all items named @p item.
* @return @p true if at least one item was removed.
* @see addToHistory
bool removeFromHistory( const QString& item );
* Sets a pixmap provider, so that items in the combobox can have a pixmap.
* KPixmapProvider is just an abstract class with the one pure virtual
* method KPixmapProvider::pixmapFor(). This method is called whenever
* an item is added to the KHistoryComboBoxBox. Implement it to return your
* own custom pixmaps, or use the KUrlPixmapProvider from libkio,
* which uses KMimeType::pixmapForUrl to resolve icons.
* Set @p prov to 0L if you want to disable pixmaps. Default no pixmaps.
* @see pixmapProvider
void setPixmapProvider( KPixmapProvider *prov );
* @returns the current pixmap provider.
* @see setPixmapProvider
* @see KPixmapProvider
KPixmapProvider * pixmapProvider() const;
* Resets the current position of the up/down history. Call this
* when you manually call setCurrentItem() or clearEdit().
void reset();
using QComboBox::insertItems;
public Q_SLOTS:
* Adds an item to the end of the history list and to the completion list.
* If maxCount() is reached, the first item of the list will be
* removed.
* If the last inserted item is the same as @p item, it will not be
* inserted again.
* If duplicatesEnabled() is false, any equal existing item will be
* removed before @p item is added.
* Note: By using this method and not the Q and KComboBox insertItem()
* methods, you make sure that the combobox stays in sync with the
* completion. It would be annoying if completion would give an item
* not in the combobox, and vice versa.
* @see removeFromHistory
* @see QComboBox::setDuplicatesEnabled
void addToHistory( const QString& item );
* Clears the history and the completion list.
void clearHistory();
* Emitted when the history was cleared by the entry in the popup menu.
void cleared();
* Handling key-events, the shortcuts to rotate the items.
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * );
* Handling wheel-events, to rotate the items.
virtual void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *ev );
* Inserts @p items into the combo, honoring pixmapProvider()
* Does not update the completionObject.
* Note: duplicatesEnabled() is not honored here.
* Called from setHistoryItems() and setPixmapProvider()
void insertItems( const QStringList& items );
* @returns if we can modify the completion object or not.
bool useCompletion() const;
private Q_SLOTS:
* Resets the iterate index to -1
void slotReset();
* Called from the popupmenu,
* calls clearHistory() and emits cleared()
void slotClear();
* Appends our own context menu entry.
void addContextMenuItems( QMenu* );
* Used to emit the activated(QString) signal when enter is pressed
void slotSimulateActivated( const QString& );
void init( bool useCompletion );
void rotateUp();
void rotateDown();
class Private;
friend class Private;
Private* const d;