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synced 2025-03-12 03:14:09 +00:00
887 lines
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887 lines
30 KiB
Copyright (C) 2001 Ellis Whitehead <ellis@kde.org>
Win32 port:
Copyright (C) 2004 Jarosław Staniek <staniek@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <config-kkeyserver.h>
#include "kkeyserver_x11.h"
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "klocale.h"
#include <QX11Info>
# define XK_XKB_KEYS
# include <X11/X.h>
# include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <X11/Xutil.h>
#ifdef HAVE_XKB
# include <X11/XKBlib.h>
# include <X11/keysymdef.h>
# define X11_ONLY(arg) arg, //allows to omit an argument
namespace KKeyServer
// Data Structures
struct Mod
int m_mod;
// Array Structures
struct X11ModInfo
int modQt;
int modX;
struct SymVariation
uint sym, symVariation;
bool bActive;
struct SymName
uint sym;
const char* psName;
struct TransKey {
int keySymQt;
uint keySymX;
// Arrays
static X11ModInfo g_rgX11ModInfo[4] =
{ Qt::SHIFT, X11_ONLY(ShiftMask) },
{ Qt::CTRL, X11_ONLY(ControlMask) },
{ Qt::ALT, X11_ONLY(Mod1Mask) },
{ Qt::META, X11_ONLY(Mod4Mask) }
// Special Names List
static const SymName g_rgSymNames[] = {
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, "Backtab" },
{ XK_BackSpace, I18N_NOOP("Backspace") },
{ XK_Sys_Req, I18N_NOOP("SysReq") },
{ XK_Caps_Lock, I18N_NOOP("CapsLock") },
{ XK_Num_Lock, I18N_NOOP("NumLock") },
{ XK_Scroll_Lock, I18N_NOOP("ScrollLock") },
{ XK_Prior, I18N_NOOP("PageUp") },
{ XK_Next, I18N_NOOP("PageDown") },
#ifdef sun
{ XK_F11, I18N_NOOP("Stop") },
{ XK_F12, I18N_NOOP("Again") },
{ XK_F13, I18N_NOOP("Props") },
{ XK_F14, I18N_NOOP("Undo") },
{ XK_F15, I18N_NOOP("Front") },
{ XK_F16, I18N_NOOP("Copy") },
{ XK_F17, I18N_NOOP("Open") },
{ XK_F18, I18N_NOOP("Paste") },
{ XK_F19, I18N_NOOP("Find") },
{ XK_F20, I18N_NOOP("Cut") },
{ XK_F22, I18N_NOOP("Print") },
{ 0, 0 }
// These are the X equivalents to the Qt keycodes 0x1000 - 0x1026
static const TransKey g_rgQtToSymX[] =
{ Qt::Key_Escape, XK_Escape },
{ Qt::Key_Tab, XK_Tab },
{ Qt::Key_Backtab, XK_ISO_Left_Tab },
{ Qt::Key_Backspace, XK_BackSpace },
{ Qt::Key_Return, XK_Return },
{ Qt::Key_Enter, XK_KP_Enter },
{ Qt::Key_Insert, XK_Insert },
{ Qt::Key_Delete, XK_Delete },
{ Qt::Key_Pause, XK_Pause },
#ifdef sun
{ Qt::Key_Print, XK_F22 },
{ Qt::Key_Print, XK_Print },
{ Qt::Key_SysReq, XK_Sys_Req },
{ Qt::Key_Home, XK_Home },
{ Qt::Key_End, XK_End },
{ Qt::Key_Left, XK_Left },
{ Qt::Key_Up, XK_Up },
{ Qt::Key_Right, XK_Right },
{ Qt::Key_Down, XK_Down },
{ Qt::Key_PageUp, XK_Prior },
{ Qt::Key_PageDown, XK_Next },
//{ Qt::Key_Shift, 0 },
//{ Qt::Key_Control, 0 },
//{ Qt::Key_Meta, 0 },
//{ Qt::Key_Alt, 0 },
{ Qt::Key_CapsLock, XK_Caps_Lock },
{ Qt::Key_NumLock, XK_Num_Lock },
{ Qt::Key_ScrollLock, XK_Scroll_Lock },
{ Qt::Key_F1, XK_F1 },
{ Qt::Key_F2, XK_F2 },
{ Qt::Key_F3, XK_F3 },
{ Qt::Key_F4, XK_F4 },
{ Qt::Key_F5, XK_F5 },
{ Qt::Key_F6, XK_F6 },
{ Qt::Key_F7, XK_F7 },
{ Qt::Key_F8, XK_F8 },
{ Qt::Key_F9, XK_F9 },
{ Qt::Key_F10, XK_F10 },
{ Qt::Key_F11, XK_F11 },
{ Qt::Key_F12, XK_F12 },
{ Qt::Key_F13, XK_F13 },
{ Qt::Key_F14, XK_F14 },
{ Qt::Key_F15, XK_F15 },
{ Qt::Key_F16, XK_F16 },
{ Qt::Key_F17, XK_F17 },
{ Qt::Key_F18, XK_F18 },
{ Qt::Key_F19, XK_F19 },
{ Qt::Key_F20, XK_F20 },
{ Qt::Key_F21, XK_F21 },
{ Qt::Key_F22, XK_F22 },
{ Qt::Key_F23, XK_F23 },
{ Qt::Key_F24, XK_F24 },
{ Qt::Key_F25, XK_F25 },
{ Qt::Key_F26, XK_F26 },
{ Qt::Key_F27, XK_F27 },
{ Qt::Key_F28, XK_F28 },
{ Qt::Key_F29, XK_F29 },
{ Qt::Key_F30, XK_F30 },
{ Qt::Key_F31, XK_F31 },
{ Qt::Key_F32, XK_F32 },
{ Qt::Key_F33, XK_F33 },
{ Qt::Key_F34, XK_F34 },
{ Qt::Key_F35, XK_F35 },
{ Qt::Key_Super_L, XK_Super_L },
{ Qt::Key_Super_R, XK_Super_R },
{ Qt::Key_Menu, XK_Menu },
{ Qt::Key_Hyper_L, XK_Hyper_L },
{ Qt::Key_Hyper_R, XK_Hyper_R },
{ Qt::Key_Help, XK_Help },
//{ Qt::Key_Direction_L, XK_Direction_L }, These keys don't exist in X11
//{ Qt::Key_Direction_R, XK_Direction_R },
{ '/', XK_KP_Divide },
{ '*', XK_KP_Multiply },
{ '-', XK_KP_Subtract },
{ '+', XK_KP_Add },
{ Qt::Key_Return, XK_KP_Enter }
// the next lines are taken on 10/2009 from X.org (X11/XF86keysym.h), defining some special
// multimedia keys. They are included here as not every system has them.
#define XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp 0x1008FF02
#define XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown 0x1008FF03
#define XF86XK_KbdLightOnOff 0x1008FF04
#define XF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp 0x1008FF05
#define XF86XK_KbdBrightnessDown 0x1008FF06
#define XF86XK_Standby 0x1008FF10
#define XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume 0x1008FF11
#define XF86XK_AudioMute 0x1008FF12
#define XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume 0x1008FF13
#define XF86XK_AudioPlay 0x1008FF14
#define XF86XK_AudioStop 0x1008FF15
#define XF86XK_AudioPrev 0x1008FF16
#define XF86XK_AudioNext 0x1008FF17
#define XF86XK_HomePage 0x1008FF18
#define XF86XK_Mail 0x1008FF19
#define XF86XK_Start 0x1008FF1A
#define XF86XK_Search 0x1008FF1B
#define XF86XK_AudioRecord 0x1008FF1C
#define XF86XK_Calculator 0x1008FF1D
#define XF86XK_Memo 0x1008FF1E
#define XF86XK_ToDoList 0x1008FF1F
#define XF86XK_Calendar 0x1008FF20
#define XF86XK_PowerDown 0x1008FF21
#define XF86XK_ContrastAdjust 0x1008FF22
#define XF86XK_Back 0x1008FF26
#define XF86XK_Forward 0x1008FF27
#define XF86XK_Stop 0x1008FF28
#define XF86XK_Refresh 0x1008FF29
#define XF86XK_PowerOff 0x1008FF2A
#define XF86XK_WakeUp 0x1008FF2B
#define XF86XK_Eject 0x1008FF2C
#define XF86XK_ScreenSaver 0x1008FF2D
#define XF86XK_WWW 0x1008FF2E
#define XF86XK_Sleep 0x1008FF2F
#define XF86XK_Favorites 0x1008FF30
#define XF86XK_AudioPause 0x1008FF31
#define XF86XK_AudioMedia 0x1008FF32
#define XF86XK_MyComputer 0x1008FF33
#define XF86XK_LightBulb 0x1008FF35
#define XF86XK_Shop 0x1008FF36
#define XF86XK_History 0x1008FF37
#define XF86XK_OpenURL 0x1008FF38
#define XF86XK_AddFavorite 0x1008FF39
#define XF86XK_HotLinks 0x1008FF3A
#define XF86XK_BrightnessAdjust 0x1008FF3B
#define XF86XK_Finance 0x1008FF3C
#define XF86XK_Community 0x1008FF3D
#define XF86XK_AudioRewind 0x1008FF3E
#define XF86XK_BackForward 0x1008FF3F
#define XF86XK_Launch0 0x1008FF40
#define XF86XK_Launch1 0x1008FF41
#define XF86XK_Launch2 0x1008FF42
#define XF86XK_Launch3 0x1008FF43
#define XF86XK_Launch4 0x1008FF44
#define XF86XK_Launch5 0x1008FF45
#define XF86XK_Launch6 0x1008FF46
#define XF86XK_Launch7 0x1008FF47
#define XF86XK_Launch8 0x1008FF48
#define XF86XK_Launch9 0x1008FF49
#define XF86XK_LaunchA 0x1008FF4A
#define XF86XK_LaunchB 0x1008FF4B
#define XF86XK_LaunchC 0x1008FF4C
#define XF86XK_LaunchD 0x1008FF4D
#define XF86XK_LaunchE 0x1008FF4E
#define XF86XK_LaunchF 0x1008FF4F
#define XF86XK_ApplicationLeft 0x1008FF50
#define XF86XK_ApplicationRight 0x1008FF51
#define XF86XK_Book 0x1008FF52
#define XF86XK_CD 0x1008FF53
#define XF86XK_Calculater 0x1008FF54
#define XF86XK_Clear 0x1008FF55
#define XF86XK_ClearGrab 0x1008FE21
#define XF86XK_Close 0x1008FF56
#define XF86XK_Copy 0x1008FF57
#define XF86XK_Cut 0x1008FF58
#define XF86XK_Display 0x1008FF59
#define XF86XK_DOS 0x1008FF5A
#define XF86XK_Documents 0x1008FF5B
#define XF86XK_Excel 0x1008FF5C
#define XF86XK_Explorer 0x1008FF5D
#define XF86XK_Game 0x1008FF5E
#define XF86XK_Go 0x1008FF5F
#define XF86XK_iTouch 0x1008FF60
#define XF86XK_LogOff 0x1008FF61
#define XF86XK_Market 0x1008FF62
#define XF86XK_Meeting 0x1008FF63
#define XF86XK_MenuKB 0x1008FF65
#define XF86XK_MenuPB 0x1008FF66
#define XF86XK_MySites 0x1008FF67
#define XF86XK_News 0x1008FF69
#define XF86XK_OfficeHome 0x1008FF6A
#define XF86XK_Option 0x1008FF6C
#define XF86XK_Paste 0x1008FF6D
#define XF86XK_Phone 0x1008FF6E
#define XF86XK_Reply 0x1008FF72
#define XF86XK_Reload 0x1008FF73
#define XF86XK_RotateWindows 0x1008FF74
#define XF86XK_RotationPB 0x1008FF75
#define XF86XK_RotationKB 0x1008FF76
#define XF86XK_Save 0x1008FF77
#define XF86XK_Send 0x1008FF7B
#define XF86XK_Spell 0x1008FF7C
#define XF86XK_SplitScreen 0x1008FF7D
#define XF86XK_Support 0x1008FF7E
#define XF86XK_TaskPane 0x1008FF7F
#define XF86XK_Terminal 0x1008FF80
#define XF86XK_Tools 0x1008FF81
#define XF86XK_Travel 0x1008FF82
#define XF86XK_Video 0x1008FF87
#define XF86XK_Word 0x1008FF89
#define XF86XK_Xfer 0x1008FF8A
#define XF86XK_ZoomIn 0x1008FF8B
#define XF86XK_ZoomOut 0x1008FF8C
#define XF86XK_Away 0x1008FF8D
#define XF86XK_Messenger 0x1008FF8E
#define XF86XK_WebCam 0x1008FF8F
#define XF86XK_MailForward 0x1008FF90
#define XF86XK_Pictures 0x1008FF91
#define XF86XK_Music 0x1008FF92
#define XF86XK_Battery 0x1008FF93
#define XF86XK_Bluetooth 0x1008FF94
#define XF86XK_WLAN 0x1008FF95
#define XF86XK_UWB 0x1008FF96
#define XF86XK_AudioForward 0x1008FF97
#define XF86XK_AudioRepeat 0x1008FF98
#define XF86XK_AudioRandomPlay 0x1008FF99
#define XF86XK_Subtitle 0x1008FF9A
#define XF86XK_AudioCycleTrack 0x1008FF9B
#define XF86XK_Time 0x1008FF9F
#define XF86XK_Select 0x1008FFA0
#define XF86XK_View 0x1008FFA1
#define XF86XK_TopMenu 0x1008FFA2
#define XF86XK_Suspend 0x1008FFA7
#define XF86XK_Hibernate 0x1008FFA8
// end of XF86keysyms.h
// All of the stuff below really has to match qkeymapper_x11.cpp in Qt!
{ Qt::Key_Back, XF86XK_Back },
{ Qt::Key_Forward, XF86XK_Forward },
{ Qt::Key_Stop, XF86XK_Stop },
{ Qt::Key_Refresh, XF86XK_Refresh },
{ Qt::Key_Favorites, XF86XK_Favorites },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchMedia, XF86XK_AudioMedia },
{ Qt::Key_OpenUrl, XF86XK_OpenURL },
{ Qt::Key_HomePage, XF86XK_HomePage },
{ Qt::Key_Search, XF86XK_Search },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeDown, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeMute, XF86XK_AudioMute },
{ Qt::Key_VolumeUp, XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume },
{ Qt::Key_MediaPlay, XF86XK_AudioPlay },
{ Qt::Key_MediaStop, XF86XK_AudioStop },
{ Qt::Key_MediaPrevious, XF86XK_AudioPrev },
{ Qt::Key_MediaNext, XF86XK_AudioNext },
{ Qt::Key_MediaRecord, XF86XK_AudioRecord },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchMail, XF86XK_Mail },
{ Qt::Key_Launch0, XF86XK_MyComputer },
{ Qt::Key_Launch1, XF86XK_Calculator },
{ Qt::Key_Memo, XF86XK_Memo },
{ Qt::Key_ToDoList, XF86XK_ToDoList },
{ Qt::Key_Calendar, XF86XK_Calendar },
{ Qt::Key_PowerDown, XF86XK_PowerDown },
{ Qt::Key_ContrastAdjust, XF86XK_ContrastAdjust },
{ Qt::Key_Standby, XF86XK_Standby },
{ Qt::Key_MonBrightnessUp, XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp },
{ Qt::Key_MonBrightnessDown, XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown },
{ Qt::Key_KeyboardLightOnOff, XF86XK_KbdLightOnOff },
{ Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp, XF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp },
{ Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown, XF86XK_KbdBrightnessDown },
{ Qt::Key_PowerOff, XF86XK_PowerOff },
{ Qt::Key_WakeUp, XF86XK_WakeUp },
{ Qt::Key_Eject, XF86XK_Eject },
{ Qt::Key_ScreenSaver, XF86XK_ScreenSaver },
{ Qt::Key_WWW, XF86XK_WWW },
{ Qt::Key_Sleep, XF86XK_Sleep },
{ Qt::Key_LightBulb, XF86XK_LightBulb },
{ Qt::Key_Shop, XF86XK_Shop },
{ Qt::Key_History, XF86XK_History },
{ Qt::Key_AddFavorite, XF86XK_AddFavorite },
{ Qt::Key_HotLinks, XF86XK_HotLinks },
{ Qt::Key_BrightnessAdjust, XF86XK_BrightnessAdjust },
{ Qt::Key_Finance, XF86XK_Finance },
{ Qt::Key_Community, XF86XK_Community },
{ Qt::Key_AudioRewind, XF86XK_AudioRewind },
{ Qt::Key_BackForward, XF86XK_BackForward },
{ Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft, XF86XK_ApplicationLeft },
{ Qt::Key_ApplicationRight, XF86XK_ApplicationRight },
{ Qt::Key_Book, XF86XK_Book },
{ Qt::Key_CD, XF86XK_CD },
{ Qt::Key_Calculator, XF86XK_Calculater },
{ Qt::Key_Clear, XF86XK_Clear },
{ Qt::Key_ClearGrab, XF86XK_ClearGrab },
{ Qt::Key_Close, XF86XK_Close },
{ Qt::Key_Copy, XF86XK_Copy },
{ Qt::Key_Cut, XF86XK_Cut },
{ Qt::Key_Display, XF86XK_Display },
{ Qt::Key_DOS, XF86XK_DOS },
{ Qt::Key_Documents, XF86XK_Documents },
{ Qt::Key_Excel, XF86XK_Excel },
{ Qt::Key_Explorer, XF86XK_Explorer },
{ Qt::Key_Game, XF86XK_Game },
{ Qt::Key_Go, XF86XK_Go },
{ Qt::Key_iTouch, XF86XK_iTouch },
{ Qt::Key_LogOff, XF86XK_LogOff },
{ Qt::Key_Market, XF86XK_Market },
{ Qt::Key_Meeting, XF86XK_Meeting },
{ Qt::Key_MenuKB, XF86XK_MenuKB },
{ Qt::Key_MenuPB, XF86XK_MenuPB },
{ Qt::Key_MySites, XF86XK_MySites },
{ Qt::Key_News, XF86XK_News },
{ Qt::Key_OfficeHome, XF86XK_OfficeHome },
{ Qt::Key_Option, XF86XK_Option },
{ Qt::Key_Paste, XF86XK_Paste },
{ Qt::Key_Phone, XF86XK_Phone },
{ Qt::Key_Reply, XF86XK_Reply },
{ Qt::Key_Reload, XF86XK_Reload },
{ Qt::Key_RotateWindows, XF86XK_RotateWindows },
{ Qt::Key_RotationPB, XF86XK_RotationPB },
{ Qt::Key_RotationKB, XF86XK_RotationKB },
{ Qt::Key_Save, XF86XK_Save },
{ Qt::Key_Send, XF86XK_Send },
{ Qt::Key_Spell, XF86XK_Spell },
{ Qt::Key_SplitScreen, XF86XK_SplitScreen },
{ Qt::Key_Support, XF86XK_Support },
{ Qt::Key_TaskPane, XF86XK_TaskPane },
{ Qt::Key_Terminal, XF86XK_Terminal },
{ Qt::Key_Tools, XF86XK_Tools },
{ Qt::Key_Travel, XF86XK_Travel },
{ Qt::Key_Video, XF86XK_Video },
{ Qt::Key_Word, XF86XK_Word },
{ Qt::Key_Xfer, XF86XK_Xfer },
{ Qt::Key_ZoomIn, XF86XK_ZoomIn },
{ Qt::Key_ZoomOut, XF86XK_ZoomOut },
{ Qt::Key_Away, XF86XK_Away },
{ Qt::Key_Messenger, XF86XK_Messenger },
{ Qt::Key_WebCam, XF86XK_WebCam },
{ Qt::Key_MailForward, XF86XK_MailForward },
{ Qt::Key_Pictures, XF86XK_Pictures },
{ Qt::Key_Music, XF86XK_Music },
{ Qt::Key_Battery, XF86XK_Battery },
{ Qt::Key_Bluetooth, XF86XK_Bluetooth },
{ Qt::Key_WLAN, XF86XK_WLAN },
{ Qt::Key_UWB, XF86XK_UWB },
{ Qt::Key_AudioForward, XF86XK_AudioForward },
{ Qt::Key_AudioRepeat, XF86XK_AudioRepeat },
{ Qt::Key_AudioRandomPlay, XF86XK_AudioRandomPlay },
{ Qt::Key_Subtitle, XF86XK_Subtitle },
{ Qt::Key_AudioCycleTrack, XF86XK_AudioCycleTrack },
{ Qt::Key_Time, XF86XK_Time },
{ Qt::Key_Select, XF86XK_Select },
{ Qt::Key_View, XF86XK_View },
{ Qt::Key_TopMenu, XF86XK_TopMenu },
{ Qt::Key_Bluetooth, XF86XK_Bluetooth },
{ Qt::Key_Suspend, XF86XK_Suspend },
{ Qt::Key_Hibernate, XF86XK_Hibernate },
{ Qt::Key_Launch2, XF86XK_Launch0 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch3, XF86XK_Launch1 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch4, XF86XK_Launch2 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch5, XF86XK_Launch3 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch6, XF86XK_Launch4 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch7, XF86XK_Launch5 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch8, XF86XK_Launch6 },
{ Qt::Key_Launch9, XF86XK_Launch7 },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchA, XF86XK_Launch8 },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchB, XF86XK_Launch9 },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchC, XF86XK_LaunchA },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchD, XF86XK_LaunchB },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchE, XF86XK_LaunchC },
{ Qt::Key_LaunchF, XF86XK_LaunchD },
// Debugging
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline void checkDisplay()
// Some non-GUI apps might try to use us.
if ( !QX11Info::display() ) {
kError() << "QX11Info::display() returns 0. I'm probably going to crash now." << endl;
kError() << "If this is a KApplication initialized without GUI stuff, change it to be "
"initialized with GUI stuff." << endl;
#else // NDEBUG
# define checkDisplay()
// Initialization
static bool g_bInitializedMods;
static uint g_modXNumLock, g_modXScrollLock, g_modXModeSwitch, g_alt_mask, g_meta_mask, g_super_mask, g_hyper_mask;
bool initializeMods()
// Reinitialize the masks
g_modXNumLock = 0;
g_modXScrollLock = 0;
g_modXModeSwitch = 0;
g_alt_mask = 0;
g_meta_mask = 0;
g_super_mask = 0;
g_hyper_mask = 0;
XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping( QX11Info::display() );
int min_keycode, max_keycode;
int keysyms_per_keycode = 0;
XDisplayKeycodes( QX11Info::display(), &min_keycode, &max_keycode );
XFree( XGetKeyboardMapping( QX11Info::display(), min_keycode, 1, &keysyms_per_keycode ));
for( int i = Mod1MapIndex; i < 8; i++ ) {
uint mask = (1 << i);
uint keySymX = NoSymbol;
// This used to be only XKeycodeToKeysym( ... , 0 ), but that fails with XFree4.3.99
// and X.org R6.7 , where for some reason only ( ... , 1 ) works. I have absolutely no
// idea what the problem is, but searching all possibilities until something valid is
// found fixes the problem.
for( int j = 0; j < xmk->max_keypermod; ++j ) {
for( int k = 0; k < keysyms_per_keycode; ++k ) {
#ifdef HAVE_XKB
keySymX = XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * i + j], 0, k );
keySymX = XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * i + j], k );
switch( keySymX ) {
case XK_Alt_L:
case XK_Alt_R: g_alt_mask |= mask; break;
case XK_Super_L:
case XK_Super_R: g_super_mask |= mask; break;
case XK_Hyper_L:
case XK_Hyper_R: g_hyper_mask |= mask; break;
case XK_Meta_L:
case XK_Meta_R: g_meta_mask |= mask; break;
case XK_Num_Lock: g_modXNumLock |= mask; break;
case XK_Scroll_Lock: g_modXScrollLock |= mask; break;
case XK_Mode_switch: g_modXModeSwitch |= mask; break;
kDebug() << "Alt:" << g_alt_mask;
kDebug() << "Meta:" << g_meta_mask;
kDebug() << "Super:" << g_super_mask;
kDebug() << "Hyper:" << g_hyper_mask;
kDebug() << "NumLock:" << g_modXNumLock;
kDebug() << "ScrollLock:" << g_modXScrollLock;
kDebug() << "ModeSwitch:" << g_modXModeSwitch;
// Check if hyper overlaps with super or meta or alt
if (g_hyper_mask&(g_super_mask|g_meta_mask|g_alt_mask)) {
kDebug() << "Hyper conflicts with super, meta or alt.";
// Remove the conflicting masks
g_hyper_mask &= ~(g_super_mask|g_meta_mask|g_alt_mask);
// Check if super overlaps with meta or alt
if (g_super_mask&(g_meta_mask|g_alt_mask)) {
kDebug() << "Super conflicts with meta or alt.";
// Remove the conflicting masks
g_super_mask &= ~(g_meta_mask|g_alt_mask);
// Check if meta overlaps with alt
if (g_meta_mask|g_alt_mask) {
kDebug() << "Meta conflicts with alt.";
// Remove the conflicting masks
g_meta_mask &= ~(g_alt_mask);
if (!g_meta_mask) {
kDebug() << "Meta is not set or conflicted with alt.";
if (g_super_mask) {
kDebug() << "Using super for meta";
// Use Super
g_meta_mask = g_super_mask;
} else if (g_hyper_mask) {
kDebug() << "Using hyper for meta";
// User Hyper
g_meta_mask = g_hyper_mask;
} else {
// ???? Nothing left
g_meta_mask = 0;
kDebug() << "Alt:" << g_alt_mask;
kDebug() << "Meta:" << g_meta_mask;
kDebug() << "Super:" << g_super_mask;
kDebug() << "Hyper:" << g_hyper_mask;
kDebug() << "NumLock:" << g_modXNumLock;
kDebug() << "ScrollLock:" << g_modXScrollLock;
kDebug() << "ModeSwitch:" << g_modXModeSwitch;
if (!g_meta_mask) {
kWarning() << "Your keyboard setup doesn't provide a key to use for meta. See 'xmodmap -pm' or 'xkbcomp $DISPLAY'";
g_rgX11ModInfo[2].modX = g_alt_mask;
g_rgX11ModInfo[3].modX = g_meta_mask;
XFreeModifiermap( xmk );
g_bInitializedMods = true;
return true;
// Public functions
uint modXShift() { return ShiftMask; }
uint modXCtrl() { return ControlMask; }
uint modXAlt() { if( !g_bInitializedMods ) { initializeMods(); } return g_alt_mask; }
uint modXMeta() { if( !g_bInitializedMods ) { initializeMods(); } return g_meta_mask; }
uint modXNumLock() { if( !g_bInitializedMods ) { initializeMods(); } return g_modXNumLock; }
uint modXLock() { return LockMask; }
uint modXScrollLock() { if( !g_bInitializedMods ) { initializeMods(); } return g_modXScrollLock; }
uint modXModeSwitch() { if( !g_bInitializedMods ) { initializeMods(); } return g_modXModeSwitch; }
bool keyboardHasMetaKey() { return modXMeta() != 0; }
uint getModsRequired(uint sym)
uint mod = 0;
// FIXME: This might not be true on all keyboard layouts!
if( sym == XK_Sys_Req ) return Qt::ALT;
if( sym == XK_Break ) return Qt::CTRL;
if( sym < 0x3000 ) {
QChar c(sym);
if( c.isLetter() && c.toLower() != c.toUpper() && sym == c.toUpper().unicode() )
return Qt::SHIFT;
uchar code = XKeysymToKeycode( QX11Info::display(), sym );
if( code ) {
// need to check index 0 before the others, so that a null-mod
// can take precedence over the others, in case the modified
// key produces the same symbol.
#ifdef HAVE_XKB
if( sym == XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 0, 0 ) )
else if( sym == XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 0, 1 ) )
mod = Qt::SHIFT;
else if( sym == XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 0, 2 ) )
else if( sym == XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 0, 3 ) )
if( sym == XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 0 ) )
else if( sym == XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 1 ) )
mod = Qt::SHIFT;
else if( sym == XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 2 ) )
else if( sym == XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), code, 3 ) )
return mod;
bool keyQtToCodeX( int keyQt, int* keyCode )
int sym;
uint mod;
keyQtToSymX(keyQt, &sym);
keyQtToModX(keyQt, &mod);
// Get any extra mods required by the sym.
// E.g., XK_Plus requires SHIFT on the en layout.
uint modExtra = getModsRequired(sym);
// Get the X modifier equivalent.
if( !sym || !keyQtToModX( (keyQt & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask) | modExtra, &mod ) ) {
*keyCode = 0;
return false;
*keyCode = XKeysymToKeycode( QX11Info::display(), sym );
return true;
bool keyQtToSymX( int keyQt, int* keySym )
int symQt = keyQt & ~Qt::KeyboardModifierMask;
if( symQt < 0x1000 ) {
*keySym = QChar(symQt).toUpper().unicode();
return true;
for( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(g_rgQtToSymX)/sizeof(TransKey); i++ ) {
if( g_rgQtToSymX[i].keySymQt == symQt ) {
*keySym = g_rgQtToSymX[i].keySymX;
return true;
*keySym = 0;
if( symQt != Qt::Key_Shift && symQt != Qt::Key_Control && symQt != Qt::Key_Alt &&
symQt != Qt::Key_Meta && symQt != Qt::Key_Direction_L && symQt != Qt::Key_Direction_R )
kDebug(125) << "Sym::initQt( " << QString::number(keyQt,16) << " ): failed to convert key.";
return false;
bool symXToKeyQt( uint keySym, int* keyQt )
*keyQt = Qt::Key_unknown;
if( keySym < 0x1000 ) {
if( keySym >= 'a' && keySym <= 'z' )
*keyQt = QChar(keySym).toUpper().unicode();
*keyQt = keySym;
else if( keySym < 0x3000 )
*keyQt = keySym;
else {
for( uint i = 0; i < sizeof(g_rgQtToSymX)/sizeof(TransKey); i++ )
if( g_rgQtToSymX[i].keySymX == keySym ) {
*keyQt = g_rgQtToSymX[i].keySymQt;
return (*keyQt != Qt::Key_unknown);
/* are these things actually used anywhere? there's no way
they can do anything on non-X11 */
bool keyQtToModX( int modQt, uint* modX )
if( !g_bInitializedMods )
*modX = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if( modQt & g_rgX11ModInfo[i].modQt ) {
if( g_rgX11ModInfo[i].modX ) {
*modX |= g_rgX11ModInfo[i].modX;
} else {
// The qt modifier has no x equivalent. Return false
return false;
return true;
bool modXToQt( uint modX, int* modQt )
if( !g_bInitializedMods )
*modQt = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if( modX & g_rgX11ModInfo[i].modX ) {
*modQt |= g_rgX11ModInfo[i].modQt;
return true;
bool codeXToSym( uchar codeX, uint modX, uint* sym )
KeySym keySym;
XKeyPressedEvent event;
event.type = KeyPress;
event.display = QX11Info::display();
event.state = modX;
event.keycode = codeX;
XLookupString( &event, 0, 0, &keySym, 0 );
*sym = (uint) keySym;
return true;
uint accelModMaskX()
return modXShift() | modXCtrl() | modXAlt() | modXMeta();
bool xEventToQt( XEvent* e, int* keyQt )
Q_ASSERT(e->type == KeyPress || e->type == KeyRelease);
uchar keyCodeX = e->xkey.keycode;
uint keyModX = e->xkey.state & (accelModMaskX() | MODE_SWITCH);
KeySym keySym;
char buffer[16];
XLookupString( (XKeyEvent*) e, buffer, 15, &keySym, 0 );
uint keySymX = (uint)keySym;
// If numlock is active and a keypad key is pressed, XOR the SHIFT state.
// e.g., KP_4 => Shift+KP_Left, and Shift+KP_4 => KP_Left.
if( e->xkey.state & modXNumLock() ) {
#ifdef HAVE_XKB
uint sym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), keyCodeX, 0, 0 );
uint sym = XKeycodeToKeysym( QX11Info::display(), keyCodeX, 0 );
// TODO: what's the xor operator in c++?
// If this is a keypad key,
if( sym >= XK_KP_Space && sym <= XK_KP_9 ) {
switch( sym ) {
// Leave the following keys unaltered
// FIXME: The proper solution is to see which keysyms don't change when shifted.
case XK_KP_Multiply:
case XK_KP_Add:
case XK_KP_Subtract:
case XK_KP_Divide:
if( keyModX & modXShift() )
keyModX &= ~modXShift();
keyModX |= modXShift();
int keyCodeQt;
int keyModQt;
symXToKeyQt(keySymX, &keyCodeQt);
modXToQt(keyModX, &keyModQt);
*keyQt = keyCodeQt | keyModQt;
return true;
} // end of namespace KKeyServer block