mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 03:14:09 +00:00

for compatibilty reasons automoc4 support is not removed but it shall be in the future. automoc4 has not been maintained for a while (last commit is from 2011) and the stable release is from 2009. CMake version >= 2.8.6 provides the functionality for mocking so I see no reason to not make use of it.
991 lines
26 KiB
991 lines
26 KiB
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kcompletion.h"
#include "kcompletion_p.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <knotification.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <QtCore/QMutableVectorIterator>
class KCompletionPrivate
: myCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::completionMode() )
, myTreeNodeAllocator( KCompTreeNode::allocator() ) // keep strong-ref to allocator instance
, myTreeRoot( new KCompTreeNode )
, myBeep( true )
, myIgnoreCase( false )
, myHasMultipleMatches( false )
, myRotationIndex( 0 )
delete myTreeRoot;
// list used for nextMatch() and previousMatch()
KCompletionMatchesWrapper matches;
KGlobalSettings::Completion myCompletionMode;
QSharedPointer<KZoneAllocator> myTreeNodeAllocator;
KCompletion::CompOrder myOrder;
QString myLastString;
QString myLastMatch;
QString myCurrentMatch;
KCompTreeNode * myTreeRoot;
//QStringList myRotations;
bool myBeep : 1;
bool myIgnoreCase : 1;
bool myHasMultipleMatches;
int myRotationIndex;
:d(new KCompletionPrivate)
setOrder( Insertion );
delete d;
void KCompletion::setOrder( CompOrder order )
d->myOrder = order;
d->matches.setSorting( order );
KCompletion::CompOrder KCompletion::order() const
return d->myOrder;
void KCompletion::setIgnoreCase( bool ignoreCase )
d->myIgnoreCase = ignoreCase;
bool KCompletion::ignoreCase() const
return d->myIgnoreCase;
void KCompletion::setItems( const QStringList& items )
insertItems( items );
void KCompletion::insertItems( const QStringList& items )
bool weighted = (d->myOrder == Weighted);
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
if ( weighted ) { // determine weight
for ( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it )
addWeightedItem( *it );
else {
for ( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it )
addItem( *it, 0 );
QStringList KCompletion::items() const
KCompletionMatchesWrapper list; // unsorted
bool addWeight = (d->myOrder == Weighted);
extractStringsFromNode( d->myTreeRoot, QString(), &list, addWeight );
return list.list();
bool KCompletion::isEmpty() const
return (d->myTreeRoot->childrenCount() == 0);
void KCompletion::postProcessMatch( QString * ) const
void KCompletion::postProcessMatches( QStringList * ) const
void KCompletion::postProcessMatches( KCompletionMatches * ) const
void KCompletion::addItem( const QString& item )
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
addItem( item, 0 );
void KCompletion::addItem( const QString& item, uint weight )
if ( item.isEmpty() )
KCompTreeNode *node = d->myTreeRoot;
uint len = item.length();
bool sorted = (d->myOrder == Sorted);
bool weighted = ((d->myOrder == Weighted) && weight > 1);
// knowing the weight of an item, we simply add this weight to all of its
// nodes.
for ( uint i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
node = node->insert( item.at(i), sorted );
if ( weighted )
node->confirm( weight -1 ); // node->insert() sets weighting to 1
// add 0x0-item as delimiter with evtl. weight
node = node->insert( 0x0, true );
if ( weighted )
node->confirm( weight -1 );
// qDebug("*** added: %s (%i)", item.toLatin1().constData(), node->weight());
void KCompletion::addWeightedItem( const QString& item )
if ( d->myOrder != Weighted ) {
addItem( item, 0 );
uint len = item.length();
uint weight = 0;
// find out the weighting of this item (appended to the string as ":num")
int index = item.lastIndexOf(':');
if ( index > 0 ) {
bool ok;
weight = item.mid( index + 1 ).toUInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
weight = 0;
len = index; // only insert until the ':'
addItem( item.left( len ), weight );
void KCompletion::removeItem( const QString& item )
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
d->myTreeRoot->remove( item );
void KCompletion::clear()
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
delete d->myTreeRoot;
d->myTreeRoot = new KCompTreeNode;
QString KCompletion::makeCompletion( const QString& string )
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionNone )
return QString();
//kDebug(0) << "KCompletion: completing: " << string;
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
d->myHasMultipleMatches = false;
d->myLastMatch = d->myCurrentMatch;
// in Shell-completion-mode, emit all matches when we get the same
// complete-string twice
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionShell &&
string == d->myLastString ) {
// Don't use d->matches since calling postProcessMatches()
// on d->matches here would interfere with call to
// postProcessMatch() during rotation
findAllCompletions( string, &d->matches, d->myHasMultipleMatches );
QStringList l = d->matches.list();
postProcessMatches( &l );
emit matches( l );
if ( l.isEmpty() )
doBeep( NoMatch );
return QString();
QString completion;
// in case-insensitive popup mode, we search all completions at once
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopup ||
d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopupAuto ) {
findAllCompletions( string, &d->matches, d->myHasMultipleMatches );
if ( !d->matches.isEmpty() )
completion = d->matches.first();
completion = findCompletion( string );
if ( d->myHasMultipleMatches )
emit multipleMatches();
d->myLastString = string;
d->myCurrentMatch = completion;
postProcessMatch( &completion );
if ( !string.isEmpty() ) { // only emit match when string is not empty
//kDebug(0) << "KCompletion: Match: " << completion;
emit match( completion );
if ( completion.isNull() )
doBeep( NoMatch );
return completion;
QStringList KCompletion::substringCompletion( const QString& string ) const
// get all items in the tree, eventually in sorted order
KCompletionMatchesWrapper allItems( d->myOrder );
extractStringsFromNode( d->myTreeRoot, QString(), &allItems, false );
QStringList list = allItems.list();
// subStringMatches is invoked manually, via a shortcut, so we should
// beep here, if necessary.
if ( list.isEmpty() ) {
doBeep( NoMatch );
return list;
if ( string.isEmpty() ) { // shortcut
postProcessMatches( &list );
return list;
QStringList matches;
QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin();
for( ; it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) {
QString item = *it;
if ( item.indexOf( string, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != -1 ) { // always case insensitive
postProcessMatch( &item );
matches.append( item );
if ( matches.isEmpty() )
doBeep( NoMatch );
return matches;
void KCompletion::setCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::Completion mode )
d->myCompletionMode = mode;
KGlobalSettings::Completion KCompletion::completionMode() const {
return d->myCompletionMode;
QStringList KCompletion::allMatches()
// Don't use d->matches since calling postProcessMatches()
// on d->matches here would interfere with call to
// postProcessMatch() during rotation
KCompletionMatchesWrapper matches( d->myOrder );
bool dummy;
findAllCompletions( d->myLastString, &matches, dummy );
QStringList l = matches.list();
postProcessMatches( &l );
return l;
KCompletionMatches KCompletion::allWeightedMatches()
// Don't use d->matches since calling postProcessMatches()
// on d->matches here would interfere with call to
// postProcessMatch() during rotation
KCompletionMatchesWrapper matches( d->myOrder );
bool dummy;
findAllCompletions( d->myLastString, &matches, dummy );
KCompletionMatches ret( matches );
postProcessMatches( &ret );
return ret;
QStringList KCompletion::allMatches( const QString &string )
KCompletionMatchesWrapper matches( d->myOrder );
bool dummy;
findAllCompletions( string, &matches, dummy );
QStringList l = matches.list();
postProcessMatches( &l );
return l;
KCompletionMatches KCompletion::allWeightedMatches( const QString &string )
KCompletionMatchesWrapper matches( d->myOrder );
bool dummy;
findAllCompletions( string, &matches, dummy );
KCompletionMatches ret( matches );
postProcessMatches( &ret );
return ret;
void KCompletion::setSoundsEnabled( bool enable )
d->myBeep = enable;
bool KCompletion::soundsEnabled() const
return d->myBeep;
bool KCompletion::hasMultipleMatches() const
return d->myHasMultipleMatches;
///////////////// tree operations ///////////////////
QString KCompletion::nextMatch()
QString completion;
d->myLastMatch = d->myCurrentMatch;
if ( d->matches.isEmpty() ) {
findAllCompletions( d->myLastString, &d->matches, d->myHasMultipleMatches );
if ( !d->matches.isEmpty() )
completion = d->matches.first();
d->myCurrentMatch = completion;
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
postProcessMatch( &completion );
emit match( completion );
return completion;
QStringList matches = d->matches.list();
d->myLastMatch = matches[ d->myRotationIndex++ ];
if ( d->myRotationIndex == matches.count() -1 )
doBeep( Rotation ); // indicate last matching item -> rotating
else if ( d->myRotationIndex == matches.count() )
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
completion = matches[ d->myRotationIndex ];
d->myCurrentMatch = completion;
postProcessMatch( &completion );
emit match( completion );
return completion;
const QString& KCompletion::lastMatch() const
return d->myLastMatch;
QString KCompletion::previousMatch()
QString completion;
d->myLastMatch = d->myCurrentMatch;
if ( d->matches.isEmpty() ) {
findAllCompletions( d->myLastString, &d->matches, d->myHasMultipleMatches );
if ( !d->matches.isEmpty() )
completion = d->matches.last();
d->myCurrentMatch = completion;
d->myRotationIndex = 0;
postProcessMatch( &completion );
emit match( completion );
return completion;
QStringList matches = d->matches.list();
d->myLastMatch = matches[ d->myRotationIndex ];
if ( d->myRotationIndex == 1 )
doBeep( Rotation ); // indicate first item -> rotating
else if ( d->myRotationIndex == 0 )
d->myRotationIndex = matches.count();
completion = matches[ d->myRotationIndex ];
d->myCurrentMatch = completion;
postProcessMatch( &completion );
emit match( completion );
return completion;
// tries to complete "string" from the tree-root
QString KCompletion::findCompletion( const QString& string )
QChar ch;
QString completion;
const KCompTreeNode *node = d->myTreeRoot;
// start at the tree-root and try to find the search-string
for( int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++ ) {
ch = string.at( i );
node = node->find( ch );
if ( node )
completion += ch;
return QString(); // no completion
// Now we have the last node of the to be completed string.
// Follow it as long as it has exactly one child (= longest possible
// completion)
while ( node->childrenCount() == 1 ) {
node = node->firstChild();
if ( !node->isNull() )
completion += *node;
// if multiple matches and auto-completion mode
// -> find the first complete match
if ( node && node->childrenCount() > 1 ) {
d->myHasMultipleMatches = true;
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionAuto ) {
d->myRotationIndex = 1;
if (d->myOrder != Weighted) {
while ( (node = node->firstChild()) ) {
if ( !node->isNull() )
completion += *node;
else {
// don't just find the "first" match, but the one with the
// highest priority
const KCompTreeNode* temp_node = 0L;
while(1) {
int count = node->childrenCount();
temp_node = node->firstChild();
uint weight = temp_node->weight();
const KCompTreeNode* hit = temp_node;
for( int i = 1; i < count; i++ ) {
temp_node = node->childAt(i);
if( temp_node->weight() > weight ) {
hit = temp_node;
weight = hit->weight();
// 0x0 has the highest priority -> we have the best match
if ( hit->isNull() )
node = hit;
completion += *node;
doBeep( PartialMatch ); // partial match -> beep
return completion;
void KCompletion::findAllCompletions(const QString& string,
KCompletionMatchesWrapper *matches,
bool& hasMultipleMatches) const
//kDebug(0) << "*** finding all completions for " << string;
if ( string.isEmpty() )
if ( d->myIgnoreCase ) { // case insensitive completion
extractStringsFromNodeCI( d->myTreeRoot, QString(), string, matches );
hasMultipleMatches = (matches->count() > 1);
QChar ch;
QString completion;
const KCompTreeNode *node = d->myTreeRoot;
// start at the tree-root and try to find the search-string
for( int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++ ) {
ch = string.at( i );
node = node->find( ch );
if ( node )
completion += ch;
return; // no completion -> return empty list
// Now we have the last node of the to be completed string.
// Follow it as long as it has exactly one child (= longest possible
// completion)
while ( node->childrenCount() == 1 ) {
node = node->firstChild();
if ( !node->isNull() )
completion += *node;
// kDebug() << completion << node->latin1();
// there is just one single match)
if ( node->childrenCount() == 0 )
matches->append( node->weight(), completion );
else {
// node has more than one child
// -> recursively find all remaining completions
hasMultipleMatches = true;
extractStringsFromNode( node, completion, matches );
void KCompletion::extractStringsFromNode( const KCompTreeNode *node,
const QString& beginning,
KCompletionMatchesWrapper *matches,
bool addWeight ) const
if ( !node || !matches )
// kDebug() << "Beginning: " << beginning;
const KCompTreeChildren *list = node->children();
QString string;
QString w;
// loop thru all children
for ( KCompTreeNode *cur = list->begin(); cur ; cur = cur->next) {
string = beginning;
node = cur;
if ( !node->isNull() )
string += *node;
while ( node && node->childrenCount() == 1 ) {
node = node->firstChild();
if ( node->isNull() )
string += *node;
if ( node && node->isNull() ) { // we found a leaf
if ( addWeight ) {
// add ":num" to the string to store the weighting
string += ':';
w.setNum( node->weight() );
string.append( w );
matches->append( node->weight(), string );
// recursively find all other strings.
if ( node && node->childrenCount() > 1 )
extractStringsFromNode( node, string, matches, addWeight );
void KCompletion::extractStringsFromNodeCI( const KCompTreeNode *node,
const QString& beginning,
const QString& restString,
KCompletionMatchesWrapper *matches ) const
if ( restString.isEmpty() ) {
extractStringsFromNode( node, beginning, matches, false /*noweight*/ );
QChar ch1 = restString.at(0);
QString newRest = restString.mid(1);
KCompTreeNode *child1, *child2;
child1 = node->find( ch1 ); // the correct match
if ( child1 )
extractStringsFromNodeCI( child1, beginning + QChar(*child1), newRest,
matches );
// append the case insensitive matches, if available
if ( ch1.isLetter() ) {
// find out if we have to lower or upper it. Is there a better way?
QChar ch2 = ch1.toLower();
if ( ch1 == ch2 )
ch2 = ch1.toUpper();
if ( ch1 != ch2 ) {
child2 = node->find( ch2 );
if ( child2 )
extractStringsFromNodeCI( child2, beginning + QChar(*child2), newRest,
matches );
void KCompletion::doBeep( BeepMode mode ) const
if ( !d->myBeep )
QString text, event;
switch ( mode ) {
case Rotation:
event = QLatin1String("Textcompletion: rotation");
text = i18n("You reached the end of the list\nof matching items.\n");
case PartialMatch:
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionShell ||
d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionMan ) {
event = QLatin1String("Textcompletion: partial match");
text = i18n("The completion is ambiguous, more than one\nmatch is available.\n");
case NoMatch:
if ( d->myCompletionMode == KGlobalSettings::CompletionShell ) {
event = QLatin1String("Textcompletion: no match");
text = i18n("There is no matching item available.\n");
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
KNotification::event( event, text , QPixmap() , 0L , KNotification::DefaultEvent );
// Implements the tree. Every node is a QChar and has a list of children, which
// are Nodes as well.
// QChar( 0x0 ) is used as the delimiter of a string; the last child of each
// inserted string is 0x0.
// delete all children
KCompTreeNode *cur = myChildren.begin();
while (cur) {
KCompTreeNode * next = cur->next;
delete myChildren.remove(cur);
cur = next;
// Adds a child-node "ch" to this node. If such a node is already existent,
// it will not be created. Returns the new/existing node.
KCompTreeNode * KCompTreeNode::insert( const QChar& ch, bool sorted )
KCompTreeNode *child = find( ch );
if ( !child ) {
child = new KCompTreeNode( ch );
// FIXME, first (slow) sorted insertion implementation
if ( sorted ) {
KCompTreeNode * prev = 0;
KCompTreeNode * cur = myChildren.begin();
while ( cur ) {
if ( ch > *cur ) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
} else
if (prev)
myChildren.insert( prev, child );
myChildren.append( child );
// implicit weighting: the more often an item is inserted, the higher
// priority it gets.
return child;
// Iteratively removes a string from the tree. The nicer recursive
// version apparently was a little memory hungry (see #56757)
void KCompTreeNode::remove( const QString& str )
QString string = str;
string += QChar(0x0);
QVector<KCompTreeNode *> deletables( string.length() + 1 );
KCompTreeNode *child = 0L;
KCompTreeNode *parent = this;
deletables.replace( 0, parent );
int i = 0;
for ( ; i < string.length(); i++ )
child = parent->find( string.at( i ) );
if ( child )
deletables.replace( i + 1, child );
parent = child;
for ( ; i >= 1; i-- )
parent = deletables.at( i - 1 );
child = deletables.at( i );
if ( child->myChildren.count() == 0 )
delete parent->myChildren.remove( child );
bool lessThan( const QString &left, const QString &right )
return KStringHandler::naturalCompare( left, right ) < 0;
QStringList KCompletionMatchesWrapper::list() const
if ( sortedList && dirty ) {
dirty = false;
// high weight == sorted last -> reverse the sorting here
QList<KSortableItem<QString> >::const_iterator it;
for ( it = sortedList->constBegin(); it != sortedList->constEnd(); ++it )
stringList.prepend( (*it).value() );
} else if ( compOrder == KCompletion::Sorted ) {
qStableSort(stringList.begin(), stringList.end(), lessThan);
return stringList;
class KCompletionMatchesPrivate
KCompletionMatchesPrivate( bool sort )
: sorting( sort )
bool sorting;
KCompletionMatches::KCompletionMatches( const KCompletionMatches &o )
: KSortableList<QString, int>(),
d( new KCompletionMatchesPrivate( o.d->sorting ) )
*this = KCompletionMatches::operator=( o );
KCompletionMatches &KCompletionMatches::operator=( const KCompletionMatches &o )
if( *this == o )
return *this;
KCompletionMatchesList::operator=( o );
d->sorting = o.d->sorting;
return *this;
KCompletionMatches::KCompletionMatches( bool sort_P )
: d( new KCompletionMatchesPrivate( sort_P ) )
KCompletionMatches::KCompletionMatches( const KCompletionMatchesWrapper& matches )
: d( new KCompletionMatchesPrivate( matches.sorting() ) )
if( matches.sortedList != 0L )
KCompletionMatchesList::operator=( *matches.sortedList );
else {
const QStringList l = matches.list();
for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin();
it != l.end();
++it )
prepend( KSortableItem<QString, int>( 1, *it ) );
delete d;
QStringList KCompletionMatches::list( bool sort_P ) const
if( d->sorting && sort_P )
const_cast< KCompletionMatches* >( this )->sort();
QStringList stringList;
// high weight == sorted last -> reverse the sorting here
for ( ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it )
stringList.prepend( (*it).value() );
return stringList;
bool KCompletionMatches::sorting() const
return d->sorting;
void KCompletionMatches::removeDuplicates()
Iterator it1, it2;
for ( it1 = begin(); it1 != end(); ++it1 ) {
for ( (it2 = it1), ++it2; it2 != end();) {
if( (*it1).value() == (*it2).value()) {
// use the max height
(*it1).first = qMax( (*it1).key(), (*it2).key());
it2 = erase( it2 );
void KCompTreeNodeList::append(KCompTreeNode *item)
if (!last) {
last = item;
last->next = 0;
first = item;
last->next = item;
item->next = 0;
last = item;
void KCompTreeNodeList::prepend(KCompTreeNode *item)
if (!last) {
last = item;
last->next = 0;
first = item;
item->next = first;
first = item;
void KCompTreeNodeList::insert(KCompTreeNode *after, KCompTreeNode *item)
if (!after) {
item->next = after->next;
after->next = item;
if (after == last)
last = item;
KCompTreeNode *KCompTreeNodeList::remove(KCompTreeNode *item)
if (!first || !item)
return 0;
KCompTreeNode *cur = 0;
if (item == first)
first = first->next;
else {
cur = first;
while (cur && cur->next != item) cur = cur->next;
if (!cur)
return 0;
cur->next = item->next;
if (item == last)
last = cur;
return item;
KCompTreeNode *KCompTreeNodeList::at(uint index) const
KCompTreeNode *cur = first;
while (index-- && cur) cur = cur->next;
return cur;
QSharedPointer<KZoneAllocator> KCompTreeNode::alloc(new KZoneAllocator(8*1024));
#include "moc_kcompletion.cpp"