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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright 2008 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include "qtest_kde.h"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <qprocess.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
class KIconLoader_UnitTest : public QObject
uint sharedMimeInfoVersion;
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase()
// Remove icon cache (from ~/.kde-unit-test)
const QString cacheFile = KGlobal::dirs()->locateLocal("cache", "icon-cache.kcache");
sharedMimeInfoVersion = KMimeType::sharedMimeInfoVersion();
QVERIFY(sharedMimeInfoVersion > 0);
void testUnknownIconNotCached()
// This is a test to ensure that "unknown" icons do not pin themselves
// in the icon loader. Or in other words, if an "unknown" icon is
// returned, but the appropriate icon is subsequently installed
// properly, the next request for that icon should return the new icon
// instead of the unknown icon.
// Since we'll need to create an icon we'll need a temporary directory,
// and we want that established before creating the icon loader.
QString tempRoot = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/kiconloader_unittest");
QString temporaryDir = tempRoot + QLatin1String("/hicolor/22x22/actions");
QVERIFY(KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("icon", tempRoot, false));
KIconLoader iconLoader;
// First find an existing icon. The only ones installed for sure by
// kdelibs are the kimproxy ones.
QString loadedIconPath = iconLoader.iconPath(
false /* Ensure "unknown" icon can't be returned */
QString nonExistingIconName = QLatin1String("fhqwhgads_homsar");
// Find a non-existent icon, allowing unknown icon to be returned
QPixmap nonExistingIcon = iconLoader.loadIcon(
nonExistingIconName, KIconLoader::Toolbar);
QCOMPARE(nonExistingIcon.isNull(), false);
// Install the existing icon by copying.
QFileInfo existingIconInfo(loadedIconPath);
QString newIconPath = temporaryDir + QLatin1String("/")
+ nonExistingIconName + QLatin1String(".png");
QVERIFY(QFile::copy(loadedIconPath, newIconPath));
// Verify the icon can now be found.
QPixmap nowExistingIcon = iconLoader.loadIcon(
nonExistingIconName, KIconLoader::Toolbar);
QVERIFY(nowExistingIcon.cacheKey() != nonExistingIcon.cacheKey());
QCOMPARE(iconLoader.iconPath(nonExistingIconName, KIconLoader::Toolbar),
// Cleanup
QStringList entries(QDir(tempRoot).entryList(
QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot,
QDir::Name | QDir::Reversed));
Q_FOREACH(const QString &dirName, entries) {
void testLoadIconCanReturnNull()
// This is a test for the "canReturnNull" argument of KIconLoader::loadIcon().
// We try to load an icon that doesn't exist, first with canReturnNull=false (the default)
// then with canReturnNull=true.
KIconLoader iconLoader;
// We expect a warning here... This doesn't work though, due to the extended debug
//QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "KIconLoader::loadIcon: No such icon \"this-icon-does-not-exist\"");
QPixmap pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(16, 16));
// Try it again, to see if the cache interfers
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(16, 16));
// And now set canReturnNull to true
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16, KIconLoader::DefaultState,
QStringList(), 0, true);
// Try getting the "unknown" icon again, to see if the above call didn't put a null icon into the cache...
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(16, 16));
// Another one, to clear "last" cache
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist-either", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(16, 16));
// Now load the initial one again - do we get the warning again?
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("this-icon-does-not-exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 16);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(16, 16));
pix = iconLoader.loadIcon("#crazyname", KIconLoader::NoGroup, 1600);
QCOMPARE(pix.size(), QSize(1600, 1600));
void testAppPicsDir()
// So that we don't rely on installed files, add the toplevel of kdelibs
// as the "data" resource. But if the file is installed, then it will be
// preferred (because KStandardDirs::resourceDirs() looks at relative paths first)
// So we have to expect that one -or- the other will be found.
const QString dataDir = KStandardDirs::realPath(KDESRCDIR "/../../");
KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("data", dataDir);
const QString appName = "kdewidgets";
KIconLoader appIconLoader(appName);
QString iconPath = appIconLoader.iconPath("kdialog", KIconLoader::User);
//QCOMPARE(iconPath, dataDir + appName + "/pics/kdialog.png");
QVERIFY(iconPath.endsWith(appName + "/pics/kdialog.png"));
// Load it again, to use the "last loaded" cache
QString iconPath2 = appIconLoader.iconPath("kdialog", KIconLoader::User);
QCOMPARE(iconPath, iconPath2);
// Load something else, to clear the "last loaded" cache
QString iconPathTextEdit = appIconLoader.iconPath("ktextedit", KIconLoader::User);
QVERIFY(iconPathTextEdit.endsWith(appName + "/pics/ktextedit.png"));
// Now load kdialog again, to use the real kiconcache
iconPath2 = appIconLoader.iconPath("kdialog", KIconLoader::User);
QCOMPARE(iconPath, iconPath2);
appIconLoader.addAppDir( "khtml" );
QString iconPathFail = appIconLoader.iconPath("fail", KIconLoader::User);
QVERIFY( iconPathFail.endsWith( "khtml/pics/fail.xpm"));
void testAppPicsDir_KIcon()
const QString dataDir = KStandardDirs::realPath(KDESRCDIR "/../../");
KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("data", dataDir);
// #### This test is broken; it passes even if appName is set to foobar, because
// KIcon::pixmap returns an unknown icon if it can't find the real icon...
const QString appName = "kdewidgets";
KIconLoader appIconLoader(appName);
// Now using KIcon. Separate test so that KIconLoader isn't fully inited.
KIcon icon("kdialog", &appIconLoader);
QPixmap pix = icon.pixmap(QSize(22, 22));
QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(96, 22)), QSize(22, 22));
QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(22, 96)), QSize(22, 22));
QCOMPARE(icon.actualSize(QSize(22, 16)), QSize(16, 16));
// Can we ask for a really small size?
QPixmap pix8 = icon.pixmap(QSize(8, 8));
QCOMPARE(pix8.size(), QSize(8, 8));
void testLoadMimeTypeIcon_data()
QTest::newRow("existing icon") << "text-plain" << "text-plain.png";
QTest::newRow("octet-stream icon") << "application-octet-stream" << "application-octet-stream.png";
QTest::newRow("non-existing icon") << "foo-bar" << "application-octet-stream.png";
// Test this again, because now we won't go into the "fast path" of loadMimeTypeIcon anymore.
QTest::newRow("existing icon again") << "text-plain" << "text-plain.png";
QTest::newRow("generic fallback") << "image-foo-bar" << "image-x-generic.png";
QTest::newRow("video generic fallback") << "video-foo-bar" << "video-x-generic.png";
QTest::newRow("image-x-generic itself") << "image-x-generic" << "image-x-generic.png";
QTest::newRow("x-office-document icon") << "x-office-document" << "x-office-document.png";
QTest::newRow("unavailable generic icon") << "application/x-font-vfont" << "application-octet-stream.png";
QTest::newRow("#184852") << "audio/x-tuxguitar" << "audio-x-generic.png";
QTest::newRow("#178847") << "image/x-compressed-xcf" << "image-x-generic.png";
if (sharedMimeInfoVersion >= KDE_MAKE_VERSION(0, 40, 0)) {
QTest::newRow("mimetype generic icon") << "application-x-fluid" << "x-office-document.png";
void testLoadMimeTypeIcon()
QFETCH(QString, iconName);
QFETCH(QString, expectedFileName);
KIconLoader iconLoader;
QString path;
QPixmap pix = iconLoader.loadMimeTypeIcon(iconName, KIconLoader::Desktop, 24,
KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(),
&path );
QCOMPARE(path.section('/', -1), expectedFileName);
// do the same test using a global iconloader, so that
// we get into the final return statement, which can only happen
// if d->extraDesktopIconsLoaded becomes true first....
QString path2;
pix = KIconLoader::global()->loadMimeTypeIcon(iconName, KIconLoader::Desktop, 24,
KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(),
&path2 );
QCOMPARE(path2, path);
void testPathStore()
QString path;
KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("kde", KIconLoader::Desktop, 24,
KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(),
KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("does_not_exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 24,
KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(),
&path, true /* canReturnNull */);
path= "some filler to check loadIcon() clears the variable";
KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("does_not_exist", KIconLoader::Desktop, 24,
KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(),
&path, true /* canReturnNull */);
void testLoadIconNoGroupOrSize() // #246016
QPixmap pix = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("connected", KIconLoader::NoGroup);
QTEST_KDEMAIN(KIconLoader_UnitTest, GUI)
#include "kiconloader_unittest.moc"