mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 03:14:09 +00:00

for compatibilty reasons automoc4 support is not removed but it shall be in the future. automoc4 has not been maintained for a while (last commit is from 2011) and the stable release is from 2009. CMake version >= 2.8.6 provides the functionality for mocking so I see no reason to not make use of it.
971 lines
30 KiB
971 lines
30 KiB
/* -*- C++ -*-
This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2003 Jason Harris <kstars@30doradus.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kplotwidget.h"
#include "moc_kplotwidget.cpp"
#include <math.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <QtGui/QActionEvent>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QtAlgorithms>
#include "kplotaxis.h"
#include "kplotpoint.h"
#include "kplotobject.h"
#define XPADDING 20
#define YPADDING 20
#define BIGTICKSIZE 10
#define TICKOFFSET 0
class KPlotWidget::Private
Private( KPlotWidget *qq )
: q( qq ),
cBackground( Qt::black ), cForeground( Qt::white ), cGrid( Qt::gray ),
showGrid( false ), showObjectToolTip( true ), useAntialias( false )
// create the axes and setting their default properties
KPlotAxis *leftAxis = new KPlotAxis();
leftAxis->setTickLabelsShown( true );
axes.insert( LeftAxis, leftAxis );
KPlotAxis *bottomAxis = new KPlotAxis();
bottomAxis->setTickLabelsShown( true );
axes.insert( BottomAxis, bottomAxis );
KPlotAxis *rightAxis = new KPlotAxis();
axes.insert( RightAxis, rightAxis );
KPlotAxis *topAxis = new KPlotAxis();
axes.insert( TopAxis, topAxis );
qDeleteAll( objectList );
qDeleteAll( axes );
KPlotWidget *q;
void calcDataRectLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 );
* @return a value indicating how well the given rectangle is
* avoiding masked regions in the plot. A higher returned value
* indicates that the rectangle is intersecting a larger portion
* of the masked region, or a portion of the masked region which
* is weighted higher.
* @param r The rectangle to be tested
float rectCost( const QRectF &r ) const;
QColor cBackground, cForeground, cGrid;
//draw options
bool showGrid : 1;
bool showObjectToolTip : 1;
bool useAntialias : 1;
int leftPadding, rightPadding, topPadding, bottomPadding;
// hashmap with the axes we have
QHash<Axis, KPlotAxis*> axes;
// List of KPlotObjects
QList<KPlotObject*> objectList;
// Limits of the plot area in data units
QRectF dataRect, secondDataRect;
// Limits of the plot area in pixel units
QRect pixRect;
//Array holding the mask of "used" regions of the plot
QImage plotMask;
KPlotWidget::KPlotWidget( QWidget * parent )
: QFrame( parent ), d( new Private( this ) )
setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
d->secondDataRect = QRectF(); //default: no secondary data rect
// sets the default limits
d->calcDataRectLimits( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
setMinimumSize( 150, 150 );
resize( minimumSizeHint() );
delete d;
QSize KPlotWidget::minimumSizeHint() const
return QSize( 150, 150 );
QSize KPlotWidget::sizeHint() const
return size();
void KPlotWidget::setLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 )
d->calcDataRectLimits( x1, x2, y1, y2 );
void KPlotWidget::Private::calcDataRectLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 )
double XA1, XA2, YA1, YA2;
if (x2<x1) { XA1=x2; XA2=x1; }
else { XA1=x1; XA2=x2; }
if ( y2<y1) { YA1=y2; YA2=y1; }
else { YA1=y1; YA2=y2; }
if ( XA2 == XA1 ) {
kWarning() << "x1 and x2 cannot be equal. Setting x2 = x1 + 1.0";
XA2 = XA1 + 1.0;
if ( YA2 == YA1 ) {
kWarning() << "y1 and y2 cannot be equal. Setting y2 = y1 + 1.0";
YA2 = YA1 + 1.0;
dataRect = QRectF( XA1, YA1, XA2 - XA1, YA2 - YA1 );
q->axis( LeftAxis )->setTickMarks( dataRect.y(), dataRect.height() );
q->axis( BottomAxis )->setTickMarks( dataRect.x(), dataRect.width() );
if ( secondDataRect.isNull() )
q->axis( RightAxis )->setTickMarks( dataRect.y(), dataRect.height() );
q->axis( TopAxis )->setTickMarks( dataRect.x(), dataRect.width() );
void KPlotWidget::setSecondaryLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 ) {
double XA1, XA2, YA1, YA2;
if (x2<x1) { XA1=x2; XA2=x1; }
else { XA1=x1; XA2=x2; }
if ( y2<y1) { YA1=y2; YA2=y1; }
else { YA1=y1; YA2=y2; }
if ( XA2 == XA1 ) {
kWarning() << "x1 and x2 cannot be equal. Setting x2 = x1 + 1.0";
XA2 = XA1 + 1.0;
if ( YA2 == YA1 ) {
kWarning() << "y1 and y2 cannot be equal. Setting y2 = y1 + 1.0";
YA2 = YA1 + 1.0;
d->secondDataRect = QRectF( XA1, YA1, XA2-XA1, YA2-YA1 );
axis(RightAxis)->setTickMarks( d->secondDataRect.y(), d->secondDataRect.height() );
axis(TopAxis)->setTickMarks( d->secondDataRect.x(), d->secondDataRect.width() );
void KPlotWidget::clearSecondaryLimits() {
d->secondDataRect = QRectF();
axis(RightAxis)->setTickMarks( d->dataRect.y(), d->dataRect.height() );
axis(TopAxis)->setTickMarks( d->dataRect.x(), d->dataRect.width() );
QRectF KPlotWidget::dataRect() const
return d->dataRect;
QRectF KPlotWidget::secondaryDataRect() const
return d->secondDataRect;
void KPlotWidget::addPlotObject( KPlotObject *object )
// skip null pointers
if ( !object )
d->objectList.append( object );
void KPlotWidget::addPlotObjects( const QList< KPlotObject* >& objects )
bool addedsome = false;
foreach ( KPlotObject *o, objects )
if ( !o )
d->objectList.append( o );
addedsome = true;
if ( addedsome )
QList< KPlotObject* > KPlotWidget::plotObjects() const
return d->objectList;
void KPlotWidget::removeAllPlotObjects()
if ( d->objectList.isEmpty() )
qDeleteAll( d->objectList );
void KPlotWidget::resetPlotMask() {
d->plotMask = QImage( pixRect().size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
QColor fillColor = Qt::black;
fillColor.setAlpha( 128 );
d->plotMask.fill( fillColor.rgb() );
void KPlotWidget::resetPlot() {
qDeleteAll( d->objectList );
d->calcDataRectLimits( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
KPlotAxis *a = axis( RightAxis );
a->setLabel( QString() );
a->setTickLabelsShown( false );
a = axis( TopAxis );
a->setLabel( QString() );
a->setTickLabelsShown( false );
axis(KPlotWidget::LeftAxis)->setLabel( QString() );
axis(KPlotWidget::BottomAxis)->setLabel( QString() );
void KPlotWidget::replacePlotObject( int i, KPlotObject *o )
// skip null pointers and invalid indexes
if ( !o || i < 0 || i >= d->objectList.count() )
d->objectList.replace( i, o );
QColor KPlotWidget::backgroundColor() const
return d->cBackground;
QColor KPlotWidget::foregroundColor() const
return d->cForeground;
QColor KPlotWidget::gridColor() const
return d->cGrid;
void KPlotWidget::setBackgroundColor( const QColor &bg ) {
d->cBackground = bg;
void KPlotWidget::setForegroundColor( const QColor &fg )
d->cForeground = fg;
void KPlotWidget::setGridColor( const QColor &gc )
d->cGrid = gc;
bool KPlotWidget::isGridShown() const
return d->showGrid;
bool KPlotWidget::isObjectToolTipShown() const
return d->showObjectToolTip;
bool KPlotWidget::antialiasing() const
return d->useAntialias;
void KPlotWidget::setAntialiasing( bool b )
d->useAntialias = b;
void KPlotWidget::setShowGrid( bool show ) {
d->showGrid = show;
void KPlotWidget::setObjectToolTipShown( bool show )
d->showObjectToolTip = show;
KPlotAxis* KPlotWidget::axis( Axis type )
QHash<Axis, KPlotAxis*>::Iterator it = d->axes.find( type );
return it != d->axes.end() ? it.value() : 0;
const KPlotAxis* KPlotWidget::axis( Axis type ) const
QHash<Axis, KPlotAxis*>::ConstIterator it = d->axes.constFind( type );
return it != d->axes.constEnd() ? it.value() : 0;
QRect KPlotWidget::pixRect() const
return d->pixRect;
QList<KPlotPoint*> KPlotWidget::pointsUnderPoint( const QPoint& p ) const {
QList<KPlotPoint*> pts;
foreach ( KPlotObject *po, d->objectList ) {
foreach ( KPlotPoint *pp, po->points() ) {
if ( ( p - mapToWidget( pp->position() ).toPoint() ).manhattanLength() <= 4 )
pts << pp;
return pts;
bool KPlotWidget::event( QEvent* e ) {
if ( e->type() == QEvent::ToolTip ) {
if ( d->showObjectToolTip )
QHelpEvent *he = static_cast<QHelpEvent*>( e );
QList<KPlotPoint*> pts = pointsUnderPoint( he->pos() - QPoint( leftPadding(), topPadding() ) - contentsRect().topLeft() );
if ( pts.count() > 0 ) {
QToolTip::showText( he->globalPos(), pts.front()->label(), this );
return true;
return QFrame::event( e );
void KPlotWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ) {
QFrame::resizeEvent( e );
void KPlotWidget::setPixRect() {
int newWidth = contentsRect().width() - leftPadding() - rightPadding();
int newHeight = contentsRect().height() - topPadding() - bottomPadding();
// PixRect starts at (0,0) because we will translate by leftPadding(), topPadding()
d->pixRect = QRect( 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight );
QPointF KPlotWidget::mapToWidget( const QPointF& p ) const
float px = d->pixRect.left() + d->pixRect.width() * ( p.x() - d->dataRect.x() ) / d->dataRect.width();
float py = d->pixRect.top() + d->pixRect.height() * ( d->dataRect.y() + d->dataRect.height() - p.y() ) / d->dataRect.height();
return QPointF( px, py );
void KPlotWidget::maskRect( const QRectF& rf, float fvalue ) {
QRect r = rf.toRect().intersected( d->pixRect );
int value = int( fvalue );
QColor newColor;
for ( int ix=r.left(); ix<r.right(); ++ix ) {
for ( int iy=r.top(); iy<r.bottom(); ++iy ) {
newColor = QColor( d->plotMask.pixel(ix,iy) );
newColor.setAlpha( 200 );
newColor.setRed( qMin( newColor.red() + value, 255 ) );
d->plotMask.setPixel( ix, iy, newColor.rgba() );
void KPlotWidget::maskAlongLine( const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, float fvalue ) {
if ( ! d->pixRect.contains( p1.toPoint() ) && ! d->pixRect.contains( p2.toPoint() ) ) {
int value = int( fvalue );
//Determine slope and zeropoint of line
double m = (p2.y() - p1.y())/(p2.x() - p1.x());
double y0 = p1.y() - m*p1.x();
QColor newColor;
//Mask each pixel along the line joining p1 and p2
if ( m > 1.0 || m < -1.0 ) { //step in y-direction
int y1 = int( p1.y() );
int y2 = int( p2.y() );
if ( y1 > y2 ) {
y1 = int( p2.y() );
y2 = int( p1.y() );
for ( int y=y1; y<=y2; ++y ) {
int x = int( (y - y0)/m );
if ( d->pixRect.contains( x, y ) ) {
newColor = QColor( d->plotMask.pixel(x,y) );
newColor.setAlpha( 100 );
newColor.setRed( qMin( newColor.red() + value, 255 ) );
d->plotMask.setPixel( x, y, newColor.rgba() );
} else { //step in x-direction
int x1 = int( p1.x() );
int x2 = int( p2.x() );
if ( x1 > x2 ) {
x1 = int( p2.x() );
x2 = int( p1.x() );
for ( int x=x1; x<=x2; ++x ) {
int y = int( y0 + m*x );
if ( d->pixRect.contains( x, y ) ) {
newColor = QColor( d->plotMask.pixel(x,y) );
newColor.setAlpha( 100 );
newColor.setRed( qMin( newColor.red() + value, 255 ) );
d->plotMask.setPixel( x, y, newColor.rgba() );
//Determine optimal placement for a text label for point pp. We want
//the label to be near point pp, but we don't want it to overlap with
//other labels or plot elements. We will use a "downhill simplex"
//algorithm to find a label position that minimizes the pixel values
//in the plotMask image over the label's rect(). The sum of pixel
//values in the label's rect is the "cost" of placing the label there.
//Because a downhill simplex follows the local gradient to find low
//values, it can get stuck in local minima. To mitigate this, we will
//iteratively attempt each of the initial path offset directions (up,
//down, right, left) in the order of increasing cost at each location.
void KPlotWidget::placeLabel( QPainter *painter, KPlotPoint *pp ) {
int textFlags = Qt::TextSingleLine | Qt::AlignCenter;
QPointF pos = mapToWidget( pp->position() );
if ( ! d->pixRect.contains( pos.toPoint() ) ) return;
QFontMetricsF fm( painter->font(), painter->device() );
QRectF bestRect = fm.boundingRect( QRectF( pos.x(), pos.y(), 1, 1 ), textFlags, pp->label() );
float xStep = 0.5*bestRect.width();
float yStep = 0.5*bestRect.height();
float maxCost = 0.05 * bestRect.width() * bestRect.height();
float bestCost = d->rectCost( bestRect );
//We will travel along a path defined by the maximum decrease in
//the cost at each step. If this path takes us to a local minimum
//whose cost exceeds maxCost, then we will restart at the
//beginning and select the next-best path. The indices of
//already-tried paths are stored in the TriedPathIndex list.
//If we try all four first-step paths and still don't get below
//maxCost, then we'll adopt the local minimum position with the
//best cost (designated as bestBadCost).
int iter = 0;
QList<int> TriedPathIndex;
float bestBadCost = 10000;
QRectF bestBadRect;
//needed to halt iteration from inside the switch
bool flagStop = false;
while ( bestCost > maxCost ) {
//Displace the label up, down, left, right; determine which
//step provides the lowest cost
QRectF upRect = bestRect;
upRect.moveTop( upRect.top() + yStep );
float upCost = d->rectCost( upRect );
QRectF downRect = bestRect;
downRect.moveTop( downRect.top() - yStep );
float downCost = d->rectCost( downRect );
QRectF leftRect = bestRect;
leftRect.moveLeft( leftRect.left() - xStep );
float leftCost = d->rectCost( leftRect );
QRectF rightRect = bestRect;
rightRect.moveLeft( rightRect.left() + xStep );
float rightCost = d->rectCost( rightRect );
//which direction leads to the lowest cost?
QList<float> costList;
costList << upCost << downCost << leftCost << rightCost;
int imin = -1;
for ( int i=0; i<costList.size(); ++i ) {
if ( iter == 0 && TriedPathIndex.contains( i ) ) {
continue; //Skip this first-step path, we already tried it!
//If this first-step path doesn't improve the cost,
//skip this direction from now on
if ( iter == 0 && costList[i] >= bestCost ) {
TriedPathIndex.append( i );
if ( costList[i] < bestCost && (imin < 0 || costList[i] < costList[imin]) ) {
imin = i;
//Make a note that we've tried the current first-step path
if ( iter == 0 && imin >= 0 ) {
TriedPathIndex.append( imin );
//Adopt the step that produced the best cost
switch ( imin ) {
case 0: //up
bestRect.moveTop( upRect.top() );
bestCost = upCost;
case 1: //down
bestRect.moveTop( downRect.top() );
bestCost = downCost;
case 2: //left
bestRect.moveLeft( leftRect.left() );
bestCost = leftCost;
case 3: //right
bestRect.moveLeft( rightRect.left() );
bestCost = rightCost;
case -1: //no lower cost found!
//We hit a local minimum. Keep the best of these as bestBadRect
if ( bestCost < bestBadCost ) {
bestBadCost = bestCost;
bestBadRect = bestRect;
//If all of the first-step paths have now been searched, we'll
//have to adopt the bestBadRect
if ( TriedPathIndex.size() == 4 ) {
bestRect = bestBadRect;
flagStop = true; //halt iteration
//If we haven't yet tried all of the first-step paths, start over
if ( TriedPathIndex.size() < 4 ) {
iter = -1; //anticipating the ++iter below
bestRect = fm.boundingRect( QRectF( pos.x(), pos.y(), 1, 1 ), textFlags, pp->label() );
bestCost = d->rectCost( bestRect );
//Halt iteration, because we've tried all directions and
//haven't gotten below maxCost (we'll adopt the best
//local minimum found)
if ( flagStop ) {
painter->drawText( bestRect, textFlags, pp->label() );
//Is a line needed to connect the label to the point?
float deltax = pos.x() - bestRect.center().x();
float deltay = pos.y() - bestRect.center().y();
float rbest = sqrt( deltax*deltax + deltay*deltay );
if ( rbest > 20.0 ) {
//Draw a rectangle around the label
painter->setBrush( QBrush() );
//QPen pen = painter->pen();
//pen.setStyle( Qt::DotLine );
//painter->setPen( pen );
painter->drawRoundRect( bestRect );
//Now connect the label to the point with a line.
//The line is drawn from the center of the near edge of the rectangle
float xline = bestRect.center().x();
if ( bestRect.left() > pos.x() )
xline = bestRect.left();
if ( bestRect.right() < pos.x() )
xline = bestRect.right();
float yline = bestRect.center().y();
if ( bestRect.top() > pos.y() )
yline = bestRect.top();
if ( bestRect.bottom() < pos.y() )
yline = bestRect.bottom();
painter->drawLine( QPointF( xline, yline ), pos );
//Mask the label's rectangle so other labels won't overlap it.
maskRect( bestRect );
float KPlotWidget::Private::rectCost( const QRectF &r ) const
if ( ! plotMask.rect().contains( r.toRect() ) ) {
return 10000.;
//Compute sum of mask values in the rect r
QImage subMask = plotMask.copy( r.toRect() );
int cost = 0;
for ( int ix=0; ix<subMask.width(); ++ix ) {
for ( int iy=0; iy<subMask.height(); ++iy ) {
cost += QColor( subMask.pixel( ix, iy ) ).red();
return float(cost);
void KPlotWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e ) {
// let QFrame draw its default stuff (like the frame)
QFrame::paintEvent( e );
QPainter p;
p.begin( this );
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, d->useAntialias );
p.fillRect( rect(), backgroundColor() );
p.translate( leftPadding() + 0.5, topPadding() + 0.5 );
p.setClipRect( d->pixRect );
p.setClipping( true );
foreach( KPlotObject *po, d->objectList )
po->draw( &p, this );
//DEBUG: Draw the plot mask
// p.drawImage( 0, 0, d->plotMask );
p.setClipping( false );
drawAxes( &p );
void KPlotWidget::drawAxes( QPainter *p ) {
if ( d->showGrid ) {
p->setPen( gridColor() );
//Grid lines are placed at locations of primary axes' major tickmarks
//vertical grid lines
foreach ( double xx, axis(BottomAxis)->majorTickMarks() ) {
double px = d->pixRect.width() * (xx - d->dataRect.x()) / d->dataRect.width();
p->drawLine( QPointF( px, 0.0 ), QPointF( px, double(d->pixRect.height()) ) );
//horizontal grid lines
foreach( double yy, axis(LeftAxis)->majorTickMarks() ) {
double py = d->pixRect.height() * ( 1.0 - (yy - d->dataRect.y()) / d->dataRect.height() );
p->drawLine( QPointF( 0.0, py ), QPointF( double(d->pixRect.width()), py ) );
p->setPen( foregroundColor() );
p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
//set small font for tick labels
QFont f = p->font();
int s = f.pointSize();
f.setPointSize( s - 2 );
p->setFont( f );
/*** BottomAxis ***/
KPlotAxis *a = axis(BottomAxis);
if (a->isVisible()) {
//Draw axis line
p->drawLine( 0, d->pixRect.height(), d->pixRect.width(), d->pixRect.height() );
// Draw major tickmarks
foreach( double xx, a->majorTickMarks() ) {
double px = d->pixRect.width() * (xx - d->dataRect.x()) / d->dataRect.width();
if ( px > 0 && px < d->pixRect.width() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( px, double(d->pixRect.height() - TICKOFFSET)),
QPointF( px, double(d->pixRect.height() - BIGTICKSIZE - TICKOFFSET)) );
//Draw ticklabel
if ( a->areTickLabelsShown() ) {
QRect r( int(px) - BIGTICKSIZE, d->pixRect.height()+BIGTICKSIZE, 2*BIGTICKSIZE, BIGTICKSIZE );
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, a->tickLabel( xx ) );
// Draw minor tickmarks
foreach ( double xx, a->minorTickMarks() ) {
double px = d->pixRect.width() * (xx - d->dataRect.x()) / d->dataRect.width();
if ( px > 0 && px < d->pixRect.width() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( px, double(d->pixRect.height() - TICKOFFSET)),
QPointF( px, double(d->pixRect.height() - SMALLTICKSIZE -TICKOFFSET)) );
// Draw BottomAxis Label
if ( ! a->label().isEmpty() ) {
QRect r( 0, d->pixRect.height() + 2*YPADDING, d->pixRect.width(), YPADDING );
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, a->label() );
} //End of BottomAxis
/*** LeftAxis ***/
a = axis(LeftAxis);
if (a->isVisible()) {
//Draw axis line
p->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, d->pixRect.height() );
// Draw major tickmarks
foreach( double yy, a->majorTickMarks() ) {
double py = d->pixRect.height() * ( 1.0 - (yy - d->dataRect.y()) / d->dataRect.height() );
if ( py > 0 && py < d->pixRect.height() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( TICKOFFSET, py ), QPointF( double(TICKOFFSET + BIGTICKSIZE), py ) );
//Draw ticklabel
if ( a->areTickLabelsShown() ) {
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, a->tickLabel( yy ) );
// Draw minor tickmarks
foreach ( double yy, a->minorTickMarks() ) {
double py = d->pixRect.height() * ( 1.0 - (yy - d->dataRect.y()) / d->dataRect.height() );
if ( py > 0 && py < d->pixRect.height() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( TICKOFFSET, py ), QPointF( double(TICKOFFSET + SMALLTICKSIZE), py ) );
//Draw LeftAxis Label. We need to draw the text sideways.
if ( ! a->label().isEmpty() ) {
//store current painter translation/rotation state
//translate coord sys to left corner of axis label rectangle, then rotate 90 degrees.
p->translate( -3*XPADDING, d->pixRect.height() );
p->rotate( -90.0 );
QRect r( 0, 0, d->pixRect.height(), XPADDING );
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, a->label() ); //draw the label, now that we are sideways
p->restore(); //restore translation/rotation state
} //End of LeftAxis
//Prepare for top and right axes; we may need the secondary data rect
double x0 = d->dataRect.x();
double y0 = d->dataRect.y();
double dw = d->dataRect.width();
double dh = d->dataRect.height();
if ( secondaryDataRect().isValid() ) {
x0 = secondaryDataRect().x();
y0 = secondaryDataRect().y();
dw = secondaryDataRect().width();
dh = secondaryDataRect().height();
/*** TopAxis ***/
a = axis(TopAxis);
if (a->isVisible()) {
//Draw axis line
p->drawLine( 0, 0, d->pixRect.width(), 0 );
// Draw major tickmarks
foreach( double xx, a->majorTickMarks() ) {
double px = d->pixRect.width() * (xx - x0) / dw;
if ( px > 0 && px < d->pixRect.width() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( px, TICKOFFSET ), QPointF( px, double(BIGTICKSIZE + TICKOFFSET)) );
//Draw ticklabel
if ( a->areTickLabelsShown() ) {
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, a->tickLabel( xx ) );
// Draw minor tickmarks
foreach ( double xx, a->minorTickMarks() ) {
double px = d->pixRect.width() * (xx - x0) / dw;
if ( px > 0 && px < d->pixRect.width() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( px, TICKOFFSET ), QPointF( px, double(SMALLTICKSIZE + TICKOFFSET)) );
// Draw TopAxis Label
if ( ! a->label().isEmpty() ) {
QRect r( 0, 0 - 3*YPADDING, d->pixRect.width(), YPADDING );
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, a->label() );
} //End of TopAxis
/*** RightAxis ***/
a = axis(RightAxis);
if (a->isVisible()) {
//Draw axis line
p->drawLine( d->pixRect.width(), 0, d->pixRect.width(), d->pixRect.height() );
// Draw major tickmarks
foreach( double yy, a->majorTickMarks() ) {
double py = d->pixRect.height() * ( 1.0 - (yy - y0) / dh );
if ( py > 0 && py < d->pixRect.height() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( double(d->pixRect.width() - TICKOFFSET), py ),
QPointF( double(d->pixRect.width() - TICKOFFSET - BIGTICKSIZE), py ) );
//Draw ticklabel
if ( a->areTickLabelsShown() ) {
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, a->tickLabel( yy ) );
// Draw minor tickmarks
foreach ( double yy, a->minorTickMarks() ) {
double py = d->pixRect.height() * ( 1.0 - (yy - y0) / dh );
if ( py > 0 && py < d->pixRect.height() ) {
p->drawLine( QPointF( double(d->pixRect.width() - 0.0), py ),
QPointF( double(d->pixRect.width() - 0.0 - SMALLTICKSIZE), py ) );
//Draw RightAxis Label. We need to draw the text sideways.
if ( ! a->label().isEmpty() ) {
//store current painter translation/rotation state
//translate coord sys to left corner of axis label rectangle, then rotate 90 degrees.
p->translate( d->pixRect.width() + 2*XPADDING, d->pixRect.height() );
p->rotate( -90.0 );
QRect r( 0, 0, d->pixRect.height(), XPADDING );
p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, a->label() ); //draw the label, now that we are sideways
p->restore(); //restore translation/rotation state
} //End of RightAxis
int KPlotWidget::leftPadding() const
if ( d->leftPadding >= 0 )
return d->leftPadding;
const KPlotAxis *a = axis( LeftAxis );
if ( a && a->isVisible() && a->areTickLabelsShown() )
return !a->label().isEmpty() ? 3 * XPADDING : 2 * XPADDING;
return XPADDING;
int KPlotWidget::rightPadding() const
if ( d->rightPadding >= 0 )
return d->rightPadding;
const KPlotAxis *a = axis( RightAxis );
if ( a && a->isVisible() && a->areTickLabelsShown() )
return !a->label().isEmpty() ? 3 * XPADDING : 2 * XPADDING;
return XPADDING;
int KPlotWidget::topPadding() const
if ( d->topPadding >= 0 )
return d->topPadding;
const KPlotAxis *a = axis( TopAxis );
if ( a && a->isVisible() && a->areTickLabelsShown() )
return !a->label().isEmpty() ? 3 * YPADDING : 2 * YPADDING;
return YPADDING;
int KPlotWidget::bottomPadding() const
if ( d->bottomPadding >= 0 )
return d->bottomPadding;
const KPlotAxis *a = axis( BottomAxis );
if ( a && a->isVisible() && a->areTickLabelsShown() )
return !a->label().isEmpty() ? 3 * YPADDING : 2 * YPADDING;
return YPADDING;
void KPlotWidget::setLeftPadding( int padding )
d->leftPadding = padding;
void KPlotWidget::setRightPadding( int padding )
d->rightPadding = padding;
void KPlotWidget::setTopPadding( int padding )
d->topPadding = padding;
void KPlotWidget::setBottomPadding( int padding )
d->bottomPadding = padding;
void KPlotWidget::setDefaultPaddings()
d->leftPadding = -1;
d->rightPadding = -1;
d->topPadding = -1;
d->bottomPadding = -1;