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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright 2009 by Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusArgument>
#include <QtCore/QPoint>
#include "kdeui_export.h"
class KActionCollection;
class KMenu;
class QMovie;
class KStatusNotifierItemPrivate;
* \brief %KDE Status notifier Item protocol implementation
* This class implements the Status notifier Item Dbus specification.
* It provides an icon similar to the classical systemtray icons,
* with some key differences:
* - the actual representation is done by the systemtray (or the app behaving
* like it) itself, not by this app. Since 4.5 this also includes the menu,
* which means you cannot use embed widgets in the menu.
* - there is communication between the systemtray and the icon owner, so the
* system tray can know if the application is in a normal or in a requesting
* attention state.
* - icons are divided in categories, so the systemtray can represent in a
* different way the icons from normal applications and for instance the ones
* about hardware status.
* Whenever possible you should prefer passing icon by name rather than by
* pixmap because:
* - it is much lighter on Dbus (no need to pass all image pixels).
* - it makes it possible for the systemtray to load an icon of the appropriate
* size or to replace your icon with a systemtray specific icon which matches
* with the desktop theme.
* - some implementations of the system tray do not support passing icons by
* pixmap and will show a blank icon instead.
* @author Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com>
* @since 4.4
class KDEUI_EXPORT KStatusNotifierItem : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY( ItemCategory category READ category WRITE setCategory )
Q_PROPERTY( QString title READ title WRITE setTitle )
Q_PROPERTY( ItemStatus status READ status WRITE setStatus )
Q_PROPERTY( QString iconName READ iconName WRITE setIconByName )
Q_PROPERTY( QString overlayIconName READ overlayIconName WRITE setOverlayIconByName )
Q_PROPERTY( QString attentionIconName READ attentionIconName WRITE setAttentionIconByName )
Q_PROPERTY( QString toolTipIconName READ toolTipIconName WRITE setToolTipIconByName )
Q_PROPERTY( QString toolTipTitle READ toolTipTitle WRITE setToolTipTitle )
Q_PROPERTY( QString toolTipSubTitle READ toolTipSubTitle WRITE setToolTipSubTitle )
friend class KStatusNotifierItemDBus;
friend class KStatusNotifierItemPrivate;
* All the possible status this icon can have, depending on the
* importance of the events that happens in the parent application
enum ItemStatus {
/// Nothing is happening in the application, so showing this icon is not required
Passive = 1,
/// The application is doing something, or it is important that the
/// icon is always reachable from the user
Active = 2,
/// The application requests the attention of the user, for instance
/// battery running out or a new IM message was received
NeedsAttention = 3
* Different kinds of applications announce their type to the systemtray,
* so can be drawn in a different way or in a different place
enum ItemCategory {
/// An icon for a normal application, can be seen as its taskbar entry
ApplicationStatus = 1,
/// This is a communication oriented application; this icon will be used
/// for things such as the notification of a new message
Communications = 2,
/// This is a system service, it can show itself in the system tray if
/// it requires interaction from the user or wants to inform him about
/// something
SystemServices = 3,
/// This application shows hardware status or a means to control it
Hardware = 4,
Reserved = 129
* Construct a new status notifier item
* @param parent the parent object for this object. If the object passed in as
* a parent is also a QWidget, it will be used as the main application window
* represented by this icon and will be shown/hidden when an activation is requested.
* @see associatedWidget
explicit KStatusNotifierItem(QObject *parent = 0);
* Construct a new status notifier item with a unique identifier.
* If your application has more than one status notifier item and the user
* should be able to manipulate them separately (e.g. mark them for hiding
* in a user interface), the id can be used to differentiate between them.
* The id should remain consistent even between application restarts.
* Status notifier items without ids default to the application's name for the id.
* This id may be used, for instance, by hosts displaying status notifier items to
* associate configuration information with this item in a way that can persist
* between sessions or application restarts.
* @param id the unique id for this icon
* @param parent the parent object for this object. If the object passed in as
* a parent is also a QWidget, it will be used as the main application window
* represented by this icon and will be shown/hidden when an activation is requested.
* @see associatedWidget
explicit KStatusNotifierItem(const QString &id, QObject *parent = 0);
* @return The id which was specified in the constructor. This should be
* guaranteed to be consistent between application starts and
* untranslated, as host applications displaying items may use it for
* storing configuration related to this item.
QString id() const;
* Sets the category for this icon, usually it's needed to call this function only once
* @param category the new category for this icon
void setCategory(const ItemCategory category);
* @return the application category
ItemCategory category() const;
* Sets a title for this icon
void setTitle(const QString &title);
* @return the title of this icon
QString title() const;
* Sets a new status for this icon.
void setStatus(const ItemStatus status);
* @return the current application status
ItemStatus status() const;
//Main icon related functions
* Sets a new main icon for the system tray
* @param name it must be a KIconLoader compatible name, this is
* the preferred way to set an icon
void setIconByName(const QString &name);
* @return the name of the main icon to be displayed
* if image() is not empty this will always return an empty string
QString iconName() const;
* Sets a new main icon for the system tray
* @param pixmap our icon, use setIcon(const QString) when possible
void setIconByPixmap(const QIcon &icon);
* @return a pixmap of the icon
QIcon iconPixmap() const;
* Sets an icon to be used as overlay for the main one
* @param icon name, if name is and empty QString()
* (and overlayIconPixmap() is empty too) the icon will be removed
void setOverlayIconByName(const QString &name);
* @return the name of the icon to be used as overlay fr the main one
QString overlayIconName() const;
* Sets an icon to be used as overlay for the main one
* setOverlayIconByPixmap(QIcon()) will remove the overlay when
* overlayIconName() is empty too.
* @param pixmap our overlay icon, use setOverlayIcon(const QString) when possible.
void setOverlayIconByPixmap(const QIcon &icon);
* @return a pixmap of the icon
QIcon overlayIconPixmap() const;
//Requesting attention icon
* Sets a new icon that should be used when the application
* wants to request attention (usually the systemtray
* will blink between this icon and the main one)
* @param name KIconLoader-compatible name of icon to use
void setAttentionIconByName(const QString &name);
* @return the name of the icon to be displayed when the application
* is requesting the user's attention
* if attentionImage() is not empty this will always return an empty string
QString attentionIconName() const;
* Sets the pixmap of the requesting attention icon.
* Use setAttentionIcon(const QString) instead when possible.
* @param icon QIcon to use for requesting attention.
void setAttentionIconByPixmap(const QIcon &icon);
* @return a pixmap of the requesting attention icon
QIcon attentionIconPixmap() const;
* Sets a movie as the requesting attention icon.
* This overrides anything set in setAttentionIcon()
void setAttentionMovieByName(const QString &name);
* @return the name of the movie to be displayed when the application is
* requesting the user attention
QString attentionMovieName() const;
//ToolTip handling
* Sets a new toolTip or this icon, a toolTip is composed of an icon,
* a title ad a text, all fields are optional.
* @param iconName a KIconLoader compatible name for the tootip icon
* @param title tootip title
* @param subTitle subtitle for the toolTip
void setToolTip(const QString &iconName, const QString &title, const QString &subTitle);
* Sets a new toolTip or this status notifier item.
* This is an overloaded member provided for convenience
void setToolTip(const QIcon &icon, const QString &title, const QString &subTitle);
* Set a new icon for the toolTip
* @param name the name for the icon
void setToolTipIconByName(const QString &name);
* @return the name of the toolTip icon
* if toolTipImage() is not empty this will always return an empty string
QString toolTipIconName() const;
* Set a new icon for the toolTip.
* Use setToolTipIconByName(QString) if possible.
* @param pixmap representing the icon
void setToolTipIconByPixmap(const QIcon &icon);
* @return a serialization of the toolTip icon data
QIcon toolTipIconPixmap() const;
* Sets a new title for the toolTip
void setToolTipTitle(const QString &title);
* @return the title of the main icon toolTip
QString toolTipTitle() const;
* Sets a new subtitle for the toolTip
void setToolTipSubTitle(const QString &subTitle);
* @return the subtitle of the main icon toolTip
QString toolTipSubTitle() const;
* Sets a new context menu for this StatusNotifierItem.
* the menu will be shown with a contextMenu(int,int)
* call by the systemtray over dbus
* usually you don't need to call this unless you want to use
* a custom KMenu subclass as context menu
void setContextMenu(KMenu *menu);
* Access the context menu associated to this status notifier item
KMenu *contextMenu() const;
* Sets the main widget associated with this StatusNotifierItem
* If you pass contextMenu() as a parent then the menu will be displayed
* when the user activate the icon. In this case the activate() method will
* not be called and the activateRequested() signal will not be emitted
* @param parent the new main widget: must be a top level window,
* if it's not parent->window() will be used instead.
void setAssociatedWidget(QWidget *parent);
* Access the main widget associated with this StatusNotifierItem
QWidget *associatedWidget() const;
* All the actions present in the menu
KActionCollection *actionCollection() const;
* Sets whether to show the standard items in the menu, such as Quit
void setStandardActionsEnabled(bool enabled);
* @return if the standard items in the menu, such as Quit
bool standardActionsEnabled() const;
* Shows the user a notification. If possible use KNotify instead
* @param title message title
* @param message the actual text shown to the user
* @param icon icon to be shown to the user
* @param timeout how much time will elaps before hiding the message
void showMessage(const QString &title, const QString &message, const QString &icon, int timeout = 10000);
public Q_SLOTS:
* Shows the main widget and try to position it on top
* of the other windows, if the widget is already visible, hide it.
* @param pos if it's a valid position it represents the mouse coordinates when the event was triggered
virtual void activate(const QPoint &pos = QPoint());
* Inform the host application that the mouse wheel
* (or another mean of scrolling that the visualization provides) has been used
* @param delta the amount of scrolling, can be either positive or negative
* @param orientation direction of the scrolling, can be either horizontal or vertical
void scrollRequested(int delta, Qt::Orientation orientation);
* Inform the host application that an activation has been requested,
* for instance left mouse click, but this is not guaranteed since
* it's dependent from the visualization
* @param active if it's true the application asked for the activatin
* of the main window, if it's false it asked for hiding
* @param pos the position in the screen where the user clicked to
* trigger this signal, QPoint() if it's not the consequence of a mouse click.
void activateRequested(bool active, const QPoint &pos);
* Alternate activate action,
* for instance right mouse click, but this is not guaranteed since
* it's dependent from the visualization
* @param pos the position in the screen where the user clicked to
* trigger this signal, QPoint() if it's not the consequence of a mouse click.
void secondaryActivateRequested(const QPoint &pos);
bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event);
KStatusNotifierItemPrivate *const d;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void serviceChange(const QString& name,
const QString& oldOwner,
const QString& newOwner))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void checkForRegisteredHosts())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void registerToDaemon())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void contextMenuAboutToShow())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void maybeQuit())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void minimizeRestore())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void hideMenu())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void legacyWheelEvent(int))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void legacyActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason))