mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 03:14:09 +00:00
1619 lines
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1619 lines
48 KiB
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// kDebug() can't be turned off in kdeinit
#if 0
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning Extra KStartupInfo debug messages enabled.
#include "kstartupinfo.h"
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtCore/QBool>
#include <config.h>
// need to resolve INT32(qglobal.h)<>INT32(Xlibint.h) conflict
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
#include <QtGui/QActionEvent>
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <qx11info_x11.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <kwindowsystem.h>
#include <kxmessages.h>
static const char* const NET_STARTUP_MSG = "_NET_STARTUP_INFO";
static const char* const NET_STARTUP_WINDOW = "_NET_STARTUP_ID";
// DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID is used also in kinit/wrapper.c ,
// kdesu in both kdelibs and kdebase and who knows where else
static const char* const NET_STARTUP_ENV = "DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID";
static bool auto_app_started_sending = true;
static long get_num( const QString& item_P );
static unsigned long get_unum( const QString& item_P );
static QString get_str( const QString& item_P );
static QByteArray get_cstr( const QString& item_P );
static QStringList get_fields( const QString& txt_P );
static QString escape_str( const QString& str_P );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
static Atom utf8_string_atom = None;
class KStartupInfo::Data
: public KStartupInfoData
Data() : age(0) {} // just because it's in a QMap
Data( const QString& txt_P )
: KStartupInfoData( txt_P ), age( 0 ) {}
unsigned int age;
struct KStartupInfoId::Private
Private() : id( "" ) {}
QString to_text() const;
QByteArray id; // id
struct KStartupInfoData::Private
Private() : desktop( 0 ), wmclass( "" ), hostname( "" ),
silent( KStartupInfoData::Unknown ), timestamp( ~0U ), screen( -1 ), xinerama( -1 ), launched_by( 0 ) {}
QString to_text() const;
void remove_pid( pid_t pid );
QString bin;
QString name;
QString description;
QString icon;
int desktop;
QList< pid_t > pids;
QByteArray wmclass;
QByteArray hostname;
KStartupInfoData::TriState silent;
unsigned long timestamp;
int screen;
int xinerama;
WId launched_by;
QString application_id;
class KStartupInfo::Private
// private slots
void startups_cleanup();
void startups_cleanup_no_age();
void got_message( const QString& msg );
void window_added( WId w );
void slot_window_added( WId w );
void init( int flags );
void got_startup_info( const QString& msg_P, bool update_only_P );
void got_remove_startup_info( const QString& msg_P );
void new_startup_info_internal( const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
Data& data_P, bool update_only_P );
void remove_startup_info_internal( const KStartupInfoId& id_P );
void remove_startup_pids( const KStartupInfoId& id, const KStartupInfoData& data );
void remove_startup_pids( const KStartupInfoData& data );
startup_t check_startup_internal( WId w, KStartupInfoId* id, KStartupInfoData* data );
bool find_id( const QByteArray& id_P, KStartupInfoId* id_O,
KStartupInfoData* data_O );
bool find_pid( pid_t pid_P, const QByteArray& hostname, KStartupInfoId* id_O,
KStartupInfoData* data_O );
bool find_wclass( const QByteArray &res_name_P, const QByteArray &res_class_P,
KStartupInfoId* id_O, KStartupInfoData* data_O );
static QByteArray get_window_hostname( WId w_P );
void startups_cleanup_internal( bool age_P );
void clean_all_noncompliant();
static QString check_required_startup_fields( const QString& msg,
const KStartupInfoData& data, int screen );
KStartupInfo *q;
unsigned int timeout;
QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data > startups;
// contains silenced ASN's only if !AnnounceSilencedChanges
QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data > silent_startups;
// contains ASN's that had change: but no new: yet
QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data > uninited_startups;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KXMessages msgs;
QTimer* cleanup;
int flags;
Private( int flags_P, KStartupInfo *q )
: q( q ),
timeout( 60 ),
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
msgs( NET_STARTUP_MSG, NULL, false ),
flags( flags_P )
void createConnections()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// d == NULL means "disabled"
if( !KApplication::kApplication())
if( !QX11Info::display())
if( !( flags & DisableKWinModule )) {
QObject::connect( KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(windowAdded(WId)), q, SLOT(slot_window_added(WId)));
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "systemTrayWindowAdded signal was remove from KWindowSystem class"
//QObject::connect( KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(systemTrayWindowAdded(WId)), q, SLOT(slot_window_added(WId)));
QObject::connect( &msgs, SIGNAL(gotMessage(QString)), q, SLOT(got_message(QString)));
cleanup = new QTimer( q );
QObject::connect( cleanup, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(startups_cleanup()));
KStartupInfo::KStartupInfo( int flags_P, QObject* parent_P )
: QObject( parent_P ),
d(new Private(flags_P, this))
KStartupInfo::KStartupInfo( bool clean_on_cantdetect_P, QObject* parent_P )
: QObject( parent_P ),
d(new Private(clean_on_cantdetect_P ? CleanOnCantDetect : 0, this))
delete d;
void KStartupInfo::Private::got_message( const QString& msg_P )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
// TODO do something with SCREEN= ?
kDebug( 172 ) << "got:" << msg_P;
QString msg = msg_P.trimmed();
if( msg.startsWith( QLatin1String("new:") )) // must match length below
got_startup_info( msg.mid( 4 ), false );
else if( msg.startsWith( QLatin1String("change:") )) // must match length below
got_startup_info( msg.mid( 7 ), true );
else if( msg.startsWith( QLatin1String("remove:") )) // must match length below
got_remove_startup_info( msg.mid( 7 ));
// if the application stops responding for a while, KWindowSystem may get
// the information about the already mapped window before KXMessages
// actually gets the info about the started application (depends
// on their order in X11 event filter in KApplication)
// simply delay info from KWindowSystem a bit
// SELI???
class DelayedWindowEvent
: public QEvent
DelayedWindowEvent( WId w_P )
: QEvent( uniqueType() ), w( w_P ) {}
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
Window w;
WId w;
static Type uniqueType() { return Type(QEvent::User+15); }
void KStartupInfo::Private::slot_window_added( WId w_P )
qApp->postEvent( q, new DelayedWindowEvent( w_P ));
void KStartupInfo::customEvent( QEvent* e_P )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if( e_P->type() == DelayedWindowEvent::uniqueType() )
d->window_added( static_cast< DelayedWindowEvent* >( e_P )->w );
QObject::customEvent( e_P );
void KStartupInfo::Private::window_added( WId w_P )
KStartupInfoId id;
KStartupInfoData data;
startup_t ret = check_startup_internal( w_P, &id, &data );
switch( ret )
case Match:
kDebug( 172 ) << "new window match";
case NoMatch:
break; // nothing
case CantDetect:
if( flags & CleanOnCantDetect )
void KStartupInfo::Private::got_startup_info( const QString& msg_P, bool update_P )
KStartupInfoId id( msg_P );
if( id.none())
KStartupInfo::Data data( msg_P );
new_startup_info_internal( id, data, update_P );
void KStartupInfo::Private::new_startup_info_internal( const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
KStartupInfo::Data& data_P, bool update_P )
if( id_P.none())
if( startups.contains( id_P ))
{ // already reported, update
startups[ id_P ].update( data_P );
startups[ id_P ].age = 0; // CHECKME
kDebug( 172 ) << "updating";
if( startups[ id_P ].silent() == KStartupInfo::Data::Yes
&& !( flags & AnnounceSilenceChanges ))
silent_startups[ id_P ] = startups[ id_P ];
startups.remove( id_P );
emit q->gotRemoveStartup( id_P, silent_startups[ id_P ] );
emit q->gotStartupChange( id_P, startups[ id_P ] );
if( silent_startups.contains( id_P ))
{ // already reported, update
silent_startups[ id_P ].update( data_P );
silent_startups[ id_P ].age = 0; // CHECKME
kDebug( 172 ) << "updating silenced";
if( silent_startups[ id_P ].silent() != Data::Yes )
startups[ id_P ] = silent_startups[ id_P ];
silent_startups.remove( id_P );
q->emit gotNewStartup( id_P, startups[ id_P ] );
emit q->gotStartupChange( id_P, silent_startups[ id_P ] );
if( uninited_startups.contains( id_P ))
uninited_startups[ id_P ].update( data_P );
kDebug( 172 ) << "updating uninited";
if( !update_P ) // uninited finally got new:
startups[ id_P ] = uninited_startups[ id_P ];
uninited_startups.remove( id_P );
emit q->gotNewStartup( id_P, startups[ id_P ] );
// no change announce, it's still uninited
if( update_P ) // change: without any new: first
kDebug( 172 ) << "adding uninited";
uninited_startups.insert( id_P, data_P );
else if( data_P.silent() != Data::Yes || flags & AnnounceSilenceChanges )
kDebug( 172 ) << "adding";
startups.insert( id_P, data_P );
emit q->gotNewStartup( id_P, data_P );
else // new silenced, and silent shouldn't be announced
kDebug( 172 ) << "adding silent";
silent_startups.insert( id_P, data_P );
cleanup->start( 1000 ); // 1 sec
void KStartupInfo::Private::got_remove_startup_info( const QString& msg_P )
KStartupInfoId id( msg_P );
KStartupInfoData data( msg_P );
if( data.pids().count() > 0 )
if( !id.none())
remove_startup_pids( id, data );
remove_startup_pids( data );
remove_startup_info_internal( id );
void KStartupInfo::Private::remove_startup_info_internal( const KStartupInfoId& id_P )
if( startups.contains( id_P ))
kDebug( 172 ) << "removing";
emit q->gotRemoveStartup( id_P, startups[ id_P ]);
startups.remove( id_P );
else if( silent_startups.contains( id_P ))
kDebug( 172 ) << "removing silent";
silent_startups.remove( id_P );
else if( uninited_startups.contains( id_P ))
kDebug( 172 ) << "removing uninited";
uninited_startups.remove( id_P );
void KStartupInfo::Private::remove_startup_pids( const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
{ // first find the matching info
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = startups.begin();
it != startups.end();
++it )
if( ( *it ).hostname() != data_P.hostname())
if( !( *it ).is_pid( data_P.pids().first()))
continue; // not the matching info
remove_startup_pids( it.key(), data_P );
void KStartupInfo::Private::remove_startup_pids( const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
kFatal( data_P.pids().count() == 0, 172 );
Data* data = NULL;
if( startups.contains( id_P ))
data = &startups[ id_P ];
else if( silent_startups.contains( id_P ))
data = &silent_startups[ id_P ];
else if( uninited_startups.contains( id_P ))
data = &uninited_startups[ id_P ];
for( QList< pid_t >::ConstIterator it2 = data_P.pids().constBegin();
it2 != data_P.pids().constEnd();
++it2 )
data->d->remove_pid( *it2 ); // remove all pids from the info
if( data->pids().count() == 0 ) // all pids removed -> remove info
remove_startup_info_internal( id_P );
bool KStartupInfo::sendStartup( const KStartupInfoId& id_P, const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KXMessages msgs;
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "new: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
QX11Info inf;
msg = Private::check_required_startup_fields( msg, data_P, inf.screen());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
msgs.broadcastMessage( NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendStartupX( Display* disp_P, const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "new: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
msg = Private::check_required_startup_fields( msg, data_P, DefaultScreen( disp_P ));
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
return KXMessages::broadcastMessageX( disp_P, NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
QString KStartupInfo::Private::check_required_startup_fields( const QString& msg, const KStartupInfoData& data_P,
int screen )
QString ret = msg;
if( data_P.name().isEmpty())
// kWarning( 172 ) << "NAME not specified in initial startup message";
QString name = data_P.bin();
if( name.isEmpty())
name = "UNKNOWN";
ret += QString( " NAME=\"%1\"" ).arg( escape_str( name ));
if( data_P.screen() == -1 ) // add automatically if needed
ret += QString( " SCREEN=%1" ).arg( screen );
return ret;
bool KStartupInfo::sendChange( const KStartupInfoId& id_P, const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KXMessages msgs;
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "change: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
msgs.broadcastMessage( NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendChangeX( Display* disp_P, const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "change: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
return KXMessages::broadcastMessageX( disp_P, NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendFinish( const KStartupInfoId& id_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KXMessages msgs;
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "remove: %1" ).arg( id_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
msgs.broadcastMessage( NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendFinishX( Display* disp_P, const KStartupInfoId& id_P )
if( id_P.none())
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "remove: %1" ).arg( id_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
return KXMessages::broadcastMessageX( disp_P, NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendFinish( const KStartupInfoId& id_P, const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
// if( id_P.none()) // id may be none, the pids and hostname matter then
// return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
KXMessages msgs;
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "remove: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
msgs.broadcastMessage( NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
bool KStartupInfo::sendFinishX( Display* disp_P, const KStartupInfoId& id_P,
const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
// if( id_P.none()) // id may be none, the pids and hostname matter then
// return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
QString msg = QString::fromLatin1( "remove: %1 %2" )
.arg( id_P.d->to_text()).arg( data_P.d->to_text());
kDebug( 172 ) << "sending " << msg;
return KXMessages::broadcastMessageX( disp_P, NET_STARTUP_MSG, msg, -1, false );
return true;
void KStartupInfo::appStarted()
if( kapp != NULL ) // KApplication constructor unsets the env. variable
appStarted( kapp->startupId());
kapp->clearStartupId(); // reset the id, no longer valid (must use clearStartupId() to avoid infinite loop)
appStarted( currentStartupIdEnv().id());
void KStartupInfo::appStarted( const QByteArray& startup_id )
KStartupInfoId id;
id.initId( startup_id );
if( id.none())
if( kapp != NULL )
KStartupInfo::sendFinish( id );
else if( !qgetenv( "DISPLAY" ).isEmpty() ) // don't rely on QX11Info::display()
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
Display* disp = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( disp != NULL )
KStartupInfo::sendFinishX( disp, id );
XCloseDisplay( disp );
void KStartupInfo::disableAutoAppStartedSending( bool disable )
auto_app_started_sending = !disable;
void KStartupInfo::silenceStartup( bool silence )
KStartupInfoId id;
id.initId( kapp->startupId());
if( id.none())
KStartupInfoData data;
data.setSilent( silence ? KStartupInfoData::Yes : KStartupInfoData::No );
sendChange( id, data );
void KStartupInfo::handleAutoAppStartedSending()
if( auto_app_started_sending )
void KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId( QWidget* window, const QByteArray& startup_id )
bool activate = true;
kapp->setStartupId( startup_id );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if( window != NULL )
if( !startup_id.isEmpty() && startup_id != "0" )
NETRootInfo i( QX11Info::display(), NET::Supported );
if( i.isSupported( NET::WM2StartupId ))
KStartupInfo::setWindowStartupId( window->winId(), startup_id );
activate = false; // WM will take care of it
if( activate )
KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop( window->winId(), KWindowSystem::currentDesktop());
// This is not very nice, but there's no way how to get any
// usable timestamp without ASN, so force activating the window.
// And even with ASN, it's not possible to get the timestamp here,
// so if the WM doesn't have support for ASN, it can't be used either.
KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow( window->winId());
KStartupInfo::startup_t KStartupInfo::checkStartup( WId w_P, KStartupInfoId& id_O,
KStartupInfoData& data_O )
return d->check_startup_internal( w_P, &id_O, &data_O );
KStartupInfo::startup_t KStartupInfo::checkStartup( WId w_P, KStartupInfoId& id_O )
return d->check_startup_internal( w_P, &id_O, NULL );
KStartupInfo::startup_t KStartupInfo::checkStartup( WId w_P, KStartupInfoData& data_O )
return d->check_startup_internal( w_P, NULL, &data_O );
KStartupInfo::startup_t KStartupInfo::checkStartup( WId w_P )
return d->check_startup_internal( w_P, NULL, NULL );
KStartupInfo::startup_t KStartupInfo::Private::check_startup_internal( WId w_P, KStartupInfoId* id_O,
KStartupInfoData* data_O )
if( startups.count() == 0 )
return NoMatch; // no startups
// Strategy:
// Is this a compliant app ?
// - Yes - test for match
// - No - Is this a NET_WM compliant app ?
// - Yes - test for pid match
// - No - test for WM_CLASS match
kDebug( 172 ) << "check_startup";
QByteArray id = windowStartupId( w_P );
if( !id.isNull())
if( id.isEmpty() || id == "0" ) // means ignore this window
kDebug( 172 ) << "ignore";
return NoMatch;
return find_id( id, id_O, data_O ) ? Match : NoMatch;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
NETWinInfo info( QX11Info::display(), w_P, QX11Info::appRootWindow(),
NET::WMWindowType | NET::WMPid | NET::WMState );
pid_t pid = info.pid();
if( pid > 0 )
QByteArray hostname = get_window_hostname( w_P );
if( !hostname.isEmpty()
&& find_pid( pid, hostname, id_O, data_O ))
return Match;
// try XClass matching , this PID stuff sucks :(
XClassHint hint;
if( XGetClassHint( QX11Info::display(), w_P, &hint ) != 0 )
{ // We managed to read the class hint
QByteArray res_name = hint.res_name;
QByteArray res_class = hint.res_class;
XFree( hint.res_name );
XFree( hint.res_class );
if( find_wclass( res_name, res_class, id_O, data_O ))
return Match;
// ignore NET::Tool and other special window types, if they can't be matched
NET::WindowType type = info.windowType( NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask
| NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask
| NET::TopMenuMask | NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask );
if( type != NET::Normal
&& type != NET::Unknown
&& type != NET::Dialog
&& type != NET::Utility )
// && type != NET::Dock ) why did I put this here?
return NoMatch;
// lets see if this is a transient
Window transient_for;
if( XGetTransientForHint( QX11Info::display(), static_cast< Window >( w_P ), &transient_for )
&& static_cast< WId >( transient_for ) != QX11Info::appRootWindow()
&& transient_for != None )
return NoMatch;
kDebug( 172 ) << "check_startup:cantdetect";
return CantDetect;
bool KStartupInfo::Private::find_id( const QByteArray& id_P, KStartupInfoId* id_O,
KStartupInfoData* data_O )
kDebug( 172 ) << "find_id:" << id_P;
KStartupInfoId id;
id.initId( id_P );
if( startups.contains( id ))
if( id_O != NULL )
*id_O = id;
if( data_O != NULL )
*data_O = startups[ id ];
kDebug( 172 ) << "check_startup_id:match";
return true;
return false;
bool KStartupInfo::Private::find_pid( pid_t pid_P, const QByteArray& hostname_P,
KStartupInfoId* id_O, KStartupInfoData* data_O )
kDebug( 172 ) << "find_pid:" << pid_P;
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = startups.begin();
it != startups.end();
++it )
if( ( *it ).is_pid( pid_P ) && ( *it ).hostname() == hostname_P )
{ // Found it !
if( id_O != NULL )
*id_O = it.key();
if( data_O != NULL )
*data_O = *it;
// non-compliant, remove on first match
remove_startup_info_internal( it.key());
kDebug( 172 ) << "check_startup_pid:match";
return true;
return false;
bool KStartupInfo::Private::find_wclass( const QByteArray &_res_name, const QByteArray &_res_class,
KStartupInfoId* id_O, KStartupInfoData* data_O )
QByteArray res_name = _res_name.toLower();
QByteArray res_class = _res_class.toLower();
kDebug( 172 ) << "find_wclass:" << res_name << ":" << res_class;
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, Data >::Iterator it = startups.begin();
it != startups.end();
++it )
const QByteArray wmclass = ( *it ).findWMClass();
if( wmclass.toLower() == res_name || wmclass.toLower() == res_class )
{ // Found it !
if( id_O != NULL )
*id_O = it.key();
if( data_O != NULL )
*data_O = *it;
// non-compliant, remove on first match
remove_startup_info_internal( it.key());
kDebug( 172 ) << "check_startup_wclass:match";
return true;
return false;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
static Atom net_startup_atom = None;
static QByteArray read_startup_id_property( WId w_P )
QByteArray ret;
unsigned char *name_ret;
Atom type_ret;
int format_ret;
unsigned long nitems_ret = 0, after_ret = 0;
if( XGetWindowProperty( QX11Info::display(), w_P, net_startup_atom, 0l, 4096,
False, utf8_string_atom, &type_ret, &format_ret, &nitems_ret, &after_ret, &name_ret )
== Success )
if( type_ret == utf8_string_atom && format_ret == 8 && name_ret != NULL )
ret = reinterpret_cast< char* >( name_ret );
if ( name_ret != NULL )
XFree( name_ret );
return ret;
QByteArray KStartupInfo::windowStartupId( WId w_P )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if( net_startup_atom == None )
net_startup_atom = XInternAtom( QX11Info::display(), NET_STARTUP_WINDOW, False );
if( utf8_string_atom == None )
utf8_string_atom = XInternAtom( QX11Info::display(), "UTF8_STRING", False );
QByteArray ret = read_startup_id_property( w_P );
if( ret.isEmpty())
{ // retry with window group leader, as the spec says
XWMHints* hints = XGetWMHints( QX11Info::display(), w_P );
if( hints && ( hints->flags & WindowGroupHint ) != 0 )
ret = read_startup_id_property( hints->window_group );
if( hints )
XFree( hints );
return ret;
return QByteArray();
void KStartupInfo::setWindowStartupId( WId w_P, const QByteArray& id_P )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if( id_P.isNull())
if( net_startup_atom == None )
net_startup_atom = XInternAtom( QX11Info::display(), NET_STARTUP_WINDOW, False );
if( utf8_string_atom == None )
utf8_string_atom = XInternAtom( QX11Info::display(), "UTF8_STRING", False );
XChangeProperty( QX11Info::display(), w_P, net_startup_atom, utf8_string_atom, 8,
PropModeReplace, reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( id_P.data()), id_P.length());
QByteArray KStartupInfo::Private::get_window_hostname( WId w_P )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
XTextProperty tp;
char** hh;
int cnt;
if( XGetWMClientMachine( QX11Info::display(), w_P, &tp ) != 0
&& XTextPropertyToStringList( &tp, &hh, &cnt ) != 0 )
if( cnt == 1 )
QByteArray hostname = hh[ 0 ];
XFreeStringList( hh );
return hostname;
XFreeStringList( hh );
// no hostname
return QByteArray();
void KStartupInfo::setTimeout( unsigned int secs_P )
d->timeout = secs_P;
// schedule removing entries that are older than the new timeout
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(startups_cleanup_no_age()));
void KStartupInfo::Private::startups_cleanup_no_age()
startups_cleanup_internal( false );
void KStartupInfo::Private::startups_cleanup()
if( startups.count() == 0 && silent_startups.count() == 0
&& uninited_startups.count() == 0 )
startups_cleanup_internal( true );
void KStartupInfo::Private::startups_cleanup_internal( bool age_P )
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = startups.begin();
it != startups.end();
if( age_P )
( *it ).age++;
unsigned int tout = timeout;
if( ( *it ).silent() == Data::Yes ) // TODO
tout *= 20;
if( ( *it ).age >= tout )
const KStartupInfoId& key = it.key();
kDebug( 172 ) << "entry timeout:" << key.id();
remove_startup_info_internal( key );
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = silent_startups.begin();
it != silent_startups.end();
if( age_P )
( *it ).age++;
unsigned int tout = timeout;
if( ( *it ).silent() == Data::Yes ) // TODO
tout *= 20;
if( ( *it ).age >= tout )
const KStartupInfoId& key = it.key();
kDebug( 172 ) << "entry timeout:" << key.id();
remove_startup_info_internal( key );
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = uninited_startups.begin();
it != uninited_startups.end();
if( age_P )
( *it ).age++;
unsigned int tout = timeout;
if( ( *it ).silent() == Data::Yes ) // TODO
tout *= 20;
if( ( *it ).age >= tout )
const KStartupInfoId& key = it.key();
kDebug( 172 ) << "entry timeout:" << key.id();
remove_startup_info_internal( key );
void KStartupInfo::Private::clean_all_noncompliant()
for( QMap< KStartupInfoId, KStartupInfo::Data >::Iterator it = startups.begin();
it != startups.end();
if( ( *it ).WMClass() != "0" )
const KStartupInfoId& key = it.key();
kDebug( 172 ) << "entry cleaning:" << key.id();
remove_startup_info_internal( key );
QByteArray KStartupInfo::createNewStartupId()
// Assign a unique id, use hostname+time+pid, that should be 200% unique.
// Also append the user timestamp (for focus stealing prevention).
struct timeval tm;
gettimeofday( &tm, NULL );
char hostname[ 256 ];
hostname[ 0 ] = '\0';
if (!gethostname( hostname, 255 ))
hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0';
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
unsigned long qt_x_user_time = QX11Info::appUserTime();
unsigned long qt_x_user_time = 0;
QByteArray id = QString::fromLatin1( "%1;%2;%3;%4_TIME%5" ).arg( hostname ).arg( tm.tv_sec )
.arg( tm.tv_usec ).arg( getpid()).arg( qt_x_user_time ).toUtf8();
kDebug( 172 ) << "creating: " << id << ":" << (qApp ? qAppName() : QString("unnamed app") /* e.g. kdeinit */);
return id;
const QByteArray& KStartupInfoId::id() const
return d->id;
QString KStartupInfoId::Private::to_text() const
return QString::fromLatin1( " ID=\"%1\" " ).arg( escape_str( id));
KStartupInfoId::KStartupInfoId( const QString& txt_P ) : d(new Private)
const QStringList items = get_fields( txt_P );
const QString id_str = QLatin1String( "ID=" );
for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin();
it != items.end();
++it )
if( ( *it ).startsWith( id_str ))
d->id = get_cstr( *it );
void KStartupInfoId::initId( const QByteArray& id_P )
if( !id_P.isEmpty())
d->id = id_P;
kDebug( 172 ) << "using: " << d->id;
const QByteArray startup_env = qgetenv( NET_STARTUP_ENV );
if( !startup_env.isEmpty() )
{ // already has id
d->id = startup_env;
kDebug( 172 ) << "reusing: " << d->id;
d->id = KStartupInfo::createNewStartupId();
bool KStartupInfoId::setupStartupEnv() const
if( none())
unsetenv( NET_STARTUP_ENV );
return false;
return setenv( NET_STARTUP_ENV, id(), true ) == 0;
KStartupInfoId KStartupInfo::currentStartupIdEnv()
const QByteArray startup_env = qgetenv( NET_STARTUP_ENV );
KStartupInfoId id;
if( !startup_env.isEmpty() )
id.d->id = startup_env;
id.d->id = "0";
return id;
void KStartupInfo::resetStartupEnv()
unsetenv( NET_STARTUP_ENV );
KStartupInfoId::KStartupInfoId() : d(new Private)
delete d;
KStartupInfoId::KStartupInfoId( const KStartupInfoId& id_P ) : d(new Private(*id_P.d))
KStartupInfoId& KStartupInfoId::operator=( const KStartupInfoId& id_P )
if( &id_P == this )
return *this;
*d = *id_P.d;
return *this;
bool KStartupInfoId::operator==( const KStartupInfoId& id_P ) const
return id() == id_P.id();
bool KStartupInfoId::operator!=( const KStartupInfoId& id_P ) const
return !(*this == id_P );
// needed for QMap
bool KStartupInfoId::operator<( const KStartupInfoId& id_P ) const
return id() < id_P.id();
// KDE5 TODO: rename to isNull ?
bool KStartupInfoId::none() const
return d->id.isEmpty() || d->id == "0";
unsigned long KStartupInfoId::timestamp() const
if( none())
return 0;
int pos = d->id.lastIndexOf( "_TIME" );
if( pos >= 0 )
bool ok;
unsigned long time = QString( d->id.mid( pos + 5 ) ).toULong( &ok );
if( !ok && d->id[ pos + 5 ] == '-' ) // try if it's as a negative signed number perhaps
time = QString( d->id.mid( pos + 5 ) ).toLong( &ok );
if( ok )
return time;
// libstartup-notification style :
// qsnprintf (s, len, "%s/%s/%lu/%d-%d-%s",
// canonicalized_launcher, canonicalized_launchee, (unsigned long) timestamp,
// (int) getpid (), (int) sequence_number, hostbuf);
int pos1 = d->id.lastIndexOf( '/' );
if( pos1 > 0 )
int pos2 = d->id.lastIndexOf( '/', pos1 - 1 );
if( pos2 >= 0 )
bool ok;
unsigned long time = QString( d->id.mid( pos2 + 1, pos1 - pos2 - 1 ) ).toULong( &ok );
if( !ok && d->id[ pos2 + 1 ] == '-' )
time = QString( d->id.mid( pos2 + 1, pos1 - pos2 - 1 ) ).toLong( &ok );
if( ok )
return time;
// bah ... old KStartupInfo or a problem
return 0;
QString KStartupInfoData::Private::to_text() const
QString ret;
if( !bin.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " BIN=\"%1\"" ).arg( escape_str( bin ));
if( !name.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " NAME=\"%1\"" ).arg( escape_str( name ));
if( !description.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " DESCRIPTION=\"%1\"" ).arg( escape_str( description ));
if( !icon.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " ICON=\"%1\"" ).arg( icon );
if( desktop != 0 )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " DESKTOP=%1" )
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
.arg( desktop == NET::OnAllDesktops ? NET::OnAllDesktops : desktop - 1 ); // spec counts from 0
.arg( 0 ); // spec counts from 0
if( !wmclass.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " WMCLASS=\"%1\"" ).arg( QString( wmclass ) );
if( !hostname.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " HOSTNAME=%1" ).arg( QString( hostname ) );
for( QList< pid_t >::ConstIterator it = pids.begin();
it != pids.end();
++it )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " PID=%1" ).arg( *it );
if( silent != KStartupInfoData::Unknown )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " SILENT=%1" ).arg( silent == KStartupInfoData::Yes ? 1 : 0 );
if( timestamp != ~0U )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " TIMESTAMP=%1" ).arg( timestamp );
if( screen != -1 )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " SCREEN=%1" ).arg( screen );
if( xinerama != -1 )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " XINERAMA=%1" ).arg( xinerama );
if( launched_by != 0 )
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " LAUNCHED_BY=%1" ).arg( (qptrdiff)launched_by );
if( !application_id.isEmpty())
ret += QString::fromLatin1( " APPLICATION_ID=\"%1\"" ).arg( application_id );
return ret;
KStartupInfoData::KStartupInfoData( const QString& txt_P ) : d(new Private)
const QStringList items = get_fields( txt_P );
const QString bin_str = QString::fromLatin1( "BIN=" );
const QString name_str = QString::fromLatin1( "NAME=" );
const QString description_str = QString::fromLatin1( "DESCRIPTION=" );
const QString icon_str = QString::fromLatin1( "ICON=" );
const QString desktop_str = QString::fromLatin1( "DESKTOP=" );
const QString wmclass_str = QString::fromLatin1( "WMCLASS=" );
const QString hostname_str = QString::fromLatin1( "HOSTNAME=" ); // SELI nonstd
const QString pid_str = QString::fromLatin1( "PID=" ); // SELI nonstd
const QString silent_str = QString::fromLatin1( "SILENT=" );
const QString timestamp_str = QString::fromLatin1( "TIMESTAMP=" );
const QString screen_str = QString::fromLatin1( "SCREEN=" );
const QString xinerama_str = QString::fromLatin1( "XINERAMA=" );
const QString launched_by_str = QString::fromLatin1( "LAUNCHED_BY=" );
const QString application_id_str = QString::fromLatin1( "APPLICATION_ID=" );
for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin();
it != items.end();
++it )
if( ( *it ).startsWith( bin_str ))
d->bin = get_str( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( name_str ))
d->name = get_str( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( description_str ))
d->description = get_str( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( icon_str ))
d->icon = get_str( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( desktop_str ))
d->desktop = get_num( *it );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
if( d->desktop != NET::OnAllDesktops )
++d->desktop; // spec counts from 0
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( wmclass_str ))
d->wmclass = get_cstr( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( hostname_str ))
d->hostname = get_cstr( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( pid_str ))
addPid( get_num( *it ));
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( silent_str ))
d->silent = get_num( *it ) != 0 ? Yes : No;
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( timestamp_str ))
d->timestamp = get_unum( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( screen_str ))
d->screen = get_num( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( xinerama_str ))
d->xinerama = get_num( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( launched_by_str ))
d->launched_by = ( WId ) get_num( *it );
else if( ( *it ).startsWith( application_id_str ))
d->application_id = get_str( *it );
KStartupInfoData::KStartupInfoData( const KStartupInfoData& data ) : d(new Private(*data.d))
KStartupInfoData& KStartupInfoData::operator=( const KStartupInfoData& data )
if( &data == this )
return *this;
*d = *data.d;
return *this;
void KStartupInfoData::update( const KStartupInfoData& data_P )
if( !data_P.bin().isEmpty())
d->bin = data_P.bin();
if( !data_P.name().isEmpty() && name().isEmpty()) // don't overwrite
d->name = data_P.name();
if( !data_P.description().isEmpty() && description().isEmpty()) // don't overwrite
d->description = data_P.description();
if( !data_P.icon().isEmpty() && icon().isEmpty()) // don't overwrite
d->icon = data_P.icon();
if( data_P.desktop() != 0 && desktop() == 0 ) // don't overwrite
d->desktop = data_P.desktop();
if( !data_P.d->wmclass.isEmpty())
d->wmclass = data_P.d->wmclass;
if( !data_P.d->hostname.isEmpty())
d->hostname = data_P.d->hostname;
for( QList< pid_t >::ConstIterator it = data_P.d->pids.constBegin();
it != data_P.d->pids.constEnd();
++it )
addPid( *it );
if( data_P.silent() != Unknown )
d->silent = data_P.silent();
if( data_P.timestamp() != ~0U && timestamp() == ~0U ) // don't overwrite
d->timestamp = data_P.timestamp();
if( data_P.screen() != -1 )
d->screen = data_P.screen();
if( data_P.xinerama() != -1 && xinerama() != -1 ) // don't overwrite
d->xinerama = data_P.xinerama();
if( data_P.launchedBy() != 0 && launchedBy() != 0 ) // don't overwrite
d->launched_by = data_P.launchedBy();
if( !data_P.applicationId().isEmpty() && applicationId().isEmpty()) // don't overwrite
d->application_id = data_P.applicationId();
KStartupInfoData::KStartupInfoData() : d(new Private)
delete d;
void KStartupInfoData::setBin( const QString& bin_P )
d->bin = bin_P;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::bin() const
return d->bin;
void KStartupInfoData::setName( const QString& name_P )
d->name = name_P;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::name() const
return d->name;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::findName() const
if( !name().isEmpty())
return name();
return bin();
void KStartupInfoData::setDescription( const QString& desc_P )
d->description = desc_P;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::description() const
return d->description;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::findDescription() const
if( !description().isEmpty())
return description();
return name();
void KStartupInfoData::setIcon( const QString& icon_P )
d->icon = icon_P;
const QString& KStartupInfoData::findIcon() const
if( !icon().isEmpty())
return icon();
return bin();
const QString& KStartupInfoData::icon() const
return d->icon;
void KStartupInfoData::setDesktop( int desktop_P )
d->desktop = desktop_P;
int KStartupInfoData::desktop() const
return d->desktop;
void KStartupInfoData::setWMClass( const QByteArray& wmclass_P )
d->wmclass = wmclass_P;
const QByteArray KStartupInfoData::findWMClass() const
if( !WMClass().isEmpty() && WMClass() != "0" )
return WMClass();
return bin().toUtf8();
QByteArray KStartupInfoData::WMClass() const
return d->wmclass;
void KStartupInfoData::setHostname( const QByteArray& hostname_P )
if( !hostname_P.isNull())
d->hostname = hostname_P;
char tmp[ 256 ];
tmp[ 0 ] = '\0';
if (!gethostname( tmp, 255 ))
tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
d->hostname = tmp;
QByteArray KStartupInfoData::hostname() const
return d->hostname;
void KStartupInfoData::addPid( pid_t pid_P )
if( !d->pids.contains( pid_P ))
d->pids.append( pid_P );
void KStartupInfoData::Private::remove_pid( pid_t pid_P )
pids.removeAll( pid_P );
QList< pid_t > KStartupInfoData::pids() const
return d->pids;
bool KStartupInfoData::is_pid( pid_t pid_P ) const
return d->pids.contains( pid_P );
void KStartupInfoData::setSilent( TriState state_P )
d->silent = state_P;
KStartupInfoData::TriState KStartupInfoData::silent() const
return d->silent;
void KStartupInfoData::setTimestamp( unsigned long time )
d->timestamp = time;
unsigned long KStartupInfoData::timestamp() const
return d->timestamp;
void KStartupInfoData::setScreen( int _screen )
d->screen = _screen;
int KStartupInfoData::screen() const
return d->screen;
void KStartupInfoData::setXinerama( int xinerama )
d->xinerama = xinerama;
int KStartupInfoData::xinerama() const
return d->xinerama;
void KStartupInfoData::setLaunchedBy( WId window )
d->launched_by = window;
WId KStartupInfoData::launchedBy() const
return d->launched_by;
void KStartupInfoData::setApplicationId( const QString& desktop )
if( desktop.startsWith( '/' ))
d->application_id = desktop;
// the spec requires this is always a full path, in order for everyone to be able to find it
QString desk = KStandardDirs::locate( "apps", desktop );
if( desk.isEmpty())
desk = KStandardDirs::locate( "services", desktop );
if( desk.isEmpty())
d->application_id = desk;
QString KStartupInfoData::applicationId() const
return d->application_id;
long get_num( const QString& item_P )
unsigned int pos = item_P.indexOf( QLatin1Char('=') );
return item_P.mid( pos + 1 ).toLong();
unsigned long get_unum( const QString& item_P )
unsigned int pos = item_P.indexOf( QLatin1Char('=') );
return item_P.mid( pos + 1 ).toULong();
QString get_str( const QString& item_P )
int pos = item_P.indexOf( QLatin1Char('=') );
if( item_P.length() > pos + 2 && item_P.at( pos + 1 ) == QLatin1Char('\"') )
int pos2 = item_P.left( pos + 2 ).indexOf( QLatin1Char('\"') );
if( pos2 < 0 )
return QString(); // 01234
return item_P.mid( pos + 2, pos2 - 2 - pos ); // A="C"
return item_P.mid( pos + 1 );
QByteArray get_cstr( const QString& item_P )
return get_str( item_P ).toUtf8();
QStringList get_fields( const QString& txt_P )
QString txt = txt_P.simplified();
QStringList ret;
QString item = "";
bool in = false;
bool escape = false;
for( int pos = 0;
pos < txt.length();
++pos )
if( escape )
item += txt[ pos ];
escape = false;
else if( txt[ pos ] == '\\' )
escape = true;
else if( txt[ pos ] == '\"' )
in = !in;
else if( txt[ pos ] == ' ' && !in )
ret.append( item );
item = "";
item += txt[ pos ];
ret.append( item );
return ret;
static QString escape_str( const QString& str_P )
QString ret = "";
for( int pos = 0;
pos < str_P.length();
++pos )
if( str_P[ pos ] == '\\'
|| str_P[ pos ] == '"' )
ret += '\\';
ret += str_P[ pos ];
return ret;
#include "moc_kstartupinfo.cpp"