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1135 lines
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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1999 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kmessagebox.h"
#include <QtCore/QPointer>
#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
#include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtGui/QListWidget>
#include <QtGui/QScrollArea>
#include <QtGui/QScrollBar>
#include <QtGui/QTextDocumentFragment>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kdialogqueue_p.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <knotification.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <ktextedit.h>
#include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h>
#include <kwindowsystem.h>
// Some i18n filters, that standard button texts are piped through
// (the new KGuiItem object with filtered text is created from the old one).
// i18n: Filter for the Yes-button text in standard message dialogs,
// after the message caption/text have been translated.
#define I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_YES(src, dst) \
KGuiItem dst(src); \
dst.setText( i18nc( "@action:button filter-yes", "%1", src.text() ) );
// i18n: Filter for the No-button text in standard message dialogs,
// after the message caption/text have been translated.
#define I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_NO(src, dst) \
KGuiItem dst(src); \
dst.setText( i18nc( "@action:button filter-no", "%1", src.text() ) );
// i18n: Filter for the Continue-button text in standard message dialogs,
// after the message caption/text have been translated.
#define I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CONTINUE(src, dst) \
KGuiItem dst(src); \
dst.setText( i18nc( "@action:button filter-continue", "%1", src.text() ) );
// i18n: Filter for the Cancel-button text in standard message dialogs,
// after the message caption/text have been translated.
#define I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CANCEL(src, dst) \
KGuiItem dst(src); \
dst.setText( i18nc( "@action:button filter-cancel", "%1", src.text() ) );
// i18n: Called after the button texts in standard message dialogs
// have been filtered by the messages above. Not visible to user.
i18nc( "@action:button post-filter", "." );
static bool KMessageBox_queue = false;
KConfig* KMessageBox_againConfig = 0;
static QIcon themedMessageBoxIcon(QMessageBox::Icon icon)
QString icon_name;
switch (icon) {
case QMessageBox::NoIcon:
return QIcon();
case QMessageBox::Information:
icon_name = "dialog-information";
case QMessageBox::Warning:
icon_name = "dialog-warning";
case QMessageBox::Critical:
icon_name = "dialog-error";
QIcon ret = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(icon_name, KIconLoader::NoGroup, KIconLoader::SizeHuge, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), 0, true);
if (ret.isNull()) {
return QMessageBox::standardIcon(icon);
} else {
return ret;
static void sendNotification( QString message, //krazy:exclude=passbyvalue
const QStringList& strlist,
QMessageBox::Icon icon,
WId parent_id )
// create the message for KNotify
QString messageType;
switch (icon) {
case QMessageBox::Warning:
messageType = "messageWarning";
case QMessageBox::Critical:
messageType = "messageCritical";
case QMessageBox::Question:
messageType = "messageQuestion";
messageType = "messageInformation";
if ( !strlist.isEmpty() ) {
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = strlist.begin(); it != strlist.end(); ++it ) {
message += '\n' + *it;
if ( !message.isEmpty() ) {
KNotification::event( messageType, message, QPixmap(), QWidget::find( parent_id ),
KNotification::DefaultEvent | KNotification::CloseOnTimeout );
static void applyOptions( KDialog* dialog, KMessageBox::Options options )
if ( options & KMessageBox::WindowModal ) {
dialog->setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
dialog->setModal( true );
int KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(KDialog *dialog, QMessageBox::Icon icon,
const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &ask, bool *checkboxReturn,
Options options, const QString &details)
return createKMessageBox(dialog, themedMessageBoxIcon(icon), text, strlist,
ask, checkboxReturn, options, details, icon);
int KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(KDialog *dialog, const QIcon &icon,
const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &ask, bool *checkboxReturn, Options options,
const QString &details, QMessageBox::Icon notifyType)
QWidget *mainWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainWidget);
mainLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint() * 2); // provide extra spacing
QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
hLayout->setSpacing(-1); // use default spacing
QLabel *iconLabel = new QLabel(mainWidget);
if (!icon.isNull()) {
QStyleOption option;
iconLabel->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(mainWidget->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, &option, mainWidget)));
QVBoxLayout *iconLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
QLabel *messageLabel = new QLabel(text, mainWidget);
messageLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(options & KMessageBox::AllowLink);
Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags = Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard;
if (options & KMessageBox::AllowLink) {
flags |= Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard;
QRect desktop = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(dialog);
bool usingSqueezedTextLabel = false;
if (messageLabel->sizeHint().width() > desktop.width() * 0.5) {
// enable automatic wrapping of messages which are longer than 50% of screen width
// display a text widget with scrollbar if still too wide
usingSqueezedTextLabel = messageLabel->sizeHint().width() > desktop.width() * 0.85;
if (usingSqueezedTextLabel)
delete messageLabel;
messageLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(text, mainWidget);
messageLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(options & KMessageBox::AllowLink);
QPalette messagePal(messageLabel->palette());
messagePal.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::transparent);
bool usingScrollArea=desktop.height() / 3 < messageLabel->sizeHint().height();
if (usingScrollArea)
QScrollArea* messageScrollArea = new QScrollArea(mainWidget);
QPalette scrollPal(messageScrollArea->palette());
scrollPal.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::transparent);
const bool usingListWidget=!strlist.isEmpty();
if (usingListWidget) {
// enable automatic wrapping since the listwidget has already a good initial width
QListWidget *listWidget = new QListWidget(mainWidget);
QStyleOptionViewItem styleOption;
QFontMetrics fm(styleOption.font);
int w = listWidget->width();
Q_FOREACH(const QString &str, strlist) {
w = qMax(w, fm.width(str));
const int borderWidth = listWidget->width() - listWidget->viewport()->width() + listWidget->verticalScrollBar()->height();
w += borderWidth;
if (w > desktop.width() * 0.85) { // limit listWidget size to 85% of screen width
w = qRound(desktop.width() * 0.85);
else if (!usingScrollArea)
QPointer<QCheckBox> checkbox = 0;
if (!ask.isEmpty()) {
checkbox = new QCheckBox(ask, mainWidget);
if (checkboxReturn) {
if (!details.isEmpty()) {
QGroupBox *detailsGroup = new QGroupBox(i18n("Details"));
QVBoxLayout *detailsLayout = new QVBoxLayout(detailsGroup);
if (details.length() < 512) {
QLabel *detailsLabel = new QLabel(details);
detailsLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(options & KMessageBox::AllowLink);
Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags = Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard;
if ( options & KMessageBox::AllowLink )
flags |= Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse | Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard;;
} else {
KTextEdit *detailTextEdit = new KTextEdit(details);
detailTextEdit->setMinimumHeight(detailTextEdit->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 11);
if (!usingListWidget)
if (!usingListWidget && !usingScrollArea && !usingSqueezedTextLabel && details.isEmpty())
dialog->setFixedSize(dialog->sizeHint() + QSize( 10, 10 ));
else if (!details.isEmpty() && dialog->minimumHeight()<iconLabel->sizeHint().height()*2)//strange bug...
if (!usingScrollArea)
if ((options & KMessageBox::Dangerous)) {
if (dialog->isButtonEnabled(KDialog::Cancel))
else if (dialog->isButtonEnabled(KDialog::No))
KDialog::ButtonCode defaultCode = dialog->defaultButton();
if (defaultCode != KDialog::NoDefault) {
if ((options & KMessageBox::Notify)) {
sendNotification(text, strlist, notifyType, dialog->topLevelWidget()->winId());
if (KMessageBox_queue) {
return KMessageBox::Cancel; // We have to return something.
if ((options & KMessageBox::NoExec)) {
return KMessageBox::Cancel; // We have to return something.
// We use a QPointer because the dialog may get deleted
// during exec() if the parent of the dialog gets deleted.
// In that case the QPointer will reset to 0.
QPointer<KDialog> guardedDialog = dialog;
const int result = guardedDialog->exec();
if (checkbox && checkboxReturn) {
*checkboxReturn = checkbox->isChecked();
delete (KDialog *) guardedDialog;
return result;
int KMessageBox::questionYesNo(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return questionYesNoList(parent, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::questionYesNoWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return questionYesNoListWId(parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options);
bool KMessageBox::shouldBeShownYesNo(const QString &dontShowAgainName,
ButtonCode &result)
if ( dontShowAgainName.isEmpty() ) {
return true;
KConfigGroup cg( KMessageBox_againConfig ? KMessageBox_againConfig : KGlobal::config().data(), "Notification Messages" );
const QString dontAsk = cg.readEntry(dontShowAgainName, QString()).toLower();
if (dontAsk == "yes" || dontAsk == "true") {
result = Yes;
return false;
if (dontAsk == "no" || dontAsk == "false") {
result = No;
return false;
return true;
bool KMessageBox::shouldBeShownContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
if ( dontShowAgainName.isEmpty() ) {
return true;
KConfigGroup cg( KMessageBox_againConfig ? KMessageBox_againConfig : KGlobal::config().data(), "Notification Messages" );
return cg.readEntry(dontShowAgainName, true);
void KMessageBox::saveDontShowAgainYesNo(const QString &dontShowAgainName,
ButtonCode result)
if ( dontShowAgainName.isEmpty() ) {
KConfigGroup::WriteConfigFlags flags = KConfig::Persistent;
if (dontShowAgainName[0] == ':') {
flags |= KConfigGroup::Global;
KConfigGroup cg( KMessageBox_againConfig? KMessageBox_againConfig : KGlobal::config().data(), "Notification Messages" );
cg.writeEntry( dontShowAgainName, result==Yes, flags );
void KMessageBox::saveDontShowAgainContinue(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
if ( dontShowAgainName.isEmpty() ) {
KConfigGroup::WriteConfigFlags flags = KConfigGroup::Persistent;
if (dontShowAgainName[0] == ':') {
flags |= KConfigGroup::Global;
KConfigGroup cg( KMessageBox_againConfig? KMessageBox_againConfig: KGlobal::config().data(), "Notification Messages" );
cg.writeEntry( dontShowAgainName, false, flags );
void KMessageBox::setDontShowAskAgainConfig(KConfig* cfg)
KMessageBox_againConfig = cfg;
int KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
{ // in order to avoid code duplication, convert to WId, it will be converted back
return questionYesNoListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist,
caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::questionYesNoListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes_,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo_,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
ButtonCode res;
if ( !shouldBeShownYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res) ) {
return res;
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_YES(buttonYes_, buttonYes)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_NO(buttonNo_, buttonNo)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Question") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Yes | KDialog::No );
dialog->setObjectName( "questionYesNo" );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Yes, buttonYes );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::No, buttonNo );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Yes );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::No );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
const int result = createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Information, text, strlist,
dontAskAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not ask again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
res = (result==KDialog::Yes ? Yes : No);
if (checkboxResult) {
saveDontShowAgainYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res);
return res;
int KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(QWidget *parent,
const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return questionYesNoCancelWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel,
dontAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancelWId(WId parent_id,
const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes_,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo_,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel_,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
ButtonCode res;
if ( !shouldBeShownYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res) ) {
return res;
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_YES(buttonYes_, buttonYes)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_NO(buttonNo_, buttonNo)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CANCEL(buttonCancel_, buttonCancel)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog= new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Question") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Yes | KDialog::No | KDialog::Cancel );
dialog->setObjectName( "questionYesNoCancel" );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Yes, buttonYes );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::No, buttonNo );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Cancel, buttonCancel );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Yes );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
const int result = createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Information,
text, QStringList(),
dontAskAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not ask again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
if ( result == KDialog::Yes ) {
res = Yes;
} else if ( result == KDialog::No ) {
res = No;
} else {
return Cancel;
if (checkboxResult) {
saveDontShowAgainYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res);
return res;
int KMessageBox::warningYesNo(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoList(parent, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoListWId(parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist, caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, dontAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes_,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo_,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
ButtonCode res;
if ( !shouldBeShownYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res) ) {
return res;
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_YES(buttonYes_, buttonYes)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_NO(buttonNo_, buttonNo)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Warning") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Yes | KDialog::No );
dialog->setObjectName( "warningYesNoList" );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Yes, buttonYes );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::No, buttonNo );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::No );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::No );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
const int result = createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Warning, text, strlist,
dontAskAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not ask again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
res = (result==KDialog::Yes ? Yes : No);
if (checkboxResult) {
saveDontShowAgainYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res);
return res;
int KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(QWidget *parent,
const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonContinue,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningContinueCancelList(parent, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonContinue, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelWId(WId parent_id,
const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonContinue,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningContinueCancelListWId(parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonContinue, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonContinue,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningContinueCancelListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist,
caption, buttonContinue, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonContinue_,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel_,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
if ( !shouldBeShownContinue(dontAskAgainName) )
return Continue;
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CONTINUE(buttonContinue_, buttonContinue)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CANCEL(buttonCancel_, buttonCancel)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Warning") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Yes | KDialog::No );
dialog->setObjectName( "warningYesNo" );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Yes, buttonContinue );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::No, buttonCancel );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Yes );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::No );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
const int result = createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Warning, text, strlist,
dontAskAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not ask again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
if ( result != KDialog::Yes ) {
return Cancel;
if (checkboxResult) {
return Continue;
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoCancelList(parent, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoCancelListWId(parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options);
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
return warningYesNoCancelListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist,
caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption,
const KGuiItem &buttonYes_,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo_,
const KGuiItem &buttonCancel_,
const QString &dontAskAgainName,
Options options)
ButtonCode res;
if ( !shouldBeShownYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res) ) {
return res;
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_YES(buttonYes_, buttonYes)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_NO(buttonNo_, buttonNo)
I18N_FILTER_BUTTON_CANCEL(buttonCancel_, buttonCancel)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Warning") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Yes | KDialog::No | KDialog::Cancel );
dialog->setObjectName( "warningYesNoCancel" );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Yes, buttonYes );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::No, buttonNo );
dialog->setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Cancel, buttonCancel );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Yes );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
const int result = createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Warning, text, strlist,
dontAskAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not ask again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
if ( result == KDialog::Yes ) {
res = Yes;
} else if ( result == KDialog::No ) {
res = No;
} else {
return Cancel;
if (checkboxResult) {
saveDontShowAgainYesNo(dontAskAgainName, res);
return res;
void KMessageBox::error(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, Options options)
return errorListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, QStringList(), caption, options );
void KMessageBox::errorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, Options options)
errorListWId( parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption, options );
void KMessageBox::errorList(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption, Options options)
return errorListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist, caption, options );
void KMessageBox::errorListWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text, const QStringList &strlist,
const QString &caption, Options options)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Error") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setObjectName( "error" );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Critical, text, strlist, QString(), 0, options);
KMessageBox::detailedError(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption, Options options)
return detailedErrorWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, details, caption, options );
void KMessageBox::detailedErrorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption, Options options)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Error") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Details );
dialog->setObjectName( "error" );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Critical, text, QStringList(), QString(), 0, options, details);
void KMessageBox::queuedDetailedError(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption)
return queuedDetailedErrorWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, details, caption );
void KMessageBox::queuedDetailedErrorWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption)
KMessageBox_queue = true;
(void) detailedErrorWId(parent_id, text, details, caption);
KMessageBox_queue = false;
void KMessageBox::sorry(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, Options options)
return sorryWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, caption, options );
void KMessageBox::sorryWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, Options options)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Sorry") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setObjectName( "sorry" );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Warning, text, QStringList(), QString(), 0, options);
void KMessageBox::detailedSorry(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption, Options options)
return detailedSorryWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, details, caption, options );
void KMessageBox::detailedSorryWId(WId parent_id, const QString &text,
const QString &details,
const QString &caption, Options options)
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Sorry") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Details );
dialog->setObjectName( "sorry" );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Warning, text, QStringList(), QString(), 0, options, details);
void KMessageBox::information(QWidget *parent,const QString &text,
const QString &caption, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
informationList(parent, text, QStringList(), caption, dontShowAgainName, options);
void KMessageBox::informationWId(WId parent_id,const QString &text,
const QString &caption, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
informationListWId(parent_id, text, QStringList(), caption, dontShowAgainName, options);
void KMessageBox::informationList(QWidget *parent,const QString &text, const QStringList & strlist,
const QString &caption, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
return informationListWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, text, strlist, caption,
dontShowAgainName, options );
void KMessageBox::informationListWId(WId parent_id,const QString &text, const QStringList & strlist,
const QString &caption, const QString &dontShowAgainName, Options options)
if ( !shouldBeShownContinue(dontShowAgainName) ) {
QWidget* parent = QWidget::find( parent_id );
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption.isEmpty() ? i18n("Information") : caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setObjectName( "information" );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok);
applyOptions( dialog, options );
if ( options & KMessageBox::PlainCaption ) {
dialog->setPlainCaption( caption );
if ( parent == NULL && parent_id ) {
KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( dialog, parent_id );
bool checkboxResult = false;
createKMessageBox(dialog, QMessageBox::Information, text, strlist,
dontShowAgainName.isEmpty() ? QString() : i18n("Do not show this message again"),
&checkboxResult, options);
if (checkboxResult) {
void KMessageBox::enableAllMessages()
KConfig *config = KMessageBox_againConfig ? KMessageBox_againConfig : KGlobal::config().data();
if (!config->hasGroup("Notification Messages")) {
KConfigGroup cg(config, "Notification Messages" );
typedef QMap<QString, QString> configMap;
const configMap map = cg.entryMap();
configMap::ConstIterator it;
for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
cg.deleteEntry( it.key() );
void KMessageBox::enableMessage(const QString &dontShowAgainName)
KConfig *config = KMessageBox_againConfig ? KMessageBox_againConfig : KGlobal::config().data();
if (!config->hasGroup("Notification Messages")) {
KConfigGroup cg( config, "Notification Messages" );
void KMessageBox::about(QWidget *parent, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, Options options)
QString _caption = caption;
if (_caption.isEmpty()) {
_caption = i18n("About %1", KGlobal::caption());
KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(parent, Qt::Dialog);
dialog->setCaption( caption );
dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setObjectName( "about" );
applyOptions( dialog, options );
dialog->setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
dialog->setEscapeButton( KDialog::Ok );
if (qApp->windowIcon().isNull()) {
QPixmap ret = QMessageBox::standardIcon(QMessageBox::Information);
createKMessageBox(dialog, qApp->windowIcon(), text, QStringList(), QString(), 0, options);
int KMessageBox::messageBox( QWidget *parent, DialogType type, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontShowAskAgainName, Options options )
return messageBoxWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, type, text, caption,
buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontShowAskAgainName, options );
int KMessageBox::messageBoxWId( WId parent_id, DialogType type, const QString &text,
const QString &caption, const KGuiItem &buttonYes,
const KGuiItem &buttonNo, const KGuiItem &buttonCancel,
const QString &dontShow, Options options )
switch (type) {
case QuestionYesNo:
return KMessageBox::questionYesNoWId( parent_id,
text, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, dontShow, options );
case QuestionYesNoCancel:
return KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancelWId( parent_id,
text, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontShow, options );
case WarningYesNo:
return KMessageBox::warningYesNoWId( parent_id,
text, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, dontShow, options );
case WarningContinueCancel:
return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelWId( parent_id,
text, caption, KGuiItem(buttonYes.text()), buttonCancel, dontShow, options );
case WarningYesNoCancel:
return KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelWId( parent_id,
text, caption, buttonYes, buttonNo, buttonCancel, dontShow, options );
case Information:
KMessageBox::informationWId( parent_id,
text, caption, dontShow, options );
return KMessageBox::Ok;
case Error:
KMessageBox::errorWId( parent_id, text, caption, options );
return KMessageBox::Ok;
case Sorry:
KMessageBox::sorryWId( parent_id, text, caption, options );
return KMessageBox::Ok;
return KMessageBox::Cancel;
void KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( QWidget *parent, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &caption, Options options )
return queuedMessageBoxWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, type, text, caption, options );
void KMessageBox::queuedMessageBoxWId( WId parent_id, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &caption, Options options )
KMessageBox_queue = true;
(void) messageBoxWId(parent_id, type, text, caption, KStandardGuiItem::yes(),
KStandardGuiItem::no(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QString(), options);
KMessageBox_queue = false;
void KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( QWidget *parent, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &caption )
return queuedMessageBoxWId( parent ? parent->effectiveWinId() : 0, type, text, caption );
void KMessageBox::queuedMessageBoxWId( WId parent_id, DialogType type, const QString &text, const QString &caption )
KMessageBox_queue = true;
(void) messageBoxWId(parent_id, type, text, caption);
KMessageBox_queue = false;