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111 lines
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* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (c) 2009 John Layt <john@layt.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kcupsoptionssettingswidget_p.h"
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QPrintDialog>
#include <QPrintEngine>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QFrame>
#include <klocale.h>
/** @internal */
KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget( QPrintDialog *parent ) : KCupsOptionsWidget( parent )
//set all the default values
//TODO restore last used values
setSystemSelectsPages( false );
void KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::setupCupsOptions( QStringList &cupsOptions )
if ( m_dialog->printRange() != QAbstractPrintDialog::Selection && pageSet() != AllPages ) {
//If the application is selecting pages and the first page number is even then need to adjust the odd-even accordingly
if ( !m_systemSelectsPages && m_dialog->printRange() == QAbstractPrintDialog::PageRange && ( m_dialog->fromPage() % 2 == 0 ) ) {
if ( pageSet() == OddPages ) setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-set", "even" );
if ( pageSet() == EvenPages ) setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-set", "odd" );
} else {
if ( pageSet() == OddPages ) setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-set", "odd" );
if ( pageSet() == EvenPages ) setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-set", "even" );
if ( m_systemSelectsPages && m_dialog->printRange() == QAbstractPrintDialog::PageRange ) {
setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-ranges", QString("%1-%2").arg( m_dialog->fromPage() ).arg( m_dialog->toPage() ) );
void KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::initPageSet()
m_pageSetCombo = new QComboBox( m_dialog );
m_pageSetCombo->addItem( i18n("All Pages"), QVariant( AllPages ) );
m_pageSetCombo->addItem( i18n("Odd Pages"), QVariant( OddPages ) );
m_pageSetCombo->addItem( i18n("Even Pages"), QVariant( EvenPages ) );
setPageSet( AllPages );
QWidget *settingsWidget = m_dialog->findChild<QWidget*>("gbPrintRange");
if ( settingsWidget ) {
QFrame *pageSetLine = new QFrame();
pageSetLine->setObjectName( QString::fromUtf8("pageSetLine") );
pageSetLine->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
pageSetLine->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
QLabel *pageSetLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Page Set") );
pageSetLabel->setObjectName( QString::fromUtf8("pageSetLabel") );
QHBoxLayout *pageSetLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
pageSetLayout->setObjectName( QString::fromUtf8("pageSetLayout") );
pageSetLayout->addWidget( pageSetLabel );
pageSetLayout->addWidget( m_pageSetCombo );
QBoxLayout *settingsLayout = static_cast<QBoxLayout*>( settingsWidget->layout() );
settingsLayout->insertWidget( 3, pageSetLine );
settingsLayout->insertLayout( 4, pageSetLayout );
void KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::setPageSet( KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::PageSet pageSet )
m_pageSetCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_pageSetCombo->findData( QVariant( pageSet ) ) );
KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::PageSet KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::pageSet() const
return (KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::PageSet) m_pageSetCombo->itemData( m_pageSetCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
void KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::setSystemSelectsPages( bool serverSelectsPages )
m_systemSelectsPages = serverSelectsPages;
bool KCupsOptionsSettingsWidget::systemSelectsPages() const
return m_systemSelectsPages;