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This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2007 Laurent Montel (montel@kde.org)
Copyright (C) 2008 Marijn Kruisselbrink (m.kruisselbrink@student.tue.nl)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kwindowsystem.h"
#include "kwindowinfo_mac_p.h"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kxerrorhandler.h>
#include <QtGui/QBitmap>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QtGui/QDialog>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
// Uncomment the following line to enable the experimental (and not fully functional) window tracking code. Without this
// only the processes/applications are tracked, not the individual windows. This currently is quite broken as I can't
// seem to be able to convince the build system to generate a mov file from both the public header file, and also for this
// private class
static bool operator<(const ProcessSerialNumber& a, const ProcessSerialNumber& b)
if (a.lowLongOfPSN != b.lowLongOfPSN) return a.lowLongOfPSN < b.lowLongOfPSN;
return a.highLongOfPSN < b.highLongOfPSN;
class KWindowSystemPrivate : QObject
QMap<WId, KWindowInfo> windows;
QList<WId> winids; // bah, because KWindowSystem::windows() returns a const reference, we need to keep this separate...
QMap<pid_t, AXObserverRef> newWindowObservers;
QMap<pid_t, AXObserverRef> windowClosedObservers;
QMap<ProcessSerialNumber, WId> processes;
QList<KWindowInfo> nonProcessedWindows;
EventTargetRef m_eventTarget;
EventHandlerUPP m_eventHandler;
EventTypeSpec m_eventType[2];
EventHandlerRef m_curHandler;
void applicationLaunched(const ProcessSerialNumber& psn);
void applicationTerminated(const ProcessSerialNumber& psn);
bool m_noEmit;
bool waitingForTimer;
void newWindow(AXUIElementRef element, void* windowInfoPrivate);
void windowClosed(AXUIElementRef element, void* windowInfoPrivate);
static KWindowSystemPrivate* self() { return KWindowSystem::s_d_func(); }
public slots:
void tryRegisterProcess();
class KWindowSystemStaticContainer {
KWindowSystemStaticContainer() : d (new KWindowSystemPrivate) { }
KWindowSystem kwm;
KWindowSystemPrivate* d;
K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KWindowSystemStaticContainer, g_kwmInstanceContainer)
static OSStatus applicationEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void * inUserData)
KWindowSystemPrivate* d = (KWindowSystemPrivate*) inUserData;
UInt32 kind;
kind = GetEventKind(inEvent);
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
if (GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamProcessID, typeProcessSerialNumber, NULL, sizeof psn, NULL, &psn) != noErr) {
kWarning() << "Error getting event parameter in application event";
return eventNotHandledErr;
if (kind == kEventAppLaunched) {
} else if (kind == kEventAppTerminated) {
return noErr;
static void windowClosedObserver(AXObserverRef observer, AXUIElementRef element, CFStringRef notification, void* refcon)
KWindowSystemPrivate::self()->windowClosed(element, refcon);
static void newWindowObserver(AXObserverRef observer, AXUIElementRef element, CFStringRef notification, void* refcon)
KWindowSystemPrivate::self()->newWindow(element, refcon);
: QObject(0), m_noEmit(true), waitingForTimer(false)
// find all existing windows
ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, kNoProcess};
while (GetNextProcess(&psn) == noErr) {
kDebug(240) << "calling appLaunched for " << psn.lowLongOfPSN << ":" << psn.highLongOfPSN;
m_noEmit = false;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC32
// register callbacks for application launches/quits
m_eventTarget = GetApplicationEventTarget();
m_eventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP(applicationEventHandler);
m_eventType[0].eventClass = kEventClassApplication;
m_eventType[0].eventKind = kEventAppLaunched;
m_eventType[1].eventClass = kEventClassApplication;
m_eventType[1].eventKind = kEventAppTerminated;
if (InstallEventHandler(m_eventTarget, m_eventHandler, 2, m_eventType, this, &m_curHandler) != noErr) {
kDebug(240) << "Installing event handler failed!\n";
#warning port me to Mac64
void KWindowSystemPrivate::applicationLaunched(const ProcessSerialNumber& psn) {
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC32
kDebug(240) << "new app: " << psn.lowLongOfPSN << ":" << psn.highLongOfPSN;
ProcessInfoRec pinfo;
FSSpec appSpec;
pinfo.processInfoLength = sizeof pinfo;
pinfo.processName = 0;
pinfo.processAppSpec = &appSpec;
GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pinfo);
if ((pinfo.processMode & modeOnlyBackground) != 0) return;
// found a process, create a pseudo-window for it
KWindowInfo winfo(0, 0);
windows[winfo.win()] = winfo;
pid_t pid = winfo.d->pid();
processes[psn] = winfo.win();
kDebug(240) << " pid:" << pid;
AXUIElementRef app = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid);
if (!m_noEmit) emit KWindowSystem::self()->windowAdded(winfo.win());
// create an observer and listen for new window events
AXObserverRef observer, newObserver;
OSStatus err;
if (AXObserverCreate(pid, windowClosedObserver, &observer) == noErr) {
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), AXObserverGetRunLoopSource(observer), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
windowClosedObservers[pid] = observer;
if ((err = AXObserverCreate(pid, newWindowObserver, &newObserver)) == noErr) {
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), AXObserverGetRunLoopSource(newObserver), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
newWindowObservers[pid] = newObserver;
if ((err = AXObserverAddNotification(newObserver, app, kAXWindowCreatedNotification, winfo.d)) != noErr) {
kDebug(240) << "Error " << err << " adding notification to observer";
// adding notifier failed, apparently app isn't responding to accesability messages yet
// try it one more time later, and for now just return
QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(tryRegisterProcess()));
} else
kDebug(240) << "Added notification and observer";
} else {
kDebug(240) << "Error creating observer";
CFIndex windowsInApp;
AXUIElementGetAttributeValueCount(app, kAXWindowsAttribute, &windowsInApp);
CFArrayRef array;
AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(app, kAXWindowsAttribute, (CFTypeRef*)&array);
for (CFIndex j = 0; j < windowsInApp; j++) {
AXUIElementRef win = (AXUIElementRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, j);
newWindow(win, winfo.d);
#warning Port me to Mac64
void KWindowSystemPrivate::tryRegisterProcess()
kDebug(240) << "Single-shot timer, trying to register processes";
while (!nonProcessedWindows.empty()) {
KWindowInfo winfo = nonProcessedWindows.takeLast();
pid_t pid = winfo.d->pid();
AXUIElementRef app = winfo.d->axElement();
ProcessSerialNumber psn = winfo.d->psn();
// create an observer and listen for new window events
AXObserverRef observer;
OSStatus err;
observer = newWindowObservers[pid];
if ((err = AXObserverAddNotification(observer, app, kAXWindowCreatedNotification, winfo.d)) != noErr) {
kDebug(240) << "Error " << err << " adding notification to observer";
} else
kDebug(240) << "Added notification and observer";
observer = windowClosedObservers[pid];
CFIndex windowsInApp;
AXUIElementGetAttributeValueCount(app, kAXWindowsAttribute, &windowsInApp);
CFArrayRef array;
AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(app, kAXWindowsAttribute, (CFTypeRef*)&array);
for (CFIndex j = 0; j < windowsInApp; j++) {
AXUIElementRef win = (AXUIElementRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, j);
newWindow(win, winfo.d);
void KWindowSystemPrivate::applicationTerminated(const ProcessSerialNumber& psn)
kDebug(240) << "Terminated PSN: " << psn.lowLongOfPSN << ":" << psn.highLongOfPSN;
WId id = processes[psn];
if (windows.contains(id)) {
KWindowInfo winfo = windows[id];
foreach (KWindowInfo::Private* wi, winfo.d->children) {
emit KWindowSystem::self()->windowRemoved(wi->win);
emit KWindowSystem::self()->windowRemoved(winfo.win());
void KWindowSystemPrivate::windowClosed(AXUIElementRef element, void* refcon)
kDebug(240) << "Received window closed notification";
KWindowInfo::Private* wind = (KWindowInfo::Private*) refcon; // window being closed
KWindowInfo::Private* parent = wind->parent;
if (!m_noEmit) emit KWindowSystem::self()->windowRemoved(wind->win);
void KWindowSystemPrivate::newWindow(AXUIElementRef win, void* refcon)
kDebug(240) << "Received new window notification";
KWindowInfo::Private* winfod = (KWindowInfo::Private*) refcon;
pid_t pid = winfod->pid();
ProcessSerialNumber psn = winfod->psn();
AXObserverRef observer = windowClosedObservers[pid];
KWindowInfo win2(0, 0);
// listen for closed events for this window
if (AXObserverAddNotification(observer, win, kAXUIElementDestroyedNotification, win2.d) != noErr) {
// when we can't receive close events, the window should not be added
kDebug(240) "error adding closed observer to window.";
windows[win2.win()] = win2;
win2.d->parent = winfod;
if (!m_noEmit) emit KWindowSystem::self()->windowAdded(win2.win());
KWindowSystem* KWindowSystem::self()
return &(g_kwmInstanceContainer->kwm);
KWindowSystemPrivate* KWindowSystem::s_d_func()
return g_kwmInstanceContainer->d;
const QList<WId>& KWindowSystem::windows()
KWindowSystemPrivate *d = KWindowSystem::s_d_func();
return d->winids;
bool KWindowSystem::hasWId(WId id)
KWindowSystemPrivate *d = KWindowSystem::s_d_func();
return d->windows.contains(id);
KWindowInfo KWindowSystem::windowInfo( WId win, unsigned long properties, unsigned long properties2 )
KWindowSystemPrivate *d = KWindowSystem::s_d_func();
if (d->windows.contains(win)) {
return d->windows[win];
} else {
return KWindowInfo( win, properties, properties2 );
QList<WId> KWindowSystem::stackingOrder()
QList<WId> lst;
kDebug(240) << "QList<WId> KWindowSystem::stackingOrder() isn't yet implemented!";
return lst;
WId KWindowSystem::activeWindow()
//return something
kDebug(240) << "WId KWindowSystem::activeWindow() isn't yet implemented!";
return 0;
void KWindowSystem::activateWindow( WId win, long time )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::activateWindow( WId win, long time )isn't yet implemented!";
KWindowSystemPrivate *d = KWindowSystem::s_d_func();
if (d->windows.contains(win)) {
ProcessSerialNumber psn = d->windows[win].d->psn();
void KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow( WId win, long time )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow( WId win, long time ) isn't yet implemented!";
activateWindow(win, time);
void KWindowSystem::demandAttention( WId win, bool set )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::demandAttention( WId win, bool set ) isn't yet implemented!";
bool KWindowSystem::compositingActive()
return true;
int KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()
return 1;
int KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops()
return 1;
void KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop( int desktop )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop( int desktop ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops( WId win, bool b )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops( WId win, bool b ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop( WId win, int desktop )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop( WId win, int desktop ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( QWidget* subwindow, WId id )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( QWidget*, WId ) isn't yet implemented!";
QPixmap KWindowSystem::icon( WId win, int width, int height, bool scale )
if (hasWId(win)) {
KWindowInfo info = windowInfo(win, 0);
if (!info.d->loadedData) {
IconRef icon;
SInt16 label;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC32
OSErr err = GetIconRefFromFile(&info.d->iconSpec, &icon, &label);
OSStatus err = GetIconRefFromFileInfo(&info.d->iconSpec, 0, 0,
kIconServicesCatalogInfoMask, 0, kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag, &icon, &label);
if (err != noErr) {
kDebug(240) << "Error getting icon from application";
return QPixmap();
} else {
QPixmap ret(width, height);
ret.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);
CGContextRef ctx = qt_mac_cg_context(&ret);
CGAffineTransform old_xform = CGContextGetCTM(ctx);
CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, CGAffineTransformInvert(old_xform));
CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, CGAffineTransformIdentity);
::RGBColor b;
b.blue = b.green = b.red = 255*255;
PlotIconRefInContext(ctx, &rect, kAlignNone, kTransformNone, &b, kPlotIconRefNormalFlags, icon);
return ret;
} else {
kDebug(240) << "QPixmap KWindowSystem::icon( WId win, int width, int height, bool scale ) isn't yet implemented for local windows!";
return QPixmap();
QPixmap KWindowSystem::icon( WId win, int width, int height, bool scale, int flags )
return icon(win, width, height, scale);
// kDebug(240) << "QPixmap KWindowSystem::icon( WId win, int width, int height, bool scale, int flags ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setIcons( WId win, const QPixmap& icon, const QPixmap& miniIcon )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setIcons( WId win, const QPixmap& icon, const QPixmap& miniIcon ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setType( WId winid, NET::WindowType windowType )
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC32
// not supported for 'global' windows; only for windows in the current process
if (hasWId(winid)) return;
static WindowGroupRef desktopGroup = 0;
static WindowGroupRef dockGroup = 0;
WindowRef win = HIViewGetWindow( (HIViewRef) winid );
//TODO: implement other types than Desktop and Dock
if (windowType != NET::Desktop && windowType != NET::Dock) {
kDebug(240) << "setType( WId win, NET::WindowType windowType ) isn't yet implemented for the type you requested!";
if (windowType == NET::Desktop) {
if (!desktopGroup) {
CreateWindowGroup(0, &desktopGroup);
SetWindowGroupLevel(desktopGroup, kCGDesktopIconWindowLevel);
SetWindowGroup(win, desktopGroup);
} else if (windowType == NET::Dock) {
if (!dockGroup) {
CreateWindowGroup(0, &dockGroup);
SetWindowGroupLevel(dockGroup, kCGDockWindowLevel);
SetWindowGroup(win, dockGroup);
ChangeWindowAttributes(win, kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute, kWindowNoAttributes);
#warning port me to Mac64
void KWindowSystem::setState( WId win, unsigned long state )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setState( WId win, unsigned long state ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::clearState( WId win, unsigned long state )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::clearState( WId win, unsigned long state ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::minimizeWindow( WId win, bool animation)
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::minimizeWindow( WId win, bool animation) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow( WId win, bool animation )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow( WId win, bool animation ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::raiseWindow( WId win )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::raiseWindow( WId win ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::lowerWindow( WId win )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::lowerWindow( WId win ) isn't yet implemented!";
bool KWindowSystem::icccmCompliantMappingState()
return false;
QRect KWindowSystem::workArea( int desktop )
kDebug(240) << "QRect KWindowSystem::workArea( int desktop ) isn't yet implemented!";
return QRect();
QRect KWindowSystem::workArea( const QList<WId>& exclude, int desktop )
kDebug(240) << "QRect KWindowSystem::workArea( const QList<WId>& exclude, int desktop ) isn't yet implemented!";
return QRect();
QString KWindowSystem::desktopName( int desktop )
return i18n("Desktop %1", desktop );
void KWindowSystem::setDesktopName( int desktop, const QString& name )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setDesktopName( int desktop, const QString& name ) isn't yet implemented!";
bool KWindowSystem::showingDesktop()
return false;
void KWindowSystem::setUserTime( WId win, long time )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setUserTime( WId win, long time ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut( WId win, int left_width, int left_start, int left_end,
int right_width, int right_start, int right_end, int top_width, int top_start, int top_end,
int bottom_width, int bottom_start, int bottom_end )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::setStrut( WId win, int left, int right, int top, int bottom )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::setStrut isn't yet implemented!";
bool KWindowSystem::allowedActionsSupported()
return false;
QString KWindowSystem::readNameProperty( WId window, unsigned long atom )
kDebug(240) << "QString KWindowSystem::readNameProperty( WId window, unsigned long atom ) isn't yet implemented!";
return QString();
void KWindowSystem::doNotManage( const QString& title )
kDebug(240) << "KWindowSystem::doNotManage( const QString& title ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::connectNotify( const char* signal )
kDebug(240) << "connectNotify( const char* signal ) isn't yet implemented!";
void KWindowSystem::allowExternalProcessWindowActivation( int pid )
// Needed on mac ?
void KWindowSystem::setBlockingCompositing( WId window, bool active )
kDebug() << "setBlockingCompositing( WId window, bool active ) isn't yet implemented!";
#include "moc_kwindowsystem.cpp"