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// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com)
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Maksim Orlovich (maksim@kde.org)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ExecState.h" // For codetype... Kinda odd.
#include "opcodes.h"
#include "bytecode/opargs.h"
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
using WTF::HashSet;
using WTF::HashMap;
using WTF::Vector;
namespace KJS {
class RegDescriptor;
class FunctionBodyNode;
enum CompileType
class CompileState
CompileState(CodeType ctype, CompileType compType, FunctionBodyNode* fbody, Register initialMaxTemp):
localScopeVal(0), thisVal(0), globalScopeVal(0), evalResRegister(0),
ctype(ctype), compType(compType), locals(initialMaxTemp, 0), initialMaxTemp(initialMaxTemp),
maxTemp(initialMaxTemp), fbody(fbody), scopeDepth(0), finallyDepth(0), neededClosures(false)
{ }
FunctionBodyNode* functionBody() {
return fbody;
CodeType codeType() const {
return ctype;
CodeBlock& codeBlock();
CompileType compileType() const {
return compType;
// Returns true if the register is a formal temporary.
bool isTemporaryReg(Register regNum) {
return regNum >= initialMaxTemp;
// We distinguish two kinds of temporaries --- markable and not. They'll get
// corresponding bits set in localStore when that's initialized.
void requestTemporary(OpType type, OpValue* value, OpValue* reference);
// This method is used to acquire a read value of a local...
OpValue localReadVal(Register regNum);
// And this one returns a reference, acquiring it for (immediate) write.
// If there are any active read copies, we will backup the old value to
// a temporary, and petchup their register descriptor to point to the backup.
OpValue localWriteRef(CodeBlock& block, Register regNum);
// This forces all live locals to temporaries.
void localFlushAll(CodeBlock& block);
// This sets the registers containing the local scope and
// 'this' values... It should be the rvalue, not the regnums
void setPreloadRegs(OpValue* localReg, OpValue* globalReg, OpValue* thisReg) {
localScopeVal = localReg;
globalScopeVal = globalReg;
thisVal = thisReg;
OpValue* localScope() {
return localScopeVal;
OpValue* thisValue() {
return thisVal;
OpValue* globalScope() {
return globalScopeVal;
void setEvalResultRegister(OpValue* val) {
evalResRegister = val;
OpValue* evalResultReg() {
return evalResRegister;
// To properly implement operations like continue and break, we need to keep track whether we
// are nested inside with, try-catch and try-finally operations.
// This serves two purposes:
// 1) if we're not jumping out of a try-finally, we have to unwind the cleanup stacks
// 2) if we're inside a try-finally, we have to jump to the finally and not
// do the normal operation (this applies to return as well)
// Also, if we're inside a 'with' or a catch we cannot optimize local variable access.
enum NestType {
void pushNest(NestType type, Node* node = 0);
void popNest ();
struct NestInfo {
NestType type;
Node* node;
bool inNestedScope() {
return scopeDepth > 0;
bool inTryFinally() {
return finallyDepth > 0;
const WTF::Vector<NestInfo>& nestStack() {
return nests;
// Some constructs can be detected at compile time to involve
// taking of closures. We keep track of that and avoid stack-allocation
// if those are present.
bool needsClosures() {
return neededClosures;
void setNeedsClosures() {
neededClosures = true;
// Label stuff....
// Registers a pending label. Returns true if the label is OK, false if it's a duplicate.
// If it fails, the label stack isn't touched!
bool pushLabel(const Identifier& label);
void popLabel();
// Binds all the labels to the given node
void bindLabels(Node* node);
// Returns destination for the label (node will be 0 if not found)
Node* resolveContinueLabel(Identifier label);
Node* resolveBreakLabel (Identifier label);
// Sets the targets for break/continues w/o label name
void pushDefaultBreak (Node* node);
void pushDefaultContinue(Node* node);
void popDefaultBreak ();
void popDefaultContinue();
// Helpers for these and resolvePendingBreak
void enterLoop(Node* node) {
pushNest(ContBreakTarget, node);
void exitLoop(Node* node) {
resolvePendingBreaks(node, CodeGen::nextPC(this));
// Adds break/continue as needing relevant target for given node
void addPendingBreak (Node* node, Addr addr);
void addPendingContinue(Node* node, Addr addr);
// Patches up all pending break/continue statements to given destination.
// LabelNode takes care of the breaks itself, the loops need to deal
// with continue, though.
void resolvePendingBreaks (Node* node, Addr dest);
void resolvePendingContinues(Node* node, Addr dest);
OpValue* localScopeVal;
OpValue* thisVal;
OpValue* globalScopeVal;
OpValue* evalResRegister;
CodeType ctype;
CompileType compType;
// Makes sure that any values of a local are
void flushLocal(CodeBlock& block, Register reg);
friend class RegDescriptor;
WTF::Vector<RegDescriptor*> locals;
WTF::Vector<RegDescriptor*> freeMarkTemps;
WTF::Vector<RegDescriptor*> freeNonMarkTemps;
Register initialMaxTemp;
Register maxTemp;
FunctionBodyNode* fbody;
void reuse(RegDescriptor* desc, bool markable) {
if (markable)
// Cached version of #of Scopes's from below.
int scopeDepth;
// Cached version of #of Finally's from below...
int finallyDepth;
WTF::Vector<NestInfo> nests;
// This is true if we see code constructs that require taking a closure
// inside here, which means we should not stack-allocate activations.
bool neededClosures;
// Label resolution..
WTF::HashSet<Identifier> seenLabels; // all labels we're inside
WTF::Vector <Identifier> seenLabelsStack;
WTF::Vector <Identifier> pendingLabels; // labels tha that haven't been bound to
// a statement yet.
// Targets for continue/break w/o destination.
WTF::Vector<Node*> defaultBreakTargets;
WTF::Vector<Node*> defaultContinueTargets;
// Named label targets
WTF::HashMap<Identifier, Node*> labelTargets;
WTF::HashMap<Node*, WTF::Vector<Addr>* > pendingBreaks;
WTF::HashMap<Node*, WTF::Vector<Addr>* > pendingContinues;
// We used register descriptors for two reasons:
// 1) For temporaries, we ref-counted them by OpValue in order to manage their lifetime
// 2) For locals, we use them to do COW of values...
class RegDescriptor
RegDescriptor(CompileState* owner, Register reg, bool markable, bool temp = true):
owner(owner), regNo(reg), temp(temp), markable(markable), killed(false), refCount(0)
Register reg() const {
return regNo;
void ref() {
void deref() {
if (refCount == 0) {
if (killed)
delete this;
else if (temp)
owner->reuse(this, markable);
bool live() {
return refCount > 0;
void adopt(RegDescriptor* other) {
// Make this point to the same as an another descriptor, which is about to die..
temp = other->temp;
markable = other->markable;
regNo = other->regNo;
// Mark the other descriptor as killed, as we took ownership of this.
other->killed = true;
CompileState* owner;
Register regNo;
bool temp;
bool markable;
bool killed;
int refCount;
inline OpValue OpValue::immInt32(int32_t in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_int32);
res.value.narrow.int32Val = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immNumber(double in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_number);
res.value.wide.numberVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immValue(JSValue* in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_value);
res.value.wide.valueVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immBool(bool in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_bool);
res.value.narrow.boolVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immString(UString* in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_string);
res.value.wide.stringVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immIdent(Identifier* in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_ident);
res.value.wide.identVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immNode(KJS::Node* in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_node);
res.value.wide.nodeVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immCStr(const char* in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_cstr);
res.value.wide.cstrVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue OpValue::immAddr(Addr in) {
OpValue res;
initImm(&res, OpType_addr);
res.value.narrow.addrVal = in;
return res;
inline OpValue::OpValue(): type(OpType_void) {} // since should never occur as an argument..
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