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synced 2025-02-23 18:32:49 +00:00
497 lines
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497 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2006 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kservicetest.h"
#include <qtest_kde.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kdesktopfile.h>
#include <ksycoca.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kservicegroup.h>
#include <kservicetypetrader.h>
#include <kservicetype.h>
#include <QtCore/qprocess.h>
#include <QtCore/qthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
void KServiceTest::initTestCase()
// A non-C locale is necessary for some tests.
// This locale must have the following properties:
// - some character other than dot as decimal separator
m_hasNonCLocale = !KStandardDirs::locate("locale", "fr/kdelibs4.tr").isEmpty();
if (m_hasNonCLocale) {
kDebug() << "Setting locale to fr_FR.UTF-8";
::setenv("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8", 1);
} else {
kWarning() << "fr_FR.UTF-8 locale no available";
m_hasKde4Konsole = false;
// Create some fake services for the tests below, and ensure they are in ksycoca.
// fakeservice: deleted and recreated by testKSycocaUpdate, don't use in other tests
bool mustUpdateKSycoca = !KService::serviceByDesktopPath("fakeservice.desktop");
const QString fakeService = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", "fakeservice.desktop");
if (!QFile::exists(fakeService)) {
mustUpdateKSycoca = true;
// fakepart: a readwrite part, like katepart
if (!KService::serviceByDesktopPath("fakepart.desktop")) {
mustUpdateKSycoca = true;
const QString fakePart = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", "fakepart.desktop");
if (!QFile::exists(fakePart)) {
mustUpdateKSycoca = true;
KDesktopFile file(fakePart);
KConfigGroup group = file.desktopGroup();
group.writeEntry("Name", "FakePart");
group.writeEntry("Type", "Service");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-Library", "fakepart");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-Protocols", "http,ftp");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-ServiceTypes", "KParts/ReadOnlyPart,KParts/ReadWritePart");
group.writeEntry("MimeType", "text/plain;text/html;");
// faketextplugin: a ktexteditor plugin
if (!KService::serviceByDesktopPath("faketextplugin.desktop")) {
mustUpdateKSycoca = true;
const QString fakeTextplugin = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", "faketextplugin.desktop");
if (!QFile::exists(fakeTextplugin)) {
mustUpdateKSycoca = true;
KDesktopFile file(fakeTextplugin);
KConfigGroup group = file.desktopGroup();
group.writeEntry("Name", "FakeTextPlugin");
group.writeEntry("Type", "Service");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-Library", "faketextplugin");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-ServiceTypes", "KTextEditor/Plugin");
group.writeEntry("MimeType", "text/plain;");
if ( mustUpdateKSycoca ) {
// Update ksycoca in ~/.kde-unit-test after creating the above
QProcess::execute( KStandardDirs::findExe(KBUILDSYCOCA_EXENAME), QStringList() << "--noincremental" );
kDebug() << "waiting for signal";
QVERIFY(QTest::kWaitForSignal(KSycoca::self(), SIGNAL(databaseChanged(QStringList)), 10000));
kDebug() << "got signal";
void KServiceTest::cleanupTestCase()
// If I want the konqueror unit tests to work, then I better not have a non-working part
// as the preferred part for text/plain...
QStringList services; services << "fakeservice.desktop" << "fakepart.desktop" << "faketextplugin.desktop";
Q_FOREACH(const QString& service, services) {
const QString fakeService = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", service);
QProcess proc;
proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); // silence kbuildsycoca output
void KServiceTest::testByName()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP( "ksycoca not available", SkipAll );
KServiceType::Ptr s0 = KServiceType::serviceType("KParts/ReadOnlyPart");
QVERIFY( s0 );
QCOMPARE( s0->name(), QString::fromLatin1("KParts/ReadOnlyPart") );
KService::Ptr kfilemetadataplugin = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("kfilemetadata_epub.desktop");
if (kfilemetadataplugin) {
QCOMPARE( kfilemetadataplugin->name(), QString::fromLatin1("KFileMetaDataEPubPlugin"));
} else {
qWarning("Skipping test for kfilemetadata_epub.desktop, not found. kdelibs not installed?");
void KServiceTest::testProperty()
KService::Ptr kdedkaudioplayer = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("kded/kaudioplayer.desktop");
QCOMPARE(kdedkaudioplayer->entryPath(), QString("kded/kaudioplayer.desktop"));
QCOMPARE(kdedkaudioplayer->property("ServiceTypes").toStringList().join(","), QString("KDEDModule"));
QCOMPARE(kdedkaudioplayer->property("X-KDE-Kded-autoload").toBool(), false);
QCOMPARE(kdedkaudioplayer->property("X-KDE-Kded-load-on-demand").toBool(), true);
QVERIFY(!kdedkaudioplayer->property("Name[fr]", QVariant::String).isValid());
// Test property("X-KDE-Protocols"), which triggers the KServiceReadProperty code.
KService::Ptr fakePart = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("fakepart.desktop");
QVERIFY(fakePart); // see initTestCase; it should be found.
QCOMPARE(fakePart->mimeTypes(), QStringList() << "text/plain" << "text/html"); // okular relies on subclasses being kept here
const QStringList protocols = fakePart->property("X-KDE-Protocols").toStringList();
QCOMPARE(protocols, QStringList() << "http" << "ftp");
void KServiceTest::testAllServiceTypes()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP( "ksycoca not available", SkipAll );
const KServiceType::List allServiceTypes = KServiceType::allServiceTypes();
// A bit of checking on the allServiceTypes list itself
KServiceType::List::ConstIterator stit = allServiceTypes.begin();
const KServiceType::List::ConstIterator stend = allServiceTypes.end();
for ( ; stit != stend; ++stit ) {
const KServiceType::Ptr servtype = (*stit);
const QString name = servtype->name();
QVERIFY( !name.isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( servtype->sycocaType() == KST_KServiceType );
void KServiceTest::testAllServices()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP( "ksycoca not available", SkipAll );
const KService::List lst = KService::allServices();
QVERIFY( !lst.isEmpty() );
for ( KService::List::ConstIterator it = lst.begin();
it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
const KService::Ptr service = (*it);
QVERIFY( service->isType( KST_KService ) );
const QString name = service->name();
const QString entryPath = service->entryPath();
//kDebug() << name << "entryPath=" << entryPath << "menuId=" << service->menuId();
QVERIFY( !name.isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( !entryPath.isEmpty() );
KService::Ptr lookedupService = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( entryPath );
QVERIFY( lookedupService ); // not null
QCOMPARE( lookedupService->entryPath(), entryPath );
if ( service->isApplication() )
const QString menuId = service->menuId();
if ( menuId.isEmpty() )
qWarning( "%s has an empty menuId!", qPrintable( entryPath ) );
else if ( menuId == "kde4-konsole.desktop" )
m_hasKde4Konsole = true;
QVERIFY( !menuId.isEmpty() );
lookedupService = KService::serviceByMenuId( menuId );
QVERIFY( lookedupService ); // not null
QCOMPARE( lookedupService->menuId(), menuId );
// Helper method for all the trader tests
static bool offerListHasService( const KService::List& offers,
const QString& entryPath )
bool found = false;
KService::List::const_iterator it = offers.begin();
for ( ; it != offers.end() ; ++it )
if ( (*it)->entryPath() == entryPath ) {
if( found ) { // should be there only once
qWarning( "ERROR: %s was found twice in the list", qPrintable( entryPath ) );
return false; // make test fail
found = true;
return found;
void KServiceTest::testByStorageId()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP("ksycoca not available", SkipAll);
if (KGlobal::dirs()->locate("xdgdata-apps", "kde4/kmailservice.desktop").isEmpty()) {
QSKIP("kde4/kmailservice.desktop not available", SkipAll);
QVERIFY(!KService::serviceByMenuId("kde4-kmailservice")); // doesn't work, extension mandatory
//QVERIFY(!KService::serviceByStorageId("kde4-kmailservice")); // doesn't work, extension mandatory; also shows a debug
// This one fails here; probably because there are two such files, so this would be too
// ambiguous... According to the testAllServices output, the entryPaths are
// entryPath="/d/kde/inst/kde4/share/applications/kde4/kmailservice.desktop"
// entryPath= "/usr/share/applications/kde4/kmailservice.desktop"
// This could fail if it finds the kde3 kmailservice from /usr/share. But who still has kde3 :-)
QCOMPARE(KService::serviceByDesktopName("kmailservice")->menuId(), QString("kde4-kmailservice.desktop"));
void KServiceTest::testServiceTypeTraderForReadOnlyPart()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP( "ksycoca not available", SkipAll );
// Querying trader for services associated with KParts/ReadOnlyPart
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KParts/ReadOnlyPart");
QVERIFY( offers.count() > 0 );
//foreach( KService::Ptr service, offers )
// qDebug( "%s %s", qPrintable( service->name() ), qPrintable( service->entryPath() ) );
m_firstOffer = offers[0]->entryPath();
// Only test for parts provided by kdelibs, or better, by this unittest:
QVERIFY( offerListHasService( offers, "fakepart.desktop" ) );
// Check ordering according to InitialPreference
int lastPreference = -1;
bool lastAllowedAsDefault = true;
Q_FOREACH(KService::Ptr service, offers) {
const QString path = service->entryPath();
const int preference = service->initialPreference(); // ## might be wrong if we use per-servicetype preferences...
//qDebug( "%s has preference %d, allowAsDefault=%d", qPrintable( path ), preference, service->allowAsDefault() );
if ( lastAllowedAsDefault && !service->allowAsDefault() ) {
// first "not allowed as default" offer
lastAllowedAsDefault = false;
lastPreference = -1; // restart
if ( lastPreference != -1 )
QVERIFY( preference <= lastPreference );
lastPreference = preference;
// Now look for any KTextEditor/Plugin
offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KTextEditor/Plugin");
QVERIFY( offerListHasService( offers, "fakeservice.desktop" ) );
QVERIFY( offerListHasService( offers, "faketextplugin.desktop" ) );
void KServiceTest::testTraderConstraints()
if ( !KSycoca::isAvailable() )
QSKIP( "ksycoca not available", SkipAll );
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KTextEditor/Plugin", "Library == 'faketextplugin'");
QCOMPARE(offers.count(), 1);
QVERIFY( offerListHasService( offers, "faketextplugin.desktop" ) );
if (m_hasNonCLocale) {
// Test float parsing, must use dot as decimal separator independent of locale.
offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KTextEditor/Plugin", "([X-KDE-Version] > 4.559) and ([X-KDE-Version] < 4.561)");
QCOMPARE(offers.count(), 1);
QVERIFY(offerListHasService( offers, "fakeservice.desktop"));
// A test with an invalid query, to test for memleaks
offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KTextEditor/Plugin", "A == B OR C == D AND OR Foo == 'Parse Error'");
void KServiceTest::testHasServiceType1() // with services constructed with a full path (rare)
QString fakepartPath = KStandardDirs::locate( "services", "fakepart.desktop" );
QVERIFY( !fakepartPath.isEmpty() );
KService fakepart( fakepartPath );
QVERIFY( fakepart.hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
QVERIFY( fakepart.hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadWritePart" ) );
QCOMPARE(fakepart.mimeTypes(), QStringList() << "text/plain" << "text/html");
QString faketextPluginPath = KStandardDirs::locate( "services", "faketextplugin.desktop" );
QVERIFY( !faketextPluginPath.isEmpty() );
KService faketextPlugin( faketextPluginPath );
QVERIFY( faketextPlugin.hasServiceType( "KTextEditor/Plugin" ) );
QVERIFY( !faketextPlugin.hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
void KServiceTest::testHasServiceType2() // with services coming from ksycoca
KService::Ptr fakepart = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( "fakepart.desktop" );
QVERIFY( !fakepart.isNull() );
QVERIFY( fakepart->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
QVERIFY( fakepart->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadWritePart" ) );
QCOMPARE(fakepart->mimeTypes(), QStringList() << "text/plain" << "text/html");
KService::Ptr faketextPlugin = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( "faketextplugin.desktop" );
QVERIFY( !faketextPlugin.isNull() );
QVERIFY( faketextPlugin->hasServiceType( "KTextEditor/Plugin" ) );
QVERIFY( !faketextPlugin->hasServiceType( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ) );
void KServiceTest::testActionsAndDataStream()
const QString servicePath = KStandardDirs::locate( "services", "ServiceMenus/ark_servicemenu.desktop" );
if (servicePath.isEmpty() )
QSKIP("kde-extraapps not installed, ark_servicemenu.desktop not found", SkipAll);
KService service( servicePath );
QVERIFY(!service.property("Name[fr]", QVariant::String).isValid());
const QList<KServiceAction> actions = service.actions();
QCOMPARE(actions.count(), 3);
const KServiceAction setupAction = actions[0];
QCOMPARE(setupAction.name(), QString("arkAutoExtractHere"));
QCOMPARE(setupAction.exec(), QString("ark --batch --autodestination --autosubfolder %F"));
QCOMPARE(setupAction.icon(), QString("ark"));
QCOMPARE(setupAction.noDisplay(), false);
const KServiceAction extractHereAction = actions[2];
QCOMPARE(extractHereAction.name(), QString("arkExtractHere"));
QByteArray data;
QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QDataStream loadingStream(data);
// loading must first get type, see KSycocaEntryPrivate::save
// (the path that save writes out, is read by the KSycocaEntryPrivate ctor)
qint32 type;
loadingStream >> type;
KService loadedService(loadingStream, 0);
QCOMPARE(loadedService.name(), service.name());
QCOMPARE(loadedService.exec(), service.exec());
QCOMPARE(loadedService.actions().count(), 3);
void KServiceTest::testServiceGroups()
KServiceGroup::Ptr root = KServiceGroup::root();
qDebug() << root->groupEntries().count();
KServiceGroup::Ptr group = root;
const KServiceGroup::List list = group->entries(true /* sorted */,
true /* exclude no display entries */,
false /* allow separators */,
true /* sort by generic name */);
kDebug() << list.count();
Q_FOREACH(KServiceGroup::SPtr s, list) {
qDebug() << s->name() << s->entryPath();
// No unit test here yet, but at least this can be valgrinded for errors.
void KServiceTest::testKSycocaUpdate()
connect(KSycoca::self(), SIGNAL(databaseChanged(QStringList)), this, SLOT(slotDBUpdate(QStringList)));
KService::Ptr fakeService = KService::serviceByDesktopPath("fakeservice.desktop");
QVERIFY(fakeService); // see initTestCase; it should be found.
// Test deleting a service
const QString servPath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", "fakeservice.desktop");
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "executing kbuildsycoca";
QProcess::execute( KStandardDirs::findExe(KBUILDSYCOCA_EXENAME) );
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "done";
QVERIFY(QTest::kWaitForSignal(KSycoca::self(), SIGNAL(databaseChanged(QStringList)), 10000));
QVERIFY(!KService::serviceByDesktopPath("fakeservice.desktop")); // not in ksycoca anymore
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "got signal ok";
QVERIFY(fakeService); // the whole point of refcounting is that this KService instance is still valid.
// Recreate it, for future tests
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "executing kbuildsycoca (2)";
QProcess::execute( KStandardDirs::findExe(KBUILDSYCOCA_EXENAME) );
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "done (2)";
QVERIFY(QTest::kWaitForSignal(KSycoca::self(), SIGNAL(databaseChanged(QStringList)), 10000));
kDebug() << QThread::currentThread() << "got signal ok (2)";
void KServiceTest::createFakeService()
const QString fakeService = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("services", "fakeservice.desktop");
KDesktopFile file(fakeService);
KConfigGroup group = file.desktopGroup();
group.writeEntry("Name", "FakePlugin");
group.writeEntry("Type", "Service");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-Library", "fakeservice");
group.writeEntry("X-KDE-Version", "4.56");
group.writeEntry("ServiceTypes", "KTextEditor/Plugin");
group.writeEntry("MimeType", "text/plain;");
// Testing for concurrent access to ksycoca from multiple threads
// It's especially interesting to run this test as ./kservicetest testThreads
// so that even the ksycoca initialization is happening from N threads at the same time.
// Use valgrind --tool=helgrind to see the race conditions.
void KServiceTest::testReaderThreads()
std::future<void> future1 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
std::future<void> future2 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
std::future<void> future3 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
std::future<void> future4 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testHasServiceType1, this);
std::future<void> future5 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
std::future<void> future6 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
kDebug() << "Joining all threads";
void KServiceTest::testThreads()
std::future<void> future1 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testAllServices, this);
std::future<void> future2 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testHasServiceType1, this);
std::future<void> future3 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testKSycocaUpdate, this);
std::future<void> future4 = std::async(std::launch::async, &KServiceTest::testTraderConstraints, this);
while (future3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)) == std::future_status::timeout) {
QTest::qWait(100); // process D-Bus events!
kDebug() << "Waiting";
kDebug() << "Joining all threads";
void KServiceTest::slotDBUpdate(const QStringList &resources)
// qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << resources;
m_resourcesUpdated = resources;
#include "moc_kservicetest.cpp"