METADATA ======== Applications can provide "metadata" to the slaves. Metadata can influence the behavior of a slave and is usally protocol dependent. MetaData consists of two strings: a "key" and a "value". Please note that when internal meta-data values are sent back to ioslaves, the keyword used to mark them internal will be stripped from the key name. The following keys are currently in use: Key Value(s) Description ---- -------- ----------- modified string The modification date of the document (set by kio before put) accept string List of mimetypes to accept separated by a ", ". (read by curl) UserAgent string The user agent name to send to remote host (read by curl) window-id number winId() of the window the request is associated with. resume number Try to get the file starting at the given offset (set by file_copy when finding a .part file, but can also be set by apps.) Charset string Charset(s) send in the "Accept-Charset:" HTTP Request Header. Languages string Language(s) send in the "Accept-Language:" HTTP Request Header. Authorization string Authorization send in the "Authorization:" HTTP Request Header. no-auth bool Flag that indicates that no authentication (neither WWW nor proxy) attempts should be made. no-www-auth bool Flag that indicates that no HTTP WWW authentication attempts should be made. no-proxy-auth bool Flag that indicates that no HTTP proxy authentication attempts should be made. no-auth-prompt bool Flag that indicates that only cached authentication tokens should be used. recurse bool When true, del() will be able to delete non-empty directories. Otherwise, del() is supposed to give an error on non-empty directories. (read by file) DefaultRemoteProtocol string Protocol to redirect file:/// URLs to, default is "sftp" (read by file) redirect-to-get bool If "true", changes a redrirection request to a GET operation regardless of the original operation. ** NOTE: Anything in quotes ("") under Value(s) indicates literal value. Examples: E.g. the following turns redirect into get request: job = KIO::get( KUrl("") ); job->addMetaData("redirect-to-get", "true");