/** * QImageIO Routines to read/write JPEG2000 images. * copyright (c) 2002 Michael Ritzert * * This library is distributed under the conditions of the GNU LGPL. */ #include "jp2.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include #include #include // dirty, but avoids a warning because jasper.h includes jas_config.h. #undef PACKAGE #undef VERSION #include // code taken in parts from JasPer's jiv.c #define DEFAULT_RATE 0.10 #define MAXCMPTS 256 /************************* JasPer QIODevice stream ***********************/ //unfortunately this is declared as static in JasPer libraries static jas_stream_t *jas_stream_create() { jas_stream_t *stream; if (!(stream = (jas_stream_t*)jas_malloc(sizeof(jas_stream_t)))) { return 0; } stream->openmode_ = 0; stream->bufmode_ = 0; stream->flags_ = 0; stream->bufbase_ = 0; stream->bufstart_ = 0; stream->bufsize_ = 0; stream->ptr_ = 0; stream->cnt_ = 0; stream->ops_ = 0; stream->obj_ = 0; stream->rwcnt_ = 0; stream->rwlimit_ = -1; return stream; } //unfortunately this is declared as static in JasPer libraries static void jas_stream_initbuf(jas_stream_t *stream, int bufmode, char *buf, int bufsize) { /* If this function is being called, the buffer should not have been initialized yet. */ assert(!stream->bufbase_); if (bufmode != JAS_STREAM_UNBUF) { /* The full- or line-buffered mode is being employed. */ if (!buf) { /* The caller has not specified a buffer to employ, so allocate one. */ if ((stream->bufbase_ = (unsigned char*)jas_malloc(JAS_STREAM_BUFSIZE + JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK))) { stream->bufmode_ |= JAS_STREAM_FREEBUF; stream->bufsize_ = JAS_STREAM_BUFSIZE; } else { /* The buffer allocation has failed. Resort to unbuffered operation. */ stream->bufbase_ = stream->tinybuf_; stream->bufsize_ = 1; } } else { /* The caller has specified a buffer to employ. */ /* The buffer must be large enough to accommodate maximum putback. */ assert(bufsize > JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK); stream->bufbase_ = JAS_CAST(uchar *, buf); stream->bufsize_ = bufsize - JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK; } } else { /* The unbuffered mode is being employed. */ /* A buffer should not have been supplied by the caller. */ assert(!buf); /* Use a trivial one-character buffer. */ stream->bufbase_ = stream->tinybuf_; stream->bufsize_ = 1; } stream->bufstart_ = &stream->bufbase_[JAS_STREAM_MAXPUTBACK]; stream->ptr_ = stream->bufstart_; stream->cnt_ = 0; stream->bufmode_ |= bufmode & JAS_STREAM_BUFMODEMASK; } static int qiodevice_read(jas_stream_obj_t *obj, char *buf, unsigned cnt) { QIODevice *io = (QIODevice*) obj; return io->read(buf, cnt); } static int qiodevice_write(jas_stream_obj_t *obj, const char *buf, unsigned cnt) { QIODevice *io = (QIODevice*) obj; return io->write(buf, cnt); } static long qiodevice_seek(jas_stream_obj_t *obj, long offset, int origin) { QIODevice *io = (QIODevice*) obj; long newpos; switch (origin) { case SEEK_SET: newpos = offset; break; case SEEK_END: newpos = io->size() - offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: newpos = io->pos() + offset; break; default: return -1; } if (newpos < 0) { return -1; } if ( io->seek(newpos) ) return newpos; else return -1; } static int qiodevice_close(jas_stream_obj_t *) { return 0; } static jas_stream_ops_t jas_stream_qiodeviceops = { qiodevice_read, qiodevice_write, qiodevice_seek, qiodevice_close }; static jas_stream_t *jas_stream_qiodevice(QIODevice *iodevice) { jas_stream_t *stream; if ( !iodevice ) return 0; if (!(stream = jas_stream_create())) { return 0; } /* A stream associated with a memory buffer is always opened for both reading and writing in binary mode. */ stream->openmode_ = JAS_STREAM_READ | JAS_STREAM_WRITE | JAS_STREAM_BINARY; jas_stream_initbuf(stream, JAS_STREAM_FULLBUF, 0, 0); /* Select the operations for a memory stream. */ stream->obj_ = (void *)iodevice; stream->ops_ = &jas_stream_qiodeviceops; return stream; } /************************ End of JasPer QIODevice stream ****************/ typedef struct { jas_image_t* image; int cmptlut[MAXCMPTS]; jas_image_t* altimage; } gs_t; static jas_image_t* read_image( QIODevice* io ) { jas_stream_t* in = 0; in = jas_stream_qiodevice( io ); if( !in ) return 0; jas_image_t* image = jas_image_decode( in, -1, 0 ); jas_stream_close( in ); // image may be 0, but that's Ok return image; } // read_image static bool convert_colorspace( gs_t& gs ) { jas_cmprof_t *outprof = jas_cmprof_createfromclrspc( JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB ); if( !outprof ) return false; gs.altimage = jas_image_chclrspc( gs.image, outprof, JAS_CMXFORM_INTENT_PER ); if( !gs.altimage ) return false; return true; } // convert_colorspace static bool render_view( gs_t& gs, QImage* outImage ) { if ( !gs.altimage ) return false; QImage qti; if((gs.cmptlut[0] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(gs.altimage, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_R))) < 0 || (gs.cmptlut[1] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(gs.altimage, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_G))) < 0 || (gs.cmptlut[2] = jas_image_getcmptbytype(gs.altimage, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_B))) < 0) { return false; } // if const int* cmptlut = gs.cmptlut; int v[3]; // check that all components have the same size. const int width = jas_image_cmptwidth( gs.altimage, cmptlut[0] ); const int height = jas_image_cmptheight( gs.altimage, cmptlut[0] ); for( int i = 1; i < 3; ++i ) { if (jas_image_cmptwidth( gs.altimage, cmptlut[i] ) != width || jas_image_cmptheight( gs.altimage, cmptlut[i] ) != height) return false; } // for jas_matrix_t *cmptmatrix[3]; jas_seqent_t *buf[3]; int prec[3]; for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { prec[k] = jas_image_cmptprec(gs.altimage, cmptlut[k]); if (!(cmptmatrix[k] = jas_matrix_create(1, width))) { return false; } } qti = QImage( jas_image_width( gs.altimage ), jas_image_height( gs.altimage ), QImage::Format_RGB32 ); if (qti.isNull()) { return false; } uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*)qti.bits(); for( int y = 0; y < height; ++y ) { for( int k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { if (jas_image_readcmpt(gs.altimage, cmptlut[k], 0, y, width, 1, cmptmatrix[k])) { return false; } buf[k] = jas_matrix_getref(cmptmatrix[k], 0, 0); } for( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) { for( int k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { v[k] = *buf[k]; // if the precision of the component is too small, increase // it to use the complete value range. v[k] <<= 8 - prec[k]; if( v[k] < 0 ) v[k] = 0; else if( v[k] > 255 ) v[k] = 255; ++buf[k]; } // for k *data++ = qRgb( v[0], v[1], v[2] ); } // for x } // for y for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) { if (cmptmatrix[k]) { jas_matrix_destroy(cmptmatrix[k]); } } *outImage = qti; return true; } // render_view static jas_image_t* create_image( const QImage& qi ) { // prepare the component parameters jas_image_cmptparm_t* cmptparms = new jas_image_cmptparm_t[ 3 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { // x and y offset cmptparms[i].tlx = 0; cmptparms[i].tly = 0; // the resulting image will be hstep*width x vstep*height ! cmptparms[i].hstep = 1; cmptparms[i].vstep = 1; cmptparms[i].width = qi.width(); cmptparms[i].height = qi.height(); // we write everything as 24bit truecolor ATM cmptparms[i].prec = 8; cmptparms[i].sgnd = false; } jas_image_t* ji = jas_image_create( 3 /* number components */, cmptparms, JAS_CLRSPC_UNKNOWN ); delete[] cmptparms; // returning 0 is ok return ji; } // create_image static bool write_components( jas_image_t* ji, const QImage& qi ) { const unsigned height = qi.height(); const unsigned width = qi.width(); jas_matrix_t* m = jas_matrix_create( height, width ); if( !m ) return false; jas_image_setclrspc( ji, JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB ); jas_image_setcmpttype( ji, 0, JAS_IMAGE_CT_RGB_R ); for( uint y = 0; y < height; ++y ) for( uint x = 0; x < width; ++x ) jas_matrix_set( m, y, x, qRed( qi.pixel( x, y ) ) ); jas_image_writecmpt( ji, 0, 0, 0, width, height, m ); jas_image_setcmpttype( ji, 1, JAS_IMAGE_CT_RGB_G ); for( uint y = 0; y < height; ++y ) for( uint x = 0; x < width; ++x ) jas_matrix_set( m, y, x, qGreen( qi.pixel( x, y ) ) ); jas_image_writecmpt( ji, 1, 0, 0, width, height, m ); jas_image_setcmpttype( ji, 2, JAS_IMAGE_CT_RGB_B ); for( uint y = 0; y < height; ++y ) for( uint x = 0; x < width; ++x ) jas_matrix_set( m, y, x, qBlue( qi.pixel( x, y ) ) ); jas_image_writecmpt( ji, 2, 0, 0, width, height, m ); jas_matrix_destroy( m ); return true; } // write_components static bool write_image( const QImage &image, QIODevice* io, int quality ) { jas_stream_t* stream = 0; stream = jas_stream_qiodevice( io ); // by here, a jas_stream_t is open if( !stream ) return false; jas_image_t* ji = create_image( image ); if( !ji ) { jas_stream_close( stream ); return false; } // if if( !write_components( ji, image ) ) { jas_stream_close( stream ); jas_image_destroy( ji ); return false; } // if // optstr: // - rate=#B => the resulting file size is about # bytes // - rate=0.0 .. 1.0 => the resulting file size is about the factor times // the uncompressed size // use sprintf for locale-aware string char rateBuffer[16]; sprintf(rateBuffer, "rate=%.2g\n", (quality < 0) ? DEFAULT_RATE : quality / 100.0); int i = jp2_encode( ji, stream, rateBuffer); jas_image_destroy( ji ); jas_stream_close( stream ); if( i != 0 ) return false; return true; } JP2Handler::JP2Handler() { quality = 75; jas_init(); } JP2Handler::~JP2Handler() { jas_cleanup(); } bool JP2Handler::canRead() const { if (canRead(device())) { setFormat("jp2"); return true; } return false; } bool JP2Handler::canRead(QIODevice *device) { if (!device) { return false; } return device->peek(6) == QByteArray("\x00\x00\x00\x0C\x6A\x50", 6); } bool JP2Handler::read(QImage *image) { if (!canRead()) return false; gs_t gs; if( !(gs.image = read_image( device() )) ) return false; if( !convert_colorspace( gs ) ) return false; render_view( gs, image ); if( gs.image ) jas_image_destroy( gs.image ); if( gs.altimage ) jas_image_destroy( gs.altimage ); return true; } bool JP2Handler::write(const QImage &image) { return write_image(image, device(),quality); } bool JP2Handler::supportsOption(ImageOption option) const { return option == Quality; } QVariant JP2Handler::option(ImageOption option) const { if (option == Quality) return quality; return QVariant(); } void JP2Handler::setOption(ImageOption option, const QVariant &value) { if (option == Quality) quality = qBound(-1, value.toInt(), 100); } QByteArray JP2Handler::name() const { return "jp2"; } class JP2Plugin : public QImageIOPlugin { public: QStringList keys() const; Capabilities capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const; QImageIOHandler *create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format = QByteArray()) const; }; QStringList JP2Plugin::keys() const { return QStringList() << "jp2"; } QImageIOPlugin::Capabilities JP2Plugin::capabilities(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const { if (format == "jp2") return Capabilities(CanRead | CanWrite); if (!format.isEmpty()) return 0; if (!device->isOpen()) return 0; Capabilities cap; if (device->isReadable() && JP2Handler::canRead(device)) cap |= CanRead; if (device->isWritable()) cap |= CanWrite; return cap; } QImageIOHandler *JP2Plugin::create(QIODevice *device, const QByteArray &format) const { QImageIOHandler *handler = new JP2Handler; handler->setDevice(device); handler->setFormat(format); return handler; } Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(jp2, JP2Plugin)