# # Find the KDevelop include dir # # KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR # adjust the directories where the kdevelop headers # # KDEVELOP_FOUND - set to TRUE if kdevelop was found # FALSE otherwise # # KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR - include dir of kdevelop, for example /usr/include/kdevelop # can be set by the user to select different include dirs # # Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Pakulat # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. if(WIN32) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{PROGRAMFILES}" _progFiles) set(_KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR ${KDE4_INCLUDE_DIR} ${_progFiles}/kdevelop/include) endif(WIN32) find_path(KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR make/imakebuilder.h PATHS ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include ${_KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR} ${KDE4_INCLUDE_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES kdevelop ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(KDevelop DEFAULT_MSG KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(KDEVELOP_INCLUDE_DIR)