/* kimproxy.cpp IM service library for KDE Copyright (c) 2004 Will Stephenson This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kimproxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kimiface.h" #include struct AppPresenceCurrent { QString appId; int presence; }; static int debugArea() { static int s_area = KDebug::registerArea("kimproxy (kdelibs)"); return s_area; } class ContactPresenceListCurrent : public QList { public: // return value indicates if the supplied parameter was better than any existing presence bool update( const AppPresenceCurrent ); AppPresenceCurrent best(); }; class KIMProxy::Private { public: // list of the strings in use by KIMIface QStringList presence_strings; // list of the icon names in use by KIMIface QStringList presence_icons; // map of presences PresenceStringMap presence_map; }; bool ContactPresenceListCurrent::update( AppPresenceCurrent ap ) { if ( isEmpty() ) { append( ap ); return true; } bool bestChanged = false; AppPresenceCurrent best; best.presence = -1; ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator it = begin(); const ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator itEnd = end(); ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator existing = itEnd; while ( it != itEnd ) { if ( (*it).presence > best.presence ) best = (*it); if ( (*it).appId == ap.appId ) existing = it; ++it; } if ( ap.presence > best.presence || best.appId == ap.appId ) bestChanged = true; if ( existing != itEnd ) { erase( existing ); append( ap ); } return bestChanged; } AppPresenceCurrent ContactPresenceListCurrent::best() { AppPresenceCurrent best; best.presence = -1; ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator it = begin(); const ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator itEnd = end(); while ( it != itEnd ) { if ( (*it).presence > best.presence ) best = (*it); ++it; } // if it's still -1 here, we have no presence data, so we return Unknown if ( best.presence == -1 ) best.presence = 0; return best; } // int bestPresence( AppPresence* ap ) // { // Q_ASSERT( ap ); // AppPresence::const_iterator it; // it = ap->begin(); // int best = 0; // unknown // if ( it != ap->end() ) // { // best = it.data(); // ++it; // for ( ; it != ap->end(); ++it ) // { // if ( it.data() > best ) // best = it.data(); // } // } // return best; // } // // QCString bestAppId( AppPresence* ap ) // { // Q_ASSERT( ap ); // AppPresence::const_iterator it; // QCString bestAppId; // it = ap->begin(); // if ( it != ap->end() ) // { // int best = it.data(); // bestAppId = it.key(); // ++it; // for ( ; it != ap->end(); ++it ) // { // if ( it.data() > best ) // { // best = it.data(); // bestAppId = it.key(); // } // } // } // return bestAppId; // } OrgKdeKIMInterface * findInterface( const QString & app ) { return new OrgKdeKIMInterface( app, "/KIMIface", QDBusConnection::sessionBus() ); } KIMProxy * KIMProxy::instance() { K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KIMProxy, s_instance) return s_instance; } KIMProxy::KIMProxy() : QObject(), d( new Private ) { //QDBus::sessionBus().registerObject( "/KIMProxy", this); m_initialized = false; connect( QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(), SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)), SLOT(nameOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)) ); d->presence_strings.append( "Unknown" ); d->presence_strings.append( "Offline" ); d->presence_strings.append( "Connecting" ); d->presence_strings.append( "Away" ); d->presence_strings.append( "Online" ); d->presence_icons.append( "presence_unknown" ); d->presence_icons.append( "presence_offline" ); d->presence_icons.append( "presence_connecting" ); d->presence_icons.append( "presence_away" ); d->presence_icons.append( "presence_online" ); //QCString senderApp = "Kopete"; //QCString senderObjectId = "KIMIface"; //DCOPCString method = "contactPresenceChanged( QString, QCString, int )"; //QCString receiverObjectId = "KIMProxyIface"; QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect( QString(), "/KIMIface", "org.kde.KIM", "contactPresenceChanged", this, SLOT(contactPresenceChanged(QString,QString,int)) ); } KIMProxy::~KIMProxy( ) { qDeleteAll(m_im_client_stubs); } bool KIMProxy::initialize() { if ( !m_initialized ) { m_initialized = true; // we should only do this once, as registeredToDCOP() will catch any new starts // So there is no error from a failed query when using kdelibs 3.2, which don't have this servicetype if ( KServiceType::serviceType( IM_SERVICE_TYPE ) ) { // see what apps implementing our service type are out there const KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query( IM_SERVICE_TYPE ); KService::List::const_iterator offer; QStringList registeredApps = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->registeredServiceNames(); foreach (const QString &app, registeredApps) { //kDebug( debugArea() ) << " considering: " << *app; //for each offer for ( offer = offers.begin(); offer != offers.end(); ++offer ) { QString dbusService = (*offer)->property("X-DBUS-ServiceName").toString(); if ( !dbusService.isEmpty() ) { //kDebug( debugArea() ) << " is it: " << dbusService << "?"; // if the application implements the dcop service, add it if ( app.startsWith( dbusService ) ) { m_apps_available = true; //kDebug( debugArea() ) << " app name: " << (*offer)->name() << ", has instance " << *app << ", dbusService: " << dbusService; if ( !m_im_client_stubs.contains( dbusService ) ) { kDebug( debugArea() ) << "App " << app << ", found, using it for presence info."; m_im_client_stubs.insert( app, findInterface( app ) ); pollApp( app ); } } } } } } } return !m_im_client_stubs.isEmpty(); } void KIMProxy::nameOwnerChanged( const QString & appId, const QString &, const QString & newOwner ) { // unregister... if ( m_im_client_stubs.contains( appId ) ) { kDebug( debugArea() ) << appId << " quit, removing its presence info."; PresenceStringMap::Iterator it = d->presence_map.begin(); const PresenceStringMap::Iterator end = d->presence_map.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent list = it.value(); ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator cpIt = list.begin(); while( cpIt != list.end() ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent::iterator gone = cpIt++; if ( (*gone).appId == appId ) { list.erase( gone ); } } } delete m_im_client_stubs.take( appId ); emit sigPresenceInfoExpired(); } // reregister... if ( !newOwner.isEmpty() ) { // application registered bool newApp = false; // get an up to date list of offers in case a new app was installed // and check each of the offers that implement the service type we're looking for, // to see if any of them are the app that just registered const KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query( IM_SERVICE_TYPE ); KService::List::const_iterator it; for ( it = offers.begin(); it != offers.end(); ++it ) { QString dbusService = (*it)->property("X-DBUS-ServiceName").toString(); if ( appId.startsWith( dbusService ) ) { // if it's not already known, insert it if ( !m_im_client_stubs.contains( appId ) ) { newApp = true; kDebug( debugArea() ) << "App: " << appId << ", dbusService: " << dbusService << " started, using it for presence info."; m_im_client_stubs.insert( appId, findInterface( appId ) ); } } //else // kDebug( debugArea() ) << "App doesn't implement our ServiceType"; } //if ( newApp ) // emit sigPresenceInfoExpired(); } } void KIMProxy::contactPresenceChanged( const QString& uid, const QString& appId, int presence ) { // update the presence map //kDebug( debugArea() ) << "uid: " << uid << " appId: " << appId << " presence " << presence; ContactPresenceListCurrent current; current = d->presence_map[ uid ]; //kDebug( debugArea() ) << "current best presence from : " << current.best().appId << " is: " << current.best().presence; AppPresenceCurrent newPresence; newPresence.appId = appId; newPresence.presence = presence; if ( current.update( newPresence ) ) { d->presence_map.insert( uid, current ); emit sigContactPresenceChanged( uid ); } } int KIMProxy::presenceNumeric( const QString& uid ) { AppPresenceCurrent ap; ap.presence = 0; if ( initialize() ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent presence = d->presence_map[ uid ]; ap = presence.best(); } return ap.presence; } QString KIMProxy::presenceString( const QString& uid ) { AppPresenceCurrent ap; ap.presence = 0; if ( initialize() ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent presence = d->presence_map[ uid ]; ap = presence.best(); } if ( ap.appId.isEmpty() ) return QString(); else return d->presence_strings[ ap.presence ]; } QPixmap KIMProxy::presenceIcon( const QString& uid ) { AppPresenceCurrent ap; ap.presence = 0; if ( initialize() ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent presence = d->presence_map[ uid ]; ap = presence.best(); } if ( ap.appId.isEmpty() ) { //kDebug( debugArea() ) << "returning a null QPixmap because we were asked for an icon for a uid we know nothing about"; return QPixmap(); } else { //kDebug( debugArea() ) << "returning this: " << d->presence_icons[ ap.presence ]; return SmallIcon( d->presence_icons[ ap.presence ]); } } QStringList KIMProxy::allContacts() { QStringList value = d->presence_map.keys(); return value; } QStringList KIMProxy::reachableContacts() { QStringList value; if ( initialize() ) { QHashIterator it( m_im_client_stubs ); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); value += it.value()->reachableContacts( ); } } return value; } QStringList KIMProxy::onlineContacts() { QStringList value; PresenceStringMap::iterator it = d->presence_map.begin(); const PresenceStringMap::iterator end= d->presence_map.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) if ( it.value().best().presence > 2 /*Better than Connecting, ie Away or Online*/ ) value.append( it.key() ); return value; } QStringList KIMProxy::fileTransferContacts() { QStringList value; if ( initialize() ) { QHashIterator it( m_im_client_stubs ); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); value += it.value()->fileTransferContacts( ); } } return value; } bool KIMProxy::isPresent( const QString& uid ) { return ( !d->presence_map[ uid ].isEmpty() ); } QString KIMProxy::displayName( const QString& uid ) { QString name; if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) name = s->displayName( uid ); } //kDebug( debugArea() ) << name; return name; } bool KIMProxy::canReceiveFiles( const QString & uid ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) return s->canReceiveFiles( uid ); } return false; } bool KIMProxy::canRespond( const QString & uid ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) return s->canRespond( uid ); } return false; } QString KIMProxy::context( const QString & uid ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) return s->context( uid ); } return QString(); } void KIMProxy::chatWithContact( const QString& uid ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) { kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( s->service() ); s->chatWithContact( uid ); } } return; } void KIMProxy::messageContact( const QString& uid, const QString& message ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForUid( uid ) ) { kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( s->service() ); s->messageContact( uid, message ); } } return; } void KIMProxy::sendFile(const QString &uid, const QString &sourceURL, const QString &altFileName, uint fileSize ) { if ( initialize() ) { QHashIterator it( m_im_client_stubs ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); if ( it.value()->canReceiveFiles( uid ) ) { kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( it.value()->service() ); it.value()->sendFile( uid, sourceURL, altFileName, fileSize ); break; } } } return; } bool KIMProxy::addContact( const QString &contactId, const QString &protocol ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForProtocol( protocol ) ) return s->addContact( contactId, protocol ); } return false; } QString KIMProxy::locate( const QString & contactId, const QString & protocol ) { if ( initialize() ) { if ( OrgKdeKIMInterface* s = stubForProtocol( protocol ) ) return s->locate( contactId, protocol ); } return QString(); } bool KIMProxy::imAppsAvailable() { return ( !m_im_client_stubs.isEmpty() ); } bool KIMProxy::startPreferredApp() { #ifdef __GNUC__ # warning "unused variable: preferences" #endif QString preferences = QString("[X-DBUS-ServiceName] = '%1'").arg( preferredApp() ); // start/find an instance of DBUS/InstantMessenger QString error; QString dbusService; // Get a preferred IM client. // The app will notify itself to us using nameOwnerChanged, so we don't need to record a stub for it here // FIXME: error in preferences, see debug output preferences.clear(); int result = KDBusServiceStarter::self()->findServiceFor( IM_SERVICE_TYPE, QString("Application"), &error, &dbusService ); kDebug( debugArea() ) << "error was: " << error << ", dbusService: " << dbusService; return ( result == 0 ); } void KIMProxy::pollAll( const QString &uid ) { Q_UNUSED(uid); /* // We only need to call this function if we don't have any data at all // otherwise, the data will be kept fresh by received presence change // DCOP signals if ( !d->presence_map.contains( uid ) ) { AppPresence *presence = new AppPresence(); // record current presence from known clients QDictIterator it( m_im_client_stubs ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { presence->insert( it.currentKey().toLatin1().constData(), it.current()->presenceStatus( uid ) ); // m_im_client_stubs has qstring keys... } d->presence_map.insert( uid, presence ); }*/ } void KIMProxy::pollApp( const QString & appId ) { //kDebug( debugArea() ) ; OrgKdeKIMInterface * appStub = m_im_client_stubs.value( appId ); QStringList contacts = m_im_client_stubs.value( appId )->allContacts(); QStringList::iterator it = contacts.begin(); QStringList::iterator end = contacts.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { ContactPresenceListCurrent current = d->presence_map[ *it ]; AppPresenceCurrent ap; ap.appId = appId; #ifdef __GNUC__ # warning "KIMProxy::pollApp( const QString & appId ).presenceStatus() function doesn't exist Need to fix it" #endif //ap.presence = appStub->presenceStatus( *it ); current.append( ap ); d->presence_map.insert( *it, current ); if ( current.update( ap ) ) emit sigContactPresenceChanged( *it ); //kDebug( debugArea() ) << " uid: " << *it << " presence: " << ap.presence; } } OrgKdeKIMInterface * KIMProxy::stubForUid( const QString &uid ) { // get best appPresence AppPresenceCurrent ap = d->presence_map[ uid ].best(); // look up the presence string from that app return m_im_client_stubs.value( ap.appId ); } OrgKdeKIMInterface * KIMProxy::stubForProtocol( const QString &protocol) { Q_UNUSED(protocol) #ifdef __GNUC__ # warning "KIMProxy::stubForProtocol( const QString &protocol) code disabled: protocols() function doesn't exist. Need to fix it" #endif #if 0 OrgKdeKIMInterface * app; // see if the preferred client supports this protocol QString preferred = preferredApp(); if ( ( app = m_im_client_stubs.value( preferred ) ) ) { if ( app->protocols().value().filter( protocol ).count() > 0 ) return app; } // preferred doesn't do this protocol, try the first of the others that says it does QHashIterator it( m_im_client_stubs ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); if ( it.value()->protocols().value().filter( protocol ).count() > 0 ) return it.value(); } #endif return 0L; } QString KIMProxy::preferredApp() { KConfig cfg( IM_CLIENT_PREFERENCES_FILE, KConfig::SimpleConfig ); KConfigGroup cg(&cfg, IM_CLIENT_PREFERENCES_SECTION ); QString preferredApp = cg.readEntry( IM_CLIENT_PREFERENCES_ENTRY ); //kDebug( debugArea() ) << "found preferred app: " << preferredApp; return preferredApp; } #include "kimproxy.moc"