The distance between icons specified in pixels. 50 The name of the widget style, for example "keramik" or "plastik". Without quotes. oxygen Whether the ordinary PC speaker should be used instead of KDE's own notifications system. false Whenever a terminal application is launched this terminal emulator program will be used. konsole This font is used when a fixed font is needed. A fixed font has a constant width. What font to use for menus in applications. What color links should be that have not yet been clicked on What font to use for the panel at the bottom of the screen, where the currently running applications are. Alt+Ctrl+A Ctrl+Print Alt+Ctrl+X Alt+Ctrl+Shift+PageDown Alt+Ctrl+Escape Alt+Ctrl+L Alt+Ctrl+Delete Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Delete Alt+Ctrl+R Alt+F12 Alt+F1 Alt+Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Alt+F2 Alt+Ctrl+V Ctrl+Escape Alt+F5 Ctrl+F1 Ctrl+F10 Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+F12 Ctrl+Shift+F1 Ctrl+Shift+F2 Ctrl+Shift+F3 Ctrl+Shift+F4 Ctrl+F2 Ctrl+F3 Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F5 Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+F7 Ctrl+F8 Ctrl+F9 Ctrl+Alt+K Alt+Ctrl+D Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab Alt+Tab Alt+Shift+Tab Alt+F4 Alt+F3 Alt+Print true false true Whether directories should be placed at the top when displaying files true Used for auto-completion in file dialogs, for example false Whether files starting with a dot (convention for hidden files) should be shown false Whether the shortcut icons to the left in the file dialog should be shown true false Used to determine how to display numbers, currency and time/date, for example C Most countries have no character for this 70 0 255 true Whether text should be shown in addition to icons on toolbar icons false OneStar