/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2022 Ivailo Monev This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "khttp.h" #include "kdebug.h" #include "kde_file.h" #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) # include # include #endif static const int s_MHDPollInterval = 100; static const uint s_MHDIPConnectionLimit = 10; static const uint s_MHDConnectionLimit = (s_MHDIPConnectionLimit * s_MHDIPConnectionLimit); class KHTTPPrivate : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KHTTPPrivate(QObject *parent); ~KHTTPPrivate(); bool setCertificate(const QByteArray &keydata, const QByteArray &certdata, const QByteArray &password); bool setAuthenticate(const QByteArray &username, const QByteArray &password, const QString &message); bool start(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port); bool stop(); QString errorString() const; #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) static enum MHD_Result keyValueCallback(void *cls, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key, const char *value); static enum MHD_Result accessCallback(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls); static void loggerCallback(void *cls, const char *fm, va_list ap); static void panicCallback(void *cls, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *reason); private Q_SLOTS: void slotMHDPoll(); private: QByteArray m_tlskey; QByteArray m_tlscert; QByteArray m_tlspassword; QByteArray m_authusername; QByteArray m_authpassword; QByteArray m_authmessage; struct MHD_Daemon* m_mhddaemon; QTimer m_polltimer; QUrl m_url; #endif // HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD private: QString m_errorstring; }; KHTTPPrivate::KHTTPPrivate(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) , m_mhddaemon(nullptr), m_polltimer(this) #else , m_errorstring(QString::fromLatin1("Built without Libmicrohttpd")) #endif { #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) connect( &m_polltimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotMHDPoll()) ); #endif } KHTTPPrivate::~KHTTPPrivate() { } bool KHTTPPrivate::setCertificate(const QByteArray &keydata, const QByteArray &certdata, const QByteArray &password) { #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) const enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_TLS); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("TLS is not supported"); return false; } if (keydata.isEmpty() || certdata.isEmpty()) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("TLS key or certificate data is empty"); m_tlskey.clear(); m_tlscert.clear(); return false; } m_tlskey = keydata; m_tlscert = certdata; m_tlspassword = password; return true; #else return false; #endif } bool KHTTPPrivate::setAuthenticate(const QByteArray &username, const QByteArray &password, const QString &message) { #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) const enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_BASIC_AUTH); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("Authentication is not supported"); return false; } if (username.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("User name or password is empty"); m_authusername.clear(); m_authpassword.clear(); return false; } m_authusername = username; m_authpassword = password; m_authmessage = message.toAscii(); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool KHTTPPrivate::start(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) if (m_mhddaemon) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("Already started"); return false; } // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << address.protocol(); int mhdflags = MHD_NO_FLAG; if (!m_tlskey.isEmpty() && !m_tlscert.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "Enabling TLS"; mhdflags |= MHD_USE_TLS; } enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_MESSAGES); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { kWarning() << "Messages are not supported"; } else { kDebug() << "Enabling logger"; mhdflags |= MHD_USE_ERROR_LOG; } switch (address.protocol()) { case QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol: { struct sockaddr_in socketaddress; ::memset(&socketaddress, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); socketaddress.sin_family = AF_INET; socketaddress.sin_port = htons(port); socketaddress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.toIPv4Address()); m_mhddaemon = MHD_start_daemon( mhdflags, 0, NULL, NULL, KHTTPPrivate::accessCallback, this, MHD_OPTION_EXTERNAL_LOGGER, KHTTPPrivate::loggerCallback, this, MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY, m_tlskey.constData(), MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT, m_tlscert.constData(), MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD, m_tlspassword.constData(), MHD_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR, &socketaddress, MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT, s_MHDConnectionLimit, MHD_OPTION_PER_IP_CONNECTION_LIMIT, s_MHDIPConnectionLimit, MHD_OPTION_END ); break; } case QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol: { mhdresult = MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_IPv6); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("IPv6 is not supported"); return false; } struct sockaddr_in6 socketaddress; ::memset(&socketaddress, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)); socketaddress.sin6_family = AF_INET6; socketaddress.sin6_port = htons(port); const Q_IPV6ADDR ipv6address = address.toIPv6Address(); ::memcpy(&socketaddress.sin6_addr.s6_addr, &ipv6address, sizeof(ipv6address)); m_mhddaemon = MHD_start_daemon( mhdflags | MHD_USE_IPv6, 0, NULL, NULL, KHTTPPrivate::accessCallback, this, MHD_OPTION_EXTERNAL_LOGGER, KHTTPPrivate::loggerCallback, this, MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY, m_tlskey.constData(), MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT, m_tlscert.constData(), MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD, m_tlspassword.constData(), MHD_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR, &socketaddress, MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT, s_MHDConnectionLimit, MHD_OPTION_PER_IP_CONNECTION_LIMIT, s_MHDIPConnectionLimit, MHD_OPTION_END ); break; } default: { m_errorstring = QString::fromLatin1("Invalid address protocol: %1").arg(int(address.protocol())); return false; } } if (!m_mhddaemon) { // logger should provide a clue why kWarning() << "Could not start MHD"; return false; } MHD_set_panic_func(KHTTPPrivate::panicCallback, this); m_polltimer.start(s_MHDPollInterval); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool KHTTPPrivate::stop() { #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) if (!m_mhddaemon) { kDebug() << "MHD not started"; return true; } MHD_stop_daemon(m_mhddaemon); m_mhddaemon = nullptr; return true; #else return true; #endif } QString KHTTPPrivate::errorString() const { return m_errorstring; } #if defined(HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD) void KHTTPPrivate::slotMHDPoll() { if (Q_UNLIKELY(!m_mhddaemon)) { kDebug() << "MHD daemon pointer is null"; m_polltimer.stop(); return; } short pollcounter = 0; const union MHD_DaemonInfo* mhddaemoninfo = MHD_get_daemon_info( m_mhddaemon, MHD_DAEMON_INFO_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS, NULL ); if (mhddaemoninfo) { pollcounter = mhddaemoninfo->num_connections; } pollcounter++; // pollcounter = s_MHDConnectionLimit; while (pollcounter) { const enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_run(m_mhddaemon); if (Q_UNLIKELY(mhdresult == MHD_NO)) { kWarning() << "Could not poll"; } pollcounter--; } } enum MHD_Result KHTTPPrivate::keyValueCallback(void *cls, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key, const char *value) { // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << key << value; Q_UNUSED(kind); KHTTPPrivate* khttpprivate = static_cast(cls); khttpprivate->m_url.addQueryItem(QString::fromUtf8(key), QString::fromUtf8(value)); return MHD_YES; } enum MHD_Result KHTTPPrivate::accessCallback(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) { // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << url << method << version; Q_UNUSED(method); Q_UNUSED(version); Q_UNUSED(upload_data); Q_UNUSED(upload_data_size); Q_UNUSED(con_cls); KHTTPPrivate* khttpprivate = static_cast(cls); KHTTP* khttp = qobject_cast(khttpprivate->parent()); if (!khttpprivate->m_authusername.isEmpty() && !khttpprivate->m_authpassword.isEmpty()) { char* mhdpassword = NULL; char* mhdusername = MHD_basic_auth_get_username_password(connection, &mhdpassword); if (!mhdpassword || !mhdusername || khttpprivate->m_authusername != mhdusername || khttpprivate->m_authpassword != mhdpassword) { if (mhdusername) { MHD_free(mhdusername); } if (mhdpassword) { MHD_free(mhdpassword); } struct MHD_Response *mhdresponse = MHD_create_response_from_buffer( khttpprivate->m_authmessage.size(), khttpprivate->m_authmessage.data(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY ); if (Q_UNLIKELY(!mhdresponse)) { kWarning() << "Could not create MHD auth response"; return MHD_NO; } const QByteArray mhdrealm = QCoreApplication::applicationName().toAscii(); const enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_queue_basic_auth_fail_response( connection, mhdrealm.constData(), mhdresponse ); MHD_destroy_response(mhdresponse); return mhdresult; } if (mhdusername) { MHD_free(mhdusername); } if (mhdpassword) { MHD_free(mhdpassword); } } khttpprivate->m_url = QUrl(QString::fromAscii(url)); MHD_get_connection_values( connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, KHTTPPrivate::keyValueCallback, cls ); QByteArray khttpurl = khttpprivate->m_url.toEncoded(); QByteArray mhdoutdata; ushort mhdouthttpstatus = MHD_HTTP_OK; KHTTPHeaders mhdouthttpheaders; QString mhdoutfilepath; khttp->respond(khttpurl, &mhdoutdata, &mhdouthttpstatus, &mhdouthttpheaders, &mhdoutfilepath); enum MHD_Result mhdresult = MHD_NO; struct MHD_Response *mhdresponse = NULL; if (!mhdoutdata.isEmpty()) { mhdresponse = MHD_create_response_from_buffer( mhdoutdata.size(), mhdoutdata.data(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY ); } else if (!mhdoutfilepath.isEmpty()) { int mhdfd = KDE::open(mhdoutfilepath, O_RDONLY); KDE_struct_stat statbuf; if (KDE::stat(mhdoutfilepath, &statbuf) == -1) { kWarning() << "Could not stat" << mhdoutfilepath; return MHD_NO; } if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { kWarning() << "Filepath does not point to regular file" << mhdoutfilepath; return MHD_NO; } mhdresult = MHD_is_feature_supported(MHD_FEATURE_LARGE_FILE); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { mhdresponse = MHD_create_response_from_fd(statbuf.st_size, mhdfd); } else { mhdresponse = MHD_create_response_from_fd64(statbuf.st_size, mhdfd); } } else { kWarning() << "Either output data or filepath must be non-empty"; return MHD_NO; } if (Q_UNLIKELY(!mhdresponse)) { kWarning() << "Could not create MHD response"; return MHD_NO; } foreach (const QByteArray &httpheaderkey, mhdouthttpheaders.keys()) { // MHD refuses to add these if (qstricmp(httpheaderkey.constData(), "Content-Length") == 0) { kDebug() << "Ignoring content-length"; continue; } else if (qstricmp(httpheaderkey.constData(), "Date") == 0) { kDebug() << "Ignoring date"; continue; } const QByteArray httpheadervalue = mhdouthttpheaders.value(httpheaderkey); mhdresult = MHD_add_response_header(mhdresponse, httpheaderkey.constData(), httpheadervalue.constData()); if (mhdresult == MHD_NO) { kWarning() << "Could not add response header" << httpheaderkey << httpheadervalue; } } mhdresult = MHD_queue_response(connection, mhdouthttpstatus, mhdresponse); MHD_destroy_response(mhdresponse); return mhdresult; } void KHTTPPrivate::loggerCallback(void *cls, const char *fm, va_list ap) { char mhdloggerbuff[1024]; ::memset(mhdloggerbuff, 0, sizeof(mhdloggerbuff) * sizeof(char)); ::vsnprintf(mhdloggerbuff, sizeof(mhdloggerbuff), fm, ap); // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << mhdloggerbuff; KHTTPPrivate* khttpprivate = static_cast(cls); khttpprivate->m_errorstring = QString::fromAscii(mhdloggerbuff); } void KHTTPPrivate::panicCallback(void *cls, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *reason) { KHTTPPrivate* khttpprivate = static_cast(cls); khttpprivate->m_mhddaemon = nullptr; kFatal() << QString::fromAscii(file) << QString::number(line) << QString::fromAscii(reason); } #endif // HAVE_LIBMICROHTTPD KHTTP::KHTTP(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new KHTTPPrivate(this)) { } KHTTP::~KHTTP() { stop(); delete d; } bool KHTTP::setCertificate(const QByteArray &keydata, const QByteArray &certdata, const QByteArray &password) { return d->setCertificate(keydata, certdata, password); } bool KHTTP::setAuthenticate(const QByteArray &username, const QByteArray &password, const QString &message) { return d->setAuthenticate(username, password, message); } bool KHTTP::start(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { return d->start(address, port); } bool KHTTP::stop() { return d->stop(); } QString KHTTP::errorString() const { return d->errorString(); } #include "khttp.moc"