/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kpushbutton.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "auth/kauthaction.h" #include "auth/kauthactionwatcher.h" static bool s_useIcons = false; class KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate { public: KPushButtonPrivate(KPushButton *_parent) : parent(_parent), m_dragEnabled( false ), authAction(0) { } KPushButton *parent; KGuiItem item; KStandardGuiItem::StandardItem itemType; QPointer delayedMenu; QTimer * delayedMenuTimer; bool m_dragEnabled; QPoint startPos; KAuth::Action *authAction; // TODO: Remove whenever QIcon overlays will get fixed KIcon oldIcon; void slotSettingsChanged( int ); void slotPressedInternal(); void slotClickedInternal(); void authStatusChanged(int status); void slotDelayedMenuTimeout(); void readSettings(); }; void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::slotSettingsChanged( int /* category */ ) { readSettings(); parent->setIcon( item.icon() ); } void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::slotPressedInternal() { if (!delayedMenu.isNull()) { if (delayedMenuTimer==0) { delayedMenuTimer=new QTimer(parent); delayedMenuTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(delayedMenuTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),parent,SLOT(slotDelayedMenuTimeout())); } const int delay=parent->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ToolButton_PopupDelay, 0, parent); delayedMenuTimer->start((delay<=0) ? 150:delay); } } void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::slotClickedInternal() { if (delayedMenuTimer) delayedMenuTimer->stop(); if (authAction) { KAuth::Action::AuthStatus s = authAction->earlyAuthorize(); switch(s) { case KAuth::Action::Denied: parent->setEnabled(false); break; case KAuth::Action::Authorized: emit parent->authorized(authAction); break; default: break; } } } void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::slotDelayedMenuTimeout() { delayedMenuTimer->stop(); if (!delayedMenu.isNull()) { parent->setMenu(delayedMenu); parent->showMenu(); parent->setMenu(0); } } void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::authStatusChanged(int status) { KAuth::Action::AuthStatus s = (KAuth::Action::AuthStatus)status; switch(s) { case KAuth::Action::Authorized: parent->setEnabled(true); if(!oldIcon.isNull()) { parent->setIcon(oldIcon); oldIcon = KIcon(); } break; case KAuth::Action::AuthRequired: parent->setEnabled(true); oldIcon = KIcon(parent->icon()); parent->setIcon(KIcon("dialog-password")); break; default: parent->setEnabled(false); if(!oldIcon.isNull()) { parent->setIcon(oldIcon); oldIcon = KIcon(); } } } void KPushButton::KPushButtonPrivate::readSettings() { s_useIcons = KGlobalSettings::showIconsOnPushButtons(); } KPushButton::KPushButton( QWidget *parent ) : QPushButton( parent ), d( new KPushButtonPrivate(this) ) { init( KGuiItem( "" ) ); } KPushButton::KPushButton( const QString &text, QWidget *parent ) : QPushButton( parent ), d( new KPushButtonPrivate(this) ) { init( KGuiItem( text ) ); } KPushButton::KPushButton( const KIcon &icon, const QString &text, QWidget *parent ) : QPushButton( text, parent ), d( new KPushButtonPrivate(this) ) { init( KGuiItem( text, icon ) ); } KPushButton::KPushButton( const KGuiItem &item, QWidget *parent ) : QPushButton( parent ), d( new KPushButtonPrivate(this) ) { init( item ); } KPushButton::~KPushButton() { delete d; } void KPushButton::init( const KGuiItem &item ) { d->item = item; d->itemType = (KStandardGuiItem::StandardItem) 0; d->delayedMenuTimer=0; connect(this,SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(slotPressedInternal())); connect(this,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClickedInternal())); // call QPushButton's implementation since we don't need to // set the GUI items text or check the state of the icon set QPushButton::setText( d->item.text() ); static bool initialized = false; if ( !initialized ) { d->readSettings(); initialized = true; } setIcon( d->item.icon() ); setToolTip( item.toolTip() ); setWhatsThis(item.whatsThis()); connect( KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSettingsChanged(int)) ); } bool KPushButton::isDragEnabled() const { return d->m_dragEnabled; } void KPushButton::setGuiItem( const KGuiItem& item ) { d->item = item; // call QPushButton's implementation since we don't need to // set the GUI items text or check the state of the icon set QPushButton::setText( d->item.text() ); setIcon( d->item.icon() ); setToolTip( d->item.toolTip() ); setEnabled( d->item.isEnabled() ); setWhatsThis( d->item.whatsThis() ); } void KPushButton::setGuiItem( KStandardGuiItem::StandardItem item ) { setGuiItem( KStandardGuiItem::guiItem(item) ); d->itemType = item; } KStandardGuiItem::StandardItem KPushButton::guiItem() const { return d->itemType; } void KPushButton::setText( const QString &text ) { QPushButton::setText(text); // we need to re-evaluate the icon set when the text // is removed, or when it is supplied if (text.isEmpty() != d->item.text().isEmpty()) setIcon(d->item.icon()); d->item.setText(text); } void KPushButton::setIcon( const KIcon &icon ) { d->item.setIcon(icon); if ( s_useIcons || text().isEmpty() ) QPushButton::setIcon( icon ); else QPushButton::setIcon( QIcon() ); } void KPushButton::setIcon( const QIcon &qicon ) { setIcon(KIcon(qicon)); } void KPushButton::setDragEnabled( bool enable ) { d->m_dragEnabled = enable; } void KPushButton::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( d->m_dragEnabled ) d->startPos = e->pos(); QPushButton::mousePressEvent( e ); } void KPushButton::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( !d->m_dragEnabled ) { QPushButton::mouseMoveEvent( e ); return; } if ( (e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (e->pos() - d->startPos).manhattanLength() > KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay() ) { startDrag(); setDown( false ); } } QDrag * KPushButton::dragObject() { return 0; } void KPushButton::startDrag() { QDrag *d = dragObject(); if ( d ) d->start(); } void KPushButton::setDelayedMenu(QMenu *delayedMenu) { d->delayedMenu=delayedMenu; } QMenu* KPushButton::delayedMenu() { return d->delayedMenu; } KAuth::Action *KPushButton::authAction() const { return d->authAction; } void KPushButton::setAuthAction(const QString &actionName) { if (actionName.isEmpty()) { setAuthAction(0); } else { setAuthAction(new KAuth::Action(actionName)); } } void KPushButton::setAuthAction(KAuth::Action *action) { if (d->authAction == action) { return; } if (d->authAction) { disconnect(d->authAction->watcher(), SIGNAL(statusChanged(int)), this, SLOT(authStatusChanged(int))); //delete d->authAction; d->authAction = 0; if (!d->oldIcon.isNull()) { setIcon(d->oldIcon); d->oldIcon = KIcon(); } } if (action != 0) { d->authAction = action; // Set the parent widget d->authAction->setParentWidget(this); connect(d->authAction->watcher(), SIGNAL(statusChanged(int)), this, SLOT(authStatusChanged(int))); d->authStatusChanged(d->authAction->status()); } } QSize KPushButton::sizeHint() const { const bool tempSetMenu = !menu() && d->delayedMenu; if (tempSetMenu) const_cast(this)->setMenu(d->delayedMenu); const QSize sz = QPushButton::sizeHint(); if (tempSetMenu) const_cast(this)->setMenu(0); return sz; } void KPushButton::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QStylePainter p(this); QStyleOptionButton option; initStyleOption(&option); if (d->delayedMenu) option.features |= QStyleOptionButton::HasMenu; p.drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, option); } #include "kpushbutton.moc"