/* * This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2008 Rafael Fernández López * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kcapacitybar.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ROUND_MARGIN 6 #define VERTICAL_SPACING 1 class KCapacityBar::Private { public: Private(KCapacityBar::DrawTextMode drawTextMode) : value(0) , fillFullBlocks(true) , continuous(true) , barHeight(12) , horizontalTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) , drawTextMode(drawTextMode) {} ~Private() {} int value; QString text; bool fillFullBlocks; bool continuous; int barHeight; Qt::Alignment horizontalTextAlignment; QStyle::ControlElement ce_capacityBar; KCapacityBar::DrawTextMode drawTextMode; }; KCapacityBar::KCapacityBar(KCapacityBar::DrawTextMode drawTextMode, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , d(new Private(drawTextMode)) { d->ce_capacityBar = KStyle::customControlElement("CE_CapacityBar", this); } KCapacityBar::~KCapacityBar() { delete d; } void KCapacityBar::setValue(int value) { d->value = value; update(); } int KCapacityBar::value() const { return d->value; } void KCapacityBar::setText(const QString &text) { bool updateGeom = d->text.isEmpty() || text.isEmpty(); d->text = text; if (updateGeom) { updateGeometry(); } setAccessibleName(text); update(); } QString KCapacityBar::text() const { return d->text; } void KCapacityBar::setFillFullBlocks(bool fillFullBlocks) { d->fillFullBlocks = fillFullBlocks; update(); } bool KCapacityBar::fillFullBlocks() const { return d->fillFullBlocks; } void KCapacityBar::setContinuous(bool continuous) { d->continuous = continuous; update(); } bool KCapacityBar::continuous() const { return d->continuous; } void KCapacityBar::setBarHeight(int barHeight) { // automatically convert odd values to even. This will make the bar look // better. d->barHeight = (barHeight % 2) ? barHeight + 1 : barHeight; updateGeometry(); } int KCapacityBar::barHeight() const { return d->barHeight; } void KCapacityBar::setHorizontalTextAlignment(Qt::Alignment horizontalTextAlignment) { Qt::Alignment alignment = horizontalTextAlignment; // if the value came with any vertical alignment flag, remove it. alignment &= ~Qt::AlignTop; alignment &= ~Qt::AlignBottom; alignment &= ~Qt::AlignVCenter; d->horizontalTextAlignment = alignment; update(); } Qt::Alignment KCapacityBar::horizontalTextAlignment() const { return d->horizontalTextAlignment; } void KCapacityBar::setDrawTextMode(DrawTextMode mode) { d->drawTextMode = mode; update(); } KCapacityBar::DrawTextMode KCapacityBar::drawTextMode() const { return d->drawTextMode; } void KCapacityBar::drawCapacityBar(QPainter *p, const QRect &rect) const { if (d->ce_capacityBar) { QStyleOptionProgressBar opt; opt.initFrom(this); opt.rect = rect; opt.minimum = 0; opt.maximum = 100; opt.progress = d->value; opt.text = d->text; opt.textAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter; opt.textVisible = true; style()->drawControl(d->ce_capacityBar, &opt, p, this); return; } p->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); p->save(); QRect drawRect(rect); if (d->drawTextMode == DrawTextOutline) { drawRect.setHeight(d->barHeight); } QPainterPath outline; outline.moveTo(rect.left() + ROUND_MARGIN / 4 + 1, rect.top()); outline.lineTo(rect.left() + drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN / 4 - 1, rect.top()); outline.quadTo(rect.left() + drawRect.width() + ROUND_MARGIN / 2, drawRect.height() / 2 + rect.top(), rect.left() + drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN / 4 - 1, drawRect.height() + rect.top()); outline.lineTo(rect.left() + ROUND_MARGIN / 4 + 1, drawRect.height() + rect.top()); outline.quadTo(-ROUND_MARGIN / 2 + rect.left(), drawRect.height() / 2 + rect.top(), rect.left() + ROUND_MARGIN / 4 + 1, rect.top()); const QColor fillColor = KColorScheme::shade(palette().window().color(), KColorScheme::DarkShade); p->fillPath(outline, QColor(fillColor.red(), fillColor.green(), fillColor.blue(), 50)); QRadialGradient bottomGradient(QPointF(rect.width() / 2, drawRect.bottom() + 1), rect.width() / 2); bottomGradient.setColorAt(0, KColorScheme::shade(palette().window().color(), KColorScheme::LightShade)); bottomGradient.setColorAt(1, Qt::transparent); p->fillRect(QRect(rect.left(), drawRect.bottom() + rect.top(), rect.width(), 1), bottomGradient); p->translate(rect.left() + 2, rect.top() + 1); drawRect.setWidth(drawRect.width() - 4); drawRect.setHeight(drawRect.height() - 2); QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(ROUND_MARGIN / 4, 0); path.lineTo(drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN / 4, 0); path.quadTo(drawRect.width() + ROUND_MARGIN / 2, drawRect.height() / 2, drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN / 4, drawRect.height()); path.lineTo(ROUND_MARGIN / 4, drawRect.height()); path.quadTo(-ROUND_MARGIN / 2, drawRect.height() / 2, ROUND_MARGIN / 4, 0); QLinearGradient linearGradient(0, 0, 0, drawRect.height()); linearGradient.setColorAt(0.5, KColorScheme::shade(palette().window().color(), KColorScheme::MidShade)); linearGradient.setColorAt(1, KColorScheme::shade(palette().window().color(), KColorScheme::LightShade)); p->fillPath(path, linearGradient); p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p->setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (d->continuous || !d->fillFullBlocks) { int start = (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) ? -1 : (drawRect.width() + 2) - (drawRect.width() + 2) * (d->value / 100.0); p->setClipRect(QRect(start, 0, (drawRect.width() + 2) * (d->value / 100.0), drawRect.height()), Qt::IntersectClip); } int left = (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) ? 0 : drawRect.width(); int right = (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) ? drawRect.width() : 0; int roundMargin = (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) ? ROUND_MARGIN : -ROUND_MARGIN; int spacing = 2; int verticalSpacing = VERTICAL_SPACING; int slotWidth = 6; int start = roundMargin / 4; QPainterPath internalBar; internalBar.moveTo(left + roundMargin / 4, 0); internalBar.lineTo(right - roundMargin / 4, 0); internalBar.quadTo(right + roundMargin / 2, drawRect.height() / 2, right - roundMargin / 4, drawRect.height()); internalBar.lineTo(left + roundMargin / 4, drawRect.height()); internalBar.quadTo(left - roundMargin / 2, drawRect.height() / 2, left + roundMargin / 4, 0); QLinearGradient fillInternalBar(left, 0, right, 0); fillInternalBar.setColorAt(0, KColorScheme::shade(palette().highlight().color(), KColorScheme::MidShade)); fillInternalBar.setColorAt(0.5, KColorScheme::shade(palette().highlight().color(), KColorScheme::LightShade)); fillInternalBar.setColorAt(1, KColorScheme::shade(palette().highlight().color(), KColorScheme::MidShade)); if (d->drawTextMode == KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline) { p->save(); p->setOpacity(p->opacity() * 0.7); } if (!d->continuous) { int numSlots = (drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN - ((slotWidth + spacing) * 2)) / (slotWidth + spacing); int stopSlot = floor((numSlots + 2) * (d->value / 100.0)); int plusOffset = d->fillFullBlocks ? ((drawRect.width() - ROUND_MARGIN - ((slotWidth + spacing) * 2)) - (numSlots * (slotWidth + spacing))) / 2.0 : 0; if (!d->fillFullBlocks || stopSlot) { QPainterPath firstSlot; firstSlot.moveTo(left + roundMargin / 4, verticalSpacing); firstSlot.lineTo(left + slotWidth + roundMargin / 4 + plusOffset, verticalSpacing); firstSlot.lineTo(left + slotWidth + roundMargin / 4 + plusOffset, drawRect.height() - verticalSpacing); firstSlot.lineTo(left + roundMargin / 4, drawRect.height() - verticalSpacing); firstSlot.quadTo(left, drawRect.height() / 2, left + roundMargin / 4, verticalSpacing); p->fillPath(firstSlot, fillInternalBar); start += slotWidth + spacing + plusOffset; bool stopped = false; for (int i = 0; i < numSlots + 1; i++) { if (d->fillFullBlocks && (i == (stopSlot + 1))) { stopped = true; break; } p->fillRect(QRect(rect.left() + start, rect.top() + verticalSpacing, slotWidth, drawRect.height() - verticalSpacing * 2), fillInternalBar); start += slotWidth + spacing; } if (!d->fillFullBlocks || (!stopped && (stopSlot != (numSlots + 1)) && (stopSlot != numSlots))) { QPainterPath lastSlot; lastSlot.moveTo(start, verticalSpacing); lastSlot.lineTo(start, drawRect.height() - verticalSpacing); lastSlot.lineTo(start + slotWidth + plusOffset, drawRect.height() - verticalSpacing); lastSlot.quadTo(start + roundMargin, drawRect.height() / 2, start + slotWidth + plusOffset, verticalSpacing); lastSlot.lineTo(start, verticalSpacing); p->fillPath(lastSlot, fillInternalBar); } } } else { p->fillPath(internalBar, fillInternalBar); } if (d->drawTextMode == KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline) { p->restore(); } p->save(); p->setClipping(false); QRadialGradient topGradient(QPointF(rect.width() / 2, drawRect.top()), rect.width() / 2); const QColor fillTopColor = KColorScheme::shade(palette().window().color(), KColorScheme::LightShade); topGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(fillTopColor.red(), fillTopColor.green(), fillTopColor.blue(), 127)); topGradient.setColorAt(1, Qt::transparent); p->fillRect(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top() + drawRect.top(), rect.width(), 2), topGradient); p->restore(); p->save(); p->setClipRect(QRect(-1, 0, rect.width(), drawRect.height() / 2), Qt::ReplaceClip); QLinearGradient glassGradient(0, -5, 0, drawRect.height()); const QColor fillGlassColor = palette().base().color(); glassGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(fillGlassColor.red(), fillGlassColor.green(), fillGlassColor.blue(), 255)); glassGradient.setColorAt(1, Qt::transparent); p->fillPath(internalBar, glassGradient); p->restore(); p->restore(); if (d->drawTextMode == KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline) { QRect rect(drawRect); rect.setHeight(rect.height() + 4); p->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, fontMetrics().elidedText(d->text, Qt::ElideRight, drawRect.width() - 2 * ROUND_MARGIN)); } else { p->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignBottom | d->horizontalTextAlignment, fontMetrics().elidedText(d->text, Qt::ElideRight, drawRect.width())); } } void KCapacityBar::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::StyleChange) { d->ce_capacityBar = KStyle::customControlElement("CE_CapacityBar", this); } QWidget::changeEvent(event); } QSize KCapacityBar::minimumSizeHint() const { int width = (d->drawTextMode == KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline) ? fontMetrics().width(d->text) + ROUND_MARGIN * 2 : fontMetrics().width(d->text); int height = (d->drawTextMode == KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline) ? qMax(fontMetrics().height(), d->barHeight) : (d->text.isEmpty() ? 0 : fontMetrics().height() + VERTICAL_SPACING * 2) + d->barHeight; if (height % 2) { height++; } return QSize(width, height); } void KCapacityBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter p(this); p.setClipRect(event->rect()); drawCapacityBar(&p, contentsRect()); p.end(); } #include "kcapacitybar.moc"