/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Anders Lund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kactionselector.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KActionSelectorPrivate { public: KActionSelectorPrivate(KActionSelector *q): q(q) {} KActionSelector *q; QListWidget *availableListWidget, *selectedListWidget; QToolButton *btnAdd, *btnRemove, *btnUp, *btnDown; QLabel *lAvailable, *lSelected; bool moveOnDoubleClick : 1; bool keyboardEnabled : 1; bool showUpDownButtons : 1; QString addIcon, removeIcon, upIcon, downIcon; KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy availableInsertionPolicy, selectedInsertionPolicy; /** Move item @p item to the other listbox */ void moveItem( QListWidgetItem *item ); /** loads the icons for the move buttons. */ void loadIcons(); /** @return the index to insert an item into listbox @p lb, given InsertionPolicy @p policy. Note that if policy is Sorted, this will return -1. Sort the listbox after inserting the item in that case. */ int insertionIndex( QListWidget *lb, KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy policy ); /** @return the index of the first selected item in listbox @p lb. If no item is selected, it will return -1. */ int selectedRowIndex( QListWidget *lb ); void buttonAddClicked(); void buttonRemoveClicked(); void buttonUpClicked(); void buttonDownClicked(); void itemDoubleClicked( QListWidgetItem *item ); void slotCurrentChanged( QListWidgetItem * ) { q->setButtonsEnabled(); } }; //BEGIN Constructor/destructor KActionSelector::KActionSelector( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , d( new KActionSelectorPrivate(this) ) { d->moveOnDoubleClick = true; d->keyboardEnabled = true; d->addIcon = QApplication::isRightToLeft()? "go-previous" : "go-next"; d->removeIcon = QApplication::isRightToLeft()? "go-next" : "go-previous"; d->upIcon = "go-up"; d->downIcon = "go-down"; d->availableInsertionPolicy = Sorted; d->selectedInsertionPolicy = BelowCurrent; d->showUpDownButtons = true; QHBoxLayout *lo = new QHBoxLayout( this ); lo->setMargin( 0 ); QVBoxLayout *loAv = new QVBoxLayout(); lo->addLayout( loAv ); d->lAvailable = new QLabel( i18n("&Available:"), this ); loAv->addWidget( d->lAvailable ); d->availableListWidget = new QListWidget( this ); loAv->addWidget( d->availableListWidget ); d->lAvailable->setBuddy( d->availableListWidget ); QVBoxLayout *loHBtns = new QVBoxLayout(); lo->addLayout( loHBtns ); loHBtns->addStretch( 1 ); d->btnAdd = new QToolButton( this ); loHBtns->addWidget( d->btnAdd ); d->btnRemove = new QToolButton( this ); loHBtns->addWidget( d->btnRemove ); loHBtns->addStretch( 1 ); QVBoxLayout *loS = new QVBoxLayout(); lo->addLayout( loS ); d->lSelected = new QLabel( i18n("&Selected:"), this ); loS->addWidget( d->lSelected ); d->selectedListWidget = new QListWidget( this ); loS->addWidget( d->selectedListWidget ); d->lSelected->setBuddy( d->selectedListWidget ); QVBoxLayout *loVBtns = new QVBoxLayout(); lo->addLayout( loVBtns ); loVBtns->addStretch( 1 ); d->btnUp = new QToolButton( this ); d->btnUp->setAutoRepeat( true ); loVBtns->addWidget( d->btnUp ); d->btnDown = new QToolButton( this ); d->btnDown->setAutoRepeat( true ); loVBtns->addWidget( d->btnDown ); loVBtns->addStretch( 1 ); d->loadIcons(); connect( d->btnAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonAddClicked()) ); connect( d->btnRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonRemoveClicked()) ); connect( d->btnUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonUpClicked()) ); connect( d->btnDown, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonDownClicked()) ); connect( d->availableListWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)) ); connect( d->selectedListWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)) ); connect( d->availableListWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(polish()) ); connect( d->selectedListWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(polish()) ); d->availableListWidget->installEventFilter( this ); d->selectedListWidget->installEventFilter( this ); setButtonsEnabled(); } KActionSelector::~KActionSelector() { delete d; } //END Constructor/destroctor //BEGIN Public Methods QListWidget *KActionSelector::availableListWidget() const { return d->availableListWidget; } QListWidget *KActionSelector::selectedListWidget() const { return d->selectedListWidget; } void KActionSelector::setButtonIcon( const QString &icon, MoveButton button ) { switch ( button ) { case ButtonAdd: d->addIcon = icon; d->btnAdd->setIcon( KIcon( icon ) ); break; case ButtonRemove: d->removeIcon = icon; d->btnRemove->setIcon( KIcon( icon ) ); break; case ButtonUp: d->upIcon = icon; d->btnUp->setIcon( KIcon( icon ) ); break; case ButtonDown: d->downIcon = icon; d->btnDown->setIcon( KIcon( icon ) ); break; default: kDebug(13001)<<"KActionSelector::setButtonIcon: DAINBREAD!"; } } void KActionSelector::setButtonIconSet( const QIcon &iconset, MoveButton button ) { switch ( button ) { case ButtonAdd: d->btnAdd->setIcon( iconset ); break; case ButtonRemove: d->btnRemove->setIcon( iconset ); break; case ButtonUp: d->btnUp->setIcon( iconset ); break; case ButtonDown: d->btnDown->setIcon( iconset ); break; default: kDebug(13001)<<"KActionSelector::setButtonIconSet: DAINBREAD!"; } } void KActionSelector::setButtonTooltip( const QString &tip, MoveButton button ) { switch ( button ) { case ButtonAdd: d->btnAdd->setText( tip ); d->btnAdd->setToolTip( tip ); break; case ButtonRemove: d->btnRemove->setText( tip ); d->btnRemove->setToolTip( tip ); break; case ButtonUp: d->btnUp->setText( tip ); d->btnUp->setToolTip( tip ); break; case ButtonDown: d->btnDown->setText( tip ); d->btnDown->setToolTip( tip ); break; default: kDebug(13001)<<"KActionSelector::setButtonToolTip: DAINBREAD!"; } } void KActionSelector::setButtonWhatsThis( const QString &text, MoveButton button ) { switch ( button ) { case ButtonAdd: d->btnAdd->setWhatsThis(text ); break; case ButtonRemove: d->btnRemove->setWhatsThis(text ); break; case ButtonUp: d->btnUp->setWhatsThis(text ); break; case ButtonDown: d->btnDown->setWhatsThis(text ); break; default: kDebug(13001)<<"KActionSelector::setButtonWhatsThis: DAINBREAD!"; } } void KActionSelector::setButtonsEnabled() { d->btnAdd->setEnabled( d->selectedRowIndex(d->availableListWidget) > -1 ); d->btnRemove->setEnabled( d->selectedRowIndex(d->selectedListWidget) > -1 ); d->btnUp->setEnabled( d->selectedRowIndex(d->selectedListWidget) > 0 ); d->btnDown->setEnabled( d->selectedRowIndex(d->selectedListWidget) > -1 && d->selectedRowIndex(d->selectedListWidget) < d->selectedListWidget->count() - 1 ); } //END Public Methods //BEGIN Properties bool KActionSelector::moveOnDoubleClick() const { return d->moveOnDoubleClick; } void KActionSelector::setMoveOnDoubleClick( bool b ) { d->moveOnDoubleClick = b; } bool KActionSelector::keyboardEnabled() const { return d->keyboardEnabled; } void KActionSelector::setKeyboardEnabled( bool b ) { d->keyboardEnabled = b; } QString KActionSelector::availableLabel() const { return d->lAvailable->text(); } void KActionSelector::setAvailableLabel( const QString &text ) { d->lAvailable->setText( text ); } QString KActionSelector::selectedLabel() const { return d->lSelected->text(); } void KActionSelector::setSelectedLabel( const QString &text ) { d->lSelected->setText( text ); } KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy KActionSelector::availableInsertionPolicy() const { return d->availableInsertionPolicy; } void KActionSelector::setAvailableInsertionPolicy( InsertionPolicy p ) { d->availableInsertionPolicy = p; } KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy KActionSelector::selectedInsertionPolicy() const { return d->selectedInsertionPolicy; } void KActionSelector::setSelectedInsertionPolicy( InsertionPolicy p ) { d->selectedInsertionPolicy = p; } bool KActionSelector::showUpDownButtons() const { return d->showUpDownButtons; } void KActionSelector::setShowUpDownButtons( bool show ) { d->showUpDownButtons = show; if ( show ) { d->btnUp->show(); d->btnDown->show(); } else { d->btnUp->hide(); d->btnDown->hide(); } } //END Properties //BEGIN Public Slots void KActionSelector::polish() { setButtonsEnabled(); } //END Public Slots //BEGIN Protected void KActionSelector::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( ! d->keyboardEnabled ) return; if ( (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Right: d->buttonAddClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: d->buttonRemoveClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: d->buttonUpClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Down: d->buttonDownClicked(); break; default: e->ignore(); return; } } } bool KActionSelector::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( d->keyboardEnabled && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { if ( (((QKeyEvent*)e)->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) ) { switch ( ((QKeyEvent*)e)->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Right: d->buttonAddClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: d->buttonRemoveClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: d->buttonUpClicked(); break; case Qt::Key_Down: d->buttonDownClicked(); break; default: return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); break; } return true; } else if ( QListWidget *lb = qobject_cast(o) ) { switch ( ((QKeyEvent*)e)->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: int index = lb->currentRow(); if ( index < 0 ) break; d->moveItem( lb->item( index ) ); return true; } } } return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); } //END Protected //BEGIN Private Slots void KActionSelectorPrivate::buttonAddClicked() { // move all selected items from available to selected listbox QList list = availableListWidget->selectedItems(); foreach (QListWidgetItem* item, list) { availableListWidget->takeItem( availableListWidget->row( item ) ); selectedListWidget->insertItem( insertionIndex( selectedListWidget, selectedInsertionPolicy ), item ); selectedListWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); emit q->added( item ); } if ( selectedInsertionPolicy == KActionSelector::Sorted ) selectedListWidget->sortItems(); selectedListWidget->setFocus(); } void KActionSelectorPrivate::buttonRemoveClicked() { // move all selected items from selected to available listbox QList list = selectedListWidget->selectedItems(); foreach (QListWidgetItem* item, list) { selectedListWidget->takeItem( selectedListWidget->row( item ) ); availableListWidget->insertItem( insertionIndex( availableListWidget, availableInsertionPolicy ), item ); availableListWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); emit q->removed( item ); } if ( availableInsertionPolicy == KActionSelector::Sorted ) availableListWidget->sortItems(); availableListWidget->setFocus(); } void KActionSelectorPrivate::buttonUpClicked() { int c = selectedRowIndex(selectedListWidget); if ( c < 1 ) return; QListWidgetItem *item = selectedListWidget->item( c ); selectedListWidget->takeItem( c ); selectedListWidget->insertItem( c-1, item ); selectedListWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); emit q->movedUp( item ); } void KActionSelectorPrivate::buttonDownClicked() { int c = selectedRowIndex(selectedListWidget); if ( c < 0 || c == selectedListWidget->count() - 1 ) return; QListWidgetItem *item = selectedListWidget->item( c ); selectedListWidget->takeItem( c ); selectedListWidget->insertItem( c+1, item ); selectedListWidget->setCurrentItem( item ); emit q->movedDown( item ); } void KActionSelectorPrivate::itemDoubleClicked( QListWidgetItem *item ) { if ( moveOnDoubleClick ) moveItem( item ); } //END Private Slots //BEGIN Private Methods void KActionSelectorPrivate::loadIcons() { btnAdd->setIcon( KIcon( addIcon ) ); btnRemove->setIcon( KIcon( removeIcon ) ); btnUp->setIcon( KIcon( upIcon ) ); btnDown->setIcon( KIcon( downIcon ) ); } void KActionSelectorPrivate::moveItem( QListWidgetItem *item ) { QListWidget *lbFrom = item->listWidget(); QListWidget *lbTo; if ( lbFrom == availableListWidget ) lbTo = selectedListWidget; else if ( lbFrom == selectedListWidget ) lbTo = availableListWidget; else //?! somewhat unlikely... return; KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy p = ( lbTo == availableListWidget ) ? availableInsertionPolicy : selectedInsertionPolicy; lbFrom->takeItem( lbFrom->row( item ) ); lbTo->insertItem( insertionIndex( lbTo, p ), item ); lbTo->setFocus(); lbTo->setCurrentItem( item ); if ( p == KActionSelector::Sorted ) lbTo->sortItems(); if ( lbTo == selectedListWidget ) emit q->added( item ); else emit q->removed( item ); } int KActionSelectorPrivate::insertionIndex( QListWidget *lb, KActionSelector::InsertionPolicy policy ) { int index; switch ( policy ) { case KActionSelector::BelowCurrent: index = lb->currentRow(); if ( index > -1 ) index += 1; break; case KActionSelector::AtTop: index = 0; break; default: index = -1; } return index; } int KActionSelectorPrivate::selectedRowIndex( QListWidget *lb ) { QList list = lb->selectedItems(); if (list.isEmpty()) { return -1; } return lb->row(list.at(0)); } //END Private Methods #include "kactionselector.moc"