#include "kxmlguitest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void Client::slotSec() { kDebug() << "Client::slotSec()"; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, "test", 0, ki18n("Test"), "1.0", ki18n("test app")); KApplication app; KAction *a; // KXMLGUIClient looks in the "data" resource for the .rc files // Let's add the source dir to it KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir( "data", KDESRCDIR ); KMainWindow *mainwindow = new KMainWindow; QLineEdit* line = new QLineEdit( mainwindow ); mainwindow->setCentralWidget( line ); mainwindow->show(); KXMLGUIBuilder *builder = new KXMLGUIBuilder( mainwindow ); KXMLGUIFactory *factory = new KXMLGUIFactory( builder ); Client *shell = new Client; shell->setComponentData(KComponentData("konqueror")); shell->componentData().dirs()->addResourceDir( "data", QDir::currentPath() ); a = new KAction( KIcon( "view-split-left-right" ), "Split", shell ); shell->actionCollection()->addAction( "splitviewh", a ); shell->setXMLFile( KDESRCDIR "/kxmlguitest_shell.rc" ); factory->addClient( shell ); Client *part = new Client; a = new KAction( KIcon( "zoom-out" ), "decfont", part ); part->actionCollection()->addAction( "decFontSizes", a ); a = new KAction( KIcon( "security-low" ), "sec", part ); part->actionCollection()->addAction( "security", a ); a->setShortcut( KShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_1), KAction::DefaultShortcut ); a->connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), part, SLOT(slotSec()) ); part->setXMLFile( KDESRCDIR "/kxmlguitest_part.rc" ); factory->addClient( part ); for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { factory->removeClient( part ); factory->addClient( part ); } return app.exec(); } #include "kxmlguitest.moc"