/* * Tests the KNumInput Widget class * * Copyright 1999 by Dirk A. Mueller * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "knuminputtest.h" KApplication *a; #include void TopLevel::slotPrint( int n ) { kDebug() << "slotPrint( " << n << " )"; } void TopLevel::slotPrint( double n ) { kDebug() << "slotPrint( " << n << " )"; } #define conn(x,y) connect( x, SIGNAL(valueChanged(y)), SLOT(slotPrint(y))) TopLevel::TopLevel(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setWindowTitle("KNumInput test application"); QBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout(this); l->setMargin(10); QGroupBox* b1 = new QGroupBox("KIntNumInput", this); b1->setLayout( new QVBoxLayout() ); i1 = new KIntNumInput(42,b1,10 /*"perc_no_slider"*/); i1->setLabel("percent of usage (no slider)"); i1->setRange(0, 100, 5); i1->setSliderEnabled(false); conn(i1,int); b1->layout()->addWidget(i1); i2 = new KIntNumInput(42, b1); i2->setLabel("percentage of usage (with slider)"); i2->setRange(0, 100, 5); i2->setSuffix(" %"); i2->setSliderEnabled(true); conn(i2,int); b1->layout()->addWidget(i2); i3 = new KIntNumInput(0xAF, b1, 16); i3->setLabel("Hex byte (no slider)"); i3->setRange(0, 255, 1); i3->setSliderEnabled(false); i3->setSuffix(" (hex)"); conn(i3,int); b1->layout()->addWidget(i3); i4 = new KIntNumInput(0xfe, b1, 16); i4->setLabel("Hex byte (with slider)"); i4->setRange(0, 255, 1); i4->setSliderEnabled(true); conn(i4,int); b1->layout()->addWidget(i4); i5 = new KIntNumInput(10, b1,10); i5->setLabel("Width (keeps aspect ratio):"); i5->setRange(0, 200); i5->setSliderEnabled(false); i5->setReferencePoint( 5 ); b1->layout()->addWidget(i5); i6 = new KIntNumInput(20, b1, 10); i6->setLabel("Height (should be 2xWidth value):"); i6->setRange(0, 200); i6->setReferencePoint( 10 ); i6->setSliderEnabled(false); b1->layout()->addWidget(i6); connect( i5, SIGNAL(relativeValueChanged(double)), i6, SLOT(setRelativeValue(double)) ); connect( i6, SIGNAL(relativeValueChanged(double)), i5, SLOT(setRelativeValue(double)) ); i7 = new KIntNumInput(0, b1, 10); i7->setLabel("math test:", Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft ); i7->setRange( 0, 200, 1 ); conn(i7,int); b1->layout()->addWidget(i7); i8 = new KIntNumInput(0, b1, 10); i8->setLabel("plural test:", Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft); i8->setRange(0, 100, 1); i8->setSuffix( ki18np( " suffix", " suffixes" ) ); b1->layout()->addWidget(i8); l->addWidget(b1); QGroupBox* b2 = new QGroupBox("KDoubleNumInput", this); b2->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout()); d1 = new KDoubleNumInput(10,4.0,1,b2,2 /*, "perc_double_no_slider"*/); d1->setLabel("percent of usage (no slider)", Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight); d1->setRange(0.0, 4000.0, 0.01, false); //d1->setValue(1.00000000000000000001); conn(d1,double); b2->layout()->addWidget(d1); d2 = new KDoubleNumInput(0,20,0.422,b2,0.1,3/*, "perc_double_with_slider"*/); d2->setLabel("percentage of usage (with slider)", Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignLeft); d2->setRange(0, 0.05, 0.005); d2->setSuffix("%"); conn(d2,double); b2->layout()->addWidget(d2); d3 = new KDoubleNumInput(0,20,16.20,b2); d3->setLabel("cash: ", Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter); d3->setRange(0.10, 100, 0.1); d3->setPrefix("p"); d3->setSuffix("$"); conn(d3,double); b2->layout()->addWidget(d3); d4 = new KDoubleNumInput(0,INT_MAX,INT_MAX/10000.0,b2,1,1); // d4->setPrecision(3); d4->setRange(double(INT_MIN+1)/1000.0, double(INT_MAX)/1000.0, 1); d4->setLabel("math test: ", Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft); // d4->setFormat("%g"); conn(d4,double); b2->layout()->addWidget(d4); d5 = new KDoubleNumInput(double(INT_MIN+1)/1e9, double(INT_MAX-1)/1e9, 0.1, b2,0.001, 9 /*, "d5"*/); d5->setLabel("math test 2: ", Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft); conn(d5,double); b2->layout()->addWidget(d5); d6 = new KDoubleNumInput(-10, 10, 0, b2,0.001, 3 /*, "d6"*/); d6->setLabel("aspect ratio test with a negative ratio:"); d6->setReferencePoint( 1 ); b2->layout()->addWidget(d6); d7 = new KDoubleNumInput(-30, 30, 0, b2,0.001, 3 /*, "d7"*/); d7->setReferencePoint( -3 ); b2->layout()->addWidget(d7); connect( d6, SIGNAL(relativeValueChanged(double)), d7, SLOT(setRelativeValue(double)) ); connect( d7, SIGNAL(relativeValueChanged(double)), d6, SLOT(setRelativeValue(double)) ); l->addWidget(b2); } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { KAboutData about("KNuminputTest", 0, ki18n("KNuminputTest"), "version"); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &about); a = new KApplication ( ); TopLevel *toplevel = new TopLevel(0); toplevel->show(); a->exec(); } #include "knuminputtest.moc"