/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Andreas Hartmetz (ahartmetz@gmail.com) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kgesturemap.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* This is a class for internal use by the KDE libraries only. This class may change or go away without notice so don't try to use it in non-kdelibs code. */ class KGestureMapContainer { public: KGestureMap gestureMap; }; K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KGestureMapContainer, g_instance) KGestureMap::~KGestureMap() { } KGestureMap *KGestureMap::self() { return &g_instance->gestureMap; } KGestureMap::KGestureMap() { m_gestureTimeout.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_gestureTimeout, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(stopAcquisition())); //It would be nice to install the filter on demand. Unfortunately, //undesired behavior might result due to changing invocation //orders of different event filters. if (qApp) qApp->installEventFilter(this); } void KGestureMap::addGesture(const KShapeGesture &gesture, KAction *act) { if (!gesture.isValid() || !act) return; kDebug(283) << "KGestureMap::addGesture(KShapeGesture ...)"; if (!m_shapeGestures.contains(gesture)) m_shapeGestures.insert(gesture, act); else kDebug(283) << "Tried to register an action for a gesture already taken"; } void KGestureMap::addGesture(const KRockerGesture &gesture, KAction *act) { if (!gesture.isValid() || !act) return; kDebug(283) << "KGestureMap::addGesture(KRockerGesture ...)"; if (!m_rockerGestures.contains(gesture)) m_rockerGestures.insert(gesture, act); else kDebug(283) << "Tried to register an action for a gesture already taken"; } void KGestureMap::removeGesture(const KShapeGesture &gesture, KAction *act) { if (!gesture.isValid()) return; kDebug(283) << "KGestureMap::removeGesture(KShapeGesture ...)"; KAction *oldAct = m_shapeGestures.value(gesture); if (oldAct == act || !act /*wildcard*/) m_shapeGestures.remove(gesture); } void KGestureMap::removeGesture(const KRockerGesture &gesture, KAction *act) { if (!gesture.isValid()) return; kDebug(283) << "KGestureMap::removeGesture(KRockerGesture ...)"; KAction *oldAct = m_rockerGestures.value(gesture); if (oldAct == act || !act /*wildcard*/) m_rockerGestures.remove(gesture); } KAction *KGestureMap::findAction(const KShapeGesture &gesture) const { return m_shapeGestures.value(gesture); } KAction *KGestureMap::findAction(const KRockerGesture &gesture) const { return m_rockerGestures.value(gesture); } void KGestureMap::installEventFilterOnMe(KApplication *app) { app->installEventFilter(this); } inline int KGestureMap::bitCount(int n) { int count = 0; while (n) { n &= (n - 1); count++; } return count; } void KGestureMap::handleAction(KAction *kact) { if (!kact) return; kDebug(283) << "handleAction"; //TODO: only activate in the action's context, just like keyboard shortcuts kact->trigger(); return; } void KGestureMap::matchShapeGesture() { //TODO: tune and tweak until satisfied with result :) m_shapeGesture.setShape(m_points); float dist, minDist = 20.0; KAction *bestMatch = 0; for (QHash::const_iterator it = m_shapeGestures.constBegin(); it != m_shapeGestures.constEnd(); ++it) { dist = m_shapeGesture.distance(it.key(), 1000.0); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; bestMatch = it.value(); } } handleAction(bestMatch); } //slot void KGestureMap::stopAcquisition() { m_gestureTimeout.stop(); m_acquiring = false; } //TODO: Probably kwin, kded and others should not have a gesture map. //Maybe making them friends and providing a private "die()" function would work. /* * Act on rocker gestures immediately and collect movement data for evaluation. * The decision when to consume and when to relay an event is quite tricky. * I decided to only consume clicks that belong to completed rocker gestures. * A user might e.g. go back in a browser several times using rocker gestures, * thus changing what's under the cursor every time. This might lead to * unintended clicks on links where there was free space before. */ bool KGestureMap::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { //disable until it does not interfere with other input any more return false; Q_UNUSED(obj); int type = e->type(); //catch right-clicks disguised as context menu events. if we ignore a //context menu event caused by a right-click, it should get resent //as a right-click event, according to documentation. //### this is preliminary if (type == QEvent::ContextMenu) { QContextMenuEvent *cme = static_cast(e); if (cme->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { cme->ignore(); return true; } return false; } if (type < QEvent::MouseButtonPress || type > QEvent::MouseMove) return false; QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(e); if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { int nButtonsDown = bitCount(me->buttons()); kDebug(283) << "number of buttons down:" << nButtonsDown; //right button down starts gesture acquisition if (nButtonsDown == 1 && me->button() == Qt::RightButton) { //"startAcquisition()" m_acquiring = true; m_gestureTimeout.start(4000); kDebug(283) << "========================"; m_points.clear(); m_points.append(me->pos()); return true; } else if (nButtonsDown != 2) return false; //rocker gestures. do not trigger any movement gestures from now on. stopAcquisition(); int buttonHeld = me->buttons() ^ me->button(); m_rockerGesture.setButtons(static_cast(buttonHeld), me->button()); KAction *match = m_rockerGestures.value(m_rockerGesture); if (!match) return false; handleAction(match); return true; } if (m_acquiring) { if (type == QEvent::MouseMove) { m_points.append(me->pos()); //abort to avoid using too much memory. 1010 points should be enough //for everyone! :) //next reallocation of m_points would happen at 1012 items if (m_points.size() > 1010) stopAcquisition(); return true; } else if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && me->button() == Qt::RightButton) { stopAcquisition(); //TODO: pre-selection of gestures by length (optimization), if necessary //possibly apply other heuristics //then try all remaining gestures for sufficiently small distance int dist = 0; for (int i = 1; i < m_points.size(); i++) { dist += (m_points[i] - m_points[i-1]).manhattanLength(); if (dist > 40) { matchShapeGesture(); return true; } //this was probably a small glitch while right-clicking if we get here. //TODO: open the context menu or do whatever happens on right-click (how?) } return false; } } return false; } #include "kgesturemap.moc"