/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer (C) 1999 Simon Hausmann (C) 2000 Nicolas Hadacek (C) 2000 Kurt Granroth (C) 2000 Michael Koch (C) 2001 Holger Freyther (C) 2002 Ellis Whitehead (C) 2003 Andras Mantia (C) 2005-2006 Hamish Rodda This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KACTIONMENU_H #define KACTIONMENU_H #include class KMenu; /** * A KActionMenu is an action that has several properties specific to holding a * sub-menu of other actions. * * Any QAction can be used to create a submenu. * * Plugged in a popupmenu, it will create a submenu. * Plugged in a toolbar, it will create a button with a popup menu. * * This is the action used by the XMLGUI since it holds other actions. * If you want a submenu for selecting one tool among many (without icons), see KSelectAction. * See also setDelayed about the main action. */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KActionMenu : public KAction { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( bool delayed READ delayed WRITE setDelayed ) Q_PROPERTY( bool stickyMenu READ stickyMenu WRITE setStickyMenu ) public: explicit KActionMenu(QObject *parent); KActionMenu(const QString& text, QObject *parent); KActionMenu(const KIcon& icon, const QString& text, QObject *parent); virtual ~KActionMenu(); /** * @deprecated */ #ifndef KDE_NO_DEPRECATED KDE_DEPRECATED void remove( KAction* ); #endif void addAction(QAction* action); QAction* addSeparator(); void insertAction(QAction* before, QAction* action); QAction* insertSeparator(QAction* before); void removeAction(QAction* action); /** * Returns this action's menu as a KMenu, if it is one. * If none exists, one will be created. * @deprecated use menu() instead. */ #ifndef KDE_NO_DEPRECATED inline KDE_DEPRECATED KMenu* popupMenu() { return menu(); } #endif /** * Returns this action's menu as a KMenu, if it is one. * If none exists, one will be created. */ KMenu* menu(); /* * Overload of QAction::setMenu to make sure a KMenu is passed **/ void setMenu( KMenu *menu ); /** * Returns true if this action creates a delayed popup menu * when plugged in a KToolBar. */ bool delayed() const; /** * If set to true, this action will create a delayed popup menu * when plugged in a KToolBar. Otherwise it creates a normal popup. * Default: delayed * * Remember that if the "main" action (the toolbar button itself) * cannot be clicked, then you should call setDelayed(false). * * In the other case, if the main action can be clicked, it can only happen * in a toolbar: in a menu, the parent of a submenu can't be activated. * To get a "normal" menu item when plugged a menu (and no submenu) * use KToolBarPopupAction. */ void setDelayed(bool delayed); /** * Returns true if this action creates a sticky popup menu. * @see setStickyMenu(). */ bool stickyMenu() const; /** * If set to true, this action will create a sticky popup menu * when plugged in a KToolBar. * "Sticky", means it's visible until a selection is made or the mouse is * clicked elsewhere. This feature allows you to make a selection without * having to press and hold down the mouse while making a selection. * Default: sticky. */ void setStickyMenu(bool sticky); virtual QWidget* createWidget(QWidget* parent); private: class KActionMenuPrivate* const d; }; #endif