/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Urs Wolfer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KTITLEWIDGET_H #define KTITLEWIDGET_H #include #include /** * @short Standard title widget with a white background and round border. * * This class provides a widget often used for dialog titles. * \image html ktitlewidget.png "KTitleWidget with title and icon" * * @section Usage * KTitleWidget is very simple to use. You can either use its default text * (and pixmap) properties or display your own widgets in the title widget. * * A title text with a left aligned pixmap: * @code KTitleWidget *titleWidget = new KTitleWidget(this); titleWidget->setText(i18n("Title")); titleWidget->setPixmap(KIcon("screen").pixmap(22, 22), KTitleWidget::ImageLeft); * @endcode * * Use it with an own widget: * @code KTitleWidget *checkboxTitleWidget = new KTitleWidget(this); QWidget *checkBoxTitleMainWidget = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *titleLayout = new QVBoxLayout(checkBoxTitleMainWidget); titleLayout->setMargin(6); QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox("Text Checkbox", checkBoxTitleMainWidget); titleLayout->addWidget(checkBox); checkboxTitleWidget->setWidget(checkBoxTitleMainWidget); * @endcode * * @see KPageView * @author Urs Wolfer \ */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KTitleWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS(ImageAlignment) Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText) Q_PROPERTY(QString comment READ comment WRITE setComment) Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap pixmap READ pixmap WRITE setPixmap) Q_PROPERTY(int autoHideTimeout READ autoHideTimeout WRITE setAutoHideTimeout) public: /** * Possible title pixmap alignments. * * @li ImageLeft: Display the pixmap left * @li ImageRight: Display the pixmap right (default) */ enum ImageAlignment { ImageLeft, /**< Display the pixmap on the left */ ImageRight /**< Display the pixmap on the right */ }; /** * Comment message types */ enum MessageType { PlainMessage, /**< Normal comment */ InfoMessage, /**< Information the user should be alerted to */ WarningMessage, /**< A warning the user should be alerted to */ ErrorMessage /**< An error message */ }; /** * Constructs a title widget with the given @param parent. */ explicit KTitleWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~KTitleWidget(); /** * @param widget Widget displayed on the title widget. */ void setWidget(QWidget *widget); /** * @return the text displayed in the title * @see setText() */ QString text() const; /** * @return the text displayed in the comment below the title, if any * @see setComment() */ QString comment() const; /** * @return the pixmap displayed in the title * @see setPixmap() */ QPixmap pixmap() const; /** * Sets this label's buddy to buddy. * When the user presses the shortcut key indicated by the label in this * title widget, the keyboard focus is transferred to the label's buddy * widget. * @param buddy the widget to activate when the shortcut key is activated */ void setBuddy(QWidget *buddy); /** * Get the current timeout value in milliseconds * @return timeout value in msecs */ int autoHideTimeout() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * @param text Text displayed on the label. It can either be plain text or rich text. If it * is plain text, the text is displayed as a bold title text. * @param alignment Alignment of the text. Default is left and vertical centered. * @see text() */ void setText(const QString &text, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); /** * @param text Text displayed on the label. It can either be plain text or rich text. If it * is plain text, the text is displayed as a bold title text. * @param type The sort of message it is; will also set the icon accordingly @see MessageType * @see text() */ void setText(const QString &text, MessageType type); /** * @param comment Text displayed beneath the main title as a comment. * It can either be plain text or rich text. * @param type The sort of message it is. @see MessageType * @see comment() */ void setComment(const QString &comment, MessageType type = PlainMessage); /** * @param pixmap Pixmap displayed in the header. The pixmap is by default right, but * @param alignment can be used to display it also left. * @see pixmap() */ void setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap, ImageAlignment alignment = ImageRight); /** * @param icon name of the icon to display in the header. The pixmap is by default right, but * @param alignment can be used to display it also left. * @see pixmap() */ void setPixmap(const QString &icon, ImageAlignment alignment = ImageRight); /** * @param pixmap the icon to display in the header. The pixmap is by default right, but * @param alignment can be used to display it also left. * @see pixmap() */ void setPixmap(const QIcon& icon, ImageAlignment alignment = ImageRight); /** * @param pixmap the icon to display in the header. The pixmap is by default right, but * @param alignment can be used to display it also left. * @see pixmap() */ void setPixmap(MessageType type, ImageAlignment alignment = ImageRight); /** * Set the autohide timeout of the label * Set value to 0 to disable autohide, which is the default. * @param msecs timeout value in milliseconds */ void setAutoHideTimeout(int msecs); protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *e); void showEvent(QShowEvent *event); bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event); private: class Private; Private* const d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_timeoutFinished()) Q_DISABLE_COPY(KTitleWidget) }; #endif