/* * kimageio.h -- Declaration of interface to the KDE Image IO library. * Copyright (c) 1998 Sirtaj Singh Kang * * This library is distributed under the conditions of the GNU LGPL. */ #ifndef KIMAGEIO_H #define KIMAGEIO_H #include #include /** * Methods to get information about image format names and * the corresponding mime type. Also, you can get information about supported * image types without loading all the imageformat plugins. * * The image processing backends are written as image handlers compatible * with the QImageIOHandler format. The backends are Katie imageformat plugins. * Each format can be identified by a unique type id string. * * \b Formats: * * Currently supported formats include: * @li PBM \ * @li PGM \ * @li PPM \ * @li XBM \ * @li BMP \ * @li ICO \ * @li JPEG \ * @li TGA \ * @li TIFF \ * @li GIF \ * @li DDS \ * @li EPS \ * @li EXR \ * @li JP2 \ * @li PSD \ * @li WEBP \ \ * @li XCF \ * @li RAW \ * * @todo move to kdeui */ namespace KImageIO { /** * Possible image file access modes. * * Used in various KImageIO static function. **/ enum Mode { Reading, Writing }; /** * Returns a list of patterns of all KImageIO supported formats. * * These patterns can be passed to KFileDialog::getOpenFileName() * or KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(), for example. * * @param mode Tells whether to retrieve modes that can be read or written. * @return a space-separated list of file globs that describe the * supported formats */ KDEUI_EXPORT QString pattern(Mode mode = Reading); /** * Returns the type of a MIME type. * @param mimeType the MIME type to search * @return type id(s) of the MIME type or QStringList() if the MIME type * is not supported */ KDEUI_EXPORT QStringList typeForMime(const QString& mimeType); /** * Returns a list of all KImageIO supported formats. * * @param mode Tells whether to retrieve modes that can be read or written. * @return a list of the type ids */ KDEUI_EXPORT QStringList types(Mode mode = Writing); /** * Returns a list of MIME types for all KImageIO supported formats. * * @param mode Tells whether to retrieve modes that can be read or written. * @return a list if MIME types of the supported formats */ KDEUI_EXPORT QStringList mimeTypes(Mode mode = Writing); /** * Test to see whether a MIME type is supported to reading/writing. * @param _mimeType the MIME type to check * @param _mode Tells whether to check for reading or writing capabilities * @return true if the type is supported **/ KDEUI_EXPORT bool isSupported(const QString& mimeType, Mode mode = Writing); } #endif // KIMAGEIO_H