/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Simon Hausmann Copyright (C) 2000 Kurt Granroth This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kxmlguiclient.h" #include "kxmlguiversionhandler_p.h" #include "kxmlguifactory.h" #include "kxmlguibuilder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kaction.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" #include class KXMLGUIClientPrivate { public: KXMLGUIClientPrivate() : m_componentData(KGlobal::mainComponent()), m_actionCollection(0), m_parent(0L), m_builder(0L) { } ~KXMLGUIClientPrivate() { } bool mergeXML( QDomElement &base, QDomElement &additive, KActionCollection *actionCollection ); bool isEmptyContainer(const QDomElement& base, KActionCollection *actionCollection) const; QDomElement findMatchingElement( const QDomElement &base, const QDomElement &additive ); KComponentData m_componentData; QDomDocument m_doc; KActionCollection *m_actionCollection; QDomDocument m_buildDocument; QPointer m_factory; KXMLGUIClient *m_parent; //QPtrList m_supers; QList m_children; KXMLGUIBuilder *m_builder; QString m_xmlFile; QString m_localXMLFile; // Actions to enable/disable on a state change QMap m_actionsStateMap; }; KXMLGUIClient::KXMLGUIClient() : d( new KXMLGUIClientPrivate ) { } KXMLGUIClient::KXMLGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *parent ) : d( new KXMLGUIClientPrivate ) { parent->insertChildClient( this ); } KXMLGUIClient::~KXMLGUIClient() { if ( d->m_parent ) { d->m_parent->removeChildClient( this ); } if ( d->m_factory ) { kWarning(240) << this << "deleted without having been removed from the factory first. This will leak standalone popupmenus and could lead to crashes."; d->m_factory->forgetClient(this); } foreach (KXMLGUIClient* client, d->m_children) { if (d->m_factory) d->m_factory->forgetClient(client); assert( client->d->m_parent == this ); client->d->m_parent = 0; } delete d->m_actionCollection; delete d; } QAction *KXMLGUIClient::action( const char *name ) const { QAction* act = actionCollection()->action( name ); if ( !act ) { foreach (KXMLGUIClient* client, d->m_children) { act = client->actionCollection()->action( name ); if ( act ) break; } } return act; } KActionCollection *KXMLGUIClient::actionCollection() const { if ( !d->m_actionCollection ) { d->m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this ); d->m_actionCollection->setObjectName( "KXMLGUIClient-KActionCollection" ); } return d->m_actionCollection; } QAction *KXMLGUIClient::action( const QDomElement &element ) const { static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" ); return actionCollection()->action( qPrintable(element.attribute( attrName )) ); } KComponentData KXMLGUIClient::componentData() const { return d->m_componentData; } QDomDocument KXMLGUIClient::domDocument() const { return d->m_doc; } QString KXMLGUIClient::xmlFile() const { return d->m_xmlFile; } QString KXMLGUIClient::localXMLFile() const { if ( !d->m_localXMLFile.isEmpty() ) return d->m_localXMLFile; if ( !QDir::isRelativePath(d->m_xmlFile) ) return QString(); // can't save anything here if (d->m_xmlFile.isEmpty()) // setXMLFile not called at all, can't save. Use case: ToolBarHandler return QString(); return KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "data", componentData().componentName() + '/' + d->m_xmlFile ); } void KXMLGUIClient::reloadXML() { // TODO: this method can't be used for the KXmlGuiWindow, since it doesn't merge in ui_standards.rc! // -> KDE5: load ui_standards_rc in setXMLFile using a flag, and remember that flag? // and then KEditToolBar can use reloadXML. QString file( xmlFile() ); if ( !file.isEmpty() ) setXMLFile( file ); } void KXMLGUIClient::setComponentData(const KComponentData &componentData, bool loadPlugins) { d->m_componentData = componentData; actionCollection()->setComponentData( componentData ); if ( d->m_builder ) d->m_builder->setBuilderClient( this ); } void KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile() { const QString file = KStandardDirs::locate("config", "ui/ui_standards.rc", componentData()); if (file.isEmpty()) { kWarning() << "ui/ui_standards.rc not found in" << componentData().dirs()->resourceDirs("config"); } else { const QString doc = KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile( file ); setXML( doc ); } } void KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile( const QString& _file, bool merge, bool setXMLDoc ) { // store our xml file name if ( !_file.isNull() ) d->m_xmlFile = _file; if ( !setXMLDoc ) return; QString file = _file; QStringList allFiles; if ( !QDir::isRelativePath( file ) ) { allFiles.append( file ); } else { const QString filter = componentData().componentName() + '/' + _file; allFiles = componentData().dirs()->findAllResources("data", filter) + componentData().dirs()->findAllResources("data", _file); } if ( allFiles.isEmpty() && !_file.isEmpty() ) { // if a non-empty file gets passed and we can't find it, // inform the developer using some debug output kWarning() << "cannot find .rc file" << _file << "for component" << componentData().componentName(); } // make sure to merge the settings from any file specified by setLocalXMLFile() if ( !d->m_localXMLFile.isEmpty() && !file.endsWith("ui_standards.rc") ) { const bool exists = QDir::isRelativePath(d->m_localXMLFile) || QFile::exists(d->m_localXMLFile); if (exists && !allFiles.contains(d->m_localXMLFile)) allFiles.prepend( d->m_localXMLFile ); } QString doc; if ( !allFiles.isEmpty() ) file = findMostRecentXMLFile(allFiles, doc); // Always call setXML, even on error, so that we don't keep all ui_standards.rc menus. setXML( doc, merge ); } void KXMLGUIClient::setLocalXMLFile( const QString &file ) { d->m_localXMLFile = file; } void KXMLGUIClient::replaceXMLFile( const QString& xmlfile, const QString& localxmlfile, bool merge ) { if ( !QDir::isAbsolutePath ( xmlfile ) ) { kWarning() << "xml file" << xmlfile << "is not an absolute path"; } setLocalXMLFile ( localxmlfile ); setXMLFile ( xmlfile, merge ); } void KXMLGUIClient::setXML( const QString &document, bool merge ) { QDomDocument doc; QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorColumn; // QDomDocument raises a parse error on empty document, but we accept no app-specific document, // in which case you only get ui_standards.rc layout. bool result = document.isEmpty() || doc.setContent(document, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn); if ( result ) { setDOMDocument( doc, merge ); } else { #ifdef NDEBUG kError(240) << "Error parsing XML document:" << errorMsg << "at line" << errorLine << "column" << errorColumn; setDOMDocument(QDomDocument(), merge); // otherwise empty menus from ui_standards.rc stay around #else kFatal() << "Error parsing XML document:" << errorMsg << "at line" << errorLine << "column" << errorColumn; #endif } } void KXMLGUIClient::setDOMDocument( const QDomDocument &document, bool merge ) { if ( merge && !d->m_doc.isNull() ) { QDomElement base = d->m_doc.documentElement(); QDomElement e = document.documentElement(); // merge our original (global) xml with our new one d->mergeXML(base, e, actionCollection()); // reassign our pointer as mergeXML might have done something // strange to it base = d->m_doc.documentElement(); //kDebug(260) << "Result of xmlgui merging:" << d->m_doc.toString(); // we want some sort of failsafe.. just in case if ( base.isNull() ) d->m_doc = document; } else { d->m_doc = document; } setXMLGUIBuildDocument( QDomDocument() ); } // if (equals(a,b)) is more readable than if (a.compare(b, Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) static bool equalstr(const QString& a, const QString& b) { return a.compare(b, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } bool KXMLGUIClientPrivate::mergeXML( QDomElement &base, QDomElement &additive, KActionCollection *actionCollection ) { static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString( "Action" ); static const QString &tagMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "Merge" ); static const QString &tagSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "Separator" ); static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" ); static const QString &attrAppend = KGlobal::staticQString( "append" ); static const QString &attrWeakSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString( "weakSeparator" ); static const QString &tagMergeLocal = KGlobal::staticQString( "MergeLocal" ); static const QString &tagText = KGlobal::staticQString( "text" ); static const QString &attrAlreadyVisited = KGlobal::staticQString( "alreadyVisited" ); static const QString &attrNoMerge = KGlobal::staticQString( "noMerge" ); static const QString &attrOne = KGlobal::staticQString( "1" ); // there is a possibility that we don't want to merge in the // additive.. rather, we might want to *replace* the base with the // additive. this can be for any container.. either at a file wide // level or a simple container level. we look for the 'noMerge' // tag, in any event and just replace the old with the new if ( additive.attribute(attrNoMerge) == attrOne ) // ### use toInt() instead? (Simon) { base.parentNode().replaceChild(additive, base); return true; } else { // Merge attributes { const QDomNamedNodeMap attribs = additive.attributes(); const uint attribcount = attribs.count(); for(uint i = 0; i < attribcount; ++i) { const QDomNode node = attribs.item(i); base.setAttribute(node.nodeName(), node.nodeValue()); } } // iterate over all elements in the container (of the global DOM tree) QDomNode n = base.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; const QString tag = e.tagName(); // if there's an action tag in the global tree and the action is // not implemented, then we remove the element if (equalstr(tag, tagAction)) { const QString name = e.attribute(attrName); if (!actionCollection->action(name) || !KAuthorized::authorizeKAction(name)) { // remove this child as we aren't using it base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } // if there's a separator defined in the global tree, then add an // attribute, specifying that this is a "weak" separator else if (equalstr(tag, tagSeparator)) { e.setAttribute( attrWeakSeparator, (uint)1 ); // okay, hack time. if the last item was a weak separator OR // this is the first item in a container, then we nuke the // current one QDomElement prev = e.previousSibling().toElement(); if (prev.isNull() || (equalstr(prev.tagName(), tagSeparator) && !prev.attribute(attrWeakSeparator).isNull() ) || (equalstr(prev.tagName(), tagText))) { // the previous element was a weak separator or didn't exist base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } // the MergeLocal tag lets us specify where non-standard elements // of the local tree shall be merged in. After inserting the // elements we delete this element else if (equalstr(tag, tagMergeLocal)) { QDomNode it = additive.firstChild(); while ( !it.isNull() ) { QDomElement newChild = it.toElement(); it = it.nextSibling(); if (newChild.isNull() ) continue; if (equalstr(newChild.tagName(), tagText)) continue; if ( newChild.attribute( attrAlreadyVisited ) == attrOne ) continue; QString itAppend( newChild.attribute( attrAppend ) ); QString elemName( e.attribute( attrName ) ); if ( ( itAppend.isNull() && elemName.isEmpty() ) || ( itAppend == elemName ) ) { // first, see if this new element matches a standard one in // the global file. if it does, then we skip it as it will // be merged in, later QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( newChild, base ); if (matchingElement.isNull() || equalstr(newChild.tagName(), tagSeparator)) base.insertBefore( newChild, e ); } } base.removeChild( e ); continue; } else if (equalstr(tag, tagText)) { continue; } else if (equalstr(tag, tagMerge)) { continue; } // in this last case we check for a separator tag and, if not, we // can be sure that it is a container --> proceed with child nodes // recursively and delete the just proceeded container item in // case it is empty (if the recursive call returns true) else { QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, additive ); if ( !matchingElement.isNull() ) { matchingElement.setAttribute( attrAlreadyVisited, (uint)1 ); if ( mergeXML( e, matchingElement, actionCollection ) ) { base.removeChild( e ); additive.removeChild(matchingElement); // make sure we don't append it below continue; } continue; } else { // this is an important case here! We reach this point if the // "local" tree does not contain a container definition for // this container. However we have to call mergeXML recursively // and make it check if there are actions implemented for this // container. *If* none, then we can remove this container now QDomElement dummy; if ( mergeXML( e, dummy, actionCollection ) ) base.removeChild( e ); continue; } } } //here we append all child elements which were not inserted //previously via the LocalMerge tag n = additive.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; QDomElement matchingElement = findMatchingElement( e, base ); if ( matchingElement.isNull() ) { base.appendChild( e ); } } // do one quick check to make sure that the last element was not // a weak separator QDomElement last = base.lastChild().toElement(); if (equalstr(last.tagName(), tagSeparator) && (!last.attribute(attrWeakSeparator).isNull())) { base.removeChild( last ); } } return isEmptyContainer(base, actionCollection); } bool KXMLGUIClientPrivate::isEmptyContainer(const QDomElement& base, KActionCollection *actionCollection) const { // now we check if we are empty (in which case we return "true", to // indicate the caller that it can delete "us" (the base element // argument of "this" call) QDomNode n = base.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { const QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; const QString tag = e.tagName(); static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString("Action"); static const QString &tagSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString("Separator"); static const QString &tagText = KGlobal::staticQString("text"); static const QString &tagMerge = KGlobal::staticQString("Merge"); if (equalstr(tag, tagAction)) { // if base contains an implemented action, then we must not get // deleted (note that the actionCollection contains both, // "global" and "local" actions) static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString("name"); if (actionCollection->action(e.attribute(attrName))) { return false; } } else if (equalstr(tag, tagSeparator)) { // if we have a separator which has *not* the weak attribute // set, then it must be owned by the "local" tree in which case // we must not get deleted either static const QString &attrWeakSeparator = KGlobal::staticQString("weakSeparator"); const QString weakAttr = e.attribute(attrWeakSeparator); if (weakAttr.isEmpty() || weakAttr.toInt() != 1) { return false; } } else if (equalstr(tag, tagMerge)) { continue; } // a text tag is NOT enough to spare this container else if (equalstr(tag, tagText)) { continue; } // what's left are non-empty containers! *don't* delete us in this // case (at this position we can be *sure* that the container is // *not* empty, as the recursive call for it was in the first loop // which deleted the element in case the call returned "true" else { return false; } } return true; // I'm empty, please delete me. } QDomElement KXMLGUIClientPrivate::findMatchingElement( const QDomElement &base, const QDomElement &additive ) { static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString( "Action" ); static const QString &tagMergeLocal = KGlobal::staticQString( "MergeLocal" ); static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" ); QDomNode n = additive.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e -- TODO we don't, so simplify this if (e.isNull()) continue; const QString tag = e.tagName(); // skip all action and merge tags as we will never use them if (equalstr(tag, tagAction) || equalstr(tag, tagMergeLocal)) { continue; } // now see if our tags are equivalent if (equalstr(tag, base.tagName()) && e.attribute(attrName) == base.attribute(attrName)) { return e; } } // nope, return a (now) null element return QDomElement(); } void KXMLGUIClient::setXMLGUIBuildDocument( const QDomDocument &doc ) { d->m_buildDocument = doc; } QDomDocument KXMLGUIClient::xmlguiBuildDocument() const { return d->m_buildDocument; } void KXMLGUIClient::setFactory( KXMLGUIFactory *factory ) { d->m_factory = factory; } KXMLGUIFactory *KXMLGUIClient::factory() const { return d->m_factory; } KXMLGUIClient *KXMLGUIClient::parentClient() const { return d->m_parent; } void KXMLGUIClient::insertChildClient( KXMLGUIClient *child ) { if ( child->d->m_parent ) child->d->m_parent->removeChildClient( child ); d->m_children.append( child ); child->d->m_parent = this; } void KXMLGUIClient::removeChildClient( KXMLGUIClient *child ) { assert( d->m_children.contains( child ) ); d->m_children.removeAll( child ); child->d->m_parent = 0; } /*bool KXMLGUIClient::addSuperClient( KXMLGUIClient *super ) { if ( d->m_supers.contains( super ) ) return false; d->m_supers.append( super ); return true; }*/ QList KXMLGUIClient::childClients() { return d->m_children; } void KXMLGUIClient::setClientBuilder( KXMLGUIBuilder *builder ) { d->m_builder = builder; if ( builder ) builder->setBuilderComponentData( componentData() ); } KXMLGUIBuilder *KXMLGUIClient::clientBuilder() const { return d->m_builder; } void KXMLGUIClient::plugActionList( const QString &name, const QList &actionList ) { if ( !d->m_factory ) return; d->m_factory->plugActionList( this, name, actionList ); } void KXMLGUIClient::unplugActionList( const QString &name ) { if ( !d->m_factory ) return; d->m_factory->unplugActionList( this, name ); } QString KXMLGUIClient::findMostRecentXMLFile( const QStringList &files, QString &doc ) { KXmlGuiVersionHandler versionHandler(files); doc = versionHandler.finalDocument(); return versionHandler.finalFile(); } void KXMLGUIClient::addStateActionEnabled(const QString& state, const QString& action) { StateChange stateChange = getActionsToChangeForState(state); stateChange.actionsToEnable.append( action ); //kDebug(260) << "KXMLGUIClient::addStateActionEnabled( " << state << ", " << action << ")"; d->m_actionsStateMap.insert( state, stateChange ); } void KXMLGUIClient::addStateActionDisabled(const QString& state, const QString& action) { StateChange stateChange = getActionsToChangeForState(state); stateChange.actionsToDisable.append( action ); //kDebug(260) << "KXMLGUIClient::addStateActionDisabled( " << state << ", " << action << ")"; d->m_actionsStateMap.insert( state, stateChange ); } KXMLGUIClient::StateChange KXMLGUIClient::getActionsToChangeForState(const QString& state) { return d->m_actionsStateMap[state]; } void KXMLGUIClient::stateChanged(const QString &newstate, KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange reverse) { StateChange stateChange = getActionsToChangeForState(newstate); bool setTrue = (reverse == StateNoReverse); bool setFalse = !setTrue; // Enable actions which need to be enabled... // foreach ( const QString it, stateChange.actionsToEnable ) { QAction *action = actionCollection()->action(qPrintable(it)); if (action) action->setEnabled(setTrue); } // and disable actions which need to be disabled... // foreach ( const QString it, stateChange.actionsToDisable ) { QAction *action = actionCollection()->action(qPrintable(it)); if (action) action->setEnabled(setFalse); } } void KXMLGUIClient::beginXMLPlug( QWidget* w ) { actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget( w ); foreach (KXMLGUIClient* client, d->m_children) client->beginXMLPlug( w ); } void KXMLGUIClient::endXMLPlug() { } void KXMLGUIClient::prepareXMLUnplug( QWidget * w ) { actionCollection()->removeAssociatedWidget( w ); foreach (KXMLGUIClient* client, d->m_children) client->prepareXMLUnplug( w ); }