## install the cmake files set(module_install_dir ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake/modules) # This variable doesn't actually do anything, but it's probably a good idea # to have it around, so there is a place where the modules which are not installed # are listed explicitly: set(cmakeFilesDontInstall FindMPV.cmake FindUDev.cmake FindAvahi.cmake FindENCHANT.cmake FindACL.cmake FindLibCDIO.cmake FindDevinfo.cmake FindFFmpeg.cmake FindSpeechd.cmake FindLibRaw.cmake FindLibJPEG.cmake FindOpenJPEG.cmake ) # Explicitly list all files which will be installed. # We don't use a GLOB anymore so we can have also cmake files here # which are used inside kdelibs, but which don't have to be installed (and # so become part of the public interface of kdelibs which has to be kept # compatible). set(cmakeFiles cmake-modules-styleguide.txt FindDBusMenuQt.cmake FindDjVuLibre.cmake FindEPub.cmake FindExiv2.cmake FindFFmpegThumbnailer.cmake FindFontconfig.cmake FindGettextPO.cmake FindGLIB2.cmake FindGMP.cmake FindGphoto2.cmake FindKDE4Internal.cmake FindKDE4Workspace.cmake FindKmod.cmake FindLibATASmart.cmake FindLibDRM.cmake FindLibintl.cmake FindLibKonq.cmake FindLibLZMA.cmake FindLibMms.cmake FindLIBPARTED.cmake FindLibSpectre.cmake FindLibSSH.cmake FindLibTorrent.cmake FindLibVNCServer.cmake FindLightDM.cmake FindMPFR.cmake FindMtp.cmake FindPCIUTILS.cmake FindPoppler.cmake FindQalculate.cmake FindRAW1394.cmake FindSensors.cmake FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake FindSudo.cmake FindTaglib.cmake FindLibUSB.cmake FindWebP.cmake FindX11_XCB.cmake FindXCB.cmake kde4_cmake_uninstall.cmake.in kde4_exec.sh.in KDE4Defaults.cmake KDE4Macros.cmake ) install(FILES ${cmakeFiles} DESTINATION ${module_install_dir})