/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Matthias Kretz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dialog.h" #include "dialog_p.h" #include "dispatcher.h" //#include "componentsdialog_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include uint qHash(const KCModuleInfo &info) { return qHash(info.fileName()); } namespace KSettings { Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) : KCMultiDialog(*new DialogPrivate, new KPageWidget, parent) { } Dialog::Dialog(const QStringList &components, QWidget *parent) : KCMultiDialog(*new DialogPrivate, new KPageWidget, parent) { Q_D(Dialog); d->components = components; } Dialog::~Dialog() { } void Dialog::setAllowComponentSelection(bool selection) { d_func()->staticlistview = !selection; } bool Dialog::allowComponentSelection() const { return !d_func()->staticlistview; } void Dialog::setKCMArguments(const QStringList& arguments) { Q_D(Dialog); d->arguments = arguments; } void Dialog::setComponentBlacklist(const QStringList& blacklist) { Q_D(Dialog); d->componentBlacklist = blacklist; } void Dialog::addPluginInfos(const KPluginInfo::List &plugininfos) { Q_D(Dialog); for (KPluginInfo::List::ConstIterator it = plugininfos.begin(); it != plugininfos.end(); ++it ) { d->registeredComponents.append(it->pluginName()); if (it->kcmServices().isEmpty()) { // this plugin has no kcm services, still we want to show the disable/enable stuff // so add a dummy kcm KService::Ptr service = it->service(); d->kcmInfos << KCModuleInfo(service); continue; } foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, it->kcmServices()) { d->kcmInfos << KCModuleInfo(service); } } // The plugin, when disabled, disables all the KCMs described by kcmServices(). // - Normally they are grouped using a .setdlg file so that the group parent can get a // checkbox to enable/disable the plugin. // - If the plugin does not belong to a group and has only one KCM the checkbox can be // used with this KCM. // - If the plugin belongs to a group but there are other modules in the group that do not // belong to this plugin we give a kError and show no checkbox // - If the plugin belongs to multiple groups we give a kError and show no checkbox d->plugininfos = plugininfos; } KPluginInfo::List Dialog::pluginInfos() const { return d_func()->plugininfos; } void Dialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { Q_D(Dialog); if (d->firstshow) { setUpdatesEnabled(false); d->kcmInfos += d->instanceServices(); if (!d->components.isEmpty()) { d->kcmInfos += d->parentComponentsServices(d->components); } d->createDialogFromServices(); d->firstshow = false; setUpdatesEnabled(true); } Dispatcher::syncConfiguration(); } DialogPrivate::DialogPrivate() : staticlistview(true), firstshow(true), pluginStateDirty(0) { } QSet DialogPrivate::instanceServices() { //kDebug(700) ; QString componentName = KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName(); registeredComponents.append(componentName); //kDebug(700) << "calling KServiceGroup::childGroup( " << componentName << " )"; KServiceGroup::Ptr service = KServiceGroup::childGroup( componentName ); QSet ret; if( service && service->isValid() ) { //kDebug(700) << "call was successful"; const KServiceGroup::List list = service->entries(); for( KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { KSycocaEntry::Ptr p = (*it); if( p->isType( KST_KService ) ) { //kDebug( 700 ) << "found service"; ret << KCModuleInfo(KService::Ptr::staticCast(p)); } else kWarning( 700 ) << "KServiceGroup::childGroup returned" " something else than a KService"; } } return ret; } QSet DialogPrivate::parentComponentsServices(const QStringList &kcdparents) { registeredComponents += kcdparents; QString constraint = kcdparents.join("' in [X-KDE-ParentComponents]) or ('"); constraint = "('" + constraint + "' in [X-KDE-ParentComponents])"; //kDebug(700) << "constraint = " << constraint; const QList services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KCModule", constraint); QSet ret; foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, services) { ret << KCModuleInfo(service); } return ret; } bool DialogPrivate::isPluginForKCMEnabled(const KCModuleInfo *moduleinfo, KPluginInfo &pinfo) const { // if the user of this class requested to hide disabled modules // we check whether it should be enabled or not bool enabled = true; //kDebug(700) << "check whether the '" << moduleinfo->moduleName() << "' KCM should be shown"; // for all parent components const QStringList parentComponents = moduleinfo->service()->property( "X-KDE-ParentComponents" ).toStringList(); for( QStringList::ConstIterator pcit = parentComponents.begin(); pcit != parentComponents.end(); ++pcit ) { // if the parentComponent is not registered ignore it if (!registeredComponents.contains(*pcit)) { continue; } // we check if the parent component is a plugin // if not the KCModule must be enabled enabled = true; if (pinfo.pluginName() == *pcit) { // it is a plugin: we check whether the plugin is enabled pinfo.load(); enabled = pinfo.isPluginEnabled(); //kDebug(700) << "parent " << *pcit << " is " << (enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } // if it is enabled we're done for this KCModuleInfo if (enabled) { return true; } } return enabled; } bool DialogPrivate::isPluginImmutable(const KPluginInfo &pinfo) const { return pinfo.property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Immutable").toBool(); } KPageWidgetItem *DialogPrivate::createPageItem(KPageWidgetItem *parentItem, const QString &name, const QString &comment, const QString &iconName, int weight) { Q_Q(Dialog); QWidget * page = new QWidget( q ); QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Enable component"), page); QLabel *iconLabel = new QLabel(page); QLabel *commentLabel = new QLabel(comment, page); commentLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout(page); layout->addWidget(checkBox); layout->addWidget(iconLabel); layout->addWidget(commentLabel); layout->addStretch(); page->setLayout(layout); KPageWidgetItem *item = new KPageWidgetItem(page, name); item->setIcon(KIcon(iconName)); iconLabel->setPixmap(item->icon().pixmap(128, 128)); item->setProperty("_k_weight", weight); checkBoxForItem.insert(item, checkBox); const KPageWidgetModel *model = qobject_cast(q->pageWidget()->model()); Q_ASSERT(model); if (parentItem) { const QModelIndex parentIndex = model->index(parentItem); const int siblingCount = model->rowCount(parentIndex); int row = 0; for (; row < siblingCount; ++row) { KPageWidgetItem *siblingItem = model->item(parentIndex.child(row, 0)); if (siblingItem->property("_k_weight").toInt() > weight) { // the item we found is heavier than the new module q->insertPage(siblingItem, item); break; } } if (row == siblingCount) { // the new module is either the first or the heaviest item q->addSubPage(parentItem, item); } } else { const int siblingCount = model->rowCount(); int row = 0; for (; row < siblingCount; ++row) { KPageWidgetItem *siblingItem = model->item(model->index(row, 0)); if (siblingItem->property("_k_weight").toInt() > weight) { // the item we found is heavier than the new module q->insertPage(siblingItem, item); break; } } if (row == siblingCount) { // the new module is either the first or the heaviest item q->addPage(item); } } return (item); } void DialogPrivate::parseGroupFile( const QString & filename ) { KConfig file( filename, KConfig::SimpleConfig ); const QStringList groups = file.groupList(); foreach (const QString &group, groups) { if (group.isEmpty()) { continue; } KConfigGroup conf(&file, group); const QString parentId = conf.readEntry("Parent"); KPageWidgetItem *parentItem = pageItemForGroupId.value(parentId); KPageWidgetItem *item = createPageItem(parentItem, conf.readEntry("Name"), conf.readEntry("Comment"), conf.readEntry("Icon"), conf.readEntry("Weight", 100)); pageItemForGroupId.insert(group, item); } } void DialogPrivate::createDialogFromServices() { Q_Q(Dialog); // read .setdlg files QString setdlgpath = KStandardDirs::locate( "appdata", KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName() + ".setdlg" ); const QStringList setdlgaddon = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "appdata", "ksettingsdialog/*.setdlg" ); if (!setdlgpath.isNull()) { parseGroupFile(setdlgpath); } if (setdlgaddon.size() > 0) { for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = setdlgaddon.begin(); it != setdlgaddon.end(); ++it) { parseGroupFile(*it); } } //kDebug(700) << kcmInfos.count(); foreach (const KCModuleInfo &info, kcmInfos) { const QStringList parentComponents = info.service()->property("X-KDE-ParentComponents").toStringList(); bool blacklisted = false; foreach (const QString &parentComponent, parentComponents) { if (componentBlacklist.contains(parentComponent)) { blacklisted = true; break; } } if (blacklisted) { continue; } const QString parentId = info.service()->property("X-KDE-CfgDlgHierarchy", QVariant::String).toString(); KPageWidgetItem *parent = pageItemForGroupId.value(parentId); if (!parent) { // dummy kcm bool foundPlugin = false; foreach (const KPluginInfo &pinfo, plugininfos) { if (pinfo.service() == info.service()) { if (!pinfo.kcmServices().count()) { const KService::Ptr service = info.service(); // FIXME get weight from service or plugin info const int weight = 1000; KPageWidgetItem *item = createPageItem(0, service->name(), service->comment(), service->icon(), weight); connectItemCheckBox(item, pinfo, pinfo.isPluginEnabled()); foundPlugin = true; break; } } } if (foundPlugin) { continue; } } KPageWidgetItem *item = q->addModule(info, parent, arguments); kDebug(700) << "added KCM '" << info.moduleName() << "'"; foreach (KPluginInfo pinfo, plugininfos) { kDebug(700) << pinfo.pluginName(); if (pinfo.kcmServices().contains(info.service())) { const bool isEnabled = isPluginForKCMEnabled(&info, pinfo); kDebug(700) << "correct KPluginInfo for this KCM"; // this KCM belongs to a plugin if (parent && pinfo.kcmServices().count() >= 1) { item->setEnabled(isEnabled); const KPluginInfo &plugin = pluginForItem.value(parent); if (plugin.isValid()) { if (plugin != pinfo) { kError(700) << "A group contains more than one plugin: '" << plugin.pluginName() << "' and '" << pinfo.pluginName() << "'. Now it won't be possible to enable/disable the plugin."; parent->setCheckable(false); q->disconnect(parent, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(_k_updateEnabledState(bool))); } // else everything is fine } else { connectItemCheckBox(parent, pinfo, isEnabled); } } else { pluginForItem.insert(item, pinfo); item->setCheckable(!isPluginImmutable(pinfo)); item->setChecked(isEnabled); q->connect(item, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(_k_updateEnabledState(bool))); } break; } } } // now that the KCMs are in, check for empty groups and remove them again { const KPageWidgetModel *model = qobject_cast(q->pageWidget()->model()); const QHash::ConstIterator end = pageItemForGroupId.constEnd(); QHash::ConstIterator it = pageItemForGroupId.constBegin(); for (; it != end; ++it) { const QModelIndex index = model->index(it.value()); KPluginInfo pinfo; foreach (const KPluginInfo &p, plugininfos) { if (p.name()==it.key()) { pinfo = p; break; } } bool allowEmpty = false; if (pinfo.isValid()) { allowEmpty = pinfo.property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-AllowEmptySettings").toBool(); } if (!index.child(0, 0).isValid()) { // no children, and it's not allowed => remove this item if (!allowEmpty) { q->removePage(it.value()); } else { connectItemCheckBox(it.value(), pinfo, pinfo.isPluginEnabled()); } } } } // TODO: Don't show the reset button until the issue with the // KPluginSelector::load() method is solved. // Problem: // KCMultiDialog::show() call KCModule::load() to reset all KCMs // (KPluginSelector::load() resets all plugin selections and all plugin // KCMs). // The reset button calls KCModule::load(), too but in this case we want the // KPluginSelector to only reset the current visible plugin KCM and not // touch the plugin selections. // I have no idea how to check that in KPluginSelector::load()... //q->showButton(KDialog::User1, true); QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(okClicked()), q, SLOT(_k_syncConfiguration())); QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), q, SLOT(_k_syncConfiguration())); QObject::connect(q, SIGNAL(configCommitted(QByteArray)), q, SLOT(_k_reparseConfiguration(QByteArray))); } void DialogPrivate::connectItemCheckBox(KPageWidgetItem *item, const KPluginInfo &pinfo, bool isEnabled) { Q_Q(Dialog); QCheckBox *checkBox = checkBoxForItem.value(item); Q_ASSERT(checkBox); pluginForItem.insert(item, pinfo); item->setCheckable(!isPluginImmutable(pinfo)); item->setChecked(isEnabled); checkBox->setVisible(!isPluginImmutable(pinfo)); checkBox->setChecked(isEnabled); q->connect(item, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(_k_updateEnabledState(bool))); q->connect(item, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), checkBox, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); q->connect(checkBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), item, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); } void DialogPrivate::_k_syncConfiguration() { Q_Q(Dialog); const QHash::Iterator endIt = pluginForItem.end(); QHash::Iterator it = pluginForItem.begin(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { KPageWidgetItem *item = it.key(); KPluginInfo pinfo = it.value(); pinfo.setPluginEnabled(item->isChecked()); pinfo.save(); } if (pluginStateDirty > 0) { emit q->pluginSelectionChanged(); pluginStateDirty = 0; } Dispatcher::syncConfiguration(); } void DialogPrivate::_k_reparseConfiguration(const QByteArray &a) { Dispatcher::reparseConfiguration(a); } /* void DialogPrivate::_k_configureTree() { kDebug( 700 ) ; QObject::connect(subdlg, SIGNAL(okClicked()), q, SLOT(_k_updateTreeList())); QObject::connect(subdlg, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), q, SLOT(_k_updateTreeList())); QObject::connect(subdlg, SIGNAL(okClicked()), q, SIGNAL(pluginSelectionChanged())); QObject::connect(subdlg, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), q, SIGNAL(pluginSelectionChanged())); } */ void DialogPrivate::_k_clientChanged() { if (pluginStateDirty > 0) { Q_Q(Dialog); q->enableButton(KDialog::Apply, true); } else { KCMultiDialogPrivate::_k_clientChanged(); } } void DialogPrivate::_k_updateEnabledState(bool enabled) { Q_Q(Dialog); KPageWidgetItem *item = qobject_cast(q->sender()); if (!item) { kWarning(700) << "invalid sender"; return; } // iterate over all child KPageWidgetItem objects and check whether they need to be enabled/disabled const KPageWidgetModel *model = qobject_cast(q->pageWidget()->model()); Q_ASSERT(model); QModelIndex index = model->index(item); if (!index.isValid()) { kWarning(700) << "could not find item in model"; return; } const KPluginInfo &pinfo = pluginForItem.value(item); if (!pinfo.isValid()) { kWarning(700) << "could not find KPluginInfo in item"; return; } if (pinfo.isPluginEnabled() != enabled) { ++pluginStateDirty; } else { --pluginStateDirty; } if (pluginStateDirty < 2) { _k_clientChanged(); } //kDebug(700) ; QModelIndex firstborn = index.child(0, 0); if (firstborn.isValid()) { //kDebug(700) << "iterating over children"; // change all children index = firstborn; QStack stack; while (index.isValid()) { //kDebug(700) << index; KPageWidgetItem *item = model->item(index); //kDebug(700) << "item->setEnabled(" << enabled << ')'; item->setEnabled(enabled); firstborn = index.child(0, 0); if (firstborn.isValid()) { stack.push(index); index = firstborn; } else { index = index.sibling(index.row() + 1, 0); while (!index.isValid() && !stack.isEmpty()) { index = stack.pop(); index = index.sibling(index.row() + 1, 0); } } } } } } //namespace #include "moc_dialog.cpp" // vim: ts=4